Garmin GTX 3x5 Series, GTX 325, GTX 335, GTX 345R, GTX 335R Installation Manual

Experimental Release
1. DESCRIPTION: TSO Installation Manual
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GTX 3x5 Transponder TSO Installation Manual
Drawn By: TLJ
GTX 3x5 Transponder
TSO Installation Manual
190-01499-02 May 2015 Revision 1
© 2015 Garmin International, Inc. or its subsidiaries
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190-01499-02 GTX 3x5 TSO Installation Manual Rev. 1 Page A
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1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW .....................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Scope .........................................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Equipment Description ..............................................................................................................1-1
1.3 Definitions and Abbreviations ...................................................................................................1-3
1.4 ADS-B
Capabilities ...................................................................................................................1-4
1.5 TIS System Capabilities ............................................................................................................1-4
1.6 Interface Summary ....................................................................................................................1-5
1.7 General Specifications ...............................................................................................................1-6
1.8 Transponder Specifications .......................................................................................................1-8
1.9 UAT Receiver Specifications ....................................................................................................1-8
1.10 1090 MHz Receiver Specifications ...........................................................................................1-9
1.11 GPS Specifications ....................................................................................................................1-9
1.12 GPS Antenna Requirements ....................................................................................................1-10
1.13 Power Specifications ...............................................................................................................1-11
1.14 Certification .............................................................................................................................1-12
1.15 Operating Instructions .............................................................................................................1-17
1.16 License Requirements .............................................................................................................1-17
1.17 Reference Documents ..............................................................................................................1-17
2 L
IMITATIONS ......................................................................................................................................2-1
2.1 HSDB Packet Forwarding .........................................................................................................2-1
3 I
NSTALLATION OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Unit Configurations ...................................................................................................................3-1
3.3 Accessories Supplied .................................................................................................................3-2
3.4 Optional Accessories .................................................................................................................3-4
3.5 Installation Materials Required But Not Supplied ....................................................................3-5
3.6 Installation Configurations ........................................................................................................3-6
3.7 Special Tools Required ..............................................................................................................3-6
3.8 Antenna Considerations .............................................................................................................3-7
3.9 Electrical Bonding .....................................................................................................................3-9
3.10 Cabling and Wiring .................................................................................................................3-10
3.11 Shielding and Electrical Bonding Considerations ...................................................................3-10
3.12 Cooling Requirements and Considerations .............................................................................3-10
3.13 Mounting Requirements ..........................................................................................................3-10
4 I
NSTALLATION PROCEDURE ..............................................................................................................4-1
4.1 Wiring Harness Installation .......................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Backshell Assemblies ................................................................................................................4-1
4.3 Coax Cable Installation .............................................................................................................4-1
4.4 Connector Backshell Assembly .................................................................................................4-1
4.5 Equipment Mounting - Panel Mount Units ...............................................................................4-1
4.6 Equipment Mounting - Remote Mount Units ............................................................................4-2
4.7 Antenna Installation ...................................................................................................................4-2
5 C
ONNECTOR PINOUT INFORMATION ................................................................................................5-1
5.1 Main Board Connector - P3251 .................................................................................................5-1
5.2 ADS-B Board Connector – P3252 ............................................................................................5-3
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5.3 Power .........................................................................................................................................5-3
5.4 Lighting Bus ..............................................................................................................................5-4
5.5 Antennas ....................................................................................................................................5-4
5.6 Altitude Inputs ...........................................................................................................................5-5
