Fluke 1630 User Manual

Instrument Security Procedures
Fluke 1630
Product Name:
Instrument Description:
The Fluke 1630 Earth Ground Clamp (hereafter called the “the Clamp”) is a hand-held battery-operated clamp that measures the ground resistance of a ground rod without using auxiliary ground rods. The Clamp can be used in multi-grounded systems without disconnecting the ground under test.
Memory Description:
U1 is a micro controller by Microchip PIC16LC924 which has 4K x 14 on­chip EPROM and 176 x 8 general purpose registers (SRAM). U2 is EEPROM by Microchip 24LC04 which has 4k bit storage.
Memory Cleaning Instructions:
To clear data stored in memory press and hold the “REC” button and then turn the Clamp on. The letters “CL” appear on the display and indicate that memory is cleared.
1630 SOMV 1 of 1 2/2/2007