Garmin iQue M5 Application Guide

iQue® M5

integrated handheld
Que™ applications guide
© Copyright 2004 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
Garmin International, Inc. 1200 East 151st Street Olathe, Kansas 66062, U.S.A. Tel. 913/397.8200 or 800/800.1020 Fax 913/397.8282
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Garmin Corporation No. 68, Jangshu 2nd Road Shijr, Taipei County, Taiwan Tel. 886/2.2642.9199 Fax 886/2.2642.9099
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Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Garmin reserves the right to change or improve its products and to make changes in the content without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes or improvements. Visit the Garmin Web site ( for current updates and supplemental information concerning the use and operation of this and other Garmin products.
Garmin®, iQue®, MapSource®, City Select®, and BlueChart® are registered trademarks and Que™, QueGPS™, QueMap™, QueFind™, and AutoLocate
are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries and may not be used without the express permission of Garmin.
Microsoft®, ActiveSync®, and Outlook® are registered trademarks and Windows Mobile™ is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
This [language] version of the iQue M5 English manual (Garmin part number 190-00427-03, revision A) is provided as a convenience. If necessary, please consult the most recent revision of the English manual regarding the operation and use of the iQue M5.


Thank you for choosing the Garmin® iQue® M5, which combines Windows Mobile™ technology with the proven performance of Garmin GPS navigation! To learn to navigate with your new iQue, refer to the following sections of this Que Applications Guide:
Getting Started—Open the GPS antenna, acquire satellite signals, and follow the Getting Started Tutorial in this section to start navigating immediately.
Basic Operation—Learn to use your iQue M5 to find places, create routes, and save Locations.
Detailed Operation—Explore the powerful features of the iQue M5 and enhance your navigating experience by learning to use advanced features.
Customizing—Customize the iQue M5 to suit your needs and preferences.
Appendix—Be sure to read the Warnings and Safety Information to learn how to install and use your iQue M5 safely and responsibly.
Refer to the Setup Guide, Operating Instructions, and Quick Reference Guide for more help:
Setup Guide
Follow the instructions in the Setup Guide to charge the battery, set up your iQue M5, connect to your personal computer, and install necessary software. You must
follow the instructions given in the Setup Guide before you can use your iQue M5!
Operating Instructions
The Operating Instructions, located on the Companion CD, describe how to use the Windows Mobile™ software on your iQue M5.
Quick Reference Guide
Use the compact Quick Reference Guide as a handy reference and a summary of important and useful iQue M5 functions.
Index—Use the index to find information quickly.
iQue M5 Que Applications Guide i
Introduction ............................. i
Getting Started ....................... 1
Opening the GPS Antenna .......... 1
Acquiring Satellite Signals .......... 2
Troubleshooting ....................... 3
Getting Started Tutorial .............. 4
Basic Operation ..................... 6
Main Pages ................................... 6
Using QueMap ............................. 7
Using the Pan Toolbar ................. 8
Finding Points & Creating
Routes ..................................... 9
Finding Cities ........................10
Finding Addresses .................. 10
Finding Intersections .............12
Finding Points of Interest ......12
Recently-Found Places .......... 14
Routing to a Map Point .............15
Saving Routes ............................. 16
Tips for Navigating .................... 17
Saving Locations ........................18
Saving a Home Location .......19
Detailed Operation .............. 20
Building Complex Routes ......... 20
Adding Extra Stops ................20
Taking Detours ...................... 22
Avoiding Roads and Areas ..... 22
My Locations .............................26
Editing Locations ...................26
Organizing Locations ............. 28
Routing to Contacts ...................29
Routing to Appointments .......... 31
Using Additional Features ........32
Measuring Distances .............. 32
Using Track Logs ................... 33
Viewing Trip Data .................34
Viewing the Almanac ............. 35
Customizing ......................... 36
Customizing System Settings .... 36
Changing Language ............... 36
Changing GPS Mode ............. 36
Changing Units ...................... 36
Customizing the Map ................ 37
Changing Orientation ............ 37
Changing Color ...................... 38
Changing Map Detail ............. 38
Off-Road Navigation ............. 38
Viewing Map Information ..... 38
Changing Data Fields ............39
Changing Zoom Options .......40
Customizing QueFind ............... 41
Customizing for Navigation ...... 42
Changing Guidance ...............42
Changing Route Calculation ..42
Off-Route Recalculation ........ 42
Changing Vehicle Type ..........42
Customizing Routes ................... 43
Customizing the Que Button .... 44
Restoring Default Settings ........ 45
Appendix .............................. 46
About QueGPS ..........................46
What is GPS? ............................. 47
Loading Detailed Maps ............. 48
iQue M5 Messages ..................... 49
Vehicle Installation .................... 50
Specifications .............................. 52
Product Registration ................. 54
Software License Agreement .... 55
Warnings and Precautions ........56
CE Compliance .......................... 58
FCC Compliance ....................... 59
Limited Warranty ..................... 60
Index ..................................... 63
ii iQue M5 Que Applications Guide


To begin using your iQue M5, open the GPS antenna and acquire satellite signals. After that, follow the Getting Started Tutorial on page 4 to start navigating immediately.

