If the information in this manual is not
followed exactly, a fire or explosion may
result causing property damage, persona[
injury or death°
Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity
of this or any other appliance,
NEVER use this appliance as a space heater
to heat or warm the room, Doing so may
result in carbon monoxide poisoning and
overheating of the appliance,
o Do not try to light any app[[anceo
o Do not touch any electrical switch.
o Do not use any phone in your building.
o Immediately ca[_ your gas supplier from a
neighbor's phone. Follow the gas suppIier's
o If you cannot reach your gas suppmier_ cairnthe
fire department,
Installation and service must be performed by
a qualified insta
Using your _:ooktop
Care and cleaning
Frequently asked questions
Warranty and service
/he rT_oo'e/s shown in this docurT_ent rnc_y Yiot _>e_;V¢;i/¢;b/_ fi? _/_//rnc#kets _;no' c#e
su_,>j#cttochonge ot ony time.Forcurrentduc;i/sobout modalond specificotion
ov¢)i/c_bi/ityinyout'country,phase visitout/ocol website/isledon thebook covet"
ot"contcJcty,/>ut"Iocol Yshet"& h;ykel deohr.

Safety and warnings
Electrical Shock Hazard
Disconnect product from the mains power suppWy before servicing.
This appliance is equipped with a three°prong grounding plug for your
protection against shock hazard and should be pWugged directly into a
properly grounded power out[eL Do not under any circumstances cut or
remove the grounding prong from this p[ugo
Failure to follow this advice may result in eJectdca_ shock or death°
Cut Hazard
Take care =paneJedges are sharp°
Use polystyrene end caps when carrying the product°
Failure to use caution could result in in]ury or cuts°
This @ptiance shall be installed in accordance with the instottation requirements of the local
gas authority or the appropriate instatlotion code or in the absence of local codes with the latest
National Fuel Gos Code ANSI Z223o I or CANiCSA B t4£ot,2 (Conoda)o Locol building ond etectficot
codes must be odhered to.
Electricot instottation must be in accordance with the Nationol Electrical Code, ANSLiNFP470 -
totest edition or C54 C22.1 (Canada) and/or local codes.
, Installation in monufactured (mobile.) home: instottation must conform with the Manufactured
Home Construction and 5ofety Standard, Title 24 CFR,Port 3280 [formerly the Federal Standard
for Mobile Home Construction and Safety, Title 24, HUD (Port 280)] or, when such stondord is
not oppticabte, the Standard for Manufactured Home lnstoltations, ANStiHCSBC5 A225o t, or with
tocol codes where applicobte.
tnstattotion in Recreational Pork Trailers: installation must conform with state or other codes or,
in the absence of such codes, with the Standord for Recreotionat Pork Trailers, ANSt A11£.5.
Do not remove permanently offixed lobets, wornings, or plotes from the producto This moy void
the warranty.
Flexible @ptiance connectors shofl meet the requirements of ANSI Z2 t.24 ond Store Boords. They
sholt not exceed 36 inches in length.
tn order to avoid hazard, these appfiances must be installed according to these instructions.

Safety and wa_nings
This appliance must be installed by an authorized person (Warning: this @ptiance must be
installed by a ticensed plumber or gas fitter when within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts).
Please make this information available to the person installing the appliance as it coutd reduce
your installation costs.
Please teave these instructions with the appliance, inform the customer to retain for future
reference and for the local inspectors' use.
Failure to install the appliance correctly could invalidate any warranty or liability claims.
Only genuine replacement parts may be used for servicing the appliance. These are available
from your nearest Fisher & Payket Service Center
This product should not be sealed into the tountertop with silicone or glue. This wilt make any
future servicing difficult. Fisher & Payket wilt not be liable for costs associated with releasing
such products, nor for damage incurred as a result.
This product is supplied with an additional label containing the model and serial hum berso It
may be affixed to the underside of the product, the inside of a cupboard or to this manual

