Main PCBA........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Features and Functions ..................................................................................................................6
Page Line Audio Transmission .............................................................................................................. 6
Page Line Audio Monitoring Output .................................................................................................... 7
Page Line Audio Detect Output Contact .............................................................................................. 8
Page Line FSK Data Transmission (SmartSeries Systems) ................................................................ 8
Page Line 50 kHz VLC Transmission ................................................................................................... 9
Page Line Ground Fault Detection ........................................................................................................ 9
Line Extender
Page Line Ground Fault Re-generation .............................................................................................. 10
Page Line Ground Fault Output Contact ........................................................................................... 10
Party Line Audio Transmission ........................................................................................................... 11
Party Line Off-Hook Detection ............................................................................................................ 12
Party Line Off-Hook Regeneration ..................................................................................................... 13
Audio Line Muting ................................................................................................................................ 13
Audio Line Connection Relays ............................................................................................................ 14
Manual Initiation of Echo Canceling .................................................................................................................. 16
Line Balance ..................................................................................................................... 15
Data Links between Line Extenders .............................................................................................17
T1/E1 over an Ethernet IP Network ................................................................................................... 17
Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) Data Link ..................................................................... 17
Configuring the Data Links ................................................................................................................. 18
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
Table of Contents Pub. 42004-488C
T1/E1 Data Format Selection .............................................................................................................................. 18
T1 Line Build-out Settings .................................................................................................................................. 18
T1/E1 Receiver Equalization Gain Limit ............................................................................................................ 19
T1/E1 Data Line Grounding ............................................................................................................................... 20
LVDS Data Link Settings ................................................................................................................................... 20
LVDS Port Indicators ......................................................................................................................................... 21
Typical Data Link Settings ................................................................................................................... 22
Point-to-Point Page/Party® System Connection .................................................................................................. 22
Point to Multi-point Page/Party® System Connection ........................................................................................ 23
Series Connection of Page/Party® System .......................................................................................................... 24
IP Bandwidth Requirements ............................................................................................................................... 25
Rules for Interconnecting More than Two Model LE300-IPs ............................................................................ 25
Power Connections ............................................................................................................................................. 28
Page/Party® System Cable Connection ............................................................................................................... 28
Home Screen ....................................................................................................................................................... 39
Configuring Management Access Permisions and Methods ............................................................................... 39
Changing the Management Host IP Address ...................................................................................................... 40
Changing the Default Password .......................................................................................................................... 41
Configuring the System Clock ............................................................................................................................ 42
Configuring E1 and T1 at the Physical Level ..................................................................................................... 43
Connecting Bundles between Line Extenders ..................................................................................................... 45
Summary of PC Board Connections and Settings .......................................................................48
Record of the Settings ...................................................................................................................52
Testing and Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................55
Generating Audio Test Signals ............................................................................................................ 55
Function Testing.................................................................................................................................... 56
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
Table of Contents Pub. 42004-488C
Replacement Parts ................................................................................................................................ 65
Reference Material ................................................................................................................................ 65
Definitions and Acronyms ............................................................................................................65
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
Model LE300-IP
Confidential ity Notice
This manual is provided solely as an operational, installation, and maintenance guide and contains
sensitive business and technical information that is confidential and proprietary to GAI-Tronics. GAITronics retains all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein, and such
information may only be used in connection with the operation of your GAI-Tronics product or system.
This manual may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to any third party.
Line Extender
General Information
The GAI-Tronics Model LE300-IP Line Extenders are used in pairs to connect two Page/Party®,
SmartSeries or ICS Page/Party
Ethernet access. Refer to Figure 1 for a typical block diagram.
cable segments over an IP Network using Fast Ethernet or Gigabit
Figure 1. Typical System Block Diagram
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-488C
Model LE300-IP Line Extender and Sub-Component Details
Refer to Figure 2 below for dimensional information and the sub-component layout of the Model LE300IP Line Extender.
Figure 2. Model LE300-IP Line Extender Outline
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Model LE300-IP Internal View
Figure 3. Interior View of Components - Model LE300-IP
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Audio Termination Connection Module
The page line and party line 1–5 conductors of the Page/Party® system cable connect to the Audio
Termination Connection Module. This module also can provide the 33-ohm line balance resistance needed
for the audio lines. Audio line functions are described later in this manual.
