Correct installation is the responsibility of the customer.
Ensure that the installer is properly qualified to install this oven.
= Make surethat the oven is locatedaway fromany strong and/or hot drafts of air,
• Thecabinetopeningdimensionsspecifiedare the absoluteminimum. Thesedimensionsallow a clearance
of upto 1/4"(6mm).
° Theproductmust beelectrically grounded.See"Electrical Connection"for details,
* We recommendthatthe electricalsupplyjunction boxis locatedeither3" belowthe main supportsurfaceof
the productonthe right handsideor flush mountedinthe rear wall behindthe productor mountedinthe
adjacentright-handsidecabinet. A 1" diameterholeshouldbe drilledinthe right rearcornerof the oven
cabinetorin the rearof the right-handside wall asrequiredto enablethe electricalsupply cordto be passed
throughthe cabinetto the junction box, Details of these requirementsareshownin the diagramto the right.
* Theoven supportsurface shouldbeflat, level and beableto supporta weight of at least 420 pounds(190 Kg)
for a doubleovenand 238 pounds(108 Kg)for singleovenmodels,
• Youwill needa No,2 Phillipsscrewdriverto completethe installationof the oveninto the cabinet.
Thereshouldbe4 suitablewood screws with this installationkit (Partnumber556075)and4 spacers
(Partnumber 545455),
* A Fisher8 PaykelCE901cooktopcan be installedabovean 0S301single wall ovenif a 3/8" (10mm)gap is
providedbetweenthe top of theoven andthe bottom of thecooktop.
It is the customersresponsibility:
• It is the customersresponsibilityto ensurethat the product iselectricallyconnectedby a qualified
electricalinstallerin conformancewith the NationalElectricalcode, ANSI/NFPA70 (latest edition)and
all local codes andordinances,
Junction Box
location for
Junction Box
-- location for wall
Copiesof the standardslisted may beobtainedfrom
* NationalFireProtectionAssociation