GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Reading, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax : 610-796-5954
This manual is pr ovided s olely as a n op erat ional, installation, and maintenance guide and contains sens itive
bus ines s and t echnic al infor ma tion tha t is confident i al and p roprietary to G AI-Tronics. GAI-Tronics
retains a ll intellectual pr operty and other rights in or to t he inf ormation c ontained herein, and s uch
informa tion may only be used in connection wit h the operation of you r GAI- Tronic s pr oduct or system.
This ma nual may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in p art, dir ec tly or indirectly, to any t hird pa rty.
This produ c t contains cop yrighted computer programs stor ed in s emicondu c tor memory. These p rograms
ar e c opyright ed b y GAI-T ronics Corp oration and ma y not be rep roduced in any for m without exp ress
writ ten permission from GAI -Tronics.
GAI-Tronics warrants for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment, that any GAI-Tronics equipment supplied
hereunder shall be free of defects in material and workmanship, shall comply with the then-current product specifications and
product literature, and if applicable, shall be fit for the purpose specified in the agreed-upon quotation or proposal document. If
(a) Selle r’s goods prove to be defe ctive in w orkma nship a nd/or material under normal and proper usage, or unfit for the
purpose specified and agreed upon, and (b) Buyer’s claim is made within the warranty period set forth above, Buyer may return
such goods t o G AI-Tronics’ n earest depot repai r facility, freight prepaid, at which time they will be repaired or replaced, at
Seller’s option, without charge to Buyer. Repair or replacement shall be Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy, and the warranty
period on any repaired or replacement equipment shall be one (1) year from the date the original equipment was shipped. In no
event shall GAI-Tronics’ warranty obligations with respect to equipment exceed 100% of the total cost of the equipment
supplied hereunder. The applicability of any such third-party warranty will be determined solely by GAI-Tronics.
Services. Any services GAI-Tronics provides hereunder, whether directly or through subcontractors, shall be performed in
accordance with the standard of care with which such services are normally provided in the industry. If the services fail to meet
the applicable industry standard, GAI-Tronics will, for a period of one (1) year from the date of completion, re-perform such
services at no cost to the Buyer. Re-performance of services shall be Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy, and in no event shall
GAI-Tronics’ warranty obligations with respect to services exceed 100% of the total cost of services provided hereunder.
Limita ti ons/Exclusions. The warranty on any equipment supplied hereunder is subject to Customer’s use in compliance
with applicable FCC regulations and manufacturer specifications. The warranties herein shall not apply to, and GAI-Tronics
shall not be re sponsib le for, any dama ge to the goods or f ailure of th e services suppl i ed her eunder, t o the extent caused by
accident, misuse, abuse, neglect, system design, product modification, failure to follow instructions contained in the product
manual, repair, or attempted repair by anyone not authorized by GAI-Tronics, improper installation, installation of parts that do
not conform to the quality or specifications of the original parts or accessories, damage or loss occurred during shipment, or any
unit which is not new when sold or upon which the serial number has been defaced, modified or removed. The warranty does
not extend to damage incurred by natural causes including Force Majeure. The warranty does not cover microprocessors if
failure is due to static damage or application of improper voltage.
Operational and Maintenance Procedures
modification of the equipment provided hereunder, or use of unqualified maintenance or service technicians will severely
impair the operational effectiveness of the entire communication system. Buyer hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold
GAI-Tronics harmless from and against any and all third party claims arising, in any manner, out of: (a) Buyer’s neglect of the
equipment; (b) Buyer’s use of technicians not authorized by GAI-Tronics to service the equipment; or (c) Buyer’s improper use
or modification of the equipment or failure to follow the operational and maintenance procedures provided with the equipment.
. Buyer acknowledges that any improper use, maintenance, or
Limitation of Liability /Damages. In no event (even should circumstances cause the exclusive warranties and remedies
set forth in the Warranty section to fail of their essential purpose) shall either party be liable for any indirect, incidental, special
or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, loss of use, loss of anticipated profits, or damages arising from delay)
whether such claims are alleged to have arisen out of breach of warranty, breach of contract, strict or absolute liability in tort,
or other act, error or om iss ion, or fr om any oth er cause w hat soever, or any combina tion of the f oregoi ng.