Figure 4. Audio Termination Connection Module
Input/Output (I/O) Termination Connection Module
The I/O Termination Connection Module connects the control wiring needed to send contact closures
across the line extenders. I/O features and functions are described later in this manual.
Figure 5. Input/ Output (I/O) Connection Module
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The Main PCBA contains all the central processing and line driver circuitry for the Model LE300-IP Line
Extender. The board contains numerous connectors, switches and jumpers for setting the line extender
operating parameters. Figure 6 below identifies the various components on the Main PCBA. Features and
functions of each are described later in this manual.
Figure 6. Main PCBA
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Fea tures and Functions
The Model LE300-IP Page/Party® Line Extender provides the following features between Page/Party®
system cables.
Page Line Audio Transmission
A pair of Model LE300-IP Line Extenders provides page line audio transmission between two Page/Party®
system cables. This transmission is half-duplex operation.
When the line extender detects a peak audio level equal or above a Peak Voltage Level Detection
Threshold, it immediately switches audio “on” in that direction for the Transmission Direction Hold Time.
Audio from the other direction is muted and ignored during that time. Audio is not switched “off” until it
is continuously below the Peak Voltage Level Detection Threshold for the Transmission Direction Hold
Time. The DIP switch SW2 positions 5–7, located on the Main PCBA, selects Peak Voltage Level
Detection Threshold and Transmission Direction Hold Time. Refer to Figure 6 for the location of Switch
SW2 on the Main PCBA and Table 1 and Table 2 below for setting options.
Table 1. Transmission Direction Hold Time Settings on Main PCBA
SW2-5 SW2-6 Transmission Direction Hold Time
Open* Open * 1280 milliseconds
Closed Open 640 milliseconds
Open Closed 160 milliseconds
Closed Closed 40 milliseconds
NOTES: 1. Changes to this parameter take effect without cycling power.
2. *Indicates default position.
Table 2. Peak Voltage Level Detection Threshold on Main PCBA
SW2-7 Peak Voltage Level Detection Threshold
Open* −12 dB relative to nominal
Closed −24 dB relative to nominal
NOTES: 1. Changes to this parameter take effect without cycling power.
2. *Indicates default position.
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Page Line Audio Monitoring Output
The Model LE300-IP Line Extender provides a balanced 600-ohm audio output for monitoring audio on
both the local and remote page lines. The LE300-IP mixes the local and remote page line audio and routes
it to the 600-ohm audio output terminals. This audio can be sent to any external audio device (recorder,
radio transmitter, amplifier, etc.) with an input impedance equal to or greater than 600 ohms. The audio
output gain is adjustable using DIP switch SW3 positions 5–8 on the Main PCBA. Refer to Figure 6 for
the location of Switch SW3 on the Main PCBA and the tables below for setting options.
Table 3. Page Line Monitor Output Gain Setting on Main PCBA
Monitor Output
Open* Open* Open* Open* 0 dB
Closed Open Open Open −30 dB
Open Closed Open Open −27 dB
Closed Closed Open Open −24 dB
Open Open Closed Open −21 dB
Closed Open Closed Open −18 dB
Open Closed Closed Open −15 dB
Closed Closed Closed Open −12 dB
Open Open Open Closed −9 dB
Closed Open Open Closed −6 dB
Open Closed Open Closed −3 dB
Closed Closed Open Closed 0 dB
Open Open Closed Closed +3 dB
Closed Open Closed Closed +6 dB
Open Closed Closed Closed +9 dB
Closed Closed Closed Closed +12 dB
NOTES: 1. Changes to this parameter take effect without cycling power.
2. *Indicates default position.
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Page Line Audio Detect Output Contact
The Model LE300-IP Line Extender provides a contact closure output that activates whenever audio is
detected on the page line. The contact can be set to close when audio is detected at the local page line, the
remote page line, or both. Typically this contact is used in conjunction with the Page Line Audio
Monitoring Output to provide a control contact to external devices or systems when page line audio is
present. The contact remains active for 1 second after the audio is no longer detected. DIP switch SW5
positions 6 and 7 enables or disables the output contact. Refer to Figure 6 for the location of switch SW5
on the Main PCBA and the tables below for setting options.
