WiFi data download
from the Fluke 430
Series II Analyzers
Application Note
Fluke 430 Series II Analyzers offer the best in power quality
and energy analysis
The 434, 435 and 437 Series II models help locate, predict, prevent, and
troubleshoot power quality problems in three-phase and single-phase power
distribution systems and feature revolutionary power quality and energy
measurement functions that are logged on a standard SD memory card.
By adding a Toshiba FlashAir
memory card (available at popular electronics retailers) users can access
logged data easier than ever. When operating inside the Fluke 430-II the
card behaves like a standard memory card storing the data as it does to the
standard card supplied with the Fluke 430-II. Once measurement or logging
is stopped and the data is saved the data can then be retrieved directly from
the card by using the Wi-Fi connection of your PC or laptop in conjunction
with the Fluke PowerLog application software. This ability to support data
download by Wi-Fi is available in PowerLog V4.0 and above, with firmware
version 4.0 on the Fluke 430 Series II instrument.
From the Fluke Digital Library @ www.fluke.com/library
™ combined Wi-Fi
access point and SD

Enabling Wi-Fi downloading
in PowerLog
Step one:
To enable downloading by Wi-Fi users can simply
change the command that runs the PowerLog
program. Once PowerLog is installed the shortcut
that starts the program can be edited to enable
the Wi-Fi download. To do this first right click
on the icon that starts PowerLog and select
‘properties,’ then select the tab named ‘Shortcut’
then go to the ‘Target’ field and add ‘ -WiFi’ to
the target behind the last“, so it looks like:
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Fluke\PowerLog\
PowerLog.exe” -wifi
This is the default direc tory name, it may be dif ferent i f thi s was changed
during the original installation.
Step two:
When the Toshiba FlashAir™ is inserted in to
the Fluke 430 Series II and powered up the
card appears as a Wi-Fi network that your PC
or laptop can connect to. Go to your network
settings and connect to the network named
‘flashair’ (the network name will include some
specific characters after the network title that
are different for each FlashAir card). It may
be necessary to provide a network key for the
Wi-Fi SD card, the default setting is ‘12345678’,
however, consult the documentation supplied
with the FlashAir™ card for further details.
Step three:
Now start the PowerLog application software
from the file menu and select ‘FLUKE 430-II Wi-Fi
SD card’. Once selected, the dialog in Figure 2
On selecting OK, the standard dialog for
downloading data from the instrument will start
(see Figure 3).
It is now possible to select the required data
from the instrument for analysis and reporting as
you would normally perform with the PowerLog
application software.
Fi g u re 1: File menu.
Fig ure 2: Dialog box that appears af ter ‘F LUK E 430 -II Wi-Fi SD
card’ is selected (see step three).
Fig ur e 3: Dialog box that appears after selecting ‘OK’ in Fig ure 1
(see step three).
Important points:
• PowerLog version must be at least V4.0
• Firmware version on the instrument must be at
least V4.0
• The instrument must be in HOLD and the data
saved in the instrument.
• The computer running PowerLog must be
connected to the flashair wireless network.
2 Fluke Corporation WiFi data download from the Fluke 430 Series II Analyzers
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