“Motorola”, “STAT-ALERT”, and “RapidCall” are registered Trademarks of Motorola Corporation.
SCOPE OF MANUAL..............................................................................................................................................2
SERVICE AND REPAIR .......................................................................................................................................... 2
SAFE HANDLING OF CMOSINTEGRATED CIRCUIT DEVICES ..................................................................................3
FEA TURES OF THE COMMANDPLUSSERIES DESKTOP CONSOLE ............................................................................4
MODEL CHART ...................................................................................................................................................5
GENERAL DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................................................9
Tone Remote Control.....................................................................................................................................9
DC Remote Control..................................................................................................................................... 10
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ..............................................................................................................................11
TELEPHONE LINE LIGHTNING AND OVER-VOLTAGE PROTECTION......................................................................... 11
LINE CONNECTIONS ..........................................................................................................................................12
LINE LEVEL SETTINGS....................................................................................................................................... 13
Line Input (Receive Audio) Level Adjustment............................................................................................... 13
Other Microphones...................................................................................................................................... 17
System Jumper Table ............................................................................................................ ....................... 21
CARD SUITE PROGRAMM ING SOFTWARE .............................................................................................. 23
GENERAL DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................................................... 23
ENTERING THE DIAGNOSTIC MODE.................................................................................................................... 25
USER PARAMETERS MENU .................................................................................................................................26
Side Tone Volume Adjust.............................................................................................................................26
Microphone Selection and Sensitivity .......................................................................................................... 27
CLOCK AND DISPLAY SET ..................................................................................................................................28
09/07 Publication 43004-013E ii
Table of Content s CommandPLUS Series Desktop Console Installati on and Service Manual
Setting the Clock.........................................................................................................................................29
Setting the Display Viewing Angle............................................................................................................... 29
Setting the Display Brightness.....................................................................................................................30
SERVICE DIAGNOSTICS ......................................................................................................................................30
Keyboard Test ..........................................................................................................................................................31
LED Test ..................................................................................................................................................................31
Test 1 – Communications Test..................................................................................................................................32
Test 2 – Audio Loop Test..........................................................................................................................................32
Test 3 – Output Adjust..............................................................................................................................................32
Test 4 – Gain Stage Test ...........................................................................................................................................32
Test 5 – Input Level Adjust.......................................................................................................................................32
SUPERVISORY CONTROL CP0050A/XCP0050A................................................................................................. 40
DIRECT ENHANCED FULL DUPLEX PHONE INTERFACE CP0070/XCP0070A......................................................... 41
Ring Detect Sensitivity................................................................................................................................. 41
EXTERNAL ENHANCED FULL DUPLEX PHONE INTERFACE CP0060/XCP0060A....................................................41
TYPES OF PAGING.............................................................................................................................................. 45
Group Call .................................................................................................................................................. 46
Plectron Paging Example ............................................................................................................................ 49
5/6 Tone Paging Example ............................................................................................................................ 51
TROUBLESHOOTING THE COMMANDPLUSSERIES DESKTOP CONSOLE................................................................. 53
REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST ................................................................................................................................54
MAIN CIRCUIT BO ARD.................................................................................................................................. 55
DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS................................................................................................................... 57
09/07 Publication 43004-013E iii
User Instructions (USA)
This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by the ACTA. On this
equipment is a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier in the format
US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. I f r equ est ed, this number must be provided to the telephone compan y.
A plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the premises wiring and telephone network must comply with
the applicable FCC Part 68 rules and requirements adopted by the ACTA. A compliant telephone cord and
modular plug is provided with this product. It is designed to be connected to a compatible modular jack that is also
compliant. See installation instructions for details.
