Advanced Manual
This manual is your step-by-step guide to all the advanced
features found on your Mustang™ I / II amplifier. For
information on using Fender® FUSE™, Ableton® Live or
Amplitube®, please see the separate manuals for each product
available at www.fender.com/support.
Programmable Knobs
Because the setting of every knob on the Mustang amplifier
(except MASTER) is part of each preset, all programmable
knobs are normally inactive and knob positions will NOT
show their actual settings when a preset is first selected.
Programmable knob positions are inactive unless turned
There are just a few basics of Mustang navigation that you
should know before you explore any further...
Selecting Presets
The most powerful feature of your Mustang amplifier is its
ability to store every amplifier setting and effect selection as a
preset that you can instantly recall using the PRESET knob, or
remotely from your computer or footswitch.
Use the PRESET knob to select one of 24 presets. Presets are
stored in three banks, colored AMBER, GREEN and RED.
Turn the PRESET knob to scroll through each bank of presets
in the following order:
How do I activate a programmable knob? The moment you
turn any programmable knob it instantly becomes active
and it will remain active until you select a different preset, at
which time it becomes inactive again.
Rotate knobs to activate their positions
You may hear a big change in volume or tone when you
first turn a programmable knob if there happened to be a
large difference between the knob's starting position and
the stored preset setting. For example, if the VOLUME knob
is pointing to "8" but the stored preset VOLUME setting is
"2," the volume level will jump from "2" to "8" when you start
turning the VOLUME knob because the VOLUME knob is now
instantly active at "8."
The only way to know what the preset setting of a knob
is before you turn it, is by using Fender FUSE software
and connecting the Mustang to your computer.
( Factory presets )
Each preset is based on one of the eight amplifier types
labeled next to each of the preset LEDs. That gives you a total
of three presets for each amplifier type.
own presets. The
modified using Fender FUSE software available free at
Each preset includes the settings of all the programmable
knobs on the Mustang, which includes every knob except the
MASTER volume and PRESET knobs.
( User presets )
RED Bank
( User presets )
banks are for creating your
bank of presets can only be
f e n d e r . c o m
There are two effect selection knobs on the Mustang:
• MOD — selects Modulation type effects
• DLY / REV — selects Delay and Reverb type effects
You can also select effects from a STOMPBOX category
using Fender FUSE software.
The MOD and DLY / REV knobs share the same three selection
indicator LEDs. The knob turned last has control of these LEDs: