Garmin GTX 23 ES, GTX 23 Installation Manual

190-00906-01 August, 2011 Revision A
GTX 23
Transponder Installation Manual
Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
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Revision Revision Date Description
A 08/31/2011 Initial Release
Page A GTX 23 Installation Manual Revision A 190-00906-01
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A All All Initial release
Section Page Range
Table of Contents i – vi
Section 1 1-1 – 1-8 Section 2 2-1 – 2-6 Section 3 3-1 – 3-4
Section 4 4-1 – 4-6 Appendix A A-1 – A-2 Appendix B B-1 – B-12 Appendix C C-1 – C-4 Appendix D D-1 – D-2
Description of Change
GTX 23 Installation Manual Page i 190-00906-01 Revision A
Section 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION............................................................. 1-1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1-1
Equipment Description...........................................................................................................1-1
ADS-B Capabilities................................................................................................................ 1-1
ADS-B Versions ........................................................................................................................... 1-2
TIS System Capabilities.........................................................................................................1-2
Mutual Suppression Pulses ....................................................................................................1-2
Interface Summary ................................................................................................................. 1-3
Technical Specifications ........................................................................................................1-4
Physical Characteristics ................................................................................................................ 1-4
General Specifications .................................................................................................................. 1-4
Power Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 1-5
License Requirements ............................................................................................................1-5
Certification............................................................................................................................ 1-5
GTX 23 TSO/ETSO/RTCA/ICAO Compliance........................................................................... 1-6
TSO/ETSO Deviations.................................................................................................................. 1-7
Reference Documents ............................................................................................................1-7
Aviation Limited Warranty .................................................................................................... 1-8
Section 2 INSTALLATION OVERVIEW....................................................... 2-1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 2-1
Installation Materials.............................................................................................................. 2-1
Equipment Available .................................................................................................................... 2-1
Additional Equipment Required ...................................................................................................2-1
Installation Considerations.....................................................................................................2-1
Preservation of Previous Systems................................................................................................. 2-1
Antenna Location Considerations.................................................................................................2-2
Cabling and Wiring ................................................................................................................ 2-3
Cable Routing Considerations ...................................................................................................... 2-4
Cooling Air............................................................................................................................. 2-4
GTX 23 Mounting Requirements........................................................................................... 2-4
Section 3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE .................................................... 3-1
Unpacking Unit ...................................................................................................................... 3-1
Wiring Harness Installation.................................................................................................... 3-1
Electrical Connections ...........................................................................................................3-1
Backshell Assembly ...............................................................................................................3-2
Weight and Balance ...............................................................................................................3-2
Electrical Load Analysis ........................................................................................................3-2
Final Installation..................................................................................................................... 3-3
Post Installation Configuration and Checkout .......................................................................3-3
Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 3-3
Interference Check ........................................................................................................................ 3-3
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Performance (Ramp) Test............................................................................................................. 3-4
Continued Airworthiness .......................................................................................................3-4
Section 4 SYSTEM INTERCONNECTS......................................................... 4-1
Pin Function List ....................................................................................................................4-1
P2301 ............................................................................................................................................ 4-1
Aircraft Power............................................................................................................................... 4-2
Discrete Functions.................................................................................................................. 4-3
Discrete Outputs............................................................................................................................ 4-3
Discrete Inputs .............................................................................................................................. 4-3
Serial Data Electrical Characteristics..................................................................................... 4-4
RS-232 Input/Output..................................................................................................................... 4-4
ARINC 429 Input/Output ............................................................................................................. 4-4
RS-232 Input/Output, Software Update Connections............................................................ 4-5
Appendix A Construction and Validation of Structures............................... A-1
Static Test Loading .............................................................................................................. A-1
Determining Static Load Capability..................................................................................... A-1
Appendix B Shield Block Installation Instructions ........................................B-1
Shield Block Installation Parts ............................................................................................. B-1
Shield Termination Technique – Method A.1 (Standard).................................................... B-3
Shield Termination Technique - Method A.2 (Daisy Chain)............................................... B-7
Shield Termination – Method B.1 (Quick Term)................................................................. B-7
Shield Termination-Method B.2 (Daisy Chain-Quick Term) .............................................. B-9
Daisy Chain between Methods A and B ............................................................................ B-10
Splicing Signal Wires......................................................................................................... B-10
Appendix C External Interface Drawings (Example Only) .......................... C-1
Appendix D Assembly and Installation Drawings ......................................... D-1
GTX 23 Installation Manual Page iii 190-00906-01 Revision A
Section 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION............................................................. 1-1
Section 2 INSTALLATION OVERVIEW....................................................... 2-1
Antenna Installation Considerations ...................................................................................... 2-2
GTX 23 Stand-Alone Rack (115-00629-00).......................................................................... 2-5
GTX 23 Stand-Alone Rack, Suggested Mounting Locations ................................................ 2-5
Section 3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE .................................................... 3-1
Section 4 SYSTEM INTERCONNECTS......................................................... 4-1
J2301 Connector..................................................................................................................... 4-1
GTX 23 Software Update Connections.................................................................................. 4-5
Appendix A Construction and Validation of Structures............................... A-1
Upward static Load Test .......................................................................................................A-2
Forward Static Load Test ...................................................................................................... A-2
Appendix B Shield Block Installation Instructions ........................................B-1
Shield Block Installation (78 pin example)........................................................................... B-2
Method A.1 for Shield Termination...................................................................................... B-3
Insulation/Contact Clearance ................................................................................................ B-5
Method A.2 (Daisy Chain) for Shield Termination .............................................................. B-7
Method B.1 (Quick Term) for Shield Termination............................................................... B-8
Method B.2 (Daisy Chain-Quick Term) for Shield Termination.......................................... B-9
Daisy Chain between Methods A and B ............................................................................. B-10
D-Sub Spliced Signal Wire illustration............................................................................... B-11
Appendix C External Interface Drawings (Example Only).......................... C-1
Core Interconnect Examples ................................................................................................ C-1
ADS-B Interconnect Examples ............................................................................................ C-2
TIS Display Options Example ............................................................................................. C-3
Appendix D Assembly and Installation Drawings......................................... D-1
GTX 23 Remote Rack/Connector Assembly ........................................................................ D-1
GTX 23 Connector/Rack Assembly Drawing....................................................................... D-2
Page iv GTX 23 Installation Manual Revision A 190-00906-01
Section 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION............................................................. 1-1
Section 2 INSTALLATION OVERVIEW....................................................... 2-1
Section 3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE .................................................... 3-1
Pin Contact Part Numbers...................................................................................................... 3-1
Recommended Crimp Tools ..................................................................................................3-2
Unit Power Loads................................................................................................................... 3-2
Section 4 SYSTEM INTERCONNECTS......................................................... 4-1
Appendix A Construction and Validation of Structures .............................. A-1
Static Test Load..................................................................................................................... A-1
Appendix B Shield Block Installation Instructions ........................................B-1
Parts Supplied for a Shield Block Installation (011-01012-01) ............................................ B-1
Parts not supplied for a Shield Block Installation (Figure B-1)............................................ B-1
Shielded Cable Preparations for Garmin Connectors ........................................................... B-3
Shielded Cable Preparations – (Quick Term) ....................................................................... B-9
Appendix C External Interface Drawings (Example Only).......................... C-1
Appendix D Assembly and Installation Drawings......................................... D-1
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1.1 Introduction
This manual presents the mechanical and electrical installation requirements for installing the Garmin GTX 23 Mode S Transponder.
1.2 Equipment Description
The Garmin GTX 23 remote-mounted Mode S Transponder is a radio transmitter and receiver that operates on radar frequencies. It receives ground radar and TCAS interrogations at 1030 MHz, and it transmits a coded response of pulses at 1090 MHz. The GTX 23 replies to Mode A, Mode C, and Mode S interrogations. Mode A replies consist of framing pulses and any one of 4,096 codes, which differ in the position and number of pulses transmitted. Mode C replies include framing pulses and encoded pressure altitude. Mode S replies can contain various information such as the Mode A code, Mode C altitude, ICAO address, and Elementary Surveillance and Enhanced Surveillance data described below.