The REN is used to determine the number of devices that may be connected to a telephone line. Excessive RENs
on the telephone line may result in the devices not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most but not all
areas, t he sum of t he RENs should not exceed fi ve ( 5 .0). To be certa in of the number of devices tha t may be
connected to a line, as determined by the total RENs, contact the local telephone company. For products approved
after July 23, 2001, the REN for th is product is part of the product identifier that h a s the format
US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. T he digit s represented by ## are the REN without a decima l p oint (e.g., 03 is a n REN of
0.3). For earlier products, the REN is separately shown on the label.
If this equipment [GAI-Tronics telephone] causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will
notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. But if advance notice isn’t
practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. Also, you will be advised of your
right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that could affect
the operation of the equipment. If this happens the telephone company will provide advance notice in order for
you to make necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service.
If trouble is experienced with this equipmen t, pl ease contact GAI-Tronics Corporation at 800-492-1212 or
www.g ai-tronics. c o m for r e pair o r warra nty information . If the eq uipment is c aus ing harm to t he tel e ph o ne
network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved.
Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs. Contact the state public utility commission, public
service commission or corporation commission for information.
This equipment uses a telephone handset and it is hearing aid compatible.
User Instructions (Canada) CP-01, Issue 8, Part I: Section 14.1
NOTICE: The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification means that the equipment
meets certain telecommunications network protective, operational and safety requirements as prescribed in the
appropriate Termi nal Equipment T echn i cal Requirements document (s). Th e Departm en t does not guarantee the
equipment will operate to the user’s satisfaction. Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is
permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be
in s talled using an a cceptable method of connection . The customer shoul d be awar e tha t compl ian ce wi th the above
conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some situations. Repairs to certified equipment should be
coordinated by a representative designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this
equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to
discon nect t he equi pment. User s s hould ensure for their own pr ot ection tha t th e electrical g roun d connect ions of
the power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This
precaution may be particularly important in rural areas.
Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate electric
ins p ection authority, or electrician , as appropria te.
CP-01, Issue 8, Part I: Section 14.2
NOTICE: The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) assigned to each terminal device provides an indication of the maximum
number of terminals allowed to be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may consist of any
combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence Numbers of all the devices does
not exceed 5.
1 09/07
Foreword CommandPLUS Series Desktop Consol e I nstallation and Ser vice Manual
Scope of Manual
This ma nual offers des c ript ive data and ser vic e inf ormation f or the C ommand PLUS Series D es ktop
Console. Service dia grams and printed cir c uit board details are a par t of this service manu al.
The Command PLUS Series Desktop Console Operator’s Manual, 43004-016, is another publication
related to the op erat ion of the CommandPLUS Series Console. Both manual s are available on our website
Pr ogramming instru c tions a re included wit h the GAI-Tronics CARD Suite Software. T he s oftwa re must
be registered with G AI - Tronic s in order to r eceive fu tur e u pdates.
The mo del numb er, located on the nameplate o n the b otto m, specifically i den tif i es GAI -T ronics equipment.
The cons ole ver sion is displayed on the s c reen. Op tions, program sof tware version, and f i rmware versions
ar e also displayed. I f additional options are ordered, the opt i on will b e identi f ied on t he ci rcuit board.
Ordering Replacement Parts
When ordering replacement par ts o r requestin g eq uipment inf o rma tion, pl eas e i n clude the co mplete
identification number. This applies t o all components , kits, and c hassis. If the component part number is
not known, the order should inclu de t he nu mber of the chass is or kit of which it is a pa rt and suf ficient
descri ption of t he desi red component to identify it. Order pa rts f rom:
Customer Service
GAI-Tronics Cor poration
400 E. Wyomissing Ave.
Mohnton, PA 19540
US: 800-492-1212
Outside US: 610-777-1374
Service and Repair
Inoperative or ma lfunctioning equ ipment should b e returned to the fa c tory for rep air. Plea se call
1-800-492-1212 to obtain a Return Authorization number, published rep air prices, and shipping
instructions. A Return Aut horiza tion number c an also be obt ained by visiting our websit e at
OTE: A purchase or der or credit card nu mber is required prior to pr oc es sing non-warr anty repairs.