5.7 Discrete IO .................................................................................................................................5-6
5.8 Serial Data Interfaces ................................................................................................................5-8
5.9 Suppression Bus ........................................................................................................................5-9
5.10 OAT Temperature Input ............................................................................................................5-9
5.11 Audio Output ...........................................................................................................................5-10
5.12 1PPS Interface .........................................................................................................................5-10
5.13 Configuration Module .............................................................................................................5-10
5.14 USB Interface ..........................................................................................................................5-11
6 P
OST INSTALLATION CONFIGURATION AND CHECKOUT ................................................................6-1
6.1 System Configuration Overview ...............................................................................................6-1
6.2 Mounting, Wiring, and Power Checks ......................................................................................6-1
6.3 Connector Engagement Check ..................................................................................................6-1
6.4 Configuration Setup ...................................................................................................................6-1
6.5 Remote Unit Configuration .......................................................................................................6-3
6.6 Diagnostic Information ..............................................................................................................6-3
6.7 Ground Checks ..........................................................................................................................6-3
6.8 Flight Checks .............................................................................................................................6-4
6.9 Database Check .........................................................................................................................6-4
6.10 Database Update Procedure .......................................................................................................6-4
6.11 Software Loading Procedure .....................................................................................................6-4
7 C
ONTINUED AIRWORTHINESS ........................................................................................................... 7-1
PPENDIX A MECHANICAL DRAWINGS .......................................................................................A-1
A.1 Drawing List................................................................................................................... A-1
PPENDIX B INTERCONNECT DRAWINGS ..............................................................................................B-1
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Figure 3-1 Figure for Locations of Antennas........................................................................................3-9
Figure A-1 GTX 3x5 Panel Mount Assembly.......................................................................................A-2
Figure A-2 GTX 3x5 Panel Mount Dimensions and CG ......................................................................A-3
Figure A-3 GTX 3x5 Horizontal Remote Mount Assembly.................................................................A-4
Figure A-4 GTX 3x5 Horizontal Remote Mount Dimensions and CG ................................................ A-5
Figure A-5 GTX 3x5 Vertical Remote Mount Assembly .....................................................................A-6
Figure A-6 GTX 3x5 Vertical Remote Mount Dimensions and CG.....................................................A-7
Figure A-7 GTX 3x5 G1000 Mount Rack Assembly ...........................................................................A-8
Figure A-8 GTX 3x5 G1000 Mounting Rack Center of Gravity ..........................................................A-9
Figure B-1 GTX 345R G1000 Interconnect..........................................................................................B-2
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Table 1-1 GTX 3x5 Units........................................................................................................................1-1
Table 1-2 Interface Summary..................................................................................................................1-5
Table 1-3 Physical Characteristics - Panel Mount Units.........................................................................1-6
Table 1-4 Physical Characteristics - Remote Mount Units .....................................................................1-7
Table 1-5 Display Specifications.............................................................................................................1-8
Table 1-6 Transponder Specifications.....................................................................................................1-8
Table 1-7 UAT Receiver Specifications ..................................................................................................1-8
Table 1-8 1090 MHz Receiver Specifications.........................................................................................1-9
Table 1-9 GNSS Receiver Specifications................................................................................................1-9
Table 1-10 GNSS Receiver Antennas .....................................................................................................1-10
Table 1-11 Power Specifications.............................................................................................................1-11
Table 1-12 TSO/ETSO Compliance........................................................................................................1-12
Table 1-13 TSO and ETSO Descriptions ...............................................................................................1-13
Table 1-14 TSO/ETSO Deviations..........................................................................................................1-13
Table 1-15 Software Design Assurance Levels.......................................................................................1-16
Table 1-16 Complex Hardware Design Assurance Levels......................................................................1-16
Table 3-1 Accessories Supplied ..............................................................................................................3-2
Table 3-2 Recommended Crimp Tools....................................................................................................3-6
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1.1 Scope