Table 4. Page Line Audio Detect Contact Main PCBA
SW5-6 SW5-7 Audio Detect Contact Operati on
Closed Closed Disabled
Open Closed Local page line audio activates the contact
Closed Open Remote page line audio activates the contact
Open* Open* Both Local and Remote page line audio activates the contact
NOTES: 1. Changes to this parameter take effect without cycling power.
2. *Indicates default position.
Page Line FSK Data Transmission (SmartSeries System s)
A pair of Model LE300-IP Line Extenders re-generates the FSK data transmission between two
SmartSeries Page/Party
SmartSeries Page/Party
operation, both line extenders must have this feature enabled by setting DIP switch SW5 position 1. Refer
to Figure 6 for the location of switch SW5 on the Main PCBA and Table 5 below for setting options.
SW5-1 Page Line FSK Transmission
Open* FSK data is disabled.
Closed FSK data is enabled.
NOTES: 1. Changes to this parameter take effect without cycling power.
2. *Indicates default position.
OTE: FSK operation and VLC operation (described below) cannot be enabled at the same time.
FSK operation is only used with SmartSeries systems.
system cables. FSK data transmission occurs on the page line allowing
stations to communicate with the ADVANCE system control cabinet. For proper
Table 5. Page Line FSK Transmission on Main PCBA
VLC operation is only used within NON-SmartSeries systems. If both 50 kHz VLC and FSK are
enabled at the same time, neither feature will function correct ly.
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Page Line 50 kHz VLC Transmission
A pair of Model LE300-IP Line Extenders re-generates the 50 kHz VLC control signal between two
and is typically used to alter the speaker volume of Page/Party
signals may also be used for other on/off control functions on some Page/Party
system cables. The 50 kHz VLC (Volume Level Control) signaling occurs on the page line
stations equipped VLC receivers. VLC
systems. For proper
operation, both line extenders must have this feature enabled by setting DIP switch SW5 position 2. Refer
to Figure 6 for the location of switch SW5 on the Main PCBA and Table 6 below for setting options.
Table 6. Page Line 50 kHz VLC Transmission Setting on Main PCBA
SW5-2 Page Line 50 kHz VLC Transmission
Open* 50 kHz VLC is disabled.
Closed 50 kHz VLC is enabled.
NOTES: 1. Changes to this parameter take effect without cycling power.
2. *Indicates default position.
OTE: FSK operation and VLC operation (described above) cannot be enabled at the same time.
FSK operation is only used with SmartSeries systems.
VLC operation is only used within NON-SmartSeries systems. If both 50 kHz VLC and FSK are
enabled at the same time, neither feature will function correct ly.
Page Line Ground Fault Detection
The Model LE300-IP Line Extenders provide page line ground fault detection on the local Page/Party®
system cable. If multiple line extenders are connected to the same Page/Party
one page line ground fault detector may be enabled. A shorting clip setting at header P5 on the Main
PCBA enables the page line ground fault detection. Refer to Figure 6 for the location of header P5 on the
Main PCBA and Table 7 below for setting options:
Table 7. Page Line Ground Fault Detection Setting on Main PCBA
P5 Shorting Clip Page Line Ground Fault Detection
Pins 1–2* Page line ground fault detection is disabled.
Pins 2–3 Page line ground fault detection is enabled.
Removed Page line ground fault detection is disabled.
1. If connecting an LE300-IP Line Extender to the same system cable segment as an ADVANCE
Interface (PPI) card, disable the LE300-IP page line ground fault detector. The PPI card
contains the ground fault detector. If both ground fault circuits are enabled simultaneously,
intermittent SmartSeries FSK data errors will occur between the PPI card and SmartSeries stations.
2. Changes to this parameter take effect without cycling power.
3. *Indicates default position.
system cable segment, only
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Page Line Ground Fault Re-generation
When a ground fault is detected at a remote LE300-IP Line Extender, the ground fault can be duplicated
on the local Page/Party
system cable. DIP switch SW5 position 3 enables regeneration of the ground
fault. Refer to Figure 6 for the location of switch SW5 on the Main PCBA and Table 8 below for setting
Table 8. Page Line Ground Fault Regeneration Setting on Main PCBA
SW5-3 Page Line Groun d Fault Regeneration
Open* Disabled - Page line ground faults detected on the remote system cable are NOT
regenerated on the local system cable.