09/07 2
CommandPLUS Series Desktop Consol e I nstallation and Ser vice Manual Foreword
Safe Handling of CMOS Integrated Circuit Devices
Many of the integrated circuit devices used in communications equip ment are of the Complementary Metal
Oxide Semicondu c tor (CMOS) type. Beca use of their high open circuit impedance, CMOS integrated
circ uits are vu lnerab le t o damage fr om s tat ic c harges . Care must be taken handling, shipping, and
servicing them and the as semblies in which they are used.
Even though prot ection devices a re pr ovided in C MOS integra ted circ uit inputs, the protect ion is effective
only aga inst over - voltage in the hu ndreds of volts r ange such as is encountered in an operating s ystem. In a
system, circu i t elements distribute st at i c charg es a n d load the C MOS circuits, d ecreasing th e chan ce of
damage. However, CMOS cir c uits c an be da maged by improper ha ndling of the modules, even in a
To avoid damage t o c ircuits, observe t he following handling, shipping, and s ervicing precautions:
1. Pr ior to a nd while servicing a c ircuit module, part icularly after moving within the service area,
momentarily t ouch bot h hands to a bare metal, earth-grounded surfa c e. This will discharge any stat ic
charge that may ha ve accumulated on the p erson doing the s ervicing.
OTE: Wearing a c onductive wrist strap will minimize static bu ild- up during servicing.
2. Whenever possible, avoid tou c hing any electr ic ally conduc tive parts of the circ u i t module with your
3. Power down the unit b efore inst alling or removing the circ uit module.
4. When servicing a circuit module, avoid carpeted areas, dry environments, and certain types of cl othing
(silk, nylon, etc. ) because they contribu te to st atic build-up. S imilarly, disconnect t he test probe prior
to removing the ground lead.
5. All electric ally power ed test equipment should b e grounded. Apply the ground lead f rom the tes t
equipment to the circ uit module before connecting t he test probe.
6. If a c i rcuit module is removed from t he s ystem, it is desirable to lay it on a c onductive surface (su c h as
a sheet of alu minum foil) which is connect ed t o ground t hrough 100K of resistance.
7. When soldering, be su re the solder ing iron is grounded, and has a grounded tip .
8. Pr ior to connecting jumpers, replac ing c ircuit components , or touching CMOS pins (if this becomes
necessa ry in the r ep lacement of a n integra ted circuit device), be sure to discharge a ny sta tic bu ild- up as
descri bed in procedu re 1. Since voltage differences c an exist across the human body, it is
recommended that only one hand be us ed if it is necess ary to touc h pins on the CMOS device and
associated board wiring.
9. When replacing a CMOS integrated circuit device, leave the device in its c onductive r ail container or
conduct ive foam until it is to be ins erted into the p rinted circuit module.
10. All low impedanc e test equipment (su c h as p ulse genera tors, etc .) shou ld be connected to CMOS device
input s after power is ap p lied to the CMOS circuit ry. Similarl y, suc h low impeda nc e equip ment should
be disconnected before p ower is t urned off.
11. Rep lacement modules ship ped sepa rat ely f rom the fac tory will be p ackaged in a conductive material.
Any modules being transpor ted from one area t o another should b e wrap ped in a similar material
(aluminum foil may b e us ed). Ne ver use non-c onduc tiv e material f or pa c kaging these modules.
3 09/07
Foreword CommandPLUS Series Desktop Consol e I nstallation and Ser vice Manual
Features of the CommandPLUS Series Desktop Console
• Enhanc ed mult i- tas king opera tion
• Availa ble in 4, 8 , and 12-channel control. 4 and 8-channel consoles are fi eld expanda ble.
