Fluke 1625-2, 1623-2 Application Note

Checking ground
electrode impedance for
commercial, industrial
and residential buildings
Most facilities have grounded electrical systems, so that in the event of a lightning strike or utility overvoltage, current will find a safe path to earth. A ground electrode provides the contact between the electrical system and the earth. To ensure a reliable connec­tion to earth, electrical codes, engineering standards, and local standards often specify a minimum impedance for the ground electrode. The International Electrical Testing Association specifies ground electrode testing every three years for a system in good condition with average up-time requirements. This application note explains earth/ground principles and safety in more depth and then describes the principle testing methods: 3 and 4 pole Fall-of-Potential testing, selective testing, stakeless testing and 2 pole testing.
Why Ground?
The US National Electrical Code (NEC) gives two principle reasons for grounding a facility.
• Stabilize the voltage to earth during normal operation.
• Limit the voltage rise created by lightning, line surges or unintentional contact with higher-voltage lines.
Current will always find and travel the least­resistance path back to its source, be that a utility transformer, a transformer within the facility or a generator. Lightning, meanwhile, will always find a way to get to the earth.
In the event of a lighting strike on utility lines or anywhere in the vicinity of a building, a low­impedance ground electrode will help carry the energy into the earth. The grounding and bonding
Figure 1: A grounding system combining reinforcing steel and a rod electrode
Application Note
systems connect the earth near the building with the electrical system and building steel. In a light­ning strike, the facility will be at approximately the same potential. By keeping the potential gradient low, damage is minimized.
If a medium voltage utility line (over 1000 V) comes in contact with a low voltage line, a drastic overvoltage could occur for nearby facili­ties. A low impedance electrode will help limit the voltage increase at the facility. A low impedance ground can also provide a return path for utility­generated transients. system for a commercial building.
Ground Electrode Impedance
The impedance from the grounding electrode to the earth varies depending on two factors: the resistivity of the surrounding earth and the structure of the electrode.
Resistivity is a property of any material and it defines the material’s ability to conduct current. The resistivity of earth is complicated, because it:
• Depends on composition of the soil (e.g. clay,
gravel and sand)
• Can vary even over small distances due to the
mix of different materials
• Depends on mineral (e.g. salt) content
• Varies with compression and can vary with time
due to settling
• Changes with temperature, freezing (and
thus time of year). Resistivity increases with decreasing temperature.
• Can be affected by buried metal tanks, pipes,
re-bar, etc.
• Varies with depth
Since resistivity may decrease with depth, one way to reduce earth impedance is to drive an elec­trode deeper. Using an array of rods, a conductive ring or a grid are other common ways of increasing the effective area of an electrode. Multiple rods
Figure 1 shows a grounding
F r o m t h e F l u k e D i g i t a l L i b r a r y @ w w w . f l u k e . c o m / l i b r a r y
should be outside of each other’s “areas of influ­ence” to be most effective (see Figure 2). The rule of thumb is to separate the elements by more than their length. For example: 8-foot rods should be spaced more than 8 feet apart to be most effective.
The NEC specifies 25 ohms as an acceptable limit for electrode impedance. The IEEE Standard 142 Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems (“Green Book”) suggests a resistance between the main ground­ing electrode and earth of 1 to 5 ohms for large commercial or industrial systems.
Local authorities including the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) and plant managers are respon­sible for determining acceptable limits for ground electrode impedance.
Note: Power distribution systems deliver alternating current and ground testers use alternating current for testing. So, you’d think we would talk about impedance, not resistance. However, at power line frequencies, the resistive component of the earth impedance is usually much bigger than the reactive component, so you will see the terms impedance and resistance used almost interchangeably.
How do ground impedance testers work?
There are two types of ground impedance testers. Three and four point ground testers and clamp-on ground testers. Both types apply a voltage on the electrode and measure the resulting current.
A three or four-pole ground tester combines a current source and voltage measurement in a “lunch box” or multimeter-style package. They use multiple stakes and/or clamps.
Ground testers have the follwing characteristics:
AC test current. Earth does not conduct dc
very well.
Test frequency that is close to, but distinguish-
able from the power frequency and its harmon­ics. This prevents stray currents from interferring with ground impedance measurements. Separate source and measure leads to compen-
sate for the long leads used in this measurement.
Input filtering designed to pick up its own signal
and screen out all others.
