Note: This instruction manual covers panels listed by UL (MS-4012 and MS-4024) and by ULC (CMS-4012 and
CMS-4024). For simplicity, this document refers to these panels as the "4012" (for the 12-volt MS-4012 and CMS-4012 control panels) and the "4024" (for the 24-volt MS-4024 and CMS-4024 control panels).
Table of Figures4
1.0Fire Alarm Control System7
1.1Standard Features7
1.2Optional Features 7
2.0Controls and Indicators8
2.1Control Switches8
2.2Status Indicators 9
3.0Installation Instructions10
3.2Initiating Circuits10
3.3Output Circuits11
3.5Optional Modules13
4.0Periodic Testing20
4.2System Test20
4.3Zone Test20
4.4Initiating Device Test20
4.5Supervisory Test20
4.6Trouble Test21
4.7Battery Test21
4.8Test Completion21
5.0Troubleshooting Guide22
5.1Control Panel Checkup23
Appendix A: Specifications26
Appendix B: Power Calculations28
Quick Reference Sheets
Inside Back Cover
15586 Rev E 5/14/93 P/N 15586:E3
Table of Figures
2A Dress Panel8
3A Zone Wiring10
3B Dress Panel Terminal Guide11
3C Indicating Circuit Wiring Diagram11
3D Typical End of Line Relay Connection12
3E AC Connections12
3F Battery and Meter Connections13
3G Remote Zone Annunciator Installation14
3H Zone Relay Module Connections15
3I General Alarm and Trouble Module Connections16
3J Transmitter Module Connections17
3K McCulloh-Type Transmitter Connection18
3L Basic System Wiring Diagram19
3M Battery Charger Check Procedure24
4 15586 Rev E 5/14/93 P/N 15586:E
The MS-4012/4024 and CMS-4012/4024 Fire Alarm Control Panels are suitable for service
under the following standards:
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards:
71 Signaling Systems for Central Station Service
72 Local Protective Signaling Systems
72 Auxiliary Protective Signaling Systems
72 Remote Station Protective Signaling Systems
72 Proprietary Protective Signaling Systems
Underwriter's Laboratories (UL) listed as a
Fire Protective Signaling System - Standard 864
Underwriter's Laboratories of Canada (ULC) listed
Standard CAN/ULC - S527 - M87
California State Fire Marshall (CSFM) listed
CSFM File Number: 7165-075:130
Bureau of Standards and Appeals listed
For Compatible Notification Appliances, 2 and 4-wire smoke detectors and door holders, refer to the
Fire Lite Device Compatibility Document, 15384.
MEA Resolution Number: 578-81-SA
15586 Rev E 5/14/93 P/N 15586:E5
A Packaging Note
Each optional module listed in this manual as "40xx" is offered in 12 and 24-volt versions. The "XX" represents
either "12" or "24" volts DC.
Each module is further distinguished by its respective two letter abbreviation (such as TM for TransmitterModule).
When received, the actual module boards will be marked as "MS4000 - 40xx" followed by a one letter
abbreviation and the letter "B" (
For instance:
To order a 24-volt General Alarm and Trouble Module, order a "4024AT".
The module received will be marked "MS4000 - 40xxAB."
for board
The voltage of a particular module is inked
on the bottom side of the PC board
6 15586 Rev E 5/14/93 P/N 15586:E
1.0Fire Alarm Control System
The MS-4012/4024 and CMS-4012/4024 are 4-zone fire alarm control panels designed for use in
commercial, industrial, and institutional applications. The 4012 is designed for 12-volt (nominal) devices.
The 4024 is designed for 24-volt (nominal) devices. Activation of any compatible two wire detector or any
normally open initiating device will sound audible devices, annunciate a fire zone, trip a municipal box,
notify a remote station and activate supplementary relay(s).
1.1Standard features include:
✓ 4 Class B (Style B) initiating zones
✓ 2 Class B (Style Y) indicating circuits
✓ Normally closed supervisory zone
✓ Power limited initiating and indicating loops
✓ Walk test feature with indicator
✓ Disable switches per initiating zone
✓ Resettable regulated power for 4-wire smoke detectors
✓ Current limited float type charger for sealed batteries
✓ Battery supervision
✓ Ground fault indicator
✓ Extensive transient protection
✓ Single Form-C general alarm contact
✓ Supervision of option boards
✓ Conversion of Zone 4 to a N.O. sprinkler supervisory
✓ Waterflow Alarm Service, including two zone waterflow plates (4000 WF) that
mechanically lock the disable switch on waterflow zones.
1.2Optional features include:
Transmitter Module (40xxTM) with reverse polarity alarm and trouble outputs, supervised
output for local energy municipal box, and transmitter disable switch with indicator.
General Alarm and Trouble Module (40xxAT) that provides one Form-C general alarm
contact with disable switch and one Form-C dry trouble contact with visual trouble indicator.