• Accommodates a minimum of 10 consoles per system
• Supports Tone, DC, and E&M control types
• Includes Paging E nc oder for individual, sequential multi-channel grou p, stack paging, and one-t ouch
The following op tions can be ordered pre-installed in your CommandPLUS Seri es Console:
Option Description
CP0010 DC Control (Order one for each dc channel)
CP0040 E&M Signaling (requires CP0050)
CP0050 Supervisory Control
CP0060 External Enhanced Full Duplex Phone Interfac e
CP0650 MDC STAT-ALERT Signaling (replaces logging recorder output c apa bility)
CP0070 Direct Enhanced Full Duplex Phone Interface
The following features a re included in the s tandard console and a re ava ilable t hrough either pr ogramming
selection or direct access :
• DTMF Decode
• Positive Mode Cont rol
• Pa ging Encode
• Mult i- Select Option
• Logging Recorder Output
• 16-Frequenc y Contr ol
5 09/07
Foreword CommandPLUS Series Desktop Consol e I nstallation and Ser vice Manual
The following field ins talla tion kits are availa ble for ins tallation in the C ommandPLUS Series Des ktop
Kit Description
XCP0010A DC Control Kit
XCP0020A 16-Frequency Capable Kit (existing installation upgrade)
XCP0030A 25-Pair Telco Interface Kit
XCP0040A 4-Channel E&M Signaling Kit (requires CP0050 or XCP0050A)
XCP0050A Supervisory Control Kit
XCP0060A External Enhanced Phone Interfac e K it
XCP0070A Direct Enhanced Phone Interface Kit
XCP0080A Battery Revert Power Supply Kit
XCP0100A 4 Channel Expansion Kit
XCP0110A Replacement Button/Elastomer Kit
XCP0140A Headset Box
XCP0150A 25-foot cable, 25-pair with connector
XCP0160A 50-foot cable, 25-pair with connector
XCP0500A Desktop Handset with Base
XGM003A Gooseneck Mic
XHS003B Amplified Headset (requires XCC003B)
XCC003B Coiled Cord with PTT (requires XCP0140A)
XDM002A Desk Mic
XDM003A Gooseneck Desk Mic
XFS002A Dual Footswitch
TDN9413A MDC1200 STAT-ALERT Signaling Kit
The following p rogramming software cable is requir ed for programming the CommandPL US Ser i es D esk
Model Description
XAC1000A CARD Suite Software application (included with console purchase)
XCP0170A Programming Cable
09/07 6
CommandPLUS Series Desktop Consol e I nstallation and Ser vice Manual Foreword
Temperature range.............................................................................................................. 0 ºC to +50 ºC
Humidity.............................................................................................................................. 95% at 50 ºC
Physical size............................................................................................ 9.5 H × 14.5 W × 13. 5 D inches
Power input........................................................... 120/240 V ac, 15% (47 to 63 Hz); or +10.5 to 18 V dc
Function tones....................................................................................................... F1 Transmit: 1950 Hz
F2 Transmit: 1850 Hz
F3 Transmit: 1350 Hz
F4 Transmit: 1250 Hz
Monitor: 2050 Hz
Func tion tones are select able via G AI - Tr onic s’ CAR D Suit e S of tware Application
Transmit Audio
Condenser microphone........................................................................ Selectable, digital steps 1 through 5
Micr ophone sensitivity........................................... Reference 165 mV, selectable, digital steps 1 through 5
Audio out to phone line................................................................ -20 dBm to +11 dBm into 600-ohm load
Line balance.................................................................................................................. 70 dB at 1000 Hz
DC Remote Control
Audio out to phone line.......................................................................................... F1 Transmit: +5.5 mA
F2 Transmit: +12.5 mA
Monitor: -2.5 mA
Output currents a re selecta ble via GAI-Tronic s’ CAR D Suite Software Application
7 09/07
Foreword CommandPLUS Series Desktop Consol e I nstallation and Ser vice Manual
FCC Information
FCC Registration Number .................................................................................... US: ADGOT01B46053
Ringer Equivalence Number (REN)....................................................................................................... .1
Networ k c onnection (USO C)............................................................................................................. RJ11
IC Information (Canada)
IC Certification Number ......................................................................................................... . 8226048 A
Ringer Equivalence Number (REN)....................................................................................................... .1
The CommandPLUS Series Des ktop Console is a multi-channel console compat ib le with conventional
ra dio systems. It uses t one remote contr ol to interact with the base st ations , but dc remote control and
E&M c ontrol are a vailab l e as options. The CommandP L US Ser ies Console allows cont rol of up to 12
individual bas e s tat ions.