Mechanical and electrical information for use in the planning and design of an installation of the GTX 3x5 into an aircraft is provided in this manual. This manual is not a substitute for an approved airframe-specific maintenance manual, installation design drawing, or complete installation data package. Attempting to install equipment by reference to this manual alone and without first planning or designing an installation specific to your aircraft may compromise your safety and it is not recommended. The content of this manual assumes use by competent and qualified avionics engineering personnel and/or avionics installation specialist using standard maintenance practices in accordance with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulation and other relevant accepted practices.
Garmin recommends installation of the GTX 3x5 by a Garmin–authorized installer. To the extent allowable by law, Garmin will not be liable for damages resulting from improper or negligent installation of the GTX 3x5. For questions, contact Garmin Aviation Product Support at 1-888-606-5482.

1.2 Equipment Description

The GTX 3x5 is a family of ATCRBS and Mode S transponders, with some models including ADS-B in capabilities and optional internal GPS/WAAS receivers. The following is a summary of the different units.
Table 1-1 GTX 3x5 Units
45 w/
45R w/
335 w/
Mode S X X X X X X X X
Panel Mount X X X X X
Remote X X X X
ADS-B out (1090) X X X X X X X X
ADS-B in (UAT,1090)
Internal GPS X X X X
Bluetooth X X X X
The GTX 325 is an ATCRBS transponder.
The GTX 335 is a Mode S transponder with ADS-B extended squitter capability.
The GTX 345 is a Mode S transponder with ADS-B extended squitter capability and also includes UAT and 1090 receivers for ADS-B in capabilities.
The GTX 335 and GTX 345 units can be ordered with an internal GNSS receiver, used for the ADS-B extended squitter output or as remote-mounted units. Remote mounted units do not have a front panel with a display or keypad.
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The GTX 3x5 units, depending upon model, include the following functions.
Mode S transponder (GTX 335 and GTX 345)
ADS-B Out capability (GTX 335 and GTX 345)
ADS-B In capability with built-in 1090 MHz and UAT receivers (GTX 345)
Optional internal GNSS receiver (GTX 335 and GTX 345)
Optional altitude encoder module
Entry and display of squawk code and flight ID
Display of pressure altitude, outside air temp, density altitude
Flight timers
Audio output
Interface to Garmin display products such as the GTN and GNS series
Bluetooth interface for display of weather and traffic on portable devices (GTX 345)
Reception of TIS-A traffic (GTX 335)
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1.3 Definitions and Abbreviations

Except where specifically noted, references made to GTX 3x5 will equally apply to all GTX 3x5 variants.
The following abbreviations/acronyms are used within this document:
AC Advisory Circular ADF Automatic Direction Finder ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast ADS-R Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Rebroadcast AFMS Aircraft Flight Manual Supplement ATCRBS Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System CFR Code of Federal Regulations CG Center of Gravity CSA Conflict Situational Awareness DC Direct Current DME Distance Measuring Equipment EQF Environmental Qualification Form FAA Federal Aviation Administration FCC Federal Communications Commission FIS-B Flight Information Services-Broadcast FMS Flight Manual Supplement GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System GPS Global Positioning System HSDB High Speed Data Bus LAT Latitude LON Longitude MFD Multifunction Display POH Pilot Operating Handbook RFMS Rotorcraft Flight Manual Supplement SATCOM Satellite Communications SBAS Satellite-Based Augmentation System TAS Traffic Advisory System TCAS Traffic Collision Avoidance System TIS-B Traffic Information Service-Broadcast TSO Technical Standing Order UAT Universal Access Transceiver UHF Ultra-High Frequency USB Universal Serial Bus VHF Very High Frequency WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
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1.4 ADS-B Capabilities

ADS-B technology is used to improve situational awareness and flight safety. With ADS-B capabilities, position, velocity, and heading information are automatically transmitted to other aircraft and ground stations. ADS-B provides automatic transmission of aircraft information without a request.

1.4.1 ADS-B Out

When properly installed with a GPS position source, meeting the guidance of AC 20-165 the GTX 335 and GTX 345 include ADS-B Out capabilities. See section __ for additional information. The GTX 335 and GTX 345 will broadcast the position, velocity, and heading information using the mode S transponder transmitter.

1.4.2 ADS-B In

The GTX 345 includes 978 MHz UAT and 1090 MHz receivers for ADS-B In capabilities. The GTX 345 can receive airborne position from other aircraft with either the UAT or 1090 MHz receivers. The GTX 345 can receive FIS-B information from ground stations.

