Manual Supplement
Manual Title: 80 Series V Calibration Supplement Issue: 8
Part Number: 2102915 Issue Date: 6/15
Print Date: September 2004 Page Count: 3
Revision/Date: 1, 2/05
This supplement contains information necessary to ensure the accuracy of
the above manual. Enter the corrections in the manual if either one of the
following conditions exist:
1. The revision letter stamped on the indicated PCA is equal to or higher
than that given with each change.
2. No revision letter is indicated at the beginning of the change.
© 2006-2015 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.

80 Series V Calibration Manual Supplement
Change #1
On page 16, Table 13, add the following:
Invalid model. Have Meter serviced.
OPEn Open thermocouple is detected.
Change #2, 39785
On page 8, Table 11, replace the Diode row with the following:
1000 V rms < 7.9 V dc 3.000 V dc 1.0 mA typical
Change #3, 41206, 48958
On page 5, replace Table 2 with the following:
Table 2. Model 87 AC Voltage Function Specifications
Function Range Resolution Accuracy
600.0 mV 0.1 mV
6.000 V 0.001 V
60.00 V 0.01 V
600.0 V 0.1 V
1000 V 1 V unspecified unspecified
Low pass filter
45 – 65 Hz 30 – 200 Hz 200 – 440 Hz 440 Hz - 1 kHz 1 - 5 kHz 5 - 20 kHz
± (0.7 % + 4)
± (0.7 % + 2)
Same as
45 - 65 Hz
± (1.0 % + 4)
± (1.0 % + 4)
+1 % + 4
-6 % - 4
unspecified unspecified unspecified
± (2.0 % + 4) ± (2.0 % + 20)
± (2.0 % + 4)
[1] Below 10 % of range, add 12 counts.
[2] The Meter is a true rms responding meter. When the input leads are shorted together in the ac functions, the Meter may display a residual reading between
1 and 30 counts. A 30 count residual reading will cause only a 2-digit change for readings over 3 % of range. Using REL to offset this reading may produce
a much larger constant error in later measurements.
[3] Frequency range: 1 kHz to 2.5 kHz.
[4] A residual reading of up to 13 digits with leads shorted, will not affect stated accuracy above 3 % of range.
[5] Specification increases from -1% at 200 Hz to -6% at 440 Hz when filter is in use.
Change #4, 58804, 62912, 64090, 509, 167
On page 19, Table 14, combine steps 47 and 48 and add footnote 7:
Step Test Function Range 5500A output
83 and 88 87
(87 and 88 only)
Peak Min/Max
7. The Fluke-83 V does not have a Peak Min/Max function.
6 V dc 6 Vpp, 2 kHz Sq. Wave,
DC offset 1 V
Max = 3.895 to 4.105 Max = 3.897 to 4.103
Min = -1.897 to -2.103 Min = -1.898 to -2.102
6/15 1
Display Reading