Frymaster LOV M3000 Technical Reference Manual

FRYER Generation II
Introducing the LOV™ Fryer 1 The LOV
FRYER Generation II
FEB 2010
M3000 12 RTI-equipped Systems 31 Board Replacement 38 Wiring Diagrams 41 Pin Positions 44
Frymaster and Dean Technical Service
8700 Line Ave, Shreveport, LA 71106 Service Hotline: 800-551-8633 Website:
Systems 2
LOV™ Generation II Technical Reference
M3000 Computer
Replace JIB Light
Diagnostic LED Screen
Filter Light
JIB (behind right door)
The LOV™ fryer.
Introducing the Low Oil Volume Fryer
The Low Oil Volume (LOV™) fryer is a McDonald’s-only, feature-laden version of the electric RE
fryer or gas H55 fryer. The enhancements found on the LOV
Low volume frypot — 30 pounds (15 liters) rather than 50 pounds (25 liters) of oil.
Automatic top-off — the fryer automatically maintains an optimal oil level with a reservoir in the cabinet.
M3000 computer — a sophisticated controller with multiple levels of programming.
Automatic ltration — the fryer performs hands-free fi ltering at prescribed cook cycle counts or at prescribed times.
fryer include:
Oil savings — The combination of a low-volume fry vat and oil automatically kept at a optimal level, reducing oil usage.
LOV™ Generation II Technical Reference
ATO Sensor
AIF Sensor
Temperature RTD
Oil Return Sensor
Ports and sensors inside a gas frypot. Oil return/ top off is at bottom rear of cool zone.
High limit
The LOV™ Systems
Auto Top Off
The core of the system is the automatic top-off board, which senses when the oil level is low and lls the pot to the top line.
The oil level is monitored by an R TD (Resistance Temperature Detector) sensor in the frypot at the upper oil level. The oil is moved to the pot from a reservoir, called a JIB (Jug In Box), to the frypot with a pump.
A circuit board, the AT O (Automatic Top Off), is located inside a box behind the JIB. It monitors the oil-level R TD and activates the pump when it senses an oil temperature drop of 60°F (33°C) below set­point, indicating the oil has moved away from the sensor. The AT O sends a signal to the MIB (Manual Interface Board), which then sends a signal to the AIF to open the actuator on the return valve of the frypot to be topped off.
Once the actuator has opened the return valve, oil is pumped into the vat for a specifi ed amount of time (approximately 60 seconds). When the ATO RTD detects a temperature within 55°F (30°C) of set­point, it is satisfi ed and the actuator closes the valve.
ATO Sensor
High limit
AIF Sensor
Oil Return/Top
Oil Defl ector
Off Slots
Ports and sensors inside an electric frypot.
T op of f will continue on the next vat if needed. The system is not suited to fi lling the frypot when it is empty and there are safeguards to prevent it from activating when the fryer is cold and the oil is rest­ing at the lower position.
The system is not active until the oil in the frypot reaches setpoint. That temperature is monitored by the temperature probe. The activation of the system is handled by the fryer’s computer , the M3000. The automatic top off system is also inactive during lter dispose cycles.
The system works the same in McDonald’s gas and electric LOV
The level of the reservoir, or JIB, is monitored by the ATO and the M3000 computer. If a low oil condition is not rectifi ed with two top off attempts or within 6 minutes, the low JIB light is illuminated on the front of the fryer. It will stay illuminated until the JIB is replaced and the orange button has been pressed and held to reset the light (see page 34).
The ATO board positioned underneath the LON gateway controls the top off of the fry pots.
The pump that moves oil from the reser­voir to the frypots is visible above.
LOV™ Generation II Technical Reference
ATO Board
The reservoir, or JIB, rests behind the right door of the fryer. A light on the front of the fryer illuminates when the jug is empty.
The ATO board is positioned under the LON gateway in a box with a transformer that provides power to the board. The LON gateway must be removed to access the ATO board.