Closed Enabled - Page line ground faults detected on the remote system cable are regenerated on
the local system cable.
1. The ground fault regeneration feature is used in SmartSeries systems to allow a ground fault on the
remote cable segment to be detected by the system control cabinet. Disable this feature if the line
extender is not installed in this type system.
2. Changes to this parameter take effect without cycling power.
3. *Indicates default position.
Page Line Ground Fault Output Contact
The Model LE300-IP provides a relay contact that activates whenever a ground fault is detected on the
local page line, remote page line or both the page lines. The ground fault detection feature (described
above) must be enabled. The contact output can be used to activate an external device or system that
annunciates the fault condition. The DIP switch SW5 positions 4 and 5 configure which page line ground
faults activate this contact. Refer to Figure 6 for the location of switch SW5 on the Main PCBA and Table
9 below for setting options.
Table 9. Page Line Ground Fault Contact Setting on Main PCBA
SW5-4 SW5-5 Page Line Ground Fault Contact
Closed Closed Disabled
Closed Open Remote page line ground fault activates the contact.
Open Closed Local page line ground fault activates the contact.
Open* Open* Both Local and Remote page line ground faults activate the contact.
NOTES: 1. Changes to this parameter take effect without cycling power.
2. *Indicates default position.
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Party Line Audio Transmission
A pair of Model LE300-IP Line Extenders provides full duplex party line audio between two Page/Party®
system cables, for party lines 1 through 5. During on-hook conditions of the party lines (meaning no
handset stations are in use), the LE300-IP will mute the local party line analog circuits.
If it is necessary to have party line audio enabled even when no stations are off-hook, DIP switch SW6-3
may be closed to disable this muting feature. This switch affects the on-hook muting function of all five
party lines simultaneously.
Refer to Figure 6 for the location of switch SW6 on the Main PCBA and Table 10 below for setting
Table 10. Party Line On-Hook Muting Setting on Main PCBA
SW6-3 Party Line On-H ook Muting
Open* Enabled – local party lines are muted when no handset stations are in use.
Closed Disabled – party line audio is never muted.
NOTES: 1. Changes to this parameter take effect without cycling power.
2. *Indicates default position.
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Party Line Off-Hook Detection
The Model LE300-IP Line Extenders provide off-hook detection on the local Page/Party® system cable for
party lines 1 through 5. An off-hook condition means a handset station is in use. If multiple line extenders
are connected to the same Page/Party
system cable segment, only one off-hook detector can be enabled.
If connecting an LE300-IP to the same system cable segment as an ADVANCE Page/Party
(PPI) card, disable the LE300-IP off-hook detection for party lines 1 and 2. The PPI card contains offhook detection for party lines 1 and 2.
Several shorting clips (P6–P15) are used to enable the off-hook detection feature on party line 1 through 5.
Two shorting clips are associated with each party line and must be set to the same position for proper
operation. The party lines 1 through 5 are configured independently. Refer to Figure 6 for the location of
P6–P15 on the Main PCBA and Table 11 below for setting options.
Table 11. Party Line Off-Hook Detection Setting on Main PCBA
Party Line Headers Shorting Clip Off-Hook Dete ction
Pins 1–2* Disabled
Party Line 1 P15, P14
Pins 2–3 Enabled
Removed Disabled
Pins 1–2* Disabled
Party Line 2 P13, P12
Pins 2–3 Enabled
Removed Disabled
Pins 1–2* Disabled
Party Line 3 P11, P10
Pins 2–3 Enabled
Removed Disabled
Pins 1–2* Disabled
Party Line 4 P9, P8
Pins 2–3 Enabled
Removed Disabled
Pins 1–2* Disabled
Party Line 5 P7, P6
Pins 2–3 Enabled
Removed Disabled
1. Changes to this parameter take effect without cycling power.
2. *Indicates default position.
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Party Line Off-Hook Regeneration
When an off-hook handset station is detected, the LE300-IP can transmit the off-hook condition to remote
line extenders so that it is duplicated on the remote Page/Party
system cable. Typically this feature is
used in systems that contain a telephone interface device so that the caller is transferred to the party line
when a handset station answers the call. DIP switch SW6 position 2 is used to enable this feature. This
switch affects the off-hook regeneration function of all five party lines. Refer to Figure 6 for the location
SW6 on the Main PCBA and Table 12 below for setting options.