Opening the GPS Antenna

The GPS antenna opens from the back of the iQue M5 and clicks into four different positions (each position is called a detent). For best results, position the antenna so that it is parallel to the horizon and so that it clicks into place. Do not try to position the antenna “between” detents.
To open the GPS antenna:
1. Turn on the iQue M5 by pressing the Power button, located above the screen.
Power button
2. Press down on the antenna release, located on the back of the iQue M5.
3. Gently pull the antenna up until it is parallel to the horizon and until it clicks into place.
NOTE: The antenna works best when positioned at an angle to the iQue M5 (second or third “click” of the antenna).
Antenna release
iQue M5 Que Applications Guide 1

Acquiring Satellite Signals

The process of acquiring satellite signals for the first time is called initialization. Initializing allows the iQue M5 to receive and store satellite information. The process happens automatically when you open the GPS antenna and may take several minutes. After you initialize, the iQue M5 should acquire satellite signals quickly each time you open the GPS antenna.
To acquire satellite signals, you must be outdoors where you have a clear view of the sky. Avoid standing near tall buildings or trees, as they may block satellite signal reception.
To initialize your iQue M5:
1. Go outdoors where you have a clear view of the sky.
2. Turn on the iQue M5 and open the GPS antenna as explained on the previous page. Use the stylus to tap OK on the screen when
the warning appears.
3. Wait while the iQue M5 searches for satellite signals.
When the iQue M5 acquires enough satellite signals, the
or “3D GPS Location.”
The System Status icon at
the top of the page also
While the iQue M5 is
searching, an “Acquiring
Satellites” message appears
at the top of QueMap.
message changes to
“2D GPS Location”
GPS off
GPS on, searching
GPS on, location known
GPS on, location known, strong signal
2 iQue M5 Que Applications Guide


4. Use the Pan Toolbar at the top of the page to
If you have trouble initializing your iQue M5, try these tips and suggestions:
• Make sure the GPS antenna is raised and is
5. Tap the map to place the map pointer at your
parallel to the horizon.
• Make sure you are in an open area that is
unobstructed by tall buildings or trees.
• Make sure you have given the iQue M5 enough
time to initialize: it may take several minutes.
• Try turning the iQue M5 off and then back on.
• If you have moved a long distance since you last
used the iQue M5, or if initializing takes a long time, use the QueGPS™ page to change your location, as described below.
change your location:
1. With the iQue M5 turned on and the GPS antenna open, tap the System Status icon at the top of the page.
2. Tap the GPS Status icon (“Acquiring Satellites”) to open QueGPS.
3. Tap Menu. Then tap New Location.
Tap to choose a
6. Tap
find your approximate position on the map. See “Using the Pan Toolbar,” page 8, for more information.
approximate position.
Tap to draw zoom area. Tap
again to pan map.
Tap to place the
map pointer
zoom scale
NOTE: For more information about QueGPS, refer to page 46.
iQue M5 Que Applications Guide 3

Getting Started Tutorial

Search for a restaurant and navigate to it in four simple steps! Be sure to follow the instructions in the Setup Guide to load detailed maps and on pages 1–3 to acquire satellites before you begin the tutorial.
Remove the stylus. Then tap the
QueFind icon on QueMap.
Tap the Food & Drink icon.
Tap the drop-down menu and
select Near Current Location.
Press the Que button
to open the QueMap
page, if necessary
4 iQue M5 Que Applications Guide
Scroll down the list of restaurants. When you see
one you like, tap to select it. Then tap
Your route appears on the QueMap page,
highlighted in purple.
at the bottom of the page.
Tap to scroll.
Your destination
is here.
You are here.
Tap a restaurant in
the list. Then tap
Press and hold the Que
button to hear directions.
iQue M5 Que Applications Guide 5


Main Pages

The iQue M5 has five main pages to help you navigate. Press the Que button to open each page in the order shown. ( The QueTurns page appears when you have an active route.)
QueMap™ Page
QueTurns Page
Press the Que button to
scroll through the pages.
6 iQue M5 Que Applications Guide
QueRoutes Page
QueTrip Page
QueFind™ Page