Safety and wamimr gs
Operation and maintenance
Your safety is important to us. PBeaseread this information before using your ap@iance
£×p[os[on Ha_rd
Do not use water on grease fires°A violent steam explosion may result.
Smother fire or flame or use dry chemica_ or foam type extinguisher°
Do not use the appliance to heat unopened food containers, such as cans.
This w@ cause the container to burst and couM res@t in injury.
Do not store flammable materials such asgasoline near the app[[anceo
Do not spray aerosols in the vicinity of this appliance while it is in operation.
Failure to follow this advice may result in death or i@ury.
Clean the appliance with caution° If a wet sponge or cloth isused to wipe
spills on a hot cooking area, be card@ to avoid steam burn° Some cleaners
can produce noxious fumes if applied to a hot surface°
Neverusethis appliance asa spaceheaterto heator warm the room.
Doing so mayres@tincarbon monoxide poisoning andoverheating of the
Failure to follow this advice may res@t in poisoning or death,

Safety and warnings
E[ectrica_ Shock Hazard
Before doing any user maintenance, locate the wan power outlet and
disconnect the appliance from the power supply and turn off the gas
supply at the shut-off va[veo
This appliance is equipped with a three-prong grounding p_ug for your
protection against shock hazard and shouMdbe p_ugged directly into a
proper_y grounded power outlet° Do not under any circum£ances cut or
remove the grounding prong from this p_ug°
Failure to follow this advice may resumtin e_ectrica_shock,
Not Surface Nazard
Donot touch burnersor areasnear bumers_Burnersmay be hot even
though they aredark in cObroBurnersandareasnear burnersmaybecome
hot enough to causeburns.Toavoid riskof burnsan@'orfire,keep bose
cbthing, potho_dersor anyother flammaMe materiab wendear of the
burner flame°Donot touch or _etclothing, pothoMdersor other flammaNe
materiab contact burnersor areasnearburners unti_they havehadsufficient
time to cool Among theseareasarethe burnersandgrates.
Alwaysusea dry pothoMer when removingcookwarefrom the app_ianceo
Donot usewet or damp potho_dersasthese cancausesteam burns_Do not
usetoweb or simiBr cbths for removing cookware°
Donot _eavechiMdrenabne or unattended nearthe app_ianceoNeverallow
cMdren to stand,sit or p_aynear,on orwith the app_ianceo
Becarefu[when reachingfor itemsstored in cabinetsoverthe app[iance°
Fiammab[emateriab couMdbe ignited if brought incontactwith flame or hot
surfacesand maycausesevereburns_
Failure to follow this advice couMdresult in burns and sca[dso

Safety and wamimr gs
Have your appliance installed and properly grounded by a qualified installer in accordance with
the installation instructions.
Ensure that a manual gas shut-off valve is installed in a location accessible after installation.
, Be sure to have the installer show you how to turn off the gas and electrical supply.
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this user guide.
Wear proper apparel. Loose fitting or hanging garments should never be worn while using the
Turn the pot handles to the sMe or the back of the appliance away from the reach of children°
Handles should not be positioned over adjacent burners.
Always check that you have turned the burners off when you have finished cooking.
Never leave the appliance unattended when in use. Boilover causes smoking and greasy
spiNovers that may ignite.
Before using the appliance, ensure that all burners have been assembled correctly°
Do not operate a burner without all burner parts in place.
Always keep flammable waft coverings, curtains or drapes a safe distance from your apptianceo
[:or safety reasons, the burner flame size should be adjusted so it does not extend beyond the
edge of the cookwareo
Use cookware of the appropriate size and construction for the type of cooking. This appliance
is equoped with burners of different sizes. Cookware must be matched to the size of the burner
Setect utensils with flat bottoms large enough to cover the burner flames. The use of undersize
utensils wifl expose a portion of the burner flames to direct contact and may result in Onition of
clothing. Proper relationship of utensil to burner wilt also improve efficiency°
Do not stand on this gas appliance.
[:or safety reasons, do not store items of interest to children above or at the back of the appliance
- children climbing on the appliance to reach items could be seriously injured.
When deep-frying in fat, be sure the pan is large enough not to cause an overflow from bubbling
of the fat. Do not deep fry foods with a hoh moisture content or food covered with frost.
Do not let cooking grease or other flammable materials accumulate near the appliance.
Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance unless specifically recommended in this user
guide. All other servicing should be referred to a qualified technician.
Glazed cooking utensits - only certain types of gtass, glass/ceramic earthenware, or other gtazed
utensils are suitable for cooktop service without breaking due to sudden change in temperature.
Do not use a steam cleaner to dean your cooktop°