1.4.3 Installation Approval for ADS-B Systems

Need information

1.5 TIS System Capabilities

The GTX 3x5 provides uplink information of nearby traffic from the TIS. TIS is a ground-based service providing relative location of all transponder equipped aircraft within a specified service area. The TIS ground sensor uses real time track reports to generate traffic notifications. TIS provides a graphical display of traffic advisory information in the cockpit for non-TCAS equipped aircraft.
Advisory traffic information is available to aircraft equipped with a Mode S data link such as the Garmin GTX 335 or GTX 345. Advisory traffic information may be displayed on a Garmin 400W/500W Series unit.
The GTX 3x5 unit can be incorporated into installations with other compatible control/display units such as the Garmin GNS 480 (CNX80), GTN 6XX/7XX, GMX 200, and MX20 MFD.
Surveillance data is provided for transponder equipped aircraft within the coverage volume. Aircraft without an operating transponder are invisible to TIS. TIS displays traffic within seven nautical miles from 3000 feet below to 3500 feet above the requesting aircraft. The pilot sees the location, relative direction and altitude of other aircraft.
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1.6 Interface Summary

The GTX 3x5 units include the following interfaces.
Table 1-2 Interface Summary
Interface Description I/O GTX 325 GTX 335 GTX 345
RS-232 I/O 3 3 4
RS-422 I/O 1
Discrete I/O
Configurable as input or output
Gray code altitude input I 1 1 1
Suppression bus I/O 1 1 1
1PPS I/O 1 1 1
OAT input I 1 1 1
Audio output O 1 1 1
Configuration module, pressure sensor module interface
USB interface I/O 1 1 1
Lighting bus input I 1 1 1
Switched power output O 1 1 1
O 1 1 1
I 2 2 2
I 6 6 6
O 1 1 1
I/O 2 2 4
I/O 1 1 1
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1.7 General Specifications

1.7.1 EQF

It is the responsibility of the installing agency to obtain the latest revision of the GTX 3x5 EQF. To obtain a copy of the EQF, see Garmin’s Dealer Resource Center
Table 1-3 Physical Characteristics - Panel Mount Units
Characteristic Specification
Bezel height 1.65 inches (42 mm)
Bezel width 6.25 inches (159 mm)
Rack height (dimple to dimple) 1.68 inches (43 mm)
Rack width 6.30 inches (160 mm)
Depth behind panel with connectors (measured from face of aircraft panel to rear of connector backshells)
GTX 325 weight (unit only) 2.01 lb (0.91 kg)
GTX 335 weight (unit only) 2.01 lb (0.91 kg)
GTX 335 with GPS weight (unit only) 2.12 lb (0.96 kg)
GTX 345 weight (unit only) 2.27 lb (1.01 kg)
GTX 345 with GPS weight (unit only) 2.38 lb (1.08 kg)
GTX 325 installed with rack and connectors 2.83 lb (1.28 kg)
GTX 335 installed with rack and connectors 2.83 lb (1.28 kg)
GTX 335 with GPS installed with rack and connectors 2.94 lb (1.33 kg)
GTX 345 installed with rack and connectors 3.09 lb (1.40 kg)
GTX 345 with GPS installed with rack and connectors 3.20 lb (1.45 kg)
Operating temperature range
Altitude range 55,000 feet
Humidity 95% non-condensing
Cooling External cooling not required
Audio output 100 mW into 500
10.07 inches (256 mm)
-4°F to 131°F (-20°C to + 55°C)
For more details refer to the
environmental qualification forms at Garmin’s Dealer Resource Center See appendix A for form part numbers.
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Table 1-4 Physical Characteristics - Remote Mount Units
Characteristic Specification
Horizontal mount
Height 1.68 inches (43 mm)
Width 6.3 inches (160 mm)
Length (unit, mount, and connector backshells) 9.92 inches (224 mm)
Vertical mount
Height 6.55 inches (166 mm)
Width 1.4 inches (35 mm)
Length (unit, mount, and connector backshells) 12.1 inches (308 mm)
GTX 335R weight (unit only) 1.71 lb (0.78 kg)
GTX 335R weight (horizontal mount - mounting tray, connector backplate, and connectors)
GTX 335R weight (vertical mount - mounting tray, connector backplate, and connectors)
GTX 335R with GPS weight (unit only) 1.82 lb (0.83 kg)
GTX 335R with GPS weight (horizontal mount - mounting tray, connector backplate, and connectors)
GTX 335R with GPS weight (vertical mount - mounting tray, connector backplate, and connectors)
GTX 345R weight (unit only) 1.97 lb (0.89 kg)
GTX 345R weight (horizontal mount - mounting tray, connector backplate, and connectors)
GTX 345R weight (vertical mount - mounting tray, connector backplate, and connectors)
GTX 345R with GPS (unit only) 2.08 lb (0.94 kg)
GTX 345R with GPS (horizontal mount - mounting tray, connector backplate, and connectors)
GTX 345R with GPS (vertical mount - mounting tray, connector backplate, and connectors)
Operating temperature range
Altitude range 55,000 feet
Humidity 95% non-condensing
Cooling External cooling not required
Audio output 100 mW into 500
2.53 lb (1.15 kg)
2.73 lb (1.24 kg)
2.64 lb (1.20 kg)
2.84 lb (1.29 kg)
2.79 lb (1.27 kg)
2.99 lb (1.37 kg)
2.08 lb (0.94 kg)
3.10 lb (1.41 kg)
-4°F to 131°F (-20°C to + 55°C)
For more details refer to the
environmental qualification form at Garmin’s Dealer Resource Center See section section 1.7.1 for form part number.
The GTX 3x5 display is a sunlight readable LCD display.
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Table 1-5 Display Specifications
Characteristic Specification
Display size
Active area
Resolution 200 x 33 pixels
Viewing angle
Width: 3.46 inches (88 mm)
Height: 0.843 inches (21.4 mm)
Width: 2.95 inches (74.98 mm)
Height: 0.486 inches (12.36 mm)
Left: 45°
Right: 45°
From top: 30°
From bottom: 10°

1.8 Transponder Specifications

Table 1-6 Transponder Specifications
Characteristic Specification
Transmitter frequency 1090 MHz ± 1 MHz
Transmitter power
Receiver frequency
Receiver sensitivity
Mode A capability
Mode C altitude capability
Mode S capability (GTX 335 and GTX 345)
Mode S altitude capability (GTX 335 and GTX 345)
External suppression input
External suppression output 18 Vdc with 300ohm load, 35Vdc max with no load
125 W min at antenna, with max 2db cable loss
250 W nominal at unit
1030 MHz + ?? MHz
-74 dBm nominal for 90% replies
4096 identification codes
100 foot increments from -1000 to 62,700 feet
Selective identification codes, aircraft type
25 foot increments from -1000 to 50,175 feet with suitable serial data altitude. 100 foot increments from
-1000 to 62,700 feet
10 Vdc to suppress

1.9 UAT Receiver Specifications

Table 1-7 UAT Receiver Specifications
Characteristic Specification
Frequency 978 MHz +
Modulation Continuous phase FSK, h = 0.6, raised cosine shaping, a = 0.5
Data rate 1.04 Mbps
Sensitivity -96 dBm for 90% MSR
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20 ppm

1.10 1090 MHz Receiver Specifications

Table 1-8 1090 MHz Receiver Specifications
Characteristic Specification
Frequency 1090 MHz +
Modulation Binary pulse-position
Data rate 1 Mbps
Sensitivity -82 dBm for 90% MSR
1 MHz

