GasGas Enduro 2T EC 250,300cc EStart 2012 Owner's manual

2011 GAS GAS Motos, S.A.
All rights reserved.
The reproduc on, distribu on, public communica on and transforma on, totally or
par ally, is prohibited without the express authoriza on of the copyright owner.
Manual made by: Automo ve Technical Projects, S.L.
Owner’s manual
GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
LEGAL NOTICES .................................................................................................................................................................................8
NOTICES AND WARNINGS .................................................................................................................................................................8
PRELIMINARY WARNINGS .................................................................................................................................................................9
CONTROLS ANS COMPONENTS LOCATION ......................................................................................................................................10
IDENTIFICATION ..............................................................................................................................................................................13
STEERING LOCK ...............................................................................................................................................................................13
SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................ ..............................................................14
EC MODELS ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM .................................................................................................................................................16
CROSSCOUNTRY MODELS ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM ...........................................................................................................................17
TORQUE VALUES .............................................................................................................................................................................18
General ...............................................................................................................................................................................18
Chassis ................................................................................................................................................................................18
Engine .................................................................................................................................................................................20
MULTIFUNCTION GAUGE ................................................................................................................................................................22
Quick guide .........................................................................................................................................................................22
Normal mode ..........................................................................................................................................................22
Confi gura on mode ................................................................................................................................................22
Reset and change of ba ery ..............................................................................................................................................23
Specifi ca ons ......................................................................................................................................................................23
Temporal data reset ................................................................................................................................................23
Trip adjust ...............................................................................................................................................................23
Confi gura on ........................................................................................................................... ...........................................24
Enter confi gura on mode .......................................................................................................................................24
Set Speed units .......................................................................................................................................................24
set wheel size ..........................................................................................................................................................24
Set clock format ......................................................................................................................................................24
set  me ...................................................................................................................................................................24
Set temperature units .............................................................................................................................................24
Set high temperature warning ................................................................................................................................25
Set danger temperature warning ............................................................................................................................25
Set oil reminder ......................................................................................................................................................25
Set maintenance reminder......................................................................................................................................25
Measure of the wheel circumference .................................................................................................................................25
Method 1 ................................................................................................................................................................25
Method 2 ................................................................................................................................................................26
Screens in normal mode .....................................................................................................................................................26
Screen 1 ..................................................................................................................................................................26
Screen 2 ......................................................................................................................
Screen 3 ..................................................................................................................................................................26
Sleep mode .........................................................................................................................................................................27
HOMOLOGATION ............................................................................................................................................................................28
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................................................................................................... 29
STARTING PROCEDURE ....................................................................................................................................................................30
BREAKIN PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................. ..................................................30
DAILY INSPECTION ...........................................................................................................................................................................31
CLEANING .......................................................................................................................................................................................35
Owner’s manual
STORAGE .........................................................................................................................................................................................36
SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................................................................ 37
MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ..............................................................................................................................................................38
1.-Clutch ..............................................................................................................................................................................39
2.-Clutch discs .....................................................................................................................................................................39
3.-Thro le cable ..................................................................................................................................................................39
4.-Spark plug .......................................................................................................................................................................39
5.-Air fi lter ...........................................................................................................................................................................40
6.-Carburetor ......................................................................................................................................................................42
7.-Transmission oil ..............................................................................................................................................................42
8.-Piston and ring ................................................................................................................................................................43
9.-Cylinder head, cylinder, ex. valve ....................................................................................................................................43