Safety and wa_nings
tf/When the @ptiance is converted for use with Naturat Gas or LPiPropane Gas, make sure that
you save the injectors removed from the appliance for future use° To convert to a different gas
type, contact your service agentLgas fitter
Do not obstruct the flow of combustion and ventilation air to the app#anceo
The Governor of California is required to publish a #st of substances known to the state of
California to cause cancer or reproductive harm and requires businesses to warn customers of
potential exposures to such substances°
WARNiNGs.: Gas app#ances contain or produce substances which can cause death or serious
iitness and which are known to the State of Ca#fornia to cause cancer, birth defects or other
reproductive harm° To reduce the risk from substances in fuet or from fuet combustion, make
sure this appliance is installed, operated, and maintained according to the manufacturer's

IIIlmrssta lll!at" !omf imr s't uct" !omf s
Cabinet preparation
Make sure that the countertop is flat and level and that no structural members interfere with
space requirements.
Make sure the countertop is made of a heat resistant material.
We recommend that the exposed bare wood edges of the cutout be sealed with an oil based
paint or moisture-proof polyurethane to prevent possible damage from moisture creeping
between the cooktop trim and the countertop.
Make sure that there is a power supply receptacle (110-120V dOHz) within reach of the cooktop
power supply cable (30" from the middle of the product). The power supply cable must not
touch any hot metal parts.
Make sure the cooktop is connected to a power supply socket that is electrically grounded
in accordance with local codes or in the absence of local codes, with the National Electric
Code ANSI/NFPA 70 or CSA C22.2 (Canada). The power supply socket must be accessible after
The power supply must be properly polarized. Reverse polarity will result in continuous sparking
of the electrodes, even after flame ignition. If the power supply is not properly polarized, it is the
responsibility of the customer to have the polarity corrected.
If there is any doubt as to whether the wall receptacle is properly grounded or polarized, have it
checked by a qualified electrician prior to installing the cooktop.
This appliance is equipped with a three-prong grounding plug for your protection against shock
hazard and should be plugged directly into a properly grounded receptacle. Do not cut or
remove the grounding prong from this plug.

IIIlnsta lll!at"noninst uct"nons
Parts checklist
Gas cooktop base unit
Literature pack (includes LP kit)
Elbow & bBuewasher (taped to power supply came)
Regulator (in polystyrene)
Burner heads and caps (check polystyrene carefully before discarding)
3 x burner grates (1 x center, 2 x outer)
Accessories pack (GC365D only)
Tools needed
Phillips No. 2 screwdriver
Plumbing fittings as required
Woodworking tools as required
Shuboff valve
Oil based paint (for sealing cutout)
For GC365C LP conversion
O %4 "x 1_A"(D2.5 x 45 mm) flat screwdriver
%_"(7 ram) box spanner
For GC365D LP conversion
®%4 "x 1_/4"(g_2.5x 45 ram) fiat screwdriver
Phillips No. 1 screwdriver
%2"(7 ram) box spanner
_3A2"(10ram) ring spanner

IIIInstallll!atiomf inst uctiomf s
Cooktop and cutout dimensions (inches(ram))
c) t_
A ove_al wi(I_h of cooktop 36"(914) 36"(914)
B ove_'aldeplh ofcook_op 21 1/2"(546) 211/2"(546)
C keighl of ChaSSiS b_;)low top of cour/x)_ 3 "(76) 2 9A6" (6S)
D ove_ai widt_ ofcutoul 34_A"(870) 34_A"(870)
E ove_,_Adepth 0 CU OU_ 19_A"(494) 19_A"(494)
F come_ radius of cu out R3/8"(10) R3/8"(10)
G d,:a_ce (:>r_ _:_:edgeo cucutlc 1"(25) 1"(25)
man fo d cen[e_ lne
H ds;arce oY e;£edge ofcu_-c:u_-lc 34,,(20) 34,,(20)
gas ine{- on cooktop