Clamp-on ground testers resemble a large clamp meter. But they are very different because clamp­on ground testers have both a source transformer and a measurement transformer. The source transformer imposes a voltage on the loop under test and the measurement transformer measures the resulting current. The clamp-on ground tester uses advanced filtering to recognize its own signal and screen out all others.
Figure 2: Ground electrodes have “areas of influence” that surround them
Ground Testing Safety
Always use insulated gloves, eye protection and other appropriate personal protective equipment when making connections. It is not safe to assume that a ground electrode has zero voltage or zero amps, for reasons given below.
To perform a basic ground test (called Fall-of­Potential) on an electrode, the electrode must be disconnected from the building. New selective methods allow accurate testing with the electrode still connected. See “Selective Measurements.”
A ground fault in the system might cause signifi­cant current to flow through the ground conductor. You should use a clamp meter to check for current before performing any impedance testing. If you measure above 1 amp you should investigate the source of the current before proceeding.
If you must disconnect an electrode from an electrical system, try to do so during a maintenance shutdown when you can de-energize the system. Otherwise, consider temporarily connecting a backup electrode to the electrical system during your test.
Never disconnect a ground electrode if there is a chance of lightning.
A ground fault in the vicinity can cause voltage rises in the earth. The source of the ground fault may not even be in the facility you are testing, but could cause voltage between the test electrodes. This can be especially dangerous near utility substations or transmission lines where significant ground currents can occur. (Testing grounding systems of transmission towers or substations requires the use of special “Live Earth” procedures and is not covered in this app note.)
Ground impedance testers use much higher energy than your standard multimeter. They can output up to 250 mA. Make sure everyone in the area of the test is aware of this and warn them not to touch the probes with the instrument activated.
2 Fluke Corporation Checking ground electrode impedance for commercial, industrial and residental buildings.
Checking Connection Resistance
Measured Resistance
Distance of P2 from E
Current Spike
Potential Spike
Electrode Under test
Electrode/Earth Impedance
d1 d2
P2 C1&P1
Leading Up to the Electrode
Before testing the electrode, start by checking its connection to the facility bonding system. Most Fall-of-Potential testers have the ability to measure 2-pole, low ohms and are perfect for the job. You should see less than 1 ohm:
At the main bonding jumper
Between the main bonding jumper and the
ground electrode conductor
Between the ground electrode conductor and
the ground electrode
Along any other intermediate connection
between the main bonding jumper and the ground electrode
The Fall-of-Potential Method
The Fall-of-Potential method is the “traditional” method for testing electrode resistance. The proce­dure is specified in the IEEE-81 standard “Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance and Earth Surface Potentials of a Ground System.” In it’s basic form, it works well for small electrode systems like one or two ground rods. We will also describe the Tagg Slope Technique which can help you draw accurate conclusions about larger systems.
Remember: for this method, the ground elec­trode must be disconnected from the building electrical service.
The tricky part comes in determining where to drive the stakes to get a true reading of the resis­tance between the electrode and the earth. At what point does the dirt surrounding the electrode stop being a contributor of resistance and become the vast earth? Remember that we are not interested in the resistance between the electrode and our stakes. We are trying to measure the resistance that a fault current would see as it passes through the mass of the earth.
The current probe generates a voltage between itself and the electrode under test. Close to the electrode, the voltage is low and becomes zero when the P stake and electrode are in contact.
How it works
The Fall-of-Potential method connects to the
Figure 3: 3-point measurement
earth at three places. It is often called the “three­pole method.” You may want to use a fourth lead for precise measurements on low-impedance electrodes, but for our initial discussions we will consider three leads.
The connections are made to:
E/C1 – the ground electrode being tested
S/P2 – A voltage (potential) measurement stake
driven into the earth some distance away from the electrode. Sometimes called the potential auxiliary electrode
H/C2 – A current stake driven into the earth a
further distance away. Sometimes called the current auxiliary electrode
Figure 3 shows this schematically and Figure 4 shows the three connections made using a typical ground tester.
The ground tester injects an alternating current into the earth between the electrode under test
3 Fluke Corporation Checking ground electrode impedance for commercial, industrial and residental buildings.
(E) and the current stake (C2). The ground tester measures the voltage drop between the P2 stake and E. It then uses ohms law to calculate the resistance between P2 and E.
some distance from the electrode under test. Then,
To perform the test you position the C2 stake at
keeping the C2 stake fixed, you move the P2 stake along the line between E and C2, measuring the impedance along the way.
Figure 4: A plot of measured impedances versus position of the potential stake allows us to see the earth impedance
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