10.-Exhaust system .............................................................................................................................................................43
11.-Muffl er fi ber ..................................................................................................................................................................44
12.-Connec ng rod and bearings ........................................................................................................................................45
13.-Kick-starter and gear shi pedal ...................................................................................................................................45
14.-Rubber joint exhaust/silencer .......................................................................................................................................45
15.-Motor bearings .............................................................................................................................................................45
16.-Coolant .........................................................................................................................................................................45
17.-Radiator hose and connec ons .....................................................................................................................................47
18.-Brakes adjustment ........................................................................................................................................................47
19.-Brake wear ....................................................................................................................................................................48
20.-Brake fl uid .....................................................................................................................................................................50
21.-Brake fl uid level.............................................................................................................................................................50
22.-Pump piston and dust cover (front and rear) ................................................................................................................50
23.-Caliper piston and dust cover (all calipers) ....................................................................................................................51
24.-Brake hoses ...................................................................................................................................................................51
25 and 26.-Wheels and spokes ............................................................................................................................................51
27.-chain guide ...................................................................................................................................................................51
28.-Chain guide wear ..........................................................................................................................................................51
29.-Chain guide shoe ...........................................................................................................................................................51
30.-Front suspension ...........................................................................................................................................................52
31.-Front suspension oil ......................................................................................................................................................53
32.-Bolts, nuts and fasteners ...............................................................................................................................................53
33.-Gas tube ........................................................................................................................................................................53
34.-Fuel system ...................................................................................................................................................................54
35.-Steering head adjustment .............................................................................................................................................54
36.-General lubrica on .......................................................................................................................................................55
37.-Steering bearings .........................................................................................................
38.-Wheel bearing ..............................................................................................................................................................55
39.-Swingarm and linkage ...................................................................................................................................................55
40.-Rear suspension ............................................................................................................................................................55
41.-Chain .............................................................................................................................................................................58
42.-Tires ..............................................................................................................................................................................58
43.-Ba ery Load..................................................................................................................................................................59
ADJUSTMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 61
INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................................................62
Owner’s manual
CARBURETION TUNNING ................................................................................................................................................................62
Thro le valve opening infl uences .......................................................................................................................................62
Idle jet and mixture screw ..................................................................................................................................................62
Needle ................................................................................................................................................................................63
Main jet ..............................................................................................................................................................................63
Reference carbure on (compe on use only) ....................................................................................................................63
correc on Factors ...............................................................................................................................................................64
Symptoms of improper se ngs ..........................................................................................................................................65
CDI MAP ..........................................................................................................................................................................................66
SECONDARY TRANSMISSION RATIO.................................................................................................................................................66
SUSPENSION TUNNING ...................................................................................................................................................................67
available Se ngs ................................................................................................................................................................67
Standard se ngs ................................................................................................................................................................68
Sta c sag .............................................................................................................................................................................68
Correc on acording to terrains ...........................................................................................................................................68
Adjus ng your bike .............................................................................................................................................................68
TROUBLESHOOTING ....................................................................................................................................................................... 71
WARRANTY MANUAL ..................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Owner’s manual
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Owner’s manual
Owner’s manual
GAS GAS Motos, S.A. thanks you for your confi dence.
With the choose of your new GAS GAS EC 2012 you just entered the great GAS GAS team and, as a user of the brand number one on off -
road motorcycles, deserves dis nguished treatment that we want to off er both our rela onship a er the acquisi on of your GAS GAS and
in the explana ons that you are in this manual.
Your GAS GAS EC 2012 is a bike designed for the prac ce of the high compe on, it is the result of many years of racing and experience in
such demanding disciplines. The many successes achieved by great riders with our GAS GAS bikes, have provided basic data in order to crea-
te these high level motorcycle. A few exclusive motorcycles GAS GAS with three key factors: reliability, high performance and good stability.
Congratula ons because your elec on has been, without doubt, the right one. With your prowess to the handlebars of your GAS GAS and
with adequate prepara on and corresponding revisions are essen al to ensure that your GAS GAS is highly reliable, you can enjoy more
comfortable and grateful prac ce the sport motorcycle.
Thank you for your trust and welcome to GAS GAS Motos, S.A.
Legal notices
In the interest of technical development GAS GAS Motos, S.A. reserves the right to modify the construc on, staffi ng, and accessories of
the motorcycle without prior no ce. Data measures, weights, and powers are understood with the respec ve tolerances.