Features of the GTX 23 include support for ADS-B, TIS-A, mutual suppression, IDENT functionality, SI codes, elementary surveillance (ELS), and enhanced surveillance (EHS). ADS-B, TIS-A, and mutual suppression are discussed in following sections. IDENT functionality activates a Special Position Identification (SPI) pulse for 18 seconds in Mode A replies. This helps the air traffic controller confirm your position on their radar screen. SI codes, ELS, and EHS better facilitate meeting various requirements for operation in European airspace. SI codes uniquely identify ground radar with overlapping coverage. Supporting SI codes enables reduction in ground infrastructure complexity. ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV, Amendment 77, paragraph mandated SI code support. Elementary and Enhanced Surveillance provide additional aircraft parameters to ground radar systems (for ELS, see JAA TGL 13 rev 1 dated June 01, 2003; for EHS, see AMC 20-13, which supersedes JAA NPA 20-12a). Elementary Surveillance provides a detailed transponder capability report and aircraft identification data (e.g. Flight ID or radio call sign). Additionally, TCAS II compatible transponders supporting ELS can provide resolution advisory data if the aircraft is equipped with TCAS II. (ELS is Mode S BDS registers (1,0), (2,0), and (3,0).) Enhanced Surveillance provides selected vertical intention, track and turn reporting, and heading and speed reporting. (EHS is Mode S BDS registers (4,0), (5,0), and (6,0).)
1.3 ADS-B Capabilities
The GTX 23 provides the capabilities of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) technology, which improves situational awareness and flight safety. With ADS-B capabilities, position, velocity, and heading information are automatically transmitted to other aircraft and ground stations. The current air traffic control system depends on a transponder request for pertinent aircraft information. ADS-B provides automatic transmission of aircraft information without a request.
TSOA GPS data from a Garmin GNS 400W/500W-series WAAS enabled unit, GTN 6XX series, or GTN 7XX series unit is required to support ADS-B transmissions. If a GNS 400W/500W-series unit is used, note that it must use main software version 3.20 or later.
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1.3.1 ADS-B Versions
There are three distinct ADS-B versions recognized by regulatory authorities. As shown in the table below, the Garmin GTX 23 w/ES currently supports ADS-B Out 1090MHz Extended Squitter capability meeting ‘Version 1’ ADS-B system requirements.
ADS-BVersion GTX 23 w/ES Compliant
Version 0 No Equipment designed to TSO-166 / RTCA DO-260
Version 1 Yes Equipment designed to TSO-166a / RTCA DO-260A
Version 2* No Equipment designed to TSO-166b / RTCA DO-260B
Regulatory Standard/Minimum Performance
*Version required by 2020 ADS-B mandate defined in 14 CFR 91.225
1.4 TIS System Capabilities
Traffic Information Service (TIS) provides a graphic display of traffic advisory information in the cockpit for non-TCAS equipped aircraft.
TIS is a ground-based service providing relative location of all transponder equipped aircraft within a specified service volume. The TIS ground sensor uses real time track reports to generate traffic notification.
Traffic display is available to aircraft equipped with a Mode S data link such as the Garmin GTX 23 transponder. Traffic can then be displayed on a Garmin GDU Primary Flight Display, or GNS 400W/ 500W-series unit.
Surveillance data includes all transponder equipped aircraft within the coverage volume. Aircraft without an operating transponder are invisible to TIS. TIS displays traffic within seven nautical miles from 3000 feet below to 3500 feet above the requesting aircraft.
1.5 Mutual Suppression Pulses
Other equipment on board the aircraft may transmit in the same frequency band as the transponder. DME, TCAS, or another transponder are examples of equipment that operate in the same frequency band. Mutual suppression is a synchronous pulse that is sent to the other equipment to suppress transmission of a competing transmitter for the duration of the transmission. The transponder transmission is suppressed by an external source, and other equipment on board that transmit in the same frequency band are suppressed by the GTX 23 transponder. This feature is designed to limit mutual interference.
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1.6 Interface Summary
The GTX 23 provides the following interface connections via the rear connector. See Section 4 and Appendix C for connection details.
