Ford F250superduty 2015 Owner's Manual

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super duty
tough keeps getting tougher.
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The 2015 Ford F-Series Super Duty is setting the standard for other heavy-duty pickups to follow. Yet again. From increased capabilities to improved power and performance to beefier underpinnings and beyond, this SuperDuty takes Built Ford Tough
to new extremes, so you can
get more work done than ever before.
A new 31,200-lb. max. towing capability on
is not only best-in-class,2 it’s a whopping 8,000 lbs. more than comparable Chevy trucks and 1,200 lbs. more than Ram. F-450 also offers you a class-leading 40,000-lb. GCWR.
Best-in-class diesel hp and torque also increase this year, while best-in-class fuel economy by our Second-Generation 6.7L Power Stroke V8Turbo Diesel engine.
is maintained on pickups powered
America’s best-selling truck for 37 years, Ford F-Series is engineered to help you get the job done when no one else can. Construction. Heavy Hauling. Emergency Vehicles. Agriculture. Forestry. Utility Services. Within these and countless other essential industries, the guys who do the toughest work count on one heavy-duty truck more than any other
– FordSuper Duty.
F-450 LARIAT Crew Cab 4x4. Tuxedo Black. Available equipment.
When properly equipped. Available Summer 2014. 2Class i s Full-Size Pickups over 8 ,500 lbs. GVWR. 3Based o n Ford simulate d city-subur ban drive-c ycle tests of co mparably equi pped 2015 Ford and 2011–2013 compe titive mo dels, consis tent with SAE Standar d J1321. 4Available feature. 5Percenta ges based o n Polk U.S. heavy- duty pickup a nd class 25 conventio nal chassis c ab combined new r egistration s (2011 CYE–2012 CYTD JUNE) w ithin listed voc ations.
Vehicles thr oughout this bro chure may be shown w ith optional and af termarket upfit e quipment.
2015 super duty®
strengthen your team
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with proVen workhorses.
For 2015, F-Series Super Duty comes in your choice of 3 capable models: F-250, F-350, and the max. towing leader, F-450. Trim choices include: XL, XLT, LARIAT, a newly redesigned KING RANCH,
our top-of-the-line PLATINUM.
F-250 XL Regular Cab 4x2. Oxford White. F-350 LARIAT Sup erCab 4x4. Tuxedo Black. F-450 LARIAT Crew Cab 4x4. White Platinum. Available or aftermar ket equipment shown on each .
Available Summer 2014. 2Based o n vehicle regist ration data and lates t odometer rea dings available to R. L . Polk & Co. for 1992 and newer mo del year full-siz e pickups still on t he road in the U.S. as of 4/ 1/13.
With the most configurations in its class, there’s a Super Duty just right for
you. Plus, you can rest assured it’s built on a foundation engineered to last. There are more F-Series trucks on the road with 250,000+ miles than any other brand.
When properly equipped.
F-2 50
Maximum Capabilities
16 , 80 0 - lb . To wi n g 4,240-lb. Payload 10,000-lb . GVWR 23,500-lb. GCWR
Equipment Configurations
6.2L Gas V8 or 6.7L Powe r Str oke Turbo Diesel
Single Rear Wh eel 4x2 or 4x4 Regular Ca b, SuperCab or Crew C ab;
6¾' or 8' Box
Maximum Capabilities
26 ,7 0 0 -l b . Tow i n g 7,260-lb. Payload 14,000-lb. GVWR – UNS URPASSED 35,000-lb. GCWR
Equipment Configurations
6.2L Gas V8 or 6.7L Powe r Str oke V8 Turbo Diesel
Single Rear Wh eel or Dual Rear Whee l; 4x2 or 4x4
Regular Ca b, SuperCab or Crew C ab; 6¾' or 8' Box
Maximum Capabilities
31,200-lb. Tow ing – BEST IN CLASS 5,450-lb. Payload 14,000-lb. GVWR – UNS URPASSED 40,000-lb. GCWR – BE ST IN CLASS
Equipment Configurations
6.7L Power Stroke V8 Turbo Dies el Dual Rear Wh eel 4x4 Crew Cab wi th 8' Box
2015 super duty®
do more
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than eVer with the diesel leader.
Designed, engineered and built by Ford, our Second-Generation
6.7L Power Stroke power and torque than ever.
Best-in-class 440 hp and 860 lb.-ft. of torque are facilitated in part by a new larger turbocharger, which helps improve airflow and performance. You’ll really appreciate it when towing heavy loads uphill and at high altitudes.
Best-in-class diesel fuel economy
help of new high-pressure fuel injectors that achieve a more efficient, cleaner burn.
Proven in over 12 million miles of cumulative testing and real-world use under extreme conditions, this B20-capable engine is the most tested Power Stroke diesel ever. From 120°F scorching heat to it’s BuiltFord Tough.
Available feature. 2Based o n Ford simulated c ity-suburb an drive-cy cle tests of comp arably equippe d 2015 Ford and 2011
V8 Turbo Diesel engine1 produces more
is maintained with the
40°F bone-chilling cold. Rest assured,
2013 competit ive models, co nsistent with SA E Standard J1321.
2015 super duty®
rule the class
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with 6.2l V8 gas.
The Built Ford Tough® 6.2L 2-valve V8 gives you the most power and torque of any standard gas engine in the class: 385 hp and 405 lb.-ft. of torque. engineered, built and torture-tested by Ford, this state-of-the-art E85-capable engine is the standard powerplant on F-250 and F-350.
Alternative fuel options include a CNG/LPG Gaseous Engine Prep Package that readies your truck to be upfit for compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), or as a bi-fuel vehicle with the ability to seamlessly switch between CNG or LPG and gasoline.