Oper ating p arameters are progr ammed via the console’s CARD (Configu ration Application for Radio
Dispatch) Suite Software Application.
Tone Remote Control
Tone cont rol is a particular scheme of remote r adio control. This sc heme us es tones of different
frequencies and levels to command the ra dio to perf orm var i ous tasks. Cont rol tones are categor iz ed as
high level guar d tone, function t one, or low level guard tone. T hes e t ones are generat ed b y the console and
routed to the b ase stat ions via wire line connections (l eased or owned dry lines).
High level guard tone precedes all control t one sequences and notifies the s elected bas e s tat ion of a cha nge
in its operating mode. High level guard tone is normally active for 120 ms, but the duration is
programmable from 120 to 4000 ms in 10 ms increments. Refer to Figure 1.
Following the high level guard t one is f unction tone. Function tone is norma lly active for 40 ms, bu t the
duration is programmable between 40 and 4000 ms in 10 ms increments. It forces the radio to perform a
task specified by the tone’s frequ enc y. Low level gua rd tone follows funct ion tone and r ema ins active as
long as the base station is transmitt ing. Low level gua rd tone is present only when the tone control
sequence is a command tha t cau ses the r adio to t rans mit .
9 09/07
Figure 1. Tone Remote Control Tones
Descripti on CommandPLUS Series Desktop Console Installati on and Service Manual
DC Remote Control
DC control is a method of r emote radio control. This scheme uses dc currents of dif fering magnit udes and
polarities to command the radio to p erform various ta sks. The dc control current s are directly impressed
upon t he audio wir e line connections bet ween the console and base st ations.
E&M Remote Control
E&M remote control is another sc heme of r emote r adio control. This sc heme us es two pair of leads to
control communicat ion between the console and bas e s tat ion. The console uses the “M” leads to s i gnal the
base station when to transmit, and uses the “E” leads to detect when to receive.
09/07 10
Installati on
General Considerations
The CommandPLUS Series Desktop Console can be pla c ed on any fla t level sur f ace (desk top) t hat
provides the operator with full vis ibility of all front panel controls and indicators .
Mechanical Receipt Inspection
The CommandPLUS Series Desktop Console is s hipped in a cardboard container with insert s. Thorou ghly
inspect it as soon as possib l e after deliver y. In-t ransit da ma ge s hould be immediately rep orted to the
tr ansp ortation company.
FCC Interference Warnings
The F CC requires that manual s pertaining to Cla ss A a nd Class B computing devices c ontain warnings
about possible int erference wit h loc al and residential radio and TV reception. P lease read these wa rnings
and a ll safet y inf ormat ion in the Foreword section of this manu al.
Equipment Required
Test Equipment
• RF service monitor
• AC voltmeter with dB ranges f or measu ring audio levels
• #1 P hillip s scr ewdr iver
• 1/8-inch flat blade screwdriver
• base station’s tone remote adap ter manu al
• these inst allation instructions
Cable Installation Safety Considerations
Inter c onnecting, communications , and Class 2 dc power cables should be sep arated from electric al light or
other Clas s I circuits by at least 2 inc hes. The exception is where Class I wiring or power circuits a re ru n
in a r aceway, or are metal-shea thed or metal-cla d, or are p ermanently s ep arated from the conductors of the
other c ircuitry b y a continuous and fir mly fixed nonconduct or su c h as p orcelain tubes or flexible tubi ng in
additi on to the insu lation on t he wire. Communications c ables and in-building wiring s hould be list ed and
marked for the purpose according to NEC Article 800.