Table 12. Off-Hook Regeneration on Main PCBA
SW6-2 Off-Hook Regeneration Setting
Open* Enabled – an off hook condition on the local party line is regenerated at the
remote line extender.
Closed Disabled
NOTES: 1. Changes to this parameter take effect without cycling power.
2. *Indicates default position.
Audio Line Muting
In some line extender configurations using the LVDS data link, the Page/Party® system cable is not
connected to the line extender. In this case, all audio lines (page and party lines 1 through 5) should be
muted since they are not physically connected. DIP switch SW6 position 4 on the Main PCBA enables
this feature. If this feature is enabled, it is unnecessary to disconnect the audio lines using the audio line
relays (mentioned above). Refer to Figure 6 for the location of SW6 on the Main PCBA and Table 13
below for setting options.
Table 13. Audio Line Mute Setting on Main PCBA
SW6-4 Mute Analog Lines Setting
Open* Disabled - Party lines 1–5 and page line are operational.
Closed Enabled - Party lines 1–5 and page line are muted.
NOTES: 1. Changes to this parameter take effect without cycling power.
2. *Indicates default position.
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Audio Line Connection Relays
The Model LE300-IP has relays that disconnect the page, party lines 1 through 5 and the page monitoring
audio output connections from the Main PCBA. The disconnect feature is used for special applications
such as connection of a single party line system, or other scenarios in which a particular audio line is not
physically connected to the line extender. DIP switch SW4 is used to control the audio line disconnect
feature. Refer to Figure 6 for the location of SW4 on the Main PCBA and Table 14 below for setting
Table 14. Audio Line Connection Relay Settings on Main PCBA
Audio Line Switch SW4 Setting Field Wiring
Party Line 5 SW4-1
Party Line 4 SW4-2
Party Line 3 SW4-3
Party Line 2 SW4-4
Party Line 1 SW4-5
Page Line SW4-6
Page Monitor SW4-7
N/A SW4-8
Open Disconnected
Closed* Connected
Open Disconnected
Closed* Connected
Open Disconnected
Closed* Connected
Open Disconnected
Closed* Connected
Open Disconnected
Closed* Connected
Open Disconnected
Closed* Connected
Open Disconnected
Closed* Connected
Not used.
NOTES: 1. Changes to this parameter take effect without cycling power.
2. *Indicates default position.
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Page/Party® Line Balance
For proper system operation, the page line and party lines 1 through 5 must be terminated with a resistance
of approximately 33 ohms. The Model LE300-IP provides potentiometers to set the line balance resistance
on the page line and five party lines. The line balance resistors are located on the Audio Termination
Connection Module next to the page and party line terminal blocks. The line balance resistors are
adjustable or can be disabled using shorting clips P1–P7.
If connecting an LE300-IP Line Extender to the same system cable segment as an ADVANCE Page/Party
Interface (PPI) card, disable the line balance for party lines 1, 2, and the page line. The PPI card provides
the line balance resistors for these audio lines. Refer to Figure 3 for the location of the Audio Termination
Connection Module. Refer to Figure 4 for the location of the jumpers and potentiometers on the Audio
Termination Connection Module and Table 15 below for setting details.
Table 15. Page/Party
Audio Line Header Shorting Clip Line Balance Adjustment
Line Balance Settings on Audio Termination Connection Module
Pins 1–2* Disabled
Party Line 5 P6
Party Line 4 P3
Party Line 3 P1
Party Line 2 P2
Party Line 1 P4
R23 Pins 2–3 Enabled
Removed Disabled
Pins 1–2* Disabled
R19 Pins 2–3 Enabled
Removed Disabled
Pins 1–2* Disabled
R3 Pins 2–3 Enabled
Removed Disabled
Pins 1–2* Disabled
R4 Pins 2–3 Enabled
Removed Disabled
Pins 1–2* Disabled
R20 Pins 2–3 Enabled
Removed Disabled
Pins 1–2* Disabled
Page Line P7
Removed Disabled
NOTES: *Indicates default position.
