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Garmin 16-HVS GPS Receiver
Table of Contents
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D-3. Supported NMEA 0183 Sentences Order and Size ........................... D-3
D-4. $DGPGGA Global Positioning System Fix Data .............................. D-3
Garmin 16-HVS GPS Receiver
FIGURE 1. Garmin 16-HVS GPS Receiver, Part Number 17215
1. Overview
The Garmin16-HVS is a complete GPS receiver manufactured by Garmin
International, Inc. The Garmin16-HVS has been configured by Campbell
Scientific, Inc. (CSI) to work with CSI dataloggers.
The CR1000, CR3000, CR800, and CR850 dataloggers use serial input
instructions and string handling functions to read, parse and store GPS data.
The CR10X, CR23X, and other dataloggers that support P15 or the SDM-SIO4
four channel serial interface can be used with the Garmin16-HVS. The CR510
and CR200-series do not support serial data input. See Appendix A for
information regarding the CR10X, CR23X, CR5000, CR9000(X) and SDMSIO4 applications.
2. Wiring
The Garmin16-HVS includes the GPS receiver and antenna in the same
housing with one cable for the power supply and communications. The GPS
antenna must have a clear view of the sky. Generally the GPS antenna will not
work indoors.
The Garmin16-HVS is a 12-channel GPS receiver that supports FAA Wide
Area Augmentation System (WAAS) or RTCM differential GPS. Also
supported is the 1 Pulse Per Second (PPS) timing signal. The cable
connections provided with the Garmin16-HVS do not support differential GPS
correction. The cable can be modified by the user if differential correction is
Wiring for the Garmin16-HVS can be done with or without the RJ45
connector. When shipped from Campbell Scientific, the Garmin16-HVS has
an RJ45 connector attached to the cable end. The Garmin16-HVS can be
purchased with an RJ45 adapter with flying leads, an RJ45 to DB9 RS-232
adapter, and a magnetic mount. Table 2-1 is the wiring description for the
RJ45 adapter with flying leads. To use Table 2-2, the RJ45 connector must be
cut off the cable.
Garmin 16-HVS GPS Receiver
If the Garmin16-HVS is to be connected to a computer for setups, an RJ45 to
DB9 adapter is needed.
TABLE 2-1. Wiring the RJ45 Connector with Flying Leads
GPS-Garmin16-HVS Datalogger Connection Function
Blue 12 volts Power
Orange Ground Power Ground
Black Ground Remote on/off
Green Data in RS232 TX out of GPS
Yellow None 1 Pulse Per Second
FIGURE 2. RJ45 with Flying Leads, Part Number 17217
FIGURE 3. CR1000 to GPS16-HVS Using the 17218 Adapter
Garmin 16-HVS GPS Receiver
TABLE 2-2. Wiring without the RJ45 Connector
(Garmin Wiring)
Pin Color Function
1 Red Power in, 6.0 to 40 volts DC
2 Black Power ground
3 Yellow Remote power on/off switch, ground for on, float
for off
4 Blue Port 1 Data in, RS232 or TTL levels OK
5 White Port 1 Data out, RS232 Levels
6 Gray PPS
7 Green Port 2 Data in, RS232 or TTL levels, DGPS input
8 Violet Port 2, Data out, RS232, reserved for future use
TABLE 2-3. RJ45 to DB9 RS-232 Adapter
Pin Color Function
NA Red Power in, 12 volts
NA Black Ground
NA Yellow PPS
5 NA GPS, power and remote on/off ground
3 NA GPS data in
2 NA GPS data out
FIGURE 4. RJ45 to DB9 Serial Adapter, Part Number 17218
The Garmin16-HVS has several data formats available. The Garmin16-HVS is
configured to output the NEMA $GPGGA time and position string. It is
possible to configure the Garmin16-HVS to output other NEMA strings
including the $GPVTG track made good and ground speed string. See
Appendix D for details.
Sample NEMA $GPGGA data string:
TABLE 3-1. NEMA $GPGGA String Definition
Field Description
0 $GPGGA NEMA string identifier
1 hhmmss UTC of Position: Hours, minutes, seconds
2 1111.111 Latitude: Degrees, minutes, thousandths of minutes
3 a N (North) or S (South)
4 nnnnn.nnn Longitude: Degrees, minutes, thousandths of minutes
5 b E (East) or W (West)
6 t GPS Quality Indicator: 0 = No GPS, 1 = GPS, 2 =
7 uu Number of Satellites in Use
8 v.v Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP)
9 w.w Antenna Altitude in Meters
10 M M = Meters
11 x.x Geoidal Separation in Meters
12 M M = Meters. Geoidal separation is the difference
between the WGS-84 earth ellipsoid and mean-sea-
13 y.y Age of Differential GPS Data. Time in seconds since
the last Type 1 or 9 Update
14 zzzz Differential Reference Station ID (0000 to 1023)
15 * Asterisk, generally used as the termination character
16 hh Checksum
17 <CR><LF> Carriage return, line feed characters.
Sample $GPGGA output strings:
Cold Start
No satellites acquired, Real Time Clock and Almanac invalid:
Warm Start
No satellites acquired, time from Real Time Clock, almanac valid:
Warm Start
One satellite in use, time from GPS Real Time Clock (not GPS), no position:
Valid GPS Fix
Three satellites acquired, time and position valid:
If the almanac and ephemeris data are not stored in the non-volatile data, GPS
acquisition time is less than 5 minutes. If only the ephemeris data are
unknown, acquisition time is less than 45 seconds. If all data are known
(warm start), GPS acquisition time is less than 15 seconds.
4. CRBasic Programming
CRBasic is used to write programs for the CR1000, CR3000, CR800, and
CR850 dataloggers. These dataloggers use several instructions to read GPS
output, which is asynchronous serial data. As shipped from Campbell
Scientific, the GPS receiver will output data once a second, 1200 baud, 8 data
bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit. Only the GPGGA string is output. See Section
3 for details on the GPGGA string. See Appendix D for specifics on changing
the GPS receiver setups, including using higher baud rates, which the CR1000,
CR3000, CR800, and CR850 support.
Garmin 16-HVS GPS Receiver
4.1 Read GPS Data
4.1.1 SerialOpen
SerialOpen is used to open the appropriate serial port, specify the baud rate,
data format, etc. Any of the six serial ports may be used, but option codes 3, 4
and 5 are not used in this application. Data format is zero, TX delay is zero,
buffer size should be about 2000, which is large enough to prevent the
GPGGA string from overrunning the buffer before data is read by the SerialIn
instruction. If memory is limited, the buffer size can be smaller.
Example: SerialOpen (com1,1200,0,0,2000)
4.1.2 SerialIn
The SerialIn instruction removes data from the buffer declared in the
SerialOpen instruction and places the data in a variable of type string. Use a
timeout of 20, a termination character of 13, and maximum number of
characters of 100, or 1 less than the size of the destination variable. Declare a
string variable of size 101 before using SerialIn.
Example: Public GPSdata as string * 101
Example: SerialIn (GPSData,com1,20,13,100)
4.1.3 SerialFlush
The SerialFlush instruction is used to clear all data from the buffer associated
with the serial port.
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