Field Service required on a Warranty Part - FEC warranty covers the parts and labor only onsite at FEC.
Extended warranties are available as an addition to the standard warranty period outlined above - for all FEC Inc.
systems. For extended warranties, contact FEC.
5.13 Input / Output Signal Layout using Toolsnet Version………………………… 5-74
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting
6.1 Abnormals…………………….………………………………………………….. 6-2
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Chapter 1: Outline
connection references
Chapter 1: Outline
AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit Hardware Manual (Rev. 2)
1.1 About this Multi-2 Unit Manual
This manual details the configuration, specifications and the operation of the AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit.
The following table outlines the contents of each chapter.
1 Outline
2 Specifications General specifications of the AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit.
3 System Description Description of standard and optional system components.
4 Installation and Wiring
5 Control Interfaces
6 Troubleshooting Description of Abnormal conditions.
Any questions regarding the contents of this document or any related matter should be
directed to FEC Inc. at (586) 781-2100 or faxed to (586) 781-0044.
The Information set forth in the following document is the property of FEC Inc. This
document shall not be released to or copied for any person and/or organization without
the expressed prior consent of FEC Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this manual is strictly prohibited. Please
contact FEC Inc. if additional copies are required.
Related Documentation
Title Contents
Basic characteristics and requirements of the AFC1500
Multi-2 Unit.
Mounting requirements, wiring
including communication port specifications.
Description of standard Discrete I/O and optional Fieldbus I/O
PLC Interfaces.
AFC User Console Manual AFC1500E-SW-*
AFC1500 Operation Manual AFC1500E-HS-*
PAGE 1 - 2
AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit Hardware Manual (Rev. 2)
Chapter 1: Outline
1.2 Functions
The Multi-2 Unit is a complimentary controller device to enhance the AFC1500 SAN Unit capabilities
by providing the communication and the sequence control features required by larger or more
sophisticated multi spindle applications. When a group of AFC1500 Servo Controllers (SAN Units) are
linked to a Multi-2 Unit, the Multi-2 Unit assumes control (over these spindles) of the following
The Multi-2 Unit assumes control of the control signals (Ex.: STOP, START, REVERSE,
BYPASS, etc.) to all of the AFC1500 Servo (SAN) Controllers connected to it via the RS485
communication port, thus eliminating direct connection & control to the individual spindles
saving costly I/O connection. The control signals for the multi-spindle array can be of
different sources: Signals manually generated by pressing the Control Buttons on the front of
the Multi-2 Unit or I/O (Input/Output) signals from a PLC and / or PC Based Controller.
Additionally, a multitude of (direct connect) Fieldbus interfaces are available when using a
Multi2 Unit.
Sequence Control
The Multi-2 Unit controls the fastening sequencing eliminating the need for external control
devices (PLC) to perform complicated spindle control sequencing. All fastening sequencing is
handled by the Multi-2 Unit. This built in feature allows the Multi-2 Unit to control a variety of
complex sequencing strategies including; incremental fastening steps, spindle grouping,
reject (reverse) strategies, wait timing, multiple starts, etc. Also available are sequence
Input / Output interfaces which allow external control of sequence starting / stopping with
outside automation while in sequence.
Parameter Programming
A Windows® compatible computer running the AFC User Console software package can be
connected to the Multi-2 Unit in order to upload or download the preset data to all the SAN
(Servo) Controllers connected in the multi spindle array. This eliminates the need to program
individual spindles manually.
Fastening Data Monitoring & Communication
The Multi-2 Unit can monitor and process the fastening results collected by the AFC1500 Servo
(SAN) Controllers connected to it. It has four (4) configurable RS232C ports to input and output
fastening data results. Data monitoring / saving is also a function of the AFC User Console
software package.
As an added feature, the Multi-2 Unit stores previous fastening data in RAM (non-volatile) for
uploading at another time. The number of cycles stored is based on the number of spindles
connected (see chart on page 2-2). The data can be uploaded using the AFC User Console
software package.
