Fluke RSE300 Specifications

RSE300 and RSE600 Infrared Cameras
Mounted infrared cameras for research, science and engineering
MATLAB® and LabVIEW® software compatibility allows users to
integrate infrared data, images and videos to support R&D analysis
See the details you need with optional smart lenses: 2x and 4x
telephoto, wide angle and macro lenses
Optimize images, generate customizable reports and export images to the format of your choice with SmartView
Eliminate potential for mis-diagnosis with automatically focused
images throughout your field of view with MultiSharp™ Focus
desktop software
1.85 mRad
0.93 mRa d
320 x24 0
34 °H x 25.5 °V
34 °H x 25.5 °V
100 % Focused–Every object. Near and far. MultiSharp Focus.
Manua l focus
MultiSharp Focus, available on the RSE300 and RSE600 Infrared Cameras
Detailed specifications
RSE300 RSE600
Key Features
Detector resolution 320x24 0 (76,800 pixel s) 640x480 (307,200 pixels)**
IFOV with standard lens (spatial resolution) 1.85 m Rad 0.93 mRad
Field of view 34 °H x 25.5 ° V 34 °H x 25.5 ° V
Minimum fo cus d ista nce 15 cm (approx. 6 in)
Camera focus options Focus is adjus ted in SmartView
MultiSharp™ Focus Yes, focused nea r and fa r, thro ughout the field of view
Yes, in SmartView
IR/ Visible alarm, F ull IR, Full visible light) add the context of the visible details to your infra red im age
desktop soft ware. Five modes of image blending (AutoBlend™ mode, Picture-in-Picture (PIP),
Inter faces for image/data tra nsfer Suppor ted in c amera d ata por ts: GigE Vision
Thermal sen sitivity (NET D) ≤ 0.030 °C at 30 °C tar get temp (30 m K)* ≤ 0.040 ° C at 30 °C ta rget temp (4 0 mK)*
Filter mode (N ETD i mprovement) Yes
Level and span Smooth auto and manual scal ing, in Smar tView
Fast auto toggle between manua l and auto modes
Yes, in SmartView
Fast auto-res cale i n manual mode Yes, in SmartView
Minimum span (in m anua l mode) 0.1 °C (0.18 °F), in Sm artV iew® desktop software
Minimum span (in auto mode) <1.0 °C (<1.8 °F), in S martView® desktop software
Built-in digital camera (visible light) 5 megapixel industr ial performance
Frame rate 60 Hz or 9 H z versions
Digital zoom Varia ble up to 16x in Sm artV iew® desktop software
Data storage and image capture
Memory options Conne ct to Sm artV iew® desktop software for storage to device
Image c apture, review, save mechan ism Captu re, save a nd ana lyze i mages i n Smar tView® desktop software
Image fi le formats Non-radiomet ric (.bmp) or (.jpeg) or ful ly-rad iometric (.is2); no analysis software required for
Software SmartView
Export file formats with SmartView® desktop software
non-radiomet ric (.bmp, .jpg and .avi) fi les
desktop soft ware—fu ll analysis and reporting softwar e
Compat ible with MAT LAB
Bitmap (.bmp), GI F, JPEG, PNG , TIF F
Voice annotation Yes, in SmartView
IR PhotoNotes™ Yes, in SmartView® desktop software
Text annotation Yes, in SmartView® desktop software
Video recording Radiometric, in SmartView® desktop soft ware, with exports to sta ndard non-rad iometric for mats
File formats video Non-radiomet ric (M PEG- encoded .AVI ) and fully-radiometric (.IS3), in SmartView® software
Remote display viewi ng Yes, see the live stream of the ca mera di splay on your PC, or T V monitor, via E thernet cable to Smar tView® desktop software
Remote control operation Yes, through SmartView® desktop software
Temperature measurement
Temperature measurement range (not calibrated below -10 °C)
-10 °C to +1200 °C (14 °F to +2192 °F)
Accuracy ± 2 °C or ± 2 %, wh ichever is greater
Autocaptu re Yes, in SmartView
Reflected background temperature compensation Yes, in Sma rtVie w® desktop software
Transmission correction Yes, in Smar tView® desktop software
Color palettes Available through IR-Fusion® technology in desktop software
Standard palettes 8: Ironbow, Blue- Red, High Contrast, Amber, Amber Inver ted, Hot Metal, Graysc ale, Graysca le Inverted
Ultra Contrast™ palettes 8: Ironbow Ult ra, Blue-Red U ltra, High Contras t Ultr a, Amber Ult ra, Amber Inverted Ultra, Hot Metal Ult ra, Gray scale Ultra,
Grayscale Inverte d Ultra
desktop software
desktop software
desktop software
desktop software
and LabVIEW® software
desktop software
desktop software
*Best possi ble
**Option to output 320x240 infra red data through GigE Vi sion
2 Fluke Corporation RSE300 and RSE600 Infrared Cameras
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