Depending on the volume of equipment and accessories for your GAS GAS, as well as the versions cerfi ed to respect the various laws of
each State, there may be varia ons on the descrip ons and illustra ons. So the pictures exposed in this manual may therefore not corres-
pond to the purchased model. That’s why not may arise claim some excep on error, error of prin ng or omission.
Notices and warnings
Please read carefully this manual with special a en on to the following no ces:
No ce about a danger that leads to serious injury and even death.
No ce about a danger which may cause personal injury and/or damage to the vehicle.
Owner’s manual
Preliminary warnings
Three of each four fatal accidents are due to head injuries. The risk of brain injury is three  mes higher if you don’t use a helmet. Always
take a helmet approved, the probability of leaving unharmed in an accident increases by 20%. It also recommends the use of eye protec on
and gloves, boots and other items for protec on that are in perfect condi on.
Never carry passenger. Your GAS GAS is not approved for this purpose, does not have an appropriate saddle, handles or footrests for
passenger. In addi on weight and imbalance can aff ect handling.
Avoid modifi ca ons in your GAS GAS with non-original accessories and don’t remove off the original elements, these changes can aff ect
stability and handling, making it a dangerous and illegal vehicle. GAS GAS requires the use of original spare parts and accessories, or parts
and accessories homologated by GAS GAS Motorcycles, S.A. It is an essen al condi on for maintaining the warranty.
Your GAS GAS has been designed for off -road use, not designed for long travel on highways. Such use could lead to engine damages be-
cause it maintained high revolu ons. Also tyres are not suitable for use on paved surfaces. It has not been designed for urban use. Long tops
at traffi c lights in town could overheat the engine.
Maintain your GAS GAS in good condi on. To avoid any problem, inspect your motorcycle before each use and then all maintenance re-
commended in this manual. A er a fall, inspect that the main elements have not been damaged. Driving a motorcycle in a bad state can be
cause of an accident with serious injuries and even death.
The exhaust pipe and other parts reached high temperatures during use and take to cool down once the engine shutdown. Avoid handling
or touching anything during this period. The use of shorts is not recommended, may cause burns on the legs.
Avoid wearing loose clothing that could engage with parts of the vehicle or the environment. Although total security is impossible, the
use of suitable equipment reduces the possibility and/or the severity of injuries.
Owner’s manual
Controls and components location
2 3
11 12
Number Name Number Name
1 Headlamp with posi on, low beam and high beam lamps 11 Front fork
2 Front turn signals 12 CDI switch
3 Fuel tank 13 Electric Starter
4 Fuel valve 14 Gear shi pedal
5 Rear shock 15 Carburetor
6 Air fi lter 16 Secondary transmission chain
7 Side stand 17 Chain guide
8 Rear turn signals 18 License plate holder
9 Front brake disc 19 Rear refl ector
10 Front brake caliper
Owner’s manual
Controls and components location
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
14 15
Number Name Number Name
1 License plate light 9 Muffl er
2 Brake light 10 Rear brake disc
3 Seat 11 Rear brake caliper
4 Rear shock gas reservoir 12 Rear brake master cylinder
5 Kick-starter 13 Suspension linkage
6 Manufacturer’s idenfi ca on plate 14 Rear brake pedal
7 Radiator 15 Sump guard
8 Exhaust 16 Front axle handle
Owner’s manual
Controls and Components location
1 2 3
5 6
Number Name Number Name
1 Clutch lever 6 Front brake master cylinder
2 Choke lever 7 Thro le
3 Clutch fl uid reservoir 8 Front brake lever
4 Mul func on gauge
5 Fuel tank cap 10 Steering lock
Not available on CrossCountry models.
The CrossCountry models have an independent lights ”on-off ” and engine stop switches.