Providing flexibility and extended range, trucks upfit to a bi-fuel system include a tank for each type of fuel. Contact your local Ford Dealer for ordering details. By purchasing a Super Duty upfit for CNG or LPG, you may even qualify for state incentives related to alternative-fuel use, infrastructure or vehicles. Visit for details.
2015 Su per duty® chassis cab
F-250 XLT SuperCa b 4x4. Vermillion Red. Chr ome Package. Available equipme nt.
85 hp and 405 lb.-ft . of torque, 10,000 lbs. GVWR a nd under. 316 hp and 397 lb.-ft. o f torque, 10,001 lbs. GVWR an d over.
choose your power –
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w i s e ly.
Diesel or gas. Either way, your Super Duty comes with a rugged TorqShift® 6-speed SelectShift built by the Ford powertrain team.
Both engines run efficiently at low rpm thanks in part to low-speed lockup capability (down to 900 rpm) on the transmission’s torque converter.
Durable construction, including a high-strength sinter-metal carrier with patented Ford rocker one-way clutch, helps the transmission easily manage the extreme low-end torque of the diesel engine, and the high speeds of the gas engine.
Extended 150,000-mile intervals for fluid and filter changes are courtesy of the transmission’s high-capacity, high-efficiency fluid filter. The 2015 Super Duty isBuilt Ford Tough
automatic transmission designed, engineered and
for the long haul.
2nd-Generation 6.7L Power Stroke® V8 Turbo Diesel
Get mor e power and torque w ith the diesel engin e this year. A new exhaust temperature sensor allows it to operate at max. cap ability, while a larger tu rbocharger helps it efficie ntly generate th e best hp and torque in t he class.
Power upfi ts any time, whether the truck is in motion or at a complete s top. Our class-exc lusive live-dri ve power take-off (PTO) provision is runnin g. It keeps the job going with an output gear linked directly to t he engine cranks haft.
lets you p ower upfits whe never the diesel e ngine
1,000 2,500 4,000
6.2L 2-Valve V8 Gas
Ease your heavy-duty workload with lots of low-rpm tor que. The gas engine’s stiff SOHC valvetrain with roller-rocker shafts enables an intake- and exhaust-port layout that optimizes airflow, he lping it produce plen ty of torque down low.
Count on the i ron-clad dur ability of the gas e ngine block. It feature s reliable cast-iron con struction with 4 -bolt main bearin g caps, inc luding 2 additional cr oss bolts.
Enjoy the balanced performance of the g as engine’s dual-equa l variable cam timing. It phas es the intake- and exhaust-valve opening and closing events simultaneously to optimize fuel economy, low-end torque and pe ak horsepower. Using 2 s park plugs per c ylinder also h elps the fuel-air mix ture burn effi ciently, contributing to fuel economy and engine torque.
1,000 3,500 6,000
860 LB .- FT.
440 HP
Engine speed (rpm)
405 LB .- FT.
Engine speed (rpm)
385 HP
F-250 XL Crew Cab 4x4. Oxford White. Available equipment.
Available feature. 2405 lb.-ft. of to rque and 385 hp, 10,000 lbs. GVWR a nd under. 397 lb.-ft. of tor que and 316 hp, 10,001 lbs. GVWR an d over.
2015 super duty®
pull the most – confidently.
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Ford F-Series Super Duty is the only truck in its class offering you up to 31,200 lbs.
max. towing capability.
To help you handle all that weight, Super Duty utilizes trailer sway control. The system monitors the motions of the truck to detect trailer sway and selectively brakes as needed,
helping you maintain control of
the truck and the trailer.
When negotiating an incline, whether in Drive or Reverse, standard hill start assist helps you out by momentarily maintaining brake pressure until the engine delivers enough torque to move the truck uphill.
Less manual braking is required of drivers on diesel models for 2015 thanks to improvements in engine braking performance. The diesel’s new larger turbocharger provides more engine-exhaust braking power for improved grade descent control with less wear and tear on the wheel brakes and transmission. Engine-exhaust braking includes a new manual push-button control on the instrument panel this year as well. Like all the best leaders, Super Duty just keeps on improving.
max. towing
F-450 KING RANCH® Crew Cab DRW 4x4. Bronze Fire. Monoc hromatic Paint Package. Available equipm ent.
When properly equipped. Available Summ er 2014. 2Remember th at even advanced technology cannot overcome the laws of physics. It’s always pos sible to lose contro l of a vehicle due to inap propriate driv er input for the con ditions.
31,200 lbs.
swaycontrols assisthil l s tart
2015 super duty®
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the ground towing.
Thanks to our 5th-Wheel/Gooseneck Trailer Tow Prep Package and Ford Custom Accessories 5th-Wheel and Gooseneck Hitch Kits your Super Duty can arrive ready to tow – right from the factory. Plus, you’ll get the strength of an under-the-bed-frame crossmember utility of a flat cargo bed floor.
by Reese,®
and the
5th-Wheel Hit ch available with 8' box on ly. Se e your Ford Dealer fo r details. 2Available feature. 3Trailer brake contr oller verified to b e compatible with electr ically actuated drum brakes and cer tain electric-over-hydraulic brake systems. Se e your Ford Dea ler for details .
Guidelines help you line up with your trailer using the full-color rear view camera
image displayed in your rearview mirror or on the 8" MyFord Touch
For an easier towing experience overall, Super Duty offers class-exclusive features like an in-bed 7-pin connector trailer tow mirrors. installed, integrated trailer brake controller
and PowerScope®
There’s even a factory-
to balance the performance of the truck’s brakes and electric trailer brakes. LCD productivity screen
offers a pre-towing
And the
checklist and recalls settings for different trailers. Ready, set, tow.
2015 super duty®
+ 16 hidden pages