“Faust 90” multifunctional oven
Installation, operating and maintenance manual

• This manual constitutes an integral pa rt of the appli ance; it must be stored intact for
future refer ence for the entire oven lifecycle. Ca refully read this manual prior to
using or installi ng th e appl ian ce .
• This oven is designed for domestic use only and is intended for cooking and
warming fo odstuffs. Any other use (e.g. warming of the room) co nstitutes
improper use and is dangerous. The manufacturer shall not be held liable for any
consequenc es resulting fr om alternative use of the oven.
• The various packaging components must not de dispe rsed into the environment, but
disposed of in compliance with the leg islation in force concernin g waste disposa l.
• Installation must be carried out by qualified person nel in conformity to the
regulations in force.
• In the event that the appliance malfunc tions, disco nnect it from the power supply
and contac t the nearest Foster technical assistance c entre.
Observe the following for correct use of the oven:
- This applia nce is intended for use by adults - keep chil dren out of reac h.
- Do not introduce inflammable objects in the oven as t hese may cause fire.
- The applianc e generates heat, therefore limit contact with its outer surface and
absolutely avoid touching the internal parts.
- Grip the handle in th e centr e to ope n the do or c orre c tly .
- Always use o ven gloves when introducing or removing foodstuffs into/from the
- Do not obstruct the oven's ventilatio n and heat diss ipation openings.
- Do not place heavy obje ct s on the op en do or as t hes e co uld da m age the hi n ge s.
- Do not hang a ny heavy objec t from the ove n door handle.
- Do not pull on the power cable to unplug the appliance.
Observe the following to save energy:
- Pre-heat the oven only for the time strictly required.
- Use dark-coloured oven cookwar e items as they absorb heat more effectively.
- Open the oven door only w hen strictly necessary so as to avoid dispe rsing heat.
- Keep the gaskets clean and fully effic ient in order to prevent heat dispersal.
- Always make sure the oven is turne d of f af ter use .

Installing th e bui lt-i n ov en in t o the ca bi ne t
The oven
can be
either on
cabinets or
The cabine t
recess must
have the
dimensions: 865x467 mm.
An opening must be cut into the back of the oven cabinet or
support she lf (towards the rear) to ensure adequate a ir flow
and ventilati on for th e oven to co ol du ri ng op er at i on.
Make sure that the oven is safely installed in the cabinet. Use
the 4 screws (A) to secur e th e ove n.
Cabinet features
The cabinet must have the following fea tures:
• The cabine t and related components must be able to withstand a temperature of
150°C with out deforming a nd/or surface defects appea ring.
• The cabine t must not interfere with the passage of electrical wiring.
• The cabine t housing the oven must have a load capacity of 70 kg.
Electrical connections
• The electric al connections must be carried out by a qualified and/or authorised
electricia n only.
• The electric al connection must be carried out in conf ormity to the European
regulations in force.
• The electric al connection required is a single-phase 220-240 V, 50-60 Hz type
connection ( check the product's rating plate regar ding the correct supply voltage
and frequenc y).

IT is mandatory to earth the appliance:
• If the appliance is directly connec t ed to th e mains e lec tr ic ity, an omnipolar swi tc h
with contact gap of at leas t 3 mm - able to withsta nd th e ove n's pow er o ut pu t must be installed betwe en the oven and power socket.
• The earth wi re must by no means be interrupted by the omnipolar switch.
Always ensure that the oven is disconnected from the power supply before effecting
maintenance work and/o r adjustments.
The oven may be supplied without a plug f itted on the power cord. If this occurs, ch oose
a plug that can withstand the oven's ma ximum power output. Make sure that the earth
wire (yellow/green) is properly connected to the relative plug pin.
Follow the s teps below when connecting or replacing t he power cable:
• Disconnect the ap plia nc e or the pow er su p ply .
• Open the terminal board cover.
• Connect the ends of the pow er ca b le - remember that the earth wire is identified by
the yellow/green jacket. If using a BS 1363-approved 13 A plug, apply a 13 A fuse.
• The power cable must be secured by the c able clamp on the terminal board to
prevent it from turning an d/or detaching. No point of the cable must b e exposed to
temperatur es exceeding 75 °C.
• The plug con necting the appliance to the mains electricity must be suitable for the
oven's power output. More over, the plug must be easily accessible once the oven
has been installed. An omnipolar switch with a conta ct gap of at least 3 mm must
be installed in the event of a direct connection to the mains electricity.

use a flexib le three-wire cable - type H05RR-F ( 3x1.5 mm).

Control pane l
A = ON/OFF ( power indicator light)
B = ON/OFF (thermostat indicator light)
C = electron ic programmer (5 buttons)
D = oven tem perature therm os tat kn o b
E = commutator or function selector knob
prior to first use, turn on the oven at m aximum power and operate it f or maximum 1 hour
while empty. Aerate the room well and open the kitchen windows if necessary. This
ensures that any combustion fumes of production residues such as grea se, oil and
processing r esin can escape.
ON/OFF (pow er indicator light)
When turned on, it in dic ate s tha t the ove n i s elec tr ica l ly powe re d.
ON/OFF (thermostat indicator light)
Indicates the tur n in g on/ of f of the heat i ng ele ments to maintain the se le c te d coo ki ng