Troubleshooting the Top Off System
Problem Probable Causes Corrective Action
Frypot tops off cold. Incorrect setpoint. Ensure setpoint is correct.
A. J5 connection unplugged.
No power to ATO board.
B. Fuse blown.
C. Transformer malfunction.
A. Check to ensure J5 on front of
ATO board is fully locked into connector.
B. Ensure fuse below right control
box is not blown.
C. Check that proper voltage is
present at transformer. See charts on pages 43-47.
A. Loose wire connection.
The yellow JIB low light
won’t illuminate.
B. Power in the component box is not
C. Failed transformer.
A. Ensure the yellow LED is
securely attached to plug J6 on the ATO board.
B. Ensure power is present in the
component box.
C. If power is present in component
box, check the transformer for correct voltage.
LOV™ Generation II Technical Reference
change filter pad YES/ NO
Problem Probable Causes Corrective Action
A. Check to see that fryer is heating.
Fryer temperature must be at setpoint. Check ATO probe resistance. If probe is bad, replace the probe.
B. Ensure that the oil in the JIB is
above 70°F (21°C).
C. With the computer OFF, press
TEMP button and ensure the
ATO version appears. If not, the connection between the AIF and the ATO board may be bad. Ensure the 6-pin CAN connectors are tight between AIF (J4 and J5) and ATO (J10) boards.
D. Power to the ATO board has been
cut off. Restore power to the board and clear any service required errors.
E. Ensure transformer in ATO box is
functioning properly. Check power from transformer to ATO board. Ensure all harnesses are plugged securely into place.
F. Ensure pump is operational.
Check voltage to pump. Replace the pump if defective.
G. Check for proper voltages using the
pin position charts found on pages 43-47. If ATO found defective, replace ATO board and clear any errors.
Frypots won’t top off.
A. Probe temperature lower than
B. Oil is too cold.
C. Bad Connection.
D. ATO board power loss.
E. Failed transformer/harness.
F. ATO pump failed.
G. Failed ATO board.
One vat tops off but other
vats fail to top off.
Incorrect vat tops off.
One vat doesn’t top off.
A. Loose wire connection.
B. Actuator issue.
A. Wired incorrectly.
B. Flexlines connected to wrong vat.
A. Filter error exists.
B. Actuator, pump, loose connection,
RTD or ATO issue.
A. Ensure all wiring harnesses are
securely connected to ATO board and solenoids.
B. Check return actuator to ensure
actuator is functional.
A. Check wiring. B. Switch fl exlines to correct vat.
A. Clear fi lter error properly. When
change filter pad YES/ NO is displayed, do NOT press
any button until the pan has been removed for at least thirty seconds. After thirty seconds have elapsed, the computer returns to OFF or last display.
B. Check actuator, ATO pump, wire
connections, RTD and ATO board.
LOV™ Generation II Technical Reference
Auto Filtration (MIB and AIF)
The auto fi ltration system is controlled by the M3000 computer, the AIF (Automatic Intermittent
Filtration) board and the MIB (Manual Interface Board). The ltration is made hands-off by
actuators operating the drain and return valves.
The computer is programmable, and it allows fi lter cycles to be launched after a set number of cook cycles and a prescribed elapsed time.
The system can be set to lock out automatic ltration during busy times, such as the lunch rush.
The fryer prompts for fi ltration by illuminating a blue LED on the front and a text prompt on the computer. The operator can say no; cooking can continue.
An AIF board is mounted under each fry vat.
Responding “yes” leads to communication between the MIB and the AIF boards. The MIB controls and oversees the fi ltration; the AIF board operates the actuators, which open and close the valves.
The MIB is in the fryer cabinet. It is partially covered by a sheet metal cover and the LED display is visible. Buttons behind the cover allow limited manual operation of the system and its valves. The cover should be reinstalled after service.
The LED displays codes that can be used to diagnose failures (see chart on page 45).
(1) Responding to the Blue LED fi lter prompt with “yes” starts a fi lter cycle that lasts about as long as a cook cycle (approx. 4 minutes). Communication between the M3000 computer, the manual interface (MIB board), and the automatic intermittent fi ltration (AIF board) handle the process.