Additionally, the Multi -2 comes standard with an dedicated ethernet port to connect to a
computer running the AFC User Console Software package making it easier to connect to most
computers without serial convertors. As an option, the Multi - 2E comes with an additional
ethernet port for reporting of resultant fastening data to host systems.
General Status Indication
A set of indicator LED’s provide the status for Power On, Busy, Total Accept, Total Reject and
Abnormal conditions.
PAGE 1 - 3
Chapter 1: Outline
AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit Hardware Manual (Rev. 2)
1.3 Safety Precautions
To ensure the most effective and extended use of all equipment, adhere to the following precautions:
• Use only the specified cables for all system connections.
• Do not use a high voltage circuit as a frame ground (FG). Also, the frame ground should be
separate from the power ground. The use of a grounding rod located as close as possible to
the enclosure housing the AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit is preferable.
• Circuit breakers or fuses are required on branch circuit power feeds to the Multi-2 Unit.
• PLC I/O cables must be run separate from any high voltage sources or cabling, and must not
exceed 50 feet.
Installation Environment
• The AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit should be placed in a NEMA 12 enclosure.
• Using the equipment in the following locations may lead to malfunction or breakdown. Avoid
using in these areas or use an air conditioner.
Areas under direct sunlight or if the environmental temperature is out of the 32~122
0~50) range.
Areas where relative humidity is out of the 20-90% range, the temperature change is
drastic or where the area is exposed to mist and water drops.
• Do not use at the following locations. (Contact FEC Inc. if necessary for clarification)
Areas where conductive powder, oil, mist, salt or organic solvents exist.
Areas that have corrosive or combustible gases.
Areas that have strong electric or magnetic fields.
Areas where strong vibration or shock could be transmitted directly to a Multi 2 Unit.
Static Electricity
• The AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit incorporates many electronic Surface Mounted Devices (SMD). It
is advisable to strictly adhere to practices for safe electrostatic discharge in order to prevent
damage to the system components when handling them.
• Do not use any organic solvents, such as thinner, to clean a Multi-2 Unit. The solvent could
melt the surface paint, or penetrate inside and cause damage. A cloth dampened with alcohol
or warm water should be used to lightly wipe the components.
Electrical Noise Prevention
• Multi-2 Units must be located a minimum of 600mm from high transient voltage sources such
as transformers, motor starters, AC inverters and AC contactors. If it cannot be avoided, the
unit must be shielded.
• If high powered devices are used inside the enclosure, they must use a surge suppression
• Make sure that the power supply lines and cables for connecting the unit and tool are not run
together inside the same duct.
Handling and Shipping
• It is critical that AFC1500 System components are properly handled and shipped in order to
maintain the system’s integrity. Adhere to the following requirements for shipping and
Loose AFC1500 Multi-2 Units must be individually packaged and shipped in anti-static
containers or wrap to prevent damage from electrostatic discharge.
If the Multi Unit is to be shipped in an enclosure, tighten all mounting screws to prevent
the unit from being dislodged.
Do not ship or store the unit in environments where the temperature is out of the
23~131 (-5~55) range or where the humidity is above 90%.
PAGE 1 - 4
Chapter 2: Specifications
Additional Interfaces a
lso available:
Chapter 2: Specifications
AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit Hardware Manual (Rev.2)
2.1 Specifications
Power Supply Voltage 100 to 220 VAC±15%, 1-phase, 50/60 Hz.
