Kurt Hectic never wanted to be a hero. He would have been content with
a normal life, living his years in quiet, dignified anonymity, but it was not
to be. Kurt was a loyal employee, and working for eccentric genius Doctor
Fluke Hawkins meant occasionally doing the extraordinary. In utter
disbelief, Kurt was eventually called upon to leave his beloved Earth,
assuming the unlikely title of first janitor in space.
Doctor Hawkins had long suffered ridicule from his fellow scientists. They
claimed he was too eccentric, and that his methods were questionable at
best. In time Hawkins grew tired of hearing such things, and seeking to
work undisturbed he fled the earth into a self-imposed exile. His ship, the
‘Jim Dandy,’ was launched without fanfare, and he swore not to return
until he had vindicated himself in the eyes of his peers. Weeks turned to
months and months slowly turned to years.
The greatest of the Doctor’s inventions in exile was a six-legged canine
named Max, the first successful attempt by Dr. Hawkins to create an
artificial intelligence. ‘Successful’ meant that he never tried to kill the
good doctor, and had no plans for global domination. The perfect
assistant, Max kept the Doctor grounded in reality, and performed much
the same function as the safety-catch on an assault rifle. He was eager to
please and adaptable to any task, his gentle soul oddly balanced with an
affinity for firepower.
The time for Doctor Hawkins to prove the real merit of his genius came
sooner than anyone could have expected. Creatures from a strange
dimension attacked the Earth, riding ‘energy streams’ to the surface and
stripping it of all mineral wealth. They landed great machines:
‘minecrawlers’ that destroyed everything in their path and laid waste to
entire cities. The forces of Earth were helpless before the onslaught.
Watching the devastation on Earth, the crew of the ‘Jim Dandy’ knew they
had to act. Kurt was outfitted in the most radical of the Doctor’s creations:
an untested armored ‘Coil Suit,’ with chain-gun and a sniper rifle
ordinance that could target enemies a mile away. Leaping from the ship
on an unconventional parachute of ribbon, Kurt had to make his way to
the pilot of each minecrawler and hopefully disable the machines. Kurt
was reluctant, but he had no choice. He was the Earth’s last hope.
Kurt valiantly fought through the alien defenses, driving to the very heart
of each minecrawler, defeating pilot after pilot after pilot, with each falling
to his desperate determination. He ultimately challenged the evil