Ford Cmaxenergi 2014 Owner's Manual

14c-max hybrid
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c-max energi
Hybrid mpg AND impressive horsepower.
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Ford C-MAX Hybrid and C-MAX Energi Plug-In Hybrid are a family of fuel-efficient multi-activity vehicles with maximized style and 188 system net horsepower – that’s 54 more than Toyota Prius v offers and best-in-class1 on C-MAX Hybrid. As Car and Driver says, C-MAX is “... dynamically proficient and rewarding to drive – and certainly more so than the cars with which it competes most directly.”2 Filled with innovative features and intuitive technology, the C-MAX Hybrids are designed to maximize your lifestyle while leaving a reduced carbon footprint. Go further in a 2014 C-MAX.
C-MAX Hybrid SEL. Sterling Gray Metallic. C-MAX Energi. Ice Storm Metallic. Available equip ment.
C-MAX Hybrid
42 city mpg
Running on i ts combination of ga s and electric power, C-MAX Hybrid has an EPA-estimated drivin g range of 540 miles.
C-MAX Hyb rid class is Smal l Hybrid Vehicles . 2August 2012. 3EPA-estimated r ating: 42 city/37 hw y/40 combine d mpg, 13.5-gal. f uel tank. Range calc ulation based o n www.fuelecon Actual mi leage will vary. mode operation.
EPA-estimated r ating of 95 city/81 hwy/88 comb ined MPGe. Actua l mileage will var y. MPGe is the EPA equivalent m easure of gas oline fuel eff iciency for ele ctric
EPA-estimated r ating of 40 city/36 hw y/38 combined mp g, 14-gal. fuel tan k; 19 miles electr ic. Range calculati on based on w ww.fueleconom y.go v. Ac tual mileage will v ary.
C-MA X Energi Plug-In Hybrid
C-MAX Energi is a pr ogressive hybr id designed to let you p lug in when you want to plus u p to 95 city MPGe, of 19 miles in all-e lectric mode, an d a total driving range o f 550 miles.
95 city mpge
an EPA-estimated d riving range
14c-max hybrid
c-max energi
Eco-conscious road hugger.
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C-MAX has ultra-low emissions. It also has Active Grille Shutters to help reduce air resistance and increase fuel efficiency. These and many other smart features come standard. But there’s also a major surprise. When you step on the accelerator, C-MAX delivers a truly engaging driving experience.
The advanced eCVT (electronically controlled continuously variable transmission) smoothly transfers 188 system net horsepower and 129 lb.-ft. of torque to the pavement. Powered by a state-of-the-art lithium-ion battery, C-MAX uses a powersplit hybrid architecture to switch seamlessly between an 88-kW electric traction motor and a 2.0L Atkinson-cycle I-4 gasoline engine. The system can operate in all-electric mode at speeds of up to 85 mph, with the engine kicking in only as needed to power the battery and to enhance performance.
As you accelerate through corners, Torque Vectoring Control enhances your hold on the road. According to the editors at, “Ford C-MAX provides the best balance of fuel economy and driving fun in the segment.”
From KBB Ex pert Review on Ke lley Blue Book’s ww
C-MAX Hybrid SEL. Sterling Gray Metallic.
14c-max hybrid
c-max energi
Available equipm ent.
Plug in to plus up your drive.
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When you want to get the most from your C-MAX Energi, you can simply plug it in. Use the 120-volt convenience charging cable in a standard grounded outlet to recharge overnight. Or you can use a 240-volt home charging station to recharge in just 2.5 hours. An LED-illuminated indicator on the external charge port makes it easy to see your charging progress. When fully charged, C-MAX Energi lets you enjoy an EPA-estimated rating of 95 city MPGe, a gas-plus-electric driving range of 550 miles, all-electric driving range of 19 miles. charging station
by AeroVironment™ is recommended by
A 240-volt home
Ford. The UL-listed, weather-resistant portable charging station is easy to take with you if you relocate. A hard­wired station is also available. Please call 1-888-219-6747 or visit for more information. These charging stations are available with or without full installation services by AeroVironment.
and an
C-MAX Energi. Ice Storm Metallic. Available e quipment.
Available feature. 2EPA-estimated r atings of 95 city/81 hw y/88 com bined MPGe; 40 ci ty/36 hwy/38 combin ed mpg; 19 miles elec tric. 14-gal. fu el tank. MPGe is the EPA equ ivalent meas ure of gasol ine fuel effi ciency for elec tric mode ope ration. Range calcu lation based on w ww.fuelecono Actual mileage w ill vary. from the v ehicle sale date as re corded by the deal er. Subscription fe es apply after 5 ye ars. MyFord Mo bile requires a co mpatible 2G indepe ndent cellular ne twork. Evolvi ng technology an d cellular ne tworks may af fect future av ailability and f unctionalit y.
Effec tiveness of cabi n conditioning m ay be reduced by ex treme outsid e temperatures o r when using 120-volt c harging.
MyFord Mobile subscription complimentary for 5 years
Stay Connected with MyFord® Mobile. Our award-winning MyFord Mobile app
and website (, featuring a chargin g station locator powe red by PlugShare, make it eas y to monitor and sch edule charging from just about anywhere. To maximize your range, s et a departure time and cabin temperature while the vehicle is plugged in. Your preconditioned temperature is then attaine d by drawing power fro m the charging station, r ather than the batter y.
14c-max hybrid
c-max energi
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