• External IDENT input
• External STBY input (useful for dual transponder installations)
• External mutual suppression pulse input/output
• Aircraft power input (14/28 Vdc)
• RS-232 input #1 connection for altitude and unit control data
• RS-232 output #1 connection for TIS and unit status
• RS-232 input #2 connection for GPS data for ADS-B
• Supports Comm-A and Comm-B protocol
• ARINC 429 outputs for TIS data
The GTX 23 supports the following list of Comm-B Definition Subfield (BDS) registers:
• BDS (0,0) Air Initiated Comm-B (AICB)
• BDS (1,0) Data Link Capability Report
• BDS (1,7) Common Usage Ground Initiated Comm-B (GICB) Capability Report
• BDS (1,8) Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability Report
• BDS (1,9) Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability Report
• BDS (1,D) Mode S Specific Services Protocols (MSP) Capability Report
• BDS (2,0) Aircraft Identification
• BDS (4,0) Selected Vertical Intention
• BDS (5,0) Track and Turn Report
• BDS (6,0) Heading and Speed Report
• BDS (0,6) Extended Squitter surface Position
• BDS (0,5) Extended Squitter Airborne Position
• BDS (0,8) Extended Squitter Aircraft Identification and Category
• BDS (0,9) Extended Squitter Airborne Velocity – Subtypes 1 and 3
• BDS (0,A) Extended Squitter Event Driven Data
• BDS (6,1) Emergency/Priority Status
• BDS (6,5) Aircraft operational Status
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1.7 Technical Specifications
1.7.1 Physical Characteristics
Characteristic Specification
Stand-Alone Rack Width 1.78 Inches (45 mm)
Stand-Alone Rack Height 6.92 Inches (176 mm)
Stand-Alone Rack Weight 0.9 lbs. (0.41 kg)
Depth Including Connectors (measured from front face of unit to rear of connector backshells)
Depth Including Connectors and Shield Blocks (mea­sured from front face of unit to rear of shield blocks)
Connecter Weight (including backshell) 0.4 lbs (0.18 kg)
GTX 23 Unit Weight 3.1 lbs. (1.41 kg)
11.05 Inches (281 mm)
11.44 inches (291 mm)
1.7.2 General Specifications
Characteristic Specification
Regulatory Compliance; GTX 23 w/ES RTCA DO-160D, DO-181C, and EUROCAE/ED-73B
Unit Software RTCA DO-178B Level C
Complex Electronic Hardware RTCA/DO-254 Level C
FCC Authorization Emission Designator 12M0M1D
Temperature Range -45°C to +70°C (continuous operation)
Altitude 55,000 Feet
Transmitter Frequency 1090 MHz ±1 MHz
Transmitter Power 125 Watts minimum, 250 Watts nominal
Receiver Frequency 1030 MHz
Receiver Sensitivity -74 dBm nominal for 90% replies
Mode A Capability 4096 Identification Codes
Mode C Capability
Mode S Capability 4096 Identification Codes, Altitude
External Suppression Input Low 0.5 V; High 8 V
External Suppression Output
Audio Output 4.04 Vrms to 7.85 Vrms into a 500 ohm load
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100 Foot Increments from -1000 to 62,700 feet. 25 Foot Increments from -1000 to 50,175 feet with suitable serial data altitude.
Output: minimum is +18V (for 300 ohm load) and maximum of +23V (for 2000 ohm load)
1.7.3 Power Requirements
Characteristic Specification
Input Voltage
Power Input 22 Watts Typical, 45 Watts Maximum
Maximum Full TSO Reply Rate; Mode C, 1200 PRF, Code 7777
Maximum Quiescent 0.85 A @ 28 Vdc, 1.1A @ 14 Vdc
14/28 Vdc See the Environmental Qualification Form for details on surge ratings and minimum/maximum operating voltages.
1.6 A @ 28 Vdc, 3.1 A @14 Vdc
1.8 License Requirements
The Telecommunications Act of 1996, effective February 8, 1996, provides the FCC discretion to eliminate radio station license requirements for aircraft and ships. The GTX 23 installation must comply with current transmitter licensing requirements. To find out the specific details on whether a particular installation is exempt from licensing, please visit the FCC web site
If an aircraft license is required, make application for a license on FCC form 404, Application for Aircraft Radio Station License. The FCC also has a fax-on-demand service to provide forms by fax. The GTX 23 owner accepts all responsibility for obtaining the proper licensing before using the GTX 23.
The UHF transmitter in this equipment is guaranteed to meet federal communications commission acceptance over the operating temperature range. Modifications not expressly approved by Garmin could invalidate the license and make it unlawful to operate the equipment.
1.9 Certification
The conditions and tests required for TSO approval of this article are minimum performance standards. It is the responsibility of those installing this article either on or within a specific type or class of aircraft to determine that the aircraft installation conditions are within the TSO standards. The article may be installed only if performed under 14 CFR Part 43 or the applicable airworthiness requirements.