Telephone Line Lightning and Over-voltage Protection
The CommandPLUS Series Console has an over - c urrent phone line fu se which pr otects against occ asional
extreme fault c onditions that ma y get pas t the primar y p rotectors . An examp le of such a f ault condition is
a power line cros s. F or maxi mum surge a nd lightning pr otection, building p rimar y (over-volt age)
protector s should b e installed at the p oint where the telephone lines enter the radio equip ment b uilding.
Pr ima ry protectors are us ually required by loc al codes and should b e p rovided by your leased line provider.
11 09/07
Installat ion CommandPLUS Series Desktop Console Inst allation and Service Manual
Line Connections
Line Considerations - Private Circuit
If leased lines from your local telephone company are used between the console a nd a tone remote adap ter
or base stat ion, the telephone comp any (Local Ex c hange Ca rrier) may request a Facility I nterface Code
(FIC). The FIC is sub ject to local availa b ility. S ee T able 1.
Table 1. Analog Facility Interface Code
FIC Description
02NO2 2-wire p rivate line; no signa ling c onversion by LEC ( I N-Band)
02NO4 4-wire p rivate line; no signa ling c onversion by LEC ( I N-Band)
Meta llic 2 or 4-wire metallic priva te line (“Hoot and Holler” ci rcuit s)
Within a ma nufac turing plant , a campus, or large building, cu stomer-s upplied metallic pairs may be u sed.
It is not necessary to have dc continuity on thes e lines. While using tone control, cont inuity is requir ed for
dc control.
Circuit Conditioning
The cons ole is des i gned t o work with good qu ality analog s peech band or leas ed p rivate circuit. This was
previou sly known as ‘ bas ic ’ c onditioning under Series 2000/3002 service. The line must be non-PSTN (no
dial tone, talk-battery, or signaling). This equipment falls under the Category II, FCC Tariff #260 Service
and is exempt from FCC Part 68 registration. (Ref. FCC Form 730 Application Guide pages 1–5.)
For 2-wire operation, 2000 Series lines may be used with or without conditioning. C1 or C2 condit i oning
is availab l e for these lines and relates t o the envelope delay dist ortion and at tenuation. A basic c onditioned
line may be used if it is the only type availa b l e. Overall system qua lity is limited by the quality of these
09/07 12
CommandPLUS Series Desktop Console Installati on and Service Manual Instal lation
Line Level Settings
The CommandPLUS D es ktop Console allows the installer to adjust level settings through the on-sc reen
diagnostics. Thes e p rocedur es assume that the base stations have been proper ly adjusted.
Line Input (Receive Audio) Level Adjustment
The line input level adjustment allows the receive audio of each channel t o be compensat ed for line loses
between the base st ation and console, ens uring op timum audio p erfor ma nc e of the console. I t is impor tant
to set this level pr operly a s maladjustment can ca u se distortion or over-compression of the receive au dio.
1. Adjust the base station r eceive a udio level to the console b y applying an RF signal modulated with a
1000 Hz tone at rated system deviation to the base station receiver.
2. Adjust the base station output control for the desired level (e.g. –10 dBm) to the audio control line. Do
not exceed the line su pplier’s recommended maximum operating level.
Desktop Console Adjustment
1. Connect an ac voltmeter, or other approp riate measuring device, a cross the rec eive a udio pair of t he
console MCU acc ording to Table 5. Make a note of the meas urement.
2. Enter the Navigator Diagnos tics. Select
and select
3. Use t h e chann el
VOL Up/D own b utt ons to select the proper inpu t level settings. The level can be
SERVICE DIAGNOSTICS, then AUDIO. Enter the password 1490,
changed in 3 dB inc rements. Select the s et ting that is c losest t o, but not higher than, the measured
level. For example, if the measured level is –11 dB, the console should be set at a –12 dB input
sensitivity setting.
4. Repeat this process for each channel.
5. Press the
MODE button when the setting is complete. When prompted, press 1 to save, or 2 to
abandon cha nges .