Power Consumption 9 Watt/Hour
In rush current Less than 160 mA
Data Communication RS232C (User Console PC) (N/A with Ethernet Data Option)
RS232C (Data Output #1 / Data Output)
RS232C (Data Input)
RS232C (Data Output #2) (N/A with Ethernet Data Option)
RS422 (External Remote Display)
RS485 Servo Units Programming/Control
Ethernet - User Console (User Console PC)
Ethernet - Network Communication (OPTIONAL 2E Version Only)
Control Interfaces Discrete I/O (24Vdc Sink)
Discrete I/O (24Vdc Source)
(Includes data messaging capability)
Profinet IO
Ethernet I/P
Mitsubishi CC Link® 1
(Includes data messaging capability)
Allen Bradley Remote I/O 1
Modbus Plus®
CC Link® Version 2
(Includes data messaging capability)
Contact FEC for special fieldbus requirements
Fastening Sequence
Programming Steps
Control Methods
(99 plus “End” Step)
Torque Control / Angle Control
Optional Yield Control (Requires SAN Ver. 2.39)
Max. No. of spindles 31 per Multi-2 Unit
Fastening Parameters 16
Fastening Sequences 16
Torque Rate
monitoring areas
Installation requirement NEMA12 Enclosure
Operation Temperature 0º to 50 ºC (32 º to 122 ºF)
Operation Humidity 20% to 90%
1) Mitsubishi CC Link & Allen Bradley Remote I/O are proprietary and licensed for use.
2) The number of cycles stored will be reduced if RS232C - DATA IN data is stored with the
fastening data.
PAGE 2 - 2
AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit Hardware Manual (Rev.2)
2.2 Unit Dimensions
Mounting: Top (1) place #8-32 screw
Bottom (2) places #8-32 screw
Weight: 1.4 kg
Chapter 2: Specifications
Note: Unit Dimensions are the same whether a Multi 2 unit (as shown), or a Multi 2E (Ethernet) version.
Chapter 2: Specifications
AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit Hardware Manual (Rev.2)
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PAGE 2 - 4
Chapter 3: System Description
Chapter 3: System Description
AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit Hardware Manual (Rev.2)
3.1 System Block Diagram
The diagram below shows how the AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit can be connected to a single unit or combined
in a multiple spindle configuration. The use of a Multi-2 Unit provides one set of PLC I/O for controlling
multiple spindle fastening operations. Along with discrete 24VDC (sinking or sourcing) I/O, various
fieldbus interfaces are also available for direct connection to networks such as Profibus, AB remote I/O,
CCLink, DeviceNet, etc.
The AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit also provides an interface for connection to the User Console PC, serial
printers, barcode readers, display units, etc.
PAGE 3 - 2
AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit Hardware Manual (Rev.2)
Chapter 3: System Description
3.2 Unit Description
AFC MULTI – 2 Standard Version
The standard version of the Multi-2 unit includes both an RS232 port (PC Port) and Ethernet
port (Ethernet U/C Port) for communicating to a computer running the AFC User Console
Software. (Only one may be used at a time)
(RS232C) PC Port
(RS422) Display Port
(RS232C) Data-Out Port #1
(RS232C) Data-Out Port #2
(RS232C) Data-In Port
Ethernet U/C
Status LED
Power ON LED
Busy LED
Accept LED
Reject LED
Interface Board
Abnormal LED
Reset Button
Start Button
Reverse Button
Power Connector
Calibration Button
RS485 Port
Ethernet U/C Port
* Discrete I/O Interface Board Shown. (RS232C)Data-Out 2 and (RS422) Data-In are not used.
AFC MULTI – 2E Ethernet Version (Optional)
The optional ethernet version of the Multi – 2 unit adds the functionality of an additional ethernet
port for FASTENING DATA COMMUNICATION protocols to external systems as well as User
Console connectivity. Existing protocols include; QDAS, ToolsNet®, FECNet as well as custom
Protocols. The RS232 PC Port and Data-Out 2 port are removed using this configuration.
Ethernet Network Port
Ethernet Reset Button
(RS232C) Data-Out Port
(RS232C) Data-In Port
(RS422) Display Port
Ethernet U/C
Status LED
PAGE 3 - 3
Chapter 3: System Description
2 Unit
Panel Description
– Data Out Port #2
Not Used
Power On LED Indicates when power is applied to the Multi-2 Unit.
Busy LED Lights when the unit is performing a self check, return, fastening
operation or is downloading/uploading data to the AFC User Console
software package.
Accept LED Lights if a fastening cycle or a self check test falls within acceptable
parameters. (This LED indicates status for ALL connected spindles)
Reject LED Lights if a fastening cycle or a self check test is outside of acceptable
parameters. (This LED indicates status for ALL connected spindles)
Abnormal LED Lights when a system abnormal condition is detected in the control
system of any connected spindle. (Does NOT indicate a spindle reject).