9 Turn signals, lights, horn and engine stop controls
3 41
Number Name Number Name
1 Horn 4 Posi on, low beam and high beam lights
2 Starter Switch 5 Turn signals
3 Engine stop Switch
Owner’s manual
Identifi cation
Your GAS GAS has a manufacturer’s idenfi ca on plate (1) in which details are:
manufacturer, chassis number, homologa on number and noise level.
The chassis number is also stamped in the right side of the steering column (2).
Steering lock
Your GAS GAS has a steering lock. It’s found on the le side of the steering
To lock the steering:
1. Turn the handlebar fully to the right.
2. Insert the key into the lock and rotate it of turn counter-clockwise.
3. Press the key inside.
4. Turn the key clockwise to its original posi on and remove.
The lock should be sunk for the steering lock to be eff ec ve.
Owner’s manual
Specifi cations
Code GG-E2512-E GG-E3012-E
Comercial model EC250E EC300E31
Cycle 2 strokes
Cylinder number Monocylinder
Refrigera on Liquid cooled
Capacity 249,3 cc 294,7 cc
Bore 66,4 mm 72,0 mm
Stroke 72,0 mm 72,0 mm
Carburetor Keihin PWKS 38
Intake type Reed Valves into the cranckcase
Lubrica on system Mixture in gasoline
Star ng mechanism Electric starter / Kick-starter
Igni on type CDI
Pre-igni on set-up 0 mm from TDC
Spark plug DENSO W24ESR-U o NGK BR8EG
Electrode gap 0,7~0,8 mm
Primary ra o 2,85 (57/20)
Gearbox 6 gears
Gear ra o 1st 2,07 (29/14)
2nd 1,63 (26/16)
3rd 1,33 (24/18)
4th 1,10 (22/20)
5th 0,91 (21/23)
6th 0,79 (19/24)
Secondary transmission By chain
Secondary ra o 3,69 (48/13)
Drive chain 5/8” x 1/4” with O-Rings (112 links)
Clutch type Mul -disc wet clutch
Clutch trigger Hydraulic
Lubrica on Medium Oil
Capacity 900cc
Available rear sprockets 39, 40, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Available front sprockets 12, 13
Tires Front 90/90x21
Rear 140/80x18
Tire pressure Front 1,0 bar
Rear 1,0 bar
Suspension Front Inverted telescopic fork ø 48 mm with rebound and compres-
Rear Progressive shock absorber with spring pre-load, rebound, high
Perimeter CrMo alloy frame, 3 component polymer subframe
sion damping adjustments
speed and low speed compression damping adjustments
Owner’s manual
Specifi cations
Suspension travel Front 298 mm
Front fork oil level 130 mm (compressed, without spring)
Brakes Front Brake disc, with 2 parallel oa ng piston caliper
Brake disc Front Ø260 mm
Total height 1260 mm
Total length 2200 mm
Seat height 960 mm
Minimum height 375 mm
Total width 830 mm
Wheelbase 1475 mm
Dry weight 102 kg
Fuel tank capacity 10,5 l
EC250 EC300
Rear 298 mm
Trasero Brake disc, with 1 fl oa ng piston caliper
Rear Ø220 mm
Fuel Unleaded (RON 95 minimum)
Mixture fuel/oil (JASO FC) GRO O Road 1 100% synthe c oil ra o 2% (50:1)
Brake fl uid GRO Brake Fluid DOT-4 DOT-4
Clutch fl uid GRO Global Ultra-5 Mineral oil
Transmission oil GRO Gear Trans 10W30 10W30 API SF or SG
Fork oil FUCHS TITAN SAF 1091 SAE 3
Carburetor type Keihin PWKS 38
Main jet 115
Idle jet 35
Needle CHN
Needle posi on 5th from top
Thro le valve 7
Homologa on
Mixture screw 1 turn from fully closed
Carburetor type Keihin PWKS 38
Main jet 175
Cold countries must adjust the coolant to their temperature.
Not valid on CrossCountry models.