1.11 GPS Specifications

Table 1-9 GNSS Receiver Specifications
Characteristic Specification
Number of channels 15 (12 GPS and 3 GPS/SBAS receiver [1]
Frequency 1575.42 MHz L1, C/A code
Sensitivity (acquisition, no interference)
Sensitivity (drop lock) -144 dBm
Dynamic range >20 dB
LAT/LON position accuracy
Velocity 1000 knots maximum (above 60,000 ft)
TTFF (Time To First Fix)
Reacquisition 10 seconds typical
Position update interval 0.2 sec (5 Hz)
1PPS (Pulse Per Second) ± 275 nsec of UTC second
Datum WGS-84
SATCOM compatibility
Antenna power supply 35 mA typical, 40 mA max at 4.7 Vdc
-134.5 dBm GPS
-135.5 dBm SBAS
<1.25 meter RMS horizontal, <2 meter vertical, with SBAS
1:45 min. typical with current almanac, position, and time
SATCOM compatibility is dependent on antenna selection
[1] GBAS correction and integrity data provided by an external VHF receiver.
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1.12 GPS Antenna Requirements
Antenna performance is critical to GNSS receiver operation. Antennas listed in table 1-10 meet specifications outlined in Antenna Minimum Performance Specification for Garmin’s GPS/WAAS Receiver System. To achieve acceptable performance with the GTX 335 or GTX 345 with internal GNSS receiver, antennas listed table 1-10 must be used.
Table 1-10 GNSS Receiver Antennas
A33W, WAAS Antenna
GPS/VHF Antenna TNC/BNC Comant CI-2580-200 N/A
GPS/VHF Antenna TNC/BNC Comant CI-2728-200 N/A
GPS/XM/VHF Antenna
GPS/XM/VHF Antenna
GPS/WAAS Antenna TNC Comant CI-428-200 N/A
GPS/XM Antenna TNC/TNC Comant CI-428-410 N/A
TNC/TNC/BNC Comant CI-2580-410 N/A
TNC/TNC/BNC Comant CI-2728-410 N/A
Manufacturer P/N
Garmin 013-00235-( ) 013-00235-( )
Aero Antenna
Garmin 013-00244-( ) 013-00244-( )
Aero Antenna
Garmin 013-00245-( ) 013-00245-( )
Aero Antenna
Garmin 013-00261-( ) 013-00261-( )
Aero Antenna
AT575-93G( )-TNCF-000-RG-27­NM
AT575-126G( )-TNCF-000-RG-27­NM
AT2300-126G( )-TNCF-000-RG-27­NM
AT575-332G( )-TNCF-000-RG-27­NM
[1] Same mounting hole pattern as GA 56, except GA 35 has a physically larger footprint.
[2] The GPS antenna connector is a TNC and the VHF connector is BNC.
[3] The GPS antenna connector is a TNC connector, the XM connector is TNC, and the VHF
connector is BNC.
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1.13 Power Specifications