All operations are halted and cannot be restarted until the Abnormal
condition is corrected. Can be cleared only by the Reset function. (see
AFC1500 Operation Manual for Abnormal Troubleshooting)
RS485 Port RJ45 style connector used to connect to all AFC1500 Servo (SAN)
Units included in the system.
Ethernet U/C Port Communication port for the AFC Software User Console PC.
Red (TX) Transmitting Data
Ethernet U/C Status LEDs
Reset Button Resets all signal and communication buffers to “clear” conditions.
Start Button Starts the fastening cycle. Requires a pulse of 0.1 to 0.5 sec. for
Reverse Button Turns the spindles in the opposite direction of the preset fastening
Cal Button Performs the Torque Transducer shunt calibration test. When pressed,
Power Connector Connects to incoming power: 100 to 220VAC (auto-sensing), Single
Interface Board (I/O) Allocation socket for input/output signal Interface boards. Options
RS232C – PC Port Communication port for the User Console PC.
RS232C – Data Out Port #1
(RS232C – Data Out Port)
RS232C – Data In Port Communication port for ASCII data input from peripheral devices. (Ex:
Yellow 10/100 Link
Green (RX) Receiving Data
Clears the Abnormal signal and performs the Torque Transducer Zero
Level Check.
“Normal” start selection or must be maintained during complete cycle
for “Deadman” start selection.
direction while the button is held active.
the Servo (SAN) Units will display either a green accept LED or red
reject LED indicating status of the individual Calibration test.
phase, 50/60 Hz.
available are Discrete I/O (Sink or Source), Interbus-S®, DeviceNet®,
Profibus®, CC-Link® (Version 1 or 2), Modbus Plus®, Allen Bradley
Remote I/O (Rockwell License #199906006) or Ethernet-I/P
Communication port for fastening result data output to any external
device, i.e.: host computer, serial printer, etc. Data output format is
configured using the User Console (AFC) Software package.
bar code readers, RF tag, etc.) Allows external ASCII data to be merged
with fastening result data.
AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit Hardware Manual (Rev.2)
RS422 – Display Port Not Used
Ethernet Network Port*
Ethernet Reset Button* For resetting the Network Ethernet Port IP address to default setting.
*On Ethernet Version only.
for network connectivity (Toolsnet®, QDAS®, SQL, Custom Protocol,
To reset port to default IP address, power down Multi Unit. Depress
reset button and hold it depressed while powering on the Multi Unit until
green Accept LED illuminates.
PAGE 3 - 4
Chapter 4: Installation & Wiring
Chapter 4: Installation & Wiring
RS485 port specifications
AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit Hardware Manual (Rev. 2)
4.3 Input Power Connection
An auto sensing power supply allows for input power in the range of 100 ~ 220VAC single phase,
50/60 hertz. Adequate circuit protection must be provided. Recommended conductor size should be
a minimum of #18AWG.
Wiring Chart
Pin Description
3 100 ~ 220VAC +/-15%
100 ~ 220VAC +/-15%
No Connection **
Frame Ground
Mating Connector
Manufacture: Amp
Housing Part No.: 1-178128-4
Contact Part No.: 1-175218-3 (Qty.-3)
** To standardize components, FEC cable part
#FEB-1260 may be used due to the fact that
pin #2 is not connected internally.
4.4 RS485 Connection
The Multi-2 Unit uses an RS485 port to perform the communication operations with the AFC1500
Servo (SAN) Controllers. This port has two channels CH1 and CH2. CH1 is dedicated to handle all
preset data upload and download, fastening results monitoring and collection. Channel CH2 is a high
speed connection to all AFC1500 Servo Controllers. It controls all required commands to perform the
fastening cycle.