Line Output (Transmit) Level Adjustment
The output of each channel can b e adjust ed t o accommodat e for line losses f rom the console t o the base
station. Adjustment of the line out should be similar to t hat of the line input adjustment where the a udio
level at the b ase st ation is measur ed while the output level of the console is adjusted to achieve the optimum
audio level a t the ba se station.
1. Connect an ac voltmeter, or other appropria te measuring device, a c ross the transmit audio pair at the
base station. Refer t o Table 5 for the cor rect test connections.
2. Enter the Navigator Diagnos tics. Select
and select
SERVICE DIAGNOSTICS, then AUDIO. Enter the password 1490,
3. The MC U will p roduce a 2175 Hz signal output on all channel audio pairs. Refer to Table 5 for the
correct connections.
4. Use the channel VOL Up/Down buttons to raise or lower t he outpu t level of the MCU channel.
5. Repeat this process for each channel.
6. Press the
MODE button when complete. When prompted, press 1 to save, or 2 to abandon changes .
13 09/07
Installat ion CommandPLUS Series Desktop Console Inst allation and Service Manual
Types of Base Station Control
The CommandPLUS Console is c apa ble of either tone or dc c ontrol depending on t he p osition of jumpers
JU620 through JU623. For dc control, the console must have option CP0010 or XCP0010. Refer to Table
Table 2. Jumper Posit ions for DC or Tone Cont rol Select ion
Function Jumper No. Position
Ch. 1, 5, 9 JU620 IN
Ch. 2, 6, 9 JU621 IN
Ch. 3, 7, 11 JU622 IN
Ch. 4, 8, 12 JU623 IN
Tone Control
DC Control (option CP0010 or XCP0010)
Tone Control
DC Control (option CP0010 or XCP0010)
Tone Control
DC Control (option CP0010 or XCP0010)
Tone Control
DC Control (option CP0010 or XCP0010)
NOTE: If opera ting in dc mode, the console must also be p rogrammed for dc u nder Typ e of I nterface in the
CARD Software.
Two Wire Control (default)
In this c onf iguration, a single two- wire line is used t o c arry the cont rol tones or dc cont rol current s (as
applicab le p er channel) and the trans mit ter a u dio, fr om t he C ommandPLUS Series Console to t he base
station. This s ame 2-wire line is used to retur n the receive au dio back t o the console fr om t he b ase st ation.
Refer to Table 3 for the appropriate system configuration.
Four Wire Audio/Control
In this c onf iguration, one pair of lines is used t o c arry both c ontrol t ones or dc cont rol current s (as
applicab le p er channel) and the trans mit ter a u dio from the CommandPLUS Series Console to t he base
station. The other p air is used t o c arry the receive audio fr om t he b ase station back to the console. Refer
to Table 3 for the appropriate system configuration.
OTE: In this configuration, R X audio can still be received on original 2-wir e p air.
CommandPLUS Series Desktop Console Installati on and Service Manual Instal lation
The electrica l hook- up of t he console requires thes e b asic c onnections: the ground wir e, one to three
channel interface cables, and the power supply cable.
Voltages haza rdous to life may be present at the exposed control line terminals under cert ain conditions
duri ng the following pr oc edu res. These voltages are also present on some component lea ds. C are s hould
be ta ken to avoid shock duri ng insta llation.
Electrical Interface
All of the electrical c onnec tions to the console are made at the rear panel. Power to t he console is furnished
thr ough a 5-pin, D IN connect or, P5. The Figu re 2 s hows the rear view of the CommandPLUS S eries
Desktop Console and the locations of the various c onnectors.
Figure 2. View of CommandPLUS Bac k Panel wit h Connectors
The pinout for the power DIN c onnector is shown in T able 4:
Table 4. Power DIN Connector Pinout
Pins Function
1, 4 B-, Batt-, GND tab
3, 5 B+, IN
2 Batt+
Figure 3. Power Connector Pinou t
15 09/07
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