Table 1-11 Power Specifications
Unit Characteristic Specification
All units Input voltage 9 to 33 Vdc
14 Vdc 28 Vdc
GTX 325 Power input __ W typical, __ W max
Input current, typical
Input current, maximum
GTX 335 Power input 8 W typical, 15 W maximum
Input current, typical 0.57 A 0.29 A
Input current, maximum 0.86 A 0.43 A
GTX 335, GPS Power input 10 W typical, 17 W maximum
Input current, typical 0.72 A 0.36 A
Input current, maximum 1.22 A 0.61 A
GTX 345 Power input 10 W typical, 18 W maximum
Input current, typical 0.72 A 0.36 A
Input current, maximum 1.30 A 0.65 A
GTX 345, GPS Power input 12 W typical, 20 W maximum
Input current, typical 1.07 A 0.54 A
Input current, maximum 1.43 A 0.72 A
All units KEEP ALIVE input current
20 uA typical
40 uA maximum
65 uA typical
85 uA maximum
[1] Maximum input power and current is based upon maximum reply rates.
[2] Input power and current does not reflect the switched power output.
[3] KEEP ALIVE input only applies to the GTX 335 and GTX 345 with internal GNSS receiver.
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1.14 Certification
The GTX 3x5 meets compliance with the claimed TSO(s) when interfaced with the equipment defined in this manual, and installed in accordance with the requirements and limitations as defined.
The Appliance Project Identifier (API) for the GTX 3x5 is GMN-01216. The API is used for project identification with the FAA and EASA. In addition, the alpha character appended to the end of the API in the ETSO certificate is added to supplement project identification by EASA. This alpha character does not represent a version number. To identify appliance approvals, see applicable hardware and software numbers.
It is the installer’s responsibility to ensure the ADS-B Out system is compliant with AC 20-165 and to ensure compatibility between the GTX 335 or GTX 345 and the ADS-B Out position source equipment. For compatible equipment shown to be eligible for 14 CFR 91.227 compliant installations in accordance with AC 20-165, see 14 CFR 91.227 ADS-B Out Compatible Equipment.
Table 1-12 TSO/ETSO Compliance
X TSO-C74d Class A
[1] With internal GPS.
[2] With optional pressure sensor module.
TSO-C88b ETSO-C88a
TSO-C112e ETSO-C112d
TSO-C166b ETSO-C166b
Class 1
Level 2es
Class B2
Class A1S
Class 1
Class B1S
Class A1S
Class C1, C2, C3, C4
Software and CLD P/N Description
006-B____-00 through -0( )
006-B____-00 through -0( )
006-B____-00 through -0( )
006-C____-00 through -0( )
006-C____-00 through -0( )
190-01499-02 GTX 3x5 TSO Installation Manual Rev. 1 Page 1-12
Table 1-13 TSO and ETSO Descriptions
TSO/ETSO Description
TSO-C74d Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) Airborne Equipment
TSO-C88b ETSO-C88a
TSO-C112e ETSO-C112d
TSO-C145d ETSO-C145c
TSO-C154c ETSO-C154c
TSO-C157a ETSO-C157a
TSO-C166b ETSO-C166b
TSO-C195a ETSO-C195a
Automatic Pressure Altitude Reporting Code-Generating Equipment
Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System / Mode Select (ATCRBS/Mode S) Airborne Equipment
Airborne Navigation Sensors Using the Global Positioning System Augmented by the Satellite Based Augmentation System
Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) Equipment Operating on Frequency of 978 MHz
Aircraft Flight Information Services – Broadcast (FIS-B) Data Link System and Equipment
Extended Squitter Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) and Traffic Information Service – Broadcast (TIS-B) Equipment Operating on the Radio Frequency of 1090 Megahertz (MHz)
Avionics Supporting Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) Aircraft Surveillance Applications (ASA)
Table 1-14 TSO/ETSO Deviations
TSO/ETSO Deviation
1. Garmin requests a deviation from the mentioned TSOs to use RTCA DO-160G instead
of earlier versions of RTCA/DO-160 as the standard for Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment. ELOS is provided by use of later revision requirement document. Refer to AC 21-16G for supporting guidance.
1. Garmin requests a deviation from the mentioned TSOs for marking the TSO number, Type/Class and Date of Manufacture, Deviation and Software Part Number on the exterior of the unit. Instead, Garmin requests to include product name, part number, serial number, and this statement on the unit’s nameplate label “TSO-C112e See IM for Add’l Appliance Apprvls.” The installation manual will contain all equipment approvals, classes/types/ranges and TSO deviations as required by the TSOs, and the software part numbers for the unit will be available through electronic query within the unit. ELOS is provided because the installation manual will list all applicable information and the article will permanently and legibly list the Primary TSO and state “See IM for Add’l Appliance Apprvls.” All software part numbers can be verified through electronic query. See Order 8150.1C Section 7-4e-4 and 8110.49 for further supporting statement of policy.
1. Garmin requests a deviation from the mentioned TSOs for marking the TSO number, Type/Class and Date of Manufacture, Deviation and Software Part Number on the exterior of the unit. Instead, Garmin requests to include product name, part number, serial number, and this statement on the unit’s nameplate label “TSO-C112e See IM for Add’l Appliance Apprvls.” The installation manual will contain all equipment approvals, classes/types/ranges and TSO deviations as required by the TSOs, and the software part numbers for the unit will be available through electronic query within the unit. ELOS is provided because the installation manual will list all applicable information and the article will permanently and legibly list the Primary TSO and state “See IM for Add’l Appliance Apprvls.” All Software part numbers can be verified through electronic query. See Order 8150.1C Section 7-4e-4 and 8110.49 for further supporting statement of policy.
190-01499-02 GTX 3x5 TSO Installation Manual Rev. 1 Page 1-13
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