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1.9.1 GTX 23 TSO/ETSO/RTCA/ICAO Compliance
Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System/Mode Select (ATCRBS/MODE S) Airborne Equipment
Traffic Information Service (TIS)
Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System/Mode Select (ATCRBS/MODE S) Airborne Equipment
Extended Squitter Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) and Traffic Information Services – Broadcast (TIS-B)
Extended Squitter Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) and Traffic Information Services – Broadcast (TIS-B)
Enhanced Surveillance
Performance Standard
TSO-C112 Class 2A
RTCA DO-239 -
TSO-C166a (See Note 2)
ETSO-C166a (See Note 2)
ICAO Annex 10, Amendment 77 Tables: 2-64, 2-80, 2-96 (See Note 1)
Class 1
Level 2es
B0 (non-
B0 (non-
Applicable LRU SW Part
All 006-B1417-00
RTCA DO-178B Compliance DO-178B Level C
RTCA DO-254 Compliance DO-254 Level C
Note 1: Complies with ICAO Annex 10, Amendment 77 Tables: 2-64, 2-80, 2-96 functionality only when the Enhanced Surveillance function is enabled during configuration.
Note 2: Complies with TSO-166a/ETSO-166a functionality only when the ADS-B function is enabled during configuration
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1.9.2 TSO/ETSO Deviations
TSO/ETSO Deviation
1. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C112 to use RTCA DO-178B instead of RTCA DO-178A.
2. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C112 to use RTCA DO-160D instead of RTCA DO-160B.
3. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C112 to use RTCA DO-181C instead of RTCA DO-181.
1. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C166 to use RTCA DO-160D instead of RTCA DO-160E.
1.10 Reference Documents
The following publications are sources of additional information for installing the GTX 23. Before installing the unit, the technician should read all relevant referenced materials along with this manual.
Part Number Document
190-01115-01 G3X Installation Manual
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1.11 Aviation Limited Warranty
All Garmin avionics products are warranted to be free from defects in materials or workmanship for: one years from the date of purchase for new Remote-Mount and Panel-Mount products; one year from the date of purchase for new portable products and any purchased newly-overhauled products; six months for newly-overhauled products exchanged through a Garmin Authorized Service Center; and 90 days for factory repaired or newly-overhauled products exchanged at Garmin in lieu of repair. Within the applicable period, Garmin will, at its sole option, repair or replace any components that fail in normal use. Such repairs or replacement will be made at no charge to the customer for parts or labor, provided that the customer shall be responsible for any transportation cost. This warranty does not apply to: (i) cosmetic damage, such as scratches, nicks and dents; (ii) consumable parts, such as batteries, unless product damage has occurred due to a defect in materials or workmanship; (iii) damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse, water, flood, fire, or other acts of nature or external causes; (iv) damage caused by service performed by anyone who is not an authorized service provider of Garmin; or (v) damage to a product that has been modified or altered without the written permission of Garmin. In addition, Garmin reserves the right to refuse warranty claims against products or services that are obtained and/or used in contravention of the laws of any country.
Garmin retains the exclusive right to repair or replace (with a new or newly-overhauled replacement product) the product or software or offer a full refund of the purchase price at its sole discretion. SUCH REMEDY SHALL BE YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR ANY BREACH OF WARRANTY.
Online Auction Purchases: Products purchased through online auctions are not eligible for warranty coverage. Online auction confirmations are not accepted for warranty verification. To obtain warranty service, an original or copy of the sales receipt from the original retailer is required. Garmin will not replace missing components from any package purchased through an online auction.
International Purchases: A separate warranty may be provided by international distributors for devices purchased outside the United States depending on the country. If applicable, this warranty is provided by the local in-country distributor and this distributor provides local service for your device. Distributor warranties are only valid in the area of intended distribution. Devices purchased in the United States or Canada must be returned to the Garmin service center in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, or Taiwan for service.
Garmin International, Inc. Garmin (Europe) Ltd. 1200 East 151st Street Liberty House, Bulls Copse Road Olathe, Kansas 66062, U.S.A. Hounsdown Business Park Phone:913/397.8200 Romsey, SO40 9RB, U.K. FAX:913/397.0836 Phone:44/ (0) 870.8501241 FAX:44/ (0) 870.850125
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