Supplement to Instruction Manual
Compact Inverter
Three-phase 200 V series: FRN0001 to 0020C2S-2U
Three-phase 400 V series: FRN0002 to 0011C2S-4U
Single-phase 200 V series: FRN0001 to 0012C2S-7U
Thank you for purchasing our FRENIC-Mini series of inverters.
This manual is a supplement to the FRENIC-Mini Instruction Manual (INR-SI47-1729-E),
contains descriptions complying with UL standard.
For other descriptions, refer to the original manual.
• Improper handling might result in incorrect operation, a short life, or even a failure of this
product as well as the motor.
• Deliver this manual to the end user of this pro duct. Keep this manual in a safe place until this
product is discarded.
• For instructions on how to use an optional device, refer to the instruction and installation
manuals for that optional device.
Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. INR-SI47-1847-E

2.3.5 Wiring for main circuit terminals and grounding terminals
Inverter output terminals, U, V, W and grounding terminal ( G)
1) Connect the three wires of the three-phase motor to terminals U, V, and W, aligning phases each other.
2) Connect the grounding wire of terminals U, V, and W to the grounding terminal (
3) If the cable from the inverter to the motor is very long, a high-frequency current may be generated by stray
capacitance between the cables and result in an overcurrent trip of the inverter, an increase in leakage
current, or a reduction in current indication precision.
When a motor is driven by a PWM-type inverter, the motor terminals may be subject to surge voltage
generated by inverter element switching. If the motor cable (with 460 V series motors, in particular) is
particularly long, surge voltage will deteriorate motor insulation. To prevent this, use the following guidelines:
Inverters of 7.5 HP or above
Motor Insulation Level 1000 V 1300 V 1600 V
460 VAC Input Voltage 66 ft (20 m) 328 ft (100 m) 1312 ft (400 m)*
230 VAC Input Voltage 1312 ft (400 m)* 1312 ft (400 m)* 1312 ft (400 m)*
Inverters of 5 HP or below
Motor Insulation Level 1000 V 1300 V 1600 V
460 VAC Input Voltage 66 ft (20 m) 165 ft (50 m) 165 ft (50 m)*
230 VAC Input Voltage 328 ft (400 m)* 328 ft (100 m)* 328 ft (100 m)*
* For this case the cable length is determined by secondary effects and not voltage spiking.
When a motor protective thermal O/L relay is inserted between the inverter and the motor, the
thermal O/L relay may malfunction (particularly in the 460 V series), even when the cable
length is 165 ft (50 m) or less. T o correct, in sert a fil ter or reduce th e carrier fre quenc y. (Use
function code F26(Motor sound).)
5.1 Function Code Tables
In the ROM version 0800 or later, the factory default of function code H27 (Thermistor for motor,
Level) is changed from 0.16 to 1.6.