(2) Actuators open and close the drain valve and return valve, (3) emptying and refi lling the frypot.
LOV™ Generation II Technical Reference
Mode Display
Shows status (auto or manual) vat number (when operating valves manuals) and dis­plays error codes.
Vat Selection
Selects vat for manual operation of valves.
Switches fryer from auto to manual operation.
The MIB board.
Resets system, ensures all valves are closed.
Opens and closes drain valves in manual mode.
Opens and closes return valves and turns on fi lter pump in manual mode.
Manual — Used to toggle between automatic and manual fi ltration mode. The unit must be
in manual mode for the other MIB buttons to operate.
Select — Used to scroll through the vats,
which are shown numerically in the LED.
Drain — Used to open and close the drain valve of the vat indicated on the display. When pressed an LED on the button indicates activity: slow blink, awaiting response from AIF; LED illuminated constantly, drain open; no illumination, drain closed.
Return — Used to open and close the return valve on the vat indicated on the display. It also controls the pump. When pressed an LED on the button indicates activity:
blink: awaiting response from AIF,
• LED illuminated constantly: drain open,
• no illumination: drain closed.
The MIB is mounted behind the left door. See arrow.
The pump operates with a momentary switch. Pressing and holding the return button after the valve is open activates the fi lter pump. Releasing the button deactivates the pump.
The mode display on the face of the MIB board displays a range of letters, which indicate activity or an error. These codes are listed on
the next page.
Error Codes
LOV™ Generation II Technical Reference
1L, 1r - 5L, 5r — Numbers correspond to vats: “L” indicates the left side of a split vat. “r”
indicates a full vat or the right side of a split vat.
A — Auto mode: auto ltration enabled.
E — Drain or return valve not in desired state: display alternates between E and vat
number. (Ensure actuator is plugged in and in the home position.)
n — Network Error: An “n” displays for 10 seconds if no communication is received from the cooking computer within ten seconds after a power on.
Manual Draining, Filling, Filtering with MIB
P — Pan switch: fi lter pan is not in place or not
sensed. Auto Filtration disabled.
r — Reset: r alternating with a vat number indicates that the MIB board is resetting. If r is displayed without alternating with a vat number, a problem may exist with the MIB board itself.
Three horizontal lines — temperature sensor: sensor did not detect that the vat
was full during auto fi ltration.
Press the M button, which switches the board to manual. The display becomes
1. the number of the vat to be controlled manually.
Press the vat selector button until the desired vat number is displayed.
2. Press the drain button to drain the oil or the press and hold the return button to
3. return oil to the vat displayed. Opening the drain and pressing and holding the return button after valve is open allows fi ltration.
Pressing the M button again returns the board to automatic mode.
LOV™ Generation II Technical Reference
Troubleshooting the Manual Interface Board (MIB)
Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action
Filter pan out of position.
Auto fi ltration won’t start.
1. Oil Level is too low.
2. Ensure MIB board is not in
3. manual mode. Ensure MIB cover is not
4. damaged and pressing against buttons. Filter relay has failed.
5. AIF disable is set to YES,
6. blue light doesn’t light. Filter motor thermal switch
7. is tripped. AIF clock enabled.
Ensure fi lter pan is fully inserted into fryer.
1. Ensure oil level is above the oil level sen-
2. sor. Ensure MIB board is in “A” automatic
3. mode. Remove and replace cover and see if fi ltra-
4. tion will start. Replace fi lter relay with part number 807-
5. 4482 24VDC relay. Set AIF disable in Level 1 to NO.
6. Press fi lter motor thermal switch.
7. Ensure AIF clock is set to disabled.
MIB display shows something other than an “A” or vat number.
No power present at the MIB board
MIB will not clear error.
MIB indicates in­correct number of vats.
An error has occurred and displayed character indicates error.
Transformer has failed in left component box.
Error remains in non-volatile memory.