Closed-circuit use only.
Idle jet 42
Needle N1EF
Needle posi on 3rd from top
Thro le valve 7
Compe on
Mixture screw 1 turn from fully closed
GRO GCC 30% Long Time Coolant mixture at 30%
Semisynthe c oil ra o 2% (50:1)
Mineral oil ra o 3% (32:1)
Owner’s manual
EC models electrical diagram
Owner’s manual
CrossCountry models electrical diagram
Owner’s manual
Torque Values
Size Torque (Nm)
M4 nuts and bolts 3
M5 nuts and bolts 6
M6 nuts and bolts 10
M8 nuts and bolts 25
M10 nuts and bolts 45
21 3
4 5
7 8
Name Size Torque(Nm)
1 Steering nut M24 20
2 Rear shock bolt M10x50 45
3 Swingarm bolt M14 70
4 Brake disc bolt M6x15 12
5 Front axle bolt M20x15 50
6 Brake caliper bolt M8x30 30
7 Engine mount bolt M10x120 50
8 Rear sprocket bolt M8x25 30
Owner’s manual
Torque Values
1 2 3
5 6
Name Size Torque(Nm)
1 Subframe bolt M8x25 25
2 Brake banjo bolt - 6
3 Upper clamp bolt M8x35 15
4 Spokes - 1,5
5 Rear axle nut M20 80
6 Linkage bolt M14x115 80
7 Rear brake pedal bolt M8x45 20
Owner’s manual
Torque Values
Name Size Torque (Nm)
1 Valve cover bolt M6x15 8
2 Gearshi pedal bolt M6x20 15
3 Kick-starter bolt M6x10 12
4 Kick-starter bolt M6x20 10
5 Crankcase bolt M6x65 10
Owner’s manual
Torque Values
1 2
3 4
Name Size Torque (Nm)
1 Cylinder head bolt M8x40 25
2 Cylinder nut M8 25
3 Igni on cover bolt M6x40 12
4 Reed block bolt M6x30 12
5 Spark plug - 25
6 Engine drain plug - 20
7 Clutch cover bolt M6x75 10
8 Water pump drain bolt M6x10 9
- Starter pedal plate bolt - 8
- Igni on motor stator bolt - 8
- Igni on motor coil nut - 40
- Selector spring fi xing bolt - 15
- Primary nut - 40
- Clutch spring bolt - 10
- Valve control support bolt - 10
- Valve control nut - 8
- Thermostat cover bolt - 10
Owner’s manual
Multifunction gauge
4 5 6
NOTE: This chapter is not valid on CrossCountry models.
The mul func on device is water resistant, has 3 bu ons, 2 LEDs. And a brigthly
lit LCD.
1. Amber warning led
2. Red warning led
3. LCD screen
4. Le bu on
5. Middle bu on or MODE
6. Right bu on
It provides informa on about the speed, average speed, maximum speed, co-
vered distance, total covered distance, opera on  me, total opera on  me, envi-
ronmental temperature, engine temperature,  me, and maintenance.
NOTE: engine temperature sensor is op onal and is not available in GAS GAS.
Quick guide
The mul func on device is water resistant but not waterproof.
Do not leave the device in direct sunlight when the motorcycle is stopped.
Avoid contact with gasoline, degreasers or other cleaning chemical products
that could be cause damages in the device.
Always remember to pay a en on to the road when you’re driving.
Enable the screen backlight for 3 seconds, if the icon LO is displayed on the
screen or the temperature is below -5°C will not turn on
Switch between screens in normal mode
Start/Stop stopwatch
Enter to confi gura on mode
Switch between confi gura on parameters
Move through the current parameter
Move to the next digit of the current parameter
Owner’s manual
Quick guide
+ + 3 sec.
Reset and change of battery
+ 3 sec.
Resets temporal data (MS, TT, DST and RT)
Enter/exit the trip adjustment mode
Change distance value
When the device turns on the LO icon, indicates that the ba ery charge is low
and should be changed.
