IIIIn sta _III!at'iomf_inst_uct'iomf_s
Leak testing
Leak testing of the appliance shah be conducted according to the manufacturer's
The appBiance and its individual shut-off vaBve must be disconnected from the gas suppBy piping
system during any pressure testing of that system in excess of V_psi (3.5kPa).
The appBiance must be isoBated from the gas suppBy piping system by dosing its individual
manual shut-off valve during any pressure testing of the gas supply piping system at test
pressures at or less than V2psi (3.5 kPa).
Maximum inlet gas supply pressure 20"W.C. (5 kPa)
Minimum gas supply pressure for regulator testing 5"W.C. Natural Gas, 12" W.C. LP Gas.
After installing the gas supply and making air connections, check thoroughly for possible leaks:
1 Turn air control dials on unit to "off" position.
2 Open the valve on the gas supply.
s Using a leak detection fluid (eg Rocol leak detection spray), check each gas connection one at a
time by brushing the solution over the connection. The presence of bubbles will indicate a leak.
4 If necessary, tighten the fitting and recheck for leaks.
5 Turn on burner valve and right each burner.
6 Check for a clear blue flame without yellow tipping. [f burners show any abnormalities, check
that they are located properly and in line with the in iector orifice.
Minimum setting or turn-down
} After installation check the minimum setting. This has beer, [)reset at the factor},' for NG but i
needs to be checked and then reset [f necessary'. To adiust for minimum setting (if applicable),
you will need a 0 7/64"x 1 sA"(0 2.5 x 45 ram)screwdriver.
} (A suitable screwdriver is avaihble as Fisher & Pay'kel spare part FB200467).
1 Ignite the burner and set the dial to its minimum position.
2 Removethedials.
S Rotate the turn-down screw (down the hole in the
spindle>whUeholdingtheshaURotateslowlyuntU :
a minimum reguhr flame is achieved. (The flame _<_ _ _ t_-_ _
will diminish when the screw is turned clockwise and I_._ _ }
increase when turned counter-clockwise). Ff___l_,
o Whenthosettin isright,chockrogulationby uicklyI
rotating the dial from the maximum to the minimum _ _
auto-reignition should not click. Rephce the dial. £