Zone Relay Module (40xxZR) that provides a Form-C alarm contact by zone, Form-A
general alarm contact and Form-C trouble contact.
LED Annunciator Interface Module (40xxLI) for use with a remote zone annunciator (type
15586 Rev E 5/14/93 P/N 15586:E7
2.0 Controls and Indicators
2.1Control Switches
Trouble Silence switch will si-
lence an audible trouble device.
The system trouble LED and the
trouble contact will remain activated until the trouble has been
corrected. If trouble silence switch
is still engaged when trouble is
cleared, audible device will resound.
System Test switch while held
down will energize an audible
trouble device and will light all indicators except the zone alarm
LEDs. Upon release of the switch,
all zones will go into alarm mode
and the supplementary relay(s) will
be activated.
Figure 2A: Dress Panel
Note: The Supervisory LED may not light during System Test, depending on whether or not Zone 4 is
programmed for supervisory service. To test the Supervisory LED, remove the jumper across Terminals 9
and 10, creating a supervisory condition. If the LED lights, it is good.
Walk Test switch allows one person to test all initiating an indicating devices. The function of this switch is
to automatically reset the panel. After receiving an alarm signal, the panel will sound all signaling devices
for two seconds and then will reset the panel. The procedure repeats every two to three seconds until the
alarm condition is cleared.
Disable switch (per initiating zone) prevents the sounding of alarm indicating devices in response to an alarm
condition on that zone. Zone and system trouble LEDs light and the audible trouble device sounds when a
respective zone is disabled. Zone alarm LED continues to indicate any alarm condition on disabled zone.
Note: The alarm and trouble contacts on the optional zone relay
module (40xxZR) are NOT disabled by the zone disable switch.
8 15586 Rev E 5/14/93 P/N 15586:E
2.2 Status Indicators
A.C. Power - A green LED that remains on while the A.C. power supply is operating. If this indicator fails to light
under normal conditions, service the system immediately.
System Alarm - A red LED that lights when an alarm condition is detected.
Supervisory - A yellow LED that indicates need for action in connection with the supervision or maintenance
of sprinklers, extinguishing systems or other protective systems.
System Trouble - This yellow LED indicates that a fault or abnormal condition exists and that the fire alarm
system may be inoperative.
Ind. Circuit Trouble - A yellow LED that lights in response to a fault in the main bell circuits, including an open
or a short in the field wiring, or connection of a non-polarized indicating appliance.
Battery Trouble - A yellow LED that annunciates fault in the battery circuit.
Ground Fault - A yellow LED that lights when either side of the power source is shorted to the chassis.
Walk Test - A yellow LED that lights when the Walk Test feature is activated.
Zone Alarm - A red LED that lights when its associated zone is in alarm. The zone disable does not affect this
Zone Trouble - A yellow LED that lights when its associated zone has a fault or abnormal operating condition.
This trouble circuit monitors an initiating loop, local and remote zone alarm indicators, and the position of the
zone disable switch .
15586 Rev E 5/14/93 P/N 15586:E9
Carefully unpack the system and check for shipping damage. Mount the cabinet in a clean, dry, vibration-free
area in which extreme temperatures are not encountered. The location should be readily accessible with
sufficient room for easy installation and maintenance. Locate the top of the cabinet approximately five feet
above the floor with the hinge mounting on the left. Determine the number of conductors required for the
devices to be employed. Pull required conductors into the box through the knockout provided. All wiring should
be in accordance with the National and/or Local codes for fire alarm systems.
3.0 Installation Instructions
3.2Initiating Circuits
Zones - Wire all alarm initiating devices sequentially for
proper supervision. Initiating devices include: coded and noncoded pull stations; heat, photoelectric, and ionization type
detectors; and waterflow alarm devices.
NOTE: To employ coded manual pull stations, inhibit the
latching circuit for a particular zone by removing the associated diode in the zone circuit on the main board (see Figure
Observe polarity when connecting polarized devices. Connect first device to the panel, second device to the first device,
third to the second and so on. Remove the End-of-Line
resistor (ELR) from the terminals and install on the terminals
of the last device. Wire the zones to the panel as shown in
Figures 3A and 3B.
Supervisory Circuit (Normally Open) - Zone 4 can be programmed to function as a normally open
supervisory zone. A short across the loop will light the zone alarm and supervisory LEDs, and will activate
an audible trouble device that can not be silenced and will sound until the panel is returned to normal. An open
in the wiring will light zone and system trouble LEDs, and the audible trouble device will sound. In this mode,
the audible device can be silenced. Remove jumper plugs JP5, JP6 and install JP7 and JP8. Connect normally
open contacts to Zone 4 terminals with an ELR across the last device.
Supervised Class B Operation
Smoke Detector
Heat Detector
Manual Station
Smoke Detector
Figure 3A: Zone Wiring
10 15586 Rev E 5/14/93 P/N 15586:E
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