Fluid Management 53PD User Manual

Installing the Canisters on
This information can also be found in the instruction manual.
It is important that the canisters and remote bracket assemblies are assembled and installed correctly. Please refer to the information below when installing the canisters on the turntable.
Please note that this procedure is used for all canister sizes, although only
1.75L (22X) canisters are shown here. Other canister assemblies will vary in size and appearance; however the procedure remains the same. Connecting tubes are sized specifically for each canister and turntable size – please do not mix between different models.
Step 1 Prepare and install the inner ring of canisters. (applicable on
25PD & 53PD 16 canister turntables)
(1) Select the parts used in an inner
canister assembly: (A) canister with bush (B) at base (C) connecting tube (D) remote bracket and pump assembly (E) washer collar self-tapping screw
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2) Firmly push the connecting tube into the bush. Note: either end of the tube can be inserted. Indication marks are for internal use only.
(3) Firmly push the canister and connecting tube into the remote bracket and pump assembly
(4) Fit this assembly to the turntable. Canister screws (already fitted to the canister) fit into the inner ring location keyholes and the bracket fits slots simultaneously. Push firmly into position. If the bracket face is not firm against the turntable edge, then the extension tube is not correctly fitted.
into the 4
5) Secure the inner ring canister assembly in position with the washer collar self- tapping screw (provided) using either a standard screwdriver or a socket head (1/4” or 7mm).
(6) Repeat (2) to (5) for all other inner ring canister assemblies.
Step 2 Prepare and install the outer ring of canisters. (applicable on
all CW models and both 25PD & 53PD 12 canister turntables)
(1) Select the outer
ring canister assembly.
(2) Fit the canister screws into the outer ring of keyhole slots on the turntable. Push firmly into position.
(3) Locate the 2 guide holes directly below each canister and fasten the screws (already located in canister) with a Philips (No. 2) screwdriver.
(4) Repeat steps (2) (3) for all other outer ring canister assemblies
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