Resident Evil 3 NEMESIS
PART I - Things You Should Know - READ THIS!
Please read through the DirectX 6.1 section of this document. This
section has information that is vital to successfully running the game
on your system.
Table of Contents
Quick Note on the Controls
Windows 95a Users and OLE Error Message
Memory and Performance
Preparing Your Hard Drive
Crashes and Lock-Ups
Controller Problems
AutoPlay Issuesr
DirectX 6.1
Graphic Correction Options
Technical Support
Quick Note on the Controls
1. When manually changing the keys in "Controls" in the OPTION window
(Press F5 to display this window), please be careful not to assign two or
more keys to the same function. E.g. Assigning "forward" and "view map" to
the same key.
2. Please note that the key "M" can also be used to skip the door animation in
the game. For joypad users, the default key to skip the door animation is "X"
button. Lastly, when the map is displayed on the screen and if you have
more than one map in your possession, you can use press the "M" key again
to display the list of map you posses. Press the "Enter" key to view the
selected map.
Windows 95a Users and OLE Error Message
I installed Resident Evil 3 on my Windows 95 computer but when I
click "Run Resident Evil 3" from the launcher, an error message
relating to "OLE" is displayed on the screen and the game would not
run at all.
You may have an older version of Windows 95. After starting Windows 95,
please right-click your mouse on "My Computer" icon usually located on the
upper left-hand corner of the screen. A menu will be displayed on the icon.
From the menu, click "Properties" to display the Properties Window. In this
window, you will see a heading called "System" under the "General" tab. Under
this heading, if it says "Microsoft Windows 95 4.00.950a" then, it would mean
that you have an older version of Windows 95. If this is the case, Internet
Explorer 4.0 or greater must be installed before playing Resident Evil 3 on your
computer. This is because; the older version of Windows 95 lacks certain
components that the newer Windows 95 and 98 have to run advanced
applications such as Resident Evil 3. By installing Internet Explorer 4.0 or
greater, these components missing from the older version of Windows 95 is
installed into Windows 95. Thus, allowing the computer to run more advanced
Memory and Performance
The game requires at least 64MB of RAM.
Regardless of how much memory you have, you can maximise your available
memory and increase the overall performance of the game engine by doing the
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- Closing any open windows
- Shutting down all other programs, including menu-bar programs like ICQ
- Defragmenting your hard drive
Preparing Your Hard Drive
To ensure that your installation is trouble free, you should check to see that
your hard drive and file system are both tuned for optimum performance.
Windows 95/98 comes with two utility programs that find and fix any errors
and optimise your hard drive's performance. The first of these programs is
called scandisk. Scandisk will check your hard drive for problems and can fix
any that it finds. You can run scandisk by clicking on the START button from
the Windows 95/98 Taskbar, followed by Programs, then Accessories, then
System Tools, and finally scandisk.
Once scandisk has finished running, you should next optimise your hard
drive's performance by running a program called Disk Defragmenter.. You
can run Disk Defragmenter by clicking on the START button from the
Windows 95/98 desktop, followed by Programs, then Accessories, then
System Tools, and finally Disk Defragmenter.
Crashes and Lock-Ups
When I start Resident Evil 3 NEMESIS, my mouse cursor disappears
and my computer locks-up.
Chances are your installed audio card drivers are not compatible with DirectX.
The only solution is to get a DirectX 6.1 compatible driver from your audio
card manufacturer.
The Installer keeps stopping when a certain percentage is complete,
so I can't install Resident Evil 3 NEMESIS.
There are three likely causes:
1) You may have run out of free space on your hard drive.
= "
2) Files are possibly being copied to a corrupted area of your hard drive. If
this is so, you'll need to run the scandisk program and make sure to use the
Thorough option (see previous). After scandisk has finished running and has
informed you that your drive is free of errors, try to re-install.
3) There may be dirt or fingerprints on the CD-ROM disc itself. Examine the
bottom of the disc; if you see any fingerprints or dirt, carefully clean the
using a clean, soft, lint-free cloth by wiping from the centre of the disc (near
the hole) towards the outer edge in a straight line.
Resident Evil 3 NEMESIS is crashing to the desktop with no error
Several different things can cause this problem. Here's a list of the most
common culprits associated with these crashes:
1) Make sure the CD-ROM is clean (check for both scratches and smudges
on the reading surface of the CD).
2) Make sure the game has been installed properly.
3) Make sure DirectX 6.1 has been installed properly.
4) Make sure you have the latest Windows 95/98 drivers for your video
card and that they are DirectX 6.1-compatible.
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