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R24 Pins 2–3 Enabled
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Contact Closure Inputs & Relay Outputs (I/O)
Five independent contact closures can be transmitted across a pair of line extenders, meaning that an active
input contact on the local line extender results in the corresponding output relay contact energizing on the
remote line extender. Contact closures are bi-directional between line extender pairs.
Example: Closing a switch contact across input #1 of the local line extender results in relay output #1
activating on the remote line extender and vice versa. When the input contact is removed the
corresponding output relay de-activates. No switch or jumper setting is required on the Main PCBA for
configuring the I/O feature.
OTE: Any active output contacts will deactivate if the data link is broken between the line extenders.
Echo Cancellation
Line echo (also known as electric or hybrid echo) is created by the electrical circuitry connected to a twowire (full duplex) audio system. Echo is inherent in all full-duplex audio systems and is affected by the
audio line length and line impedance mismatches. The presence of audible echoes results in undesirable
audio quality. This kind of quality degradation is inherent in network equipment and end-user telephone
To minimize echo, the Model LE300-IP performs an echo cancellation sequence on party lines 1 through
5. The echo cancellation process takes approximately 15 seconds and is performed automatically one
minute after power is applied to the LE300-IP. This delay allows all power levels to stabilize prior to
performing echo cancellation.
OTE: Signal impulses are transmitted onto the party lines during the echo cancellation process. Handset
station users on a party line will hear the signals in the handset receiver. For troubleshooting purposes, the
1-minute delay may be disabled by closing DIP switch SW6 position 1. Refer to Figure 6 for the location
of SW6 on the Main PCBA and Table 16 below for setting details.
Table 16. Echo Cancellation Power-On Delay Setting on Main PCBA
SW6-1 Echo Cancellation Power-On Delay
Open* 1 minute
Closed No delay
NOTES: 1. Changes to this parameter take effect when cycling power.
2. *Indicates default position.
Manual Initiation of Echo Canceling
Echo cancellation can be manually initiated as described below.
Press and release push button PB1 on the Main PCBA three times. The push button must be pressed for at
least 0.25 second and no more than 2 seconds each time. The timing requirement is meant to prevent
accidental requests. If an error is made with the push-button timing, the sequence must be repeated from
the beginning.
The LEDs on the Main PCBA will indicate the progress of the echo canceling sequence. One column of
LEDs turns on after each push button and press release until the sequence is started. Once the sequence is
started, those LEDs remain on, and a countdown timer is displayed on the remaining LEDs. The LEDs
turn OFF after the echo cancellation training sequence is complete.
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Data Links between Line Extenders
The Model LE300-IP Line Extender is equipped with two different data link types for connecting to
another line extender. The two data link types are a T1/E1 link via the IP network and a Low Voltage
Differential Signaling (LVDS) link. The type of data link(s) used is determined by the system architecture.
It is possible to use both types at the same time to achieve complex system architectures. The data link
type, their intended use, and the applicable switch settings are described below.
T1/E1 over an Ethernet IP Network
This data link is used to connect two Model LE300-IP Line Extenders using an IP Network. The Model
LE300-IP contains an IPmux-24, which converts the data stream from its E1/T1 port into packets for
transmission over the network. These packets are transmitted via the Ethernet network port to a remote
LE300-IP device that receives the packets and converts them back to their original T1/E1 format.
The LE300-IP Line Extender should be connected to the closest Ethernet switch in the network. The
distance between LE300-IP Line Extender and the Ethernet switch determines the type of cable connection
needed. CAT5 or CAT6 cable can be used if the distance is <100 meters. The CAT5 or CAT6 cable
should be terminated with RJ-45 plugs for connection to the LE300-IP Line Extender and the Ethernet
For distances exceeding 100 meters, fiber optic cable must be used. When using fiber optic cable, a small
form-factor pluggable (SFP) module must be purchased separately and plugged into the IPmux-24 to
provide a termination point for the fiber cable inside the line extender. The optional SFP modules are
available for use with multi-mode fiber optic or single mode fiber optic cable. The SFP modules contain
LC-type fiber optic connector. Refer to the SFP data sheets for maximum cable distances.
Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVD S) Data Link
The LVDS data link connection is used to connect two or more Model LE300-IP Line Extenders in a
“daisy chain” fashion when the line extenders are located within 10 meters of each other. The LVDS data
link requires a straight-through CAT5e cable between line extenders. Each line extender contains an
LVDS data “in” port and an LVDS data “out” port. The “out” port of the first line extender connects to the
“in” port of the next line extender. This connection scheme can be used to link up to a maximum of eight
line extenders and is typically used when multiple line extenders are installed in a central location.
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Configuring the Data Links
The T1/E1 and LVDS data link parameters between line extenders must be configured using multiple DIP
switch settings on the Main PCBA. The following sections describe each parameter and the switch
T1/E1 Data Format Selection
The LE300-IP supports both T1 and E1 data line connections between units. T1 is a digital circuit that
uses the DS-1 (Digital Signaling level 1) signaling format to transmit voice/data at 1.544 Mbps. T1 can
carry up to 24 digital channels for voice or data. E1 is the European equivalent which carries information
at the rate of 2.048 Mbps. E1 is used to transmit 30 digital channels for voice or data plus one channel for
signaling, and one channel for framing and maintenance.
In the case of LE300-IP, it is always be set to T1 (default setting). DIP switch SW5 position 8 on the Main
PCBA selects the data link format for the digital audio transmission between line extenders. Both line
extenders must be set to the same format. Refer to Figure 6 for the location of SW5 on the Main PCBA
and Table 17 below for setting details.
Table 17. Data Format Setting on Main PCBA
SW5-8 Format
Open* T1 Mode (1.544 Mbps, 24-channel)
Closed E1 Mode (2.048 Mbps, 32-channel)
NOTES: 1. Changes to this parameter take effect after cycling power.
2. *Indicates default position.
T1 Line Build-out Settings
This option allows the user to control the wave shape being output by the transmitter. This helps to correct
problems related to long copper cables. Improperly setting this switch will cause signal degradation. The
proper setting refers to the cable distance between two LE300-IP Line Extenders. In the case of LE300-IP
Line Extenders it should always be set to 0–133 feet (default setting). DIP switches SW2 positions 1–3 on
the Main PCBA selects line-build out parameters. Refer to Figure 6 for the location of SW2 on the Main
PCBA and Table 18 below for setting details.
Table 18. T1 Line Length Setting on Main PCBA
SW2-1 SW2-2 SW2-3 T1 Line Length
Open (up)* Open (up)* Open (up)* 0 to 133 feet
Closed (down) Open (up) Open (up) 133 to 266 feet
Open (up) Closed (down) Open (up) 266 to 399 feet
Closed (down) Closed (down) Open (up) 399 to 533 feet
Open (up) Open (up) Closed (down) 533 to 655 feet
NOTES: 1. Changes to this parameter take effect without cycling power.
2. *Indicates default position.
3. These switches have no effect in E1 mode.
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Pub. 42004-488C
T1/E1 Receiver Equalization Gain Limit
This option allows the user to compensate for diminishing signal intensity over the data line by adjusting
the sensitivity of the receiver. By setting the Receive Equalizer Gain Limit, very long copper lines can be
utilized. DIP switch SW2 position 4 on the Main PCBA selects the parameter. Refer to Figure 6 for the
location of SW2 on the Main PCBA and Table 19 below for setting details.
Table 19. Receive Equalizer Gain Limit Setting on Main PCBA
Receive Equalization Gain Limit
T1 Mode E1 Mode
Open (up)* −36 dB (long haul) −12 dB (short haul)
Closed (down) −15 dB (limited long haul) −43 dB (long haul)
NOTES: 1. Changes to this parameter take effect without cycling power.
2. *Indicates default position.
T1/E1 Clock Source
In case of the LE300-IP, both Line Extenders should be set as the master clock source for proper operation
with the IPmux-24. The slave unit receives the clock from the master. DIP switch SW3 positions 1 and 2
on the Main PCBA select T1/E1 clock parameters. Refer to Figure 6 for the location of SW3 on the Main
PCBA and Table 20 below for setting details.
Table 20. Master Clock setting on Main PCBA
SW3-1 SW3-2 Clock Source
Open* Open* LE300-IP is the T1/E1 Master (generates the T1/E1 clock).
Closed Closed LE300-IP is the T1/E1 Slave (receives the T1/E1 clock from master).
NOTES: 1. Changes to this parameter take effect after cycling power.
2. *Indicates default position.
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