Using QueMap

(Track Up)
Zoom Scale
Data Fields
System Status icon
Map Detail
QueFind icon
QueRoutes icon
Data Fields
Active Route
Position icon
Where Am I?
System Status Icon—shows current satellite
Data Fields—show navigation information.
Map Orientation—tap to change between Track
Up and North Up orientation. Track Up means your direction of travel is at the top of the map. North Up means North is at the top of the map.
Active Route—highlighted in purple.
Zoom Scale—tap to open the Zoom Scale menu.
Position Icon—shows your current position.
Points in the direction you are traveling.
Show/Hide Data Fields—tap to show or hide
data fields.
QueRoutes Icon—tap to open QueRoutes.
QueFind Icon—tap to open QueFind.
Map Detail—tap to change amount of detail that
appears on QueMap.
Where Am I?—tap to view information about
your current position (see page 17).
iQue M5 Que Applications Guide 7

Using the Pan Toolbar

In QueMap, tap anywhere on the map to open the Pan Toolbar.
Pan Toolbar
Zoom In/Zoom Out
When deselected, pan the Map.
Measure Distance
Map Pointer
Zoom Tool selected
Exit—tap to close the toolbar and re-center on your current position .
Zoom In/Zoom Out—tap to zoom in or out on the map pointer.
Zoom Tool—when selected, tap and drag to zoom in on an area. When deselected, tap and drag to
pan the map. Tap any point on the map to place the map pointer there.
Measure Distance—tap to measure straight-line distances between two points (see page 32).
Information—tap to view info about the position of the map pointer (Kansas City International in the
example above).
8 iQue M5 Que Applications Guide

Finding Points & Creating Routes

After you load detailed maps (see “Loading Detailed Maps,” page 48), your iQue M5 contains a large database of addresses, intersections, cities, and Points of Interest, which include restaurants, hotels, stores, and other services. To create routes quickly, search for one of these points using the QueFind page and then create a route to it.
Search By drop-down menu
Tap the QueFind icon to open the QueFind page. The
database of places is organized here by category. Tap an
icon on the QueFind page to search for that type of place.
On any detailed search page, tap the Search By drop­down menu and choose one of the following options to narrow your search:
Near Current Location—lists points near your current location, from nearest to farthest.
By Name—lists all points in alphabetical order.
Near Route Destination— lists points near your route destination (appears only when you have an active route).
Near Other—lists points near a place that you specify.
Near Current Route—lists points near the current active route (appears only when you have an active route).
Near Map Pointer—lists points near the map pointer on QueMap (appears only if map pointer is active on QueMap).
iQue M5 Que Applications Guide 9

Finding Cities

You can search for cities in any area, whether you have detailed maps or not. For the most detailed results, load detailed maps. (See “Loading Detailed Maps,” page
To find and route to a city:
1. From QueMap, tap the QueFind icon . QueFind opens.
2. Tap All Categories and select Cities.
3. Tap the Search By drop-down menu and select an option to narrow your search.
5. Tap a city in the list and then tap Route to It, or

Finding Addresses

You can search for specific street addresses in any area where your iQue M5 contains detailed map data. To load or change detailed maps on your iQue M5, see “Loading Detailed Maps,” page 48.
tap Details to view information about the city.
4. To narrow your search by name, tap the Name/ Containing field and begin entering the name of the city you are searching for.
10 iQue M5 Que Applications Guide
To find and route to an address:
1. From QueMap, tap the QueFind icon . QueFind opens.
2. Tap the Addresses icon.
3. Tap the Region field. Tap to highlight the region where you want to search. Then tap Select.
Tap each field and enter address
information. Then tap Search.
4. Tap the name with the Input Panel. Tap to highlight a city in the list and tap Select. You can also tap Use All to search in all cities.
5. Tap the Number field and enter the number of the street address.
6. Tap the Street field and begin entering the name of the street. Tap to highlight a street in
City field and begin entering the city
8. Tap the Postal Code field and enter the postal code or tap Use All to search all postal codes.
9. Tap Search.
NOTE: If the address you are searching for does not appear, broaden your search criteria by removing the number from the Number field or by searching all postal codes or all cities.
the list.
7. To enter a prefix or suffix for the street name, tap Prefix/Suffix. Then tap a prefix and a suffix
10. Tap to select an address from the list and then tap Route to It.
for the street name and tap Select.
iQue M5 Que Applications Guide 11

Finding Intersections

Finding intersections is very similar to finding addresses. Refer to the previous procedure, “Finding Addresses” for instructions.