IIIIn sta _III!at"!omf_inst_uct"]ons
iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH
Clearance and cabinetry dimensions (inches(mm)) _
iiiiiiiiii _ u_ iiiiiiiiiii
: o_ o_ iiiiiiiilii
_D m
A minimumclearancefromleftedgeofproductto nearestverticalsurface 1W'(38) 1W'(38) :i
B minimum cbarance from dght edge of product to nearest vertical surface 1 "(2S) I "(2S)
:: C nearest combustible surface 1 1A"(32) 1 1A"(32)
: abovethecooking surface 30"(762) 30"(762) '}i1
minimum clearance from rear edge of product to:
nearest non<ombustible surface lessthanl 1A"(32) lessthanl b,"(32)
U minimum clearance from front edge of counter to front edge of product 1 1A"(32) 1 1A"(32)
E minimumCiearSncefrom cookings_rfaceto combu t biesuff_ceCentered
F rnaxi r:, depthofo,,eiheSdcsb netry ..........................i3"i330).........i3"i330)
_ m n mum d stance between overhead cab nets nsta ed to ether s de of
G _rod uct 36 "(915) 36 "(915)
[ H the counter ' 18 "(457) 18 "(457) [
[ than No. 28 MSG sheet steel, 0.015" (0.4 ram) stainless steel, 0.024" (0.6 ram) aiuminum or 0.020" (0,5 ram)
m n mum veit ca d s¼ance between counter and Cab net extend ng above
minimunl clearance below top of countertop to: 3 5A6"_84/ 3 5A6"_84/
I nearestcombustibh:_surface s ,,) : s ,,) :
F&P oven or nearest non--combustible surface
maximum distance from the center of the product to the nearest
J grounded power outlet. The power supply cable must not touch any hot 30 "(762) 30 "(762) 1iii
metal surfaces. _}
Recommended non-cor:qbustible materials are: 1/_,,(6 ram)flame retardant millboard covered with not less
3 ;A6 t84j 3 ¼6 t84j

IIIlmrssta lll!at" !omf imr st uct' !omf s
This appliance [s factory set for use with Natural Gas at 4" of water column pressure. [t can
also be used on LP Gas at 11"of water column pressure after conversion (see'Converting to a
different gas type'),
A manual shuboff valve must be installed in an accessible location in the gas line external to the
appliance for the purpose of turning on or shutting off gas to the appliance. (In Massachusetts
such shutoff devices should be approved by the Board of State Examiners of Plumbers & Gas
Gas connection to the product must use the elbow supplied with a 1/2" NPT external thread,
Ensure the blue washer (supplied) is located between the elbow and the product inlet.
Failure to use this will cause a gas Leak.
Blue washer

IIIIn sta III!at'iomf inst uct'iomf s
Converting to a different gas type
Gas regulator
For use with a gas pressure regulator as shown below. The regulator supplied can be set for
either LPGas or Natural Gas.
Pressure f-_]_ ........... / _,
R k;Y" / &
Gas How ouse supply
Converting the regulator between NG & LP
1 Unscrew the cap from the reguhtor.
2 Check the odentation of the phstic conversior, plug, and if necessary, unscrew, turn over and
screw back in ,:wide section away from cap for LP and against cap for NG --see diagram below for
appropriate orientation).
jj ;'_ Replace regulator cap.
4 Test gas pressure (test point provision on side of regulator). When converting the regulator for S
different settings, the function of the regulator must be checked at a pressure at least l"WC
(0.036 psi)above the specified manifold pressure.

IIIInsta lll!atiomf inst uctiomf s
Converting to a different gas type
Changing the injectors
The cooktop is set to NG. A conversion kit to LP is supplied
with the cooktop.
To change the injectors, you will need a %S' (7 ram) box
spanner (and a _s/32"(10 ram) ring spanner for CG365D
Turn off the cooktop and disconnect from the power
Disconnect cooktop from the power suppty before continuing°
Make sure all gas valves are turned off.
Remove all grates and burner parts.
Unscrew the in iectors {save for future use) and replace
them with the correct ones {size numbers are stamped on
the side, eg 70= 0.70 mm). See Fig. 1.
CGS65D wok burner only
5 Remove the 2 screws holding each burner bowl (3
on the wok burner).
6 Lift hob tray from the product.
Beware d she@ edges.
7 Replace the wok iniector with the correct
one using a s/s2"(lO ram) ring spanner.
8 Reset the venturi (see Fig. 2):
With the product isolated from the
electrical supply, ignite the burner using a
match. The flame will probably be lifting
off the burner {see Fig. 3).
Loosen the venturi securing screw. Move
the venturi towards the in iector until the
flame begins to 'yellow tip' {see Fig. 4).
Move the venturi back until the'yellow tip'
just disappears (see Fig. 5)--this is the
correct venturi setting. Tighten the
securing screw.
9 To refit the hob tray, repeat steps 5 & 6 in
lo Reset the minimum setting (see 'Minimum
setting or turn-down').
11 After reassembly, verify the insulation resistance
and ground continuity of the electrical circuit.
12 The label supplied with the in iectors should be placed
over the existing gas type label to indicate the change.
good flame
Fig. l

