Garmin EC 130 B4 Rotorcraft Flight Manual Supplement

FAA Approved
Complete Supplement
See page 1
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SECTION 1. GENERAL ....................................................................... 5
1.1 System Description ....................................................... 5
1.2 System Power Sources .................................................. 6
1.3 Navigation Sources ....................................................... 6
1.4 Helicopter Synthetic Vision Technology (Optional) .... 6
1.5 Audio Panel .................................................................. 8
1.6 Interfaced Equipment .................................................... 8
1.7 Traffic Display and Control (Optional) ........................ 9
1.8 XM Data Link (Optional) ............................................. 9
1.9 Video Input (Optional).................................................. 9
1.10 Iridium Data Link (Optional) ........................................ 9
1.11 Radar Altimeter (Optional) ........................................... 9
1.12 Database Cards ............................................................. 9
1.13 System Description ..................................................... 10
1.14 Pitot-Static System ...................................................... 10
SECTION 2. LIMITATIONS .............................................................. 12
2.1 Types of Operation ..................................................... 12
2.2 Cockpit Reference & Pilot’s Guides ........................... 12
2.3 System Software Requirements .................................. 12
2.4 Databases .................................................................... 12
2.5 AHRS Operational Area ............................................. 13
2.6 AHRS Operation ......................................................... 13
2.7 Maximum Airspeed .................................................... 13
2.8 Navigation Angle ........................................................ 14
2.9 Course Pointer Auto Slewing ..................................... 14
2.10 Helicopter Synthetic Vision Technology (HSVT) ...... 14
2.11 Terrain and Obstacle Display ..................................... 14
2.12 Datalinked Weather Display ....................................... 14
2.13 Traffic Display ............................................................ 15
2.14 Equipment Requirements ............................................ 16
2.15 Placards ....................................................................... 16
SECTION 3. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES .................................... 17
3.1. Loss of Electrical Power ............................................. 17
3.2. Malfunction Indications and Procedures..................... 17
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SECTION 4. NORMAL PROCEDURES ........................................... 22
4.1 PFD Knob & PFD Soft Keys ...................................... 22
4.2 MFD Knobs & MFD Soft Keys .................................. 22
4.3 Helicopter Synthetic Vision Technology (HSVT) ...... 23
4.4 HSVT Terrain ............................................................. 23
4.5 Altitude Alerter ........................................................... 23
SECTION 5. PERFORMANCE .......................................................... 24
SECTION 6. WEIGHT AND BALANCE .......................................... 25
Figure 1-1- GDU 620 PFD/MFD Displays ............................................ 5
Figure 1-2- Typical HSVT Display ....................................................... 7
Figure 1-3- G500H Flight Display System Block Diagram ................. 11
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1.1 System Description
The G500H Flight Display System consists of a Primary Flight Display (PFD) and Multi- Function Display (MFD) housed in a single Garmin Display Unit (GDU 620), an Air Data Computer (GDC 74H ADC) and Attitude and Heading Reference Systems (GRS 77H AHRS). The G500H interfaces with a Garmin GNS 400W, 500W, or 480 series GPS/WAAS navigator and an audio panel. Optionally, the G500H may interface with other systems installed in the rotorcraft including a Garmin GTX330 transponder, TAS traffic system, GDL 69(A) satellite data link, video sources, radar altimeter and GSR 56 Iridium data link.
The primary function of the PFD is to provide attitude, heading, air data and navigation information (from GNS units) to the pilot. The primary function of the MFD is to display supplemental data including mapping, terrain, video, charts, and flight plan information.
Figure 1-1- GDU 620 PFD/MFD Displays
The standby instruments (airspeed, altimeter and magnetic compass) are completely independent from the PFD and will continue to operate in the event the PFD is inoperative. These standby instruments should be included in the
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pilot’s normal instrument scan and must be utilized if the PFD data is in
Table 1-1
Circuit Breaker
Unit Controlled
Garmin Display Unit (PFD/MFD), GDU 620
Attitude and Heading Reference System, GRS 77H
Air Data Computer, GDC 74H
1.2 System Power Sources
The G500H system depends on electrical power to function. The Garmin Display Unit (GDU), Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS), and Air Data Computer (ADC) are connected to the aircraft main bus.
The major components of the G500H are circuit breaker protected with push­pull type circuit breakers available to the pilot. These breakers are located in the pedestal (30 α) circuit breaker panel and are labeled as shown in Table 1-1.
1.3 Navigation Sources
The G500H requires at least one Garmin GPS/WAAS navigation unit to be installed to ensure the integrity of the Attitude and Heading Reference System. The AHRS will still operate in reversionary mode if all GPS sources fail, and the PFD attitude display will still be presented.
The HSI on the G500H can display course deviation information from up to four sources: GPS 1, GPS 2, VLOC 1, or VLOC 2. (If NAV 2 source is compatible with G500H). In addition, the HSI can display two simultaneous bearing pointers sourced from GPS 1, GPS 2, VLOC 1, VLOC 2.
1.4 Helicopter Synthetic Vision Technology (Optional)
HSVT uses an internal terrain database and GPS location to present the pilot with a synthetic view of the terrain and obstacles in front of the aircraft. The purpose of the HSVT system is to assist the pilot in maintaining situational awareness with regard to the terrain and traffic surrounding the aircraft. A typical HSVT display is shown in Figure 1-2.
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Figure 1-2- Typical HSVT Display
HSVT provides additional features on the G500H primary flight display (PFD) which include the following information:
Synthetic Terrain; an artificial, database derived, three dimensional view of the terrain ahead of the aircraft within a field of view of approximately 25 degrees left and 25 degrees right of the aircraft heading.
Obstacles; obstacles such as towers, including buildings that are within the depicted synthetic terrain field of view.
Flight Path Marker (FPM); an indication of the current lateral and vertical path of the aircraft. The FPM is displayed when synthetic terrain is selected for display and ground speed is more than 30 knots.
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Horizon Line; a white line indicating the true horizon is always displayed on the SVT display.
Horizon Heading; a pilot selectable display of heading marks displayed just above the horizon line on the PFD.
Airport Signs; pilot selectable “signposts” displayed on the synthetic
terrain display indicating the position of nearby airports that are in the G500H database.
Runway Highlight; a highlighted presentation of the location and orientation of the runway(s) at the destination airport.
Traffic (Optional); a display on the PFD indicating the position of other aircraft detected by a traffic system interfaced to the G500H system. The synthetic terrain depiction displays an area approximating the view from the pilot’s eye position when looking directly ahead out the windshield in front of the pilot. Terrain features outside the field of view are not shown on the display.
The synthetic terrain display is intended to aid the pilot awareness of the terrain and obstacles in front of the aircraft. It may not provide either the accuracy or fidelity, or both, on which to solely base decisions and plan maneuvers to avoid terrain or obstacles. The synthetic vision elements are not intended to be used for primary aircraft control in place of the primary flight instruments.
1.5 Audio Panel
The G500H Flight Display System is interfaced with the audio panel installed in the rotorcraft to provide aural altering generated by the G500.
1.6 Interfaced Equipment
The G500H Flight Display System is designed to interface with other avionics systems including:
TIS Traffic TAS Traffic GDL 69 XM Data link Video GSR 56 Iridium Data link GNS 400W or 500W Series Navigator Radar Altimeter System
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