In bringing the car to a final stop, keep the clutch disengaged
until the gear shift 1ever has been moved into n utral position.
To stop the engine, push in on
the electro-lock cylinder until it
snaps into
the lock position.
To Reverse the Car
The car must be brought to a stop before at emptmg to re•
verse its direction. To shift into reverse, proce d asin shifting
into low speed, except that the gear shift lever
is moved to the
left and forward.
The Spark Control
For average driving the spark lever should be carried abou
half way down
the quadrant. Only for high speeds should the
spark lever be advanced all the way down the quadrant. When
the engine is under
a heavy load as in climbing steep hills,
driving through heavy sand, etc., the spark lever should be
retarded sufficiently to prevent a park knock .
Driving the Car
The different speed required to meet road conditions are
obtained by varying the pressure on the accelerator. Practically
the running speeds needed for orwnary travel are obtained
in high gear;
the low and second gear are used principally
to give
the car momen um in starting, and when the engine is
subjected to a heavy load.
The Owner's Responsibility in Caring for the Car
A new machine requires more car ful attention during the
first few days
it is being driven than after the parts have been
thoroughly 'worked
in.'' To ob aio best results, a new car
should no be driven faster than 30 o 35 miles per hour for the
500 miles. The oil in the engine should be changed as
described on page
13 under Draining the Oil Pan. Never start
out with your car
until you are sure it has plenty of oil, water
and gasoline.
See that
an air pressure of 35 pounds is maintained in an
tires. Under inflation causes more ire expense than anything
Inspect your battery every two weeks and keep
it filled o
the proper level with distilled water.
If the water is allowed to
evaporate below the top of the plates the life of the battery
will be seriously affected.
Let the Ford dealer go over your car once a month, making
any mechanical adjustments necessary to keep your car in
proper running order.