IIIIn sta _III!at'iomf_inst_uct'iomf_s
Leak testing
Leak testing of the appliance shah be conducted according to the manufacturer's
The appBiance and its individual shut-off vaBve must be disconnected from the gas suppBy piping
system during any pressure testing of that system in excess of V_psi (3.5kPa).
The appBiance must be isoBated from the gas suppBy piping system by dosing its individual
manual shut-off valve during any pressure testing of the gas supply piping system at test
pressures at or less than V2psi (3.5 kPa).
Maximum inlet gas supply pressure 20"W.C. (5 kPa)
Minimum gas supply pressure for regulator testing 5"W.C. Natural Gas, 12" W.C. LPGas.
After installing the gas supply and making air connections, check thoroughly for possible leaks:
1 Turn air control dials on unit to "off" position.
2 Open the valve on the gas supply.
s Using a leak detection fluid (eg Rocol leak detection spray), check each gas connection one at a
time by brushing the solution over the connection. The presence of bubbles will indicate a leak.
4 If necessary, tighten the fitting and recheck for leaks.
5 Turn on burner valve and right each burner.
6 Check for a clear blue flame without yellow tipping. [f burners show any abnormalities, check
that they are located properly and in line with the in iector orifice.
Minimum setting or turn-down
} After installation check the minimum setting. This has beer, [)reset at the factor},' for NG but i
needs to be checked and then reset [f necessary'. To adiust for minimum setting (if applicable),
you will need a 0 7/64"x 1 sA"(0 2.5 x 45 ram)screwdriver.
} (A suitable screwdriver is avaihble as Fisher & Pay'kel spare part FB200467).
1 Ignite the burner and set the dial to its minimum position.
2 Removethedials.
S Rotate the turn-down screw (down the hole in the
spindle>whUeholdingtheshaURotateslowlyuntU :
a minimum reguhr flame is achieved. (The flame _<_ _ _ t_-_ _
will diminish when the screw is turned clockwise and I_._ _ }
increase when turned counter-clockwise). Ff___l_,
o Whenthosettin isright,chockrogulationby uicklyI
rotating the dial from the maximum to the minimum _ _
auto-reignition should not click. Rephce the dial. £

IIIInsta lll!a(non inst uct" nons
Checking the gas type
B_'_@_s NG Odfic@ NG IIi,,,POdfic@ IIiJP
(ram) BTU (MJ/h) @ (ram) BTU (MJ/h) @
0.15 psi (4"W.C.) 0.41 psi (11 "W.C.)
RHRear(Rapid) 1.3 mm 8,000 (8.4 MJ/h) 0,8 mm 8,200 (8,7 MJ/h)
LHRear(Semi-rapid) 1.1 mm 5,800(6.1 MJ/h) 0.7 mm 5,700(6.0 MJ/h)
RHFront (Auxiliary) 085 mm 3,000 (3.2 MJ/h) 0,55 mm 3,500 (3.7 MJ/h)
LHFront (Rapid) 1.3 mm 8,000 (8.4 MJ/h) 0.8 mm 8,200 (8.7 MJ/h)
CG365CCenter (Wok) 1.75 mm 14,000 (14.8 M J/h) 1.05 mm 13,000 (13.7 MJ/h)
CG365DCenter (Wok) Z15 mm 20,000 (21.1 M J/h) 1.22 mm 19,000 (20 M J/h)
Clamping down the cooktop
PBacethe cooktop into the cutout and tighten it
with the suppBied clamps. These will cope with
the countertop thicknesses %"_ 2" (19 - 50 ram)
when used in the two orientations shown.
Do not over tighten,
check list
• = check
Burners correctly assembled?
Dirty ignitors?
Gas pressure correct?
Low setting correct?
InJectors incorrect or blocked?
Power supply polarity/grounding OK?
Supply voltage OK?
Draft/extraction? (advise the custome_
Slow to ignite
or yellow
All Individual
Burners Burner
All Individual
Burners Burner
stay lit?