Speed 9600, 19200, 38400 baud
Cable Std Cat 5 Ethernet
Maximum number of
connected devices
Operating Voltage RS485 Standard
RS485 Wiring
NO Signal Name Channel
1 TX+ / RX+ CH1
2 TX- / RX- CH1
3 RX+ CH2
4 TX- CH2
5 TX+ CH2
6 RX- CH2
PAGE 4 - 4
AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit Hardware Manual (Rev. 2)
port specifications (RJ45)
Chapter 4: Installation & Wiring
4.5 User Console Ethernet Connection
The “User Console Ethernet” port is a dedicated TCP/IP ethernet port for communicating with the
AFC User Console Software in a Windows® based PC. Similar to the serial RS232 (PC) port
dedicated for the AFC Software connection, this port allows connection in an ethernet environment vs.
using the standard serial port connection in previous versions of the Multi Unit. This port allows the
user to set-up, monitor, save data, display and print fastening data and setup parameters using the
AFC User Console software. The ethernet connection allows connection to multiple Multi-2 units
using an ethernet switch or hub. (Different IP addresses must be configured for multiple connection).
NOTE: An additional ethernet port is available for communicating fastening resultant data to
external data collection systems (ie. QDas
custom protocols). This is an OPTIONAL ethernet port and can be ordered by adding the
option to the Multi-2 Unit. (Part #1500Multi2E-x)
The default IP address is set at FEC or it can be configured by the user using the AFC User Console
software. If connection cannot be established using the default IP address, the IP address may
have been changed. The default IP address can be re-established by resetting it. See section
4.8.1 for resetting the IP address back to the default setting. The Multi-2 IP address may also be
uploaded, viewed and modified using the AFC software PC connected serially. (RS232 PC Port or
RS485 SAN UNIT connection) Once the current IP address configuration is verified using a serial
connection, then connection may be attempted using the Ethernet port.
Default IP Address of Multi 2 unit
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Note: Set-up the TCP/IP properties in the computer that will connect to the Multi-2 unit prior to
attempting ethernet port connection. The actual IP address setup in the computer must be a different
number than the Multi-2 unit IP address. Example: Using the default IP address above, set the PC
IP address to Use the same Subnet & Gateway settings)
Note: Only one AFC Software connection method may be used at any given time whether
serial connection or Ethernet connection. The AFC Software can only be configured for one
connection port at a time. If more than one connection is required at the same time (to
additional Multi Units), additional AFC software may be installed and run at the same time,
each set-up with different communication connections.
The connecting cable is a standard Ethernet Crossover cable if connected directly to a PC (FEC
Part #FEB-1331-6). If connected through an Ethernet switch, a standard ethernet CAT5 or CAT5e
may be used (FEC Part Number FEB-1258-6).
, ToolsNet
, FECNet
, SQL Servers or other
Speed 10/100Mbps (auto select)
Cable Std Cat 5 Ethernet
Protocol Proprietary
Operating Voltage Ethernet Standard
Ethernet Wiring
Pin Signal Name
1 Tx+
2 Tx 3 Rx+
4 5 6 Rx 7 8 -
PAGE 4 - 5
Chapter 4: Installation & Wiring
AFC1500 Multi-2 Unit Hardware Manual (Rev. 2)
4.5.1 Optional Ethernet Port – Data Communication
As an option, an additional ethernet port is available for sending fastening resultant data over an
ethernet TCP/IP connection. This port can be configured using a standard web browser for
communication to Atlas Copco Toolsnet networks, FEC NET or custom protocols. Additionally,
once configured, the AFC User console software can also communicate over this port.
NOTE: Only one ethernet port may be used to communicate to the AFC software. Either the
dedicated User Console Ethernet port (located in the lower right corner of the front face) or the
optional Ethernet port.
Default IP Address of the Multi 2 Optional Ethernet Port
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
If communication cannot be established using these settings, the settings may have been changed
in the Ethernet Port. To reset the setting back to these default settings, press the RESET
pushbutton located beside the ethernet port while powering on the unit.
See the MULTI 2E SETUP PROCEDURE document for more information when using this port.
(Contact FEC)
Optional Ethernet Port
Default Reset Button
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