See MIB display diagnostics on page 46 for explanation.
Check output on the left transformer in left component box; should read 24VAC. If not replace transformer.
Press and hold reset button in top right cor­ner for fi ve seconds. The drain, return and manual/auto LEDS will illuminate and the MIB will reset and clear any remaining errors from memory. Allow 60 seconds to reset. If an error still exists, then another issue exists.
Ensure the CAN bus system is terminated at
BOTH ENDS (on the M3000 connector J6 and
on the ATO board connector J9) with a resistor equipped 6-pin connector.
Unplug and reseat all wiring harnesses in
• CAN system. Resistance between pins 2 and 3 on the CAN network connectors should be 120 ohms. Check software version numbers on all
• M3000 computers and ensure all display an AIF version. If an AIF version is miss­ing, the AIF board may be missing power. Check pins 5 and on J4 and J5 of the af­fected AIF board for proper voltage. The locator pin in J2 of the AIF board is
• either loose or in the incorrect position. See the chart on pages 47 of this manual for proper pin position.
LOV™ Generation II Technical Reference
Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action
Ensure the CAN bus system is terminated
at BOTH ENDS (on the M3000 connector J6 and on the ATO board connector J10) with a resistor equipped 6-pin connector.
With the computer OFF, press TEMP but-
ton and ensure the AIF version appears. If not, the 24V to the AIF boards may be missing. Ensure all 6-pin CAN connectors are tight between the M3000 (J6 and J7), MIB (J1 and J2), AIF (J4 and J5) and ATO (J10) boards. With the computer OFF, press TEMP but-
ton and ensure the ATO version appears. If not, check the CAN wire harness between the AIF board J4 or J5 and the ATO board J9 or J10. The ATO fuse on the right side of the ATO box may be loose or blown; the 110V to the ATO transformer may be missing or bad. The J4/J5 connector may be loose. Check to see if MIB has 24V on pins 5 and
MIB board alternat­ing “E” and “vat number and side.”
Network error on the CAN bus communication.
6 of J2. Check to see if 24V is present on pins 5 and 6 of wire harness plugging into J4 or J5 of the fi rst AIF board. If 24V miss- ing, check the pins. Replace the harness if necessary. Check continuity between each color wire
on the CAN connectors into J7 on the far right computer and J10 on back of the ATO board (black to black, white to white, and red to red) and ensure there is no continu­ity between different color wires (black to red, red to white, and white to black). Ensure black computer locator wires are
connected from ground to correct pin posi­tion (see pages 43-47). Ensure all boards have the corner ground
wire attached and tightened. Check for loose locator pin or incorrect
positioning in J2 of the AIF board. See the charts on pages 43-47 of this manual for proper pin position. Bad MIB and/or AIF board.
Broken resistor lead. Unwrap the resistor
leads and check ends.
LOV™ Generation II Technical Reference
Troubleshooting the AIF System (AIF)
Problem Probable Cause Fix
Ensure the actuator is plugged into the correct
1. connection (J1 for FV return, J3 for DV return; J6 for FV drain, J7 for DV drain). Ensure the locator pin is in the proper position
2. in plug J2. (See charts on pages 43-47 of this manual for proper pin position.)
Check pins 5 and 6 of J2 at the MIB board.
1. Should read 24VDC. Check voltage on pins 5 and 6 at the other end of the harness and ensure 24VDC is present. Check pins 5 and 6 for 24VDC on plugs J4 and J5 on AIF boards. Ensure actuator leads are plugged into AIF
2. board (J1 for FV return, J3 for DV return; J6 for FV drain, J7 for DV drain). Check the power on the connector of the
3. problem actuator while manually opening or closing the actuator. Pins 1 (black) and 4 (white) should produce +24VDC when the actuator is opening; -24VDC should be read from Pins 2 (red) and 4 (white) when the actuator is closing. If either voltage is missing, the AIF board is likely bad. Test the actuator by plugging into another connector to open or close. If the actuator operates, replace the board. Check resistance of the potentiometer
4. between pin 2 (purple wire) and pin 4 (gray/ white wire). Closed should read 0-560Ω. Open should read 3.8KΩ - 6.6KΩ. If proper voltages are seen at the connector
5. and the actuator doesn’t operate, replace the actuator.