To change the ba ery (2) you must access to the rear of the device, dismount
the front light.
Use of the back reset bu on will reset all data from the device except the confi -
gura on parameters, the odometer and total opera ng  me.
Specifi cations
Func on Display Range Units Increment Precision
Current speed
Average speed AS 4-399.9 km/h or MPH km/h or MPH 0.1 km/h or MPH ±0.1%
Maximum speed MS 4-399.9 km/h or MPH km/h or MPH 0.1 km/h or MPH ±0.1%
Distance DST 0.00-9999.99 KM or M km or M 0.1 km or M ±0.1%
Odometer ODO 0.0-999999 KM or M km or M 1 km or M ±0.1%
Stopwatch TT 0-9999 hours 59 minutes Hours:Minutes 1 Minute ±0.1%
Ride  me RT 0-999 hours 59 minutes Hours:Minutes 1 Minute ±0.1%
Accumulated ride  me ART 0-9999 hours 59 minutes Hours:Minutes 1 Minute ±0.1%
Temperature °C or °F 0-399° °C or °F 1 Grado ±0.1%
Clock (12h or 24h) 00:00:00 12:59:59 or 23:59:59 H:M:S 1 Second ±0.1%
Low ba ery LO Less than 2.45V Volts
Wheel size 0-3999 mm mm 1 mm ±0.1%
Oil reminder 0-9999 KM or M km or M 1 km or M ±0.1%
Maintenance reminder 0-9999 KM or M km or M 1 km or M ±0.1%
Opera ng temperature: 0°C to 60°C (32°F to 140°F)
Storage temperature: -20°C to 80°C (-4°F to 176°F)
Ba ery: 3V CR2032 (About 1 year life)
SPD 4-399.9 km/h or MPH km/h or MPH 0.1 km/h or MPH ±0.1%
Owner’s manual
Confi guration
To enter the confi gura on mode press the three front bu ons for three seconds,
release them to con nue.
To switch between Km/h and MPH use the le bu on.
To confi rm press the bu on
The mul func on gauge needs to know the wheel circumference for the correct
measurement of the distance and speed, makes this measure as precise as possi-
ble. See the “Measure of the wheel circumference” sec on for more informa on.
Change the blinking digit with the le bu on.
Change to next digit using the bu on
To confi rm press the bu on
To switch between 12h and 24h format use the le bu on.
To confi rm press the bu on
Change the blinking digit with the le bu on.
Change to next digit using the bu on
To confi rm press the bu on
To switch between °C and °F use the le bu on.
To confi rm press the bu on
Owner’s manual
Confi guration
When programmed engine temperature is reached, the amber warning led will
turn on. The warning will be disabled if the value is 0.
Change the blinking digit with the le bu on.
Change to next digit using the bu on
To confi rm press the bu on
NOTE: engine temperature sensor is op onal and is not available in GAS GAS.
When programmed engine temperature is reached, the red warning led will turn
on. The warning will be disabled if the value is 0.
Change the blinking digit with the le bu on.
Change to next digit using the bu on
To confi rm press the bu on
NOTE: engine temperature sensor is op onal and is not available in GAS GAS.
Measure of the wheel circumference
When programmed kilometers or miles are reacher, the oil change reminder
icon will turn on.
Change the blinking digit with the le bu on.
Change to next digit using the bu on
To confi rm press the bu on
When programmed kilometers or miles are reacher, the maintenance reminder
icon will turn on.
Change the blinking digit with the le bu on.
Change to next digit using the bu on
To confi rm and go back to normal mode, press the bu on
NOTE: the oil and maintenance reminders must be manually reset by entering
them again in the confi gura on mode.
Measure the diameter of the front wheel in millimeters. Mul ply the diameter
by 3.14 and you will get the measure of the wheel circumference.
Diameter (mm)
+ 56 hidden pages