Finding Points of Interest

Points of Interest (POIs) are organized by category and by subcategory. To find a specific POI, tap a category on the QueFind page to narrow your search. You can also narrow your search by using the links at the top of each detailed search page.
Keep in mind that you must load detailed maps for an area to search for Points of Interest in that area. See “Loading Detailed Maps,” page 48.
To find a POI:
1. From QueMap, tap the QueFind icon .
2. From QueFind, tap any icon to search for that type of point. For additional categories, tap All Categories > Points of Interest. Then select a category and sub-category from the menu, if desired. A detailed search page appears.
3. Tap the Search By drop-down menu and select
4. Scroll through the list of points that appears.
Tap Points of Interest
and then tap a category
and sub-category from
the menu.
an option to narrow your search. To narrow your search by name, tap the Name/Containing field and begin entering letters in the name of the point you are searching for.
Tap a POI to select it. Then tap Route to It, or tap Details to view information about the point.
Tap to scroll.
12 iQue M5 Que Applications Guide
To find a POI using category links:
1. From QueMap, tap the QueFind icon .
2. Tap All Points of Interest. A list of points appears, organized by name.
3. Tap the Search By drop-down menu and choose an option to narrow your search. To narrow your search by name, tap the Name/ Containing field and begin entering letters in the name of the point you are searching for.
4. Use the category links at the top of the page to narrow your search further.
Using Category Links
Tap All and choose a category
to narrow your search.
Tap All again to choose a
Tap the Category name or tap All
POIs to broaden your search.
5. Tap a POI to select it. Then tap Route to It, or tap Details to view information about the point.
iQue M5 Que Applications Guide 13

Recently-Found Places

The Recent Finds page stores a list of the last forty points or places you have recently searched for, from most recent to least recent.
To search for recently-found places:
1. From QueMap, tap the QueFind icon .
2. Tap the Recent Finds icon.
3. Tap a point in the list to select it. Then tap Route to It, or tap Details to view information about the point.
To delete points from the Recent Finds page:
1. From QueMap, tap the QueFind icon .
2. Tap the Recent Finds icon.
3. Tap a point in the list to select it. Tap Menu and then tap Delete Selected Item.
4. To delete all entries on the Recent Finds page, tap Menu and then tap Delete All Items. A message appears. Tap Yes to confirm.
14 iQue M5 Que Applications Guide

Routing to a Map Point

3. Tap the
One way to create a route quickly is to route to a point directly from QueMap. This type of route is useful when you can easily locate the place you want to travel to on the map.
To route to a point on the map:
1. From QueMap, tap anywhere on the map to activate the Pan Toolbar. Then tap to place the map pointer on the point you want to route to.
If you want to travel off-road to a map point, you can customize your iQue M5 for off-road travel. See page
38 for information.
2. Tap the QueRoutes icon .
Route to [Map Pointer] icon. (If the
point you selected has a name, it appears in the icon name.)
The Route to Map Pointer icon
changes to reflect the name of
the point you are routing to.
iQue M5 Que Applications Guide 15

Saving Routes

If you use a route frequently, you can save the route in memory and activate it at any time. You can store up to fifty routes in memory. To save a route, the route must be active.
To save an active route:
1. From QueMap, tap the QueRoutes icon .
2. Tap Save Current Route.
3. Enter a new name in the Route Name field if you wish. Then tap Save.
To activate a saved route:
1. From QueMap, tap the QueRoutes icon .
2. Tap Menu and then Saved Routes.
3. Tap the route you want to activate in the list of routes. Then tap Activate.
To change the name of a saved route:
1. From QueMap, tap the QueRoutes icon .
2. Tap Menu and then Saved Routes.
3. Tap and hold on the route you want to change and select Edit.
4. Enter a new name in the Route Name field and tap Save.
To delete a saved route:
1. From QueMap, tap the QueRoutes icon .
2. Tap Menu and then Saved Routes.
3. Tap to highlight the route you want to delete and then tap Menu and Delete. When the message appears, tap Yes to confirm.
4. To delete all saved routes, tap Menu and select
Delete All. When the message appears, tap Yes to confirm.
16 iQue M5 Que Applications Guide

Tips for Navigating

Use these handy tips and suggestions to help you navigate!
Where Am I? Icon
Tap the Where Am I? icon on QueMap to figure out where you are, especially when you are travelling in unfamiliar areas. From the window that appears, you
To view upcoming turns:
With an active route, press the Que button to
view the QueTurns page. Each upcoming turn of your route appears in the list on this page.
To hear directions:
Press and hold the Que button. A Turn Preview
page also appears. Tap to close this page.
To stop navigating/resume navigating a route:
1. From QueMap, tap the QueRoutes icon .
2. Tap Stop Navigation or Resume Navigation.
To route to nearby intersections:
1. From QueMap, tap the Where Am I? icon .
2. Tap and hold on an intersection in the list and select Route to It.
can view your current address, city, state, and postal code, and you can view the closest ten intersections nearby.
Information Icon
Tap anywhere on the map to place the map pointer there. Then tap the Information icon in the Pan Toolbar to view information about that point.
Exit Information
If you are ever driving in an area where you don’t have detailed maps loaded, you can still view information about services at Interstate exits. Just tap the exit on QueMap, and a pop-up tag appears containing icons of available services.
To recalculate your route:
1. From QueMap, tap the QueRoutes icon .
2. Tap Recalculate.
iQue M5 Que Applications Guide 17
+ 49 hidden pages