Wrong vat opens.
Actuator doesn’t function.
Actuator is plugged into wrong
1. connector. Locator pin is in wrong position.
No power to AIF board.
1. Actuator unplugged.
2. AIF board failure.
3. Actuator readings are out of
4. tolerance. Actuator is bad.
Oil Return Sensor Troubleshooting (Gas LOV™ Fryers)
The oil return sensor is a device that is used to prevent dry fi ring of the burners. The sensor looks similar to a high limit. The sensors are energized when the computer is powered on with a soft on. The sensor heats up and detects the oil around it. During fi ltration when the oil is drained, it senses the difference between the oil and air. It is controlled with a board located next to the interface board (right) and a separate egg shaped plastic device (far right) that contains additional electronics. Use care when working with the sensor as temperatures may reach as high as 500°F (260°C).
The oil return sensor is controlled by a small green board and the electronics inside the plastic, egg-shaped device shown above to prevent dry fi ring.
LOV™ Generation II Technical Reference
If oil is surrounding the heater, the oil will prevent the heater from ever reaching its setpoint. Once oil is removed during fi ltration, the heater reaches setpoint and cycles a thermostat every four seconds. Since the cycle is only four seconds long, the seven second delay is not made and the gas valve won’t open.
The 120VAC is on T2 in the control box traveling in on pin 11 of J3 and out pin 7 on J1 (DV) or pin 7 on J3 (FV).
Typical sensor-related failures:
Low temp but no call for heat (heat light),
Stuck in melt cycle with no call for heat,
Filter error (
If the computer doesn’t exit melt cycle or continues to display low temp and does not heat, ensure that the gas supply, gas valve, and other components are working properly. If no heat lamp illuminates because no call for heat is initiated, check the following (see diagram below):
Power to oil sensor (from previous basket lift relay on interface board K1(DV) or K4 (FV)). Check
• pin 7 on J1 (DV) or pin 7 on J3 (FV) for 120VAC. Power to heater/relay coil on relay board. Check voltage to the coil on pins 8 and 1 to ensure that
• 120VAC is present with oil in the vat. If the vat is empty, the power will cycle 4 seconds on, 4 seconds off. Check between pin 3 and 2; 5VDC for air and 0VDC for oil. A common message for a shorted
• harness or issue is Check ground on pin 2 on relay board to stud for a secure ground.
• Check AIF communication harness. Interrupted communication will prevent the fryer from
• heating. If the oil level sensor is cycling 4 sec. on/off and oil is surrounding the sensor , the sensor may have
• a carbon build up that is self insulating the sensor. Use a no scratch pad to remove carbon build up.
IS VAT FULL?) with oil in the lter pan (no oil in the vat).
IS DRAIN CLEAR? with oil in the lter pan.
(To J1 Pin 7 (DV)
or J3 Pin 7 (FV))
(To T2 Terminal Block
Line Voltage In From
Oil Level Sensor
(Basket Lift) Relay on
Interface Board
24VAC from Interface Board
through High Limit (Ign. Module
Call for Heat)
To (optional Drain
Switch) and Gas
Fixed Setpoint Temp. Control
120V (US) 230V (Intl) 40W
Heater w/ Thermocouple
5 4
Time Delay Relay Board
DPDT 7sec. Delay on Make
(350 ohms US)
(1325 ohms Intl)
To AIF Board J2 Pin 9 DV
or 10 FV (AIF Oil Signal)
LOV™ Generation II Technical Reference
M3000 Computer
Cook Cycle and
Selection Buttons
ON/OFF ON/OFFProduct Buttons
LED Display
Filter, Temp, Info, Programming
and Navigation Buttons
Heat Indicator
LED Display
The M3000 computer retains the one-button ease of the M2000 and M100B, combining it with the utility of 40-product menu capability. It will operate with electric and gas fryers, both full- and split­vat.
On single product vats, press any of the cook cycle buttons to begin cooking. On multi-product vats, press a product button, and then a cook cycle button under the display showing the desired product name.
For example, a typical M3000 computer on a 3-vat fry station will display
FR FRIES. Pressing
one of the cook cycle buttons will begin a cook cycle for French fries.
The chicken/fi llet station will usually display dashed lines [ assigned to McChicken, for example, will cause cycle button beneath the word
---- ----
mcchick to start a cook cycle for McChicken.
---- ----
mcchick to be displayed. Then, press a cook
----]. Pressing the product button
Product Buttons Cook Cycle Buttons
LOV™ Generation II Technical Reference
The M3000 uses  and  buttons to navigate the various menus and submenus.
When programming, the left screen shows the menu or submenu item. The right screen is for data entry. Data is entered with alpha-numeric characters, scrolling through lists or by toggling between choices (see diagrams on previous page).
During programming, if a button is not pushed within one minute, the computer returns to operation mode.
Cook Cycle and Selection Buttons
The 9 and 8 buttons are dual-function buttons shared with the number 1 and 2 buttons. They are located directly below the LED displays (see diagrams on previous page). Use these buttons to select or cancel functions. The 8 button is used to back out of and quit submenus.
Filter, Temperature, and Info Buttons
The < FLTR and FLTR > buttons (see diagram) are used to fi lter the left and right vats of a split vat fryer on demand, while the right FLTR > button is used to fi lter a full vat on demand. If pressed once, the FLTR buttons will display the number of cook cycles remaining until a fi ltration prompt. When a FLTR button is pressed twice, the date and time of the last fi lter will be displayed.
Temp Button
The TEMP button, if pressed once while the fryer is on, displays current vat temperature on both sides. If the TEMP button is pressed twice while the fryer is on, it shows the setpoint temperatures of the vats. If the fryer is off, the display shows the current versions of software.
Info Button
The INFO button, if pressed once when the fryer is on, shows the recovery time for each vat from the last test. Recovery displays the time required for the fryer to raise the temperature of the oil 50°F (28°C) between 250°F (121°C) and 300°F (149°C). Maximum recovery time should not exceed 1:40 for electric or 2:25 for gas.
If recovery time exceeds these times, the computer will display can be cleared and alarm silenced by pressing the 9 button. The second consecutive time it will display cleared by pressing the 9 button. However, each time the fryer is started up and the test performed, the error will continue to appear until code 0042 is entered in tech mode (see page 27).
RECOVERY FAULT CALL SERVICE. The error can be silenced and temporarily
If the INFO button is pressed and held for three seconds it shows information such as usage, fi lter statistics and last cook cycles.
LOV™ Generation II Technical Reference
Cook Channel
and Selection Buttons
Basic Operation
Filter, Temp, Info,
Programming and Navigation Buttons
Turn Fryer ON
Press right key for full pot; press key on desired side on a split pot.
Turn Fryer OFF
Press right key for full pot; press key on desired side on a split pot.
Check Frypot Temperature
Press Temp key once. Displays show frypot temperatures.
Check Frypot Setpoint
Press Temp key twice. Displays show frypot setpoint temperatures.
Cancel Duty or Remove
Press key under active display.
Start One-Button Cook Cycle (Dedicated Mode)
Press key under display showing desired item.
Product Buttons
Start Two-Button Cook Cycle (Multi-Product Mode)
Press product key bearing icon for desired product. Press cook channel button to begin cook cycle
Change From Dedicated
Press and hold Cook Channel button under displayed menu item for approximately 3 seconds until beep is heard. Display changes to dashed lines.
Change From Multi-Product
Press product key bearing icon for desired product. Press cook channel button under display showing desired item until beep is heard (approx 3 seconds).
to Multi-Product Mode
Mode to Dedicated Mode
+ 35 hidden pages