Fagor CNC8025, CNC8030 Schematic

FAGOR 8025/8030 CNC
Models: T, TG, TS


Ref. 9707 (in)
This manual is addressed to the machine manufacturer. It includes the necessary information for new users as well as advanced subjects for
those who are already familiar with the 8025 CNC. It may not be necessary to read this whole manual. Consult the list of "New Features
and Modifications" and the appendix related to the machine parameters. Practically all of them are cross referenced indicating the chapter and section of the manual where they are described.
This manual explains all the functions of the 8025 CNC family. Consult the Comparison Table for the models in order to find the specific ones offered by your CNC.
To install the CNC onto your machine, we suggest that you consult the appendix regarding the enclosures required to mount the CNC as well as chapter 1 (CNC configuration) which indicates the CNC dimensions and details the pin-out of its connectors.
If your CNC has an integrated PLC (PLCI), the I/O pin-out is different. Therefore, the PLCI manual must also be consulted.
Chapter 2 (Power and Machine Interface) shows how to connect the CNC to A.C. power (Mains) and to the electrical cabinet.
To adapt the CNC to the machine, set the CNC machine parameters. Consult chapters 3, 4 and 5 as well as the appendix concerning machine parameters.
There are 2 appendices; one where the parameters are ordered by subject and the other one where the parameters are in numerical order.
Both appendices offer cross references indicating the section of the manual describing each parameter.
When explaining each parameter in detail, chapters 3, 4 and 5, they sometimes refer to chapter 6 (Concepts) where some of them are dealt with in further detail indicating how to perform various adjustments of the CNC-machine interface.
Once all machine parameters are set, we suggest that you write their settings down on the charts provided for this purpose in the appendix on "Machine Parameter Setting Chart".
There is also an appendix on error codes which indicates some of the probable reasons which could cause each one of them.
Also, if you wish this CNC to communicate with other FAGOR products, you must use the Fagor Local Area Network (LAN). To do that, refer to the manual on FAGOR LAN.
: The information described in this manual may be subject to variations due
to technical modifications. FAGOR AUTOMATION, S. Coop. Ltda. reserves the right to modify the
contents of this manual without prior notice.


Section Page
Comparison Table for lathe model 8025 CNCs ........................................................ix
New features and modifications ...............................................................................xiii


Declaration of Conformity ........................................................................................3
Safety Conditions ...................................................................................................... 4
Warranty Terms ........................................................................................................7
Material Returning Terms .........................................................................................8
Additional Remarks .................................................................................................. 9
Fagor Documentation for the 800T CNC .................................................................11
Manual Contents ....................................................................................................... 12


1.1 8025 CNC ..................................................................................................................1
1.2 Dimensions and installation of the 8025 CNC ........................................................ 2
1.2 8030 CNC ..................................................................................................................3
1.2.1 Central Unit of the 8030 CNC .................................................................................4 Keyboard connector ..................................................................................................6 Video connector ........................................................................................................8
1.2.2 Monitor/Keyboard of the 8030 CNC........................................................................9 Dimensions of the monitor/keyboard .......................................................................9 Elements of the monitor/keyboard ...........................................................................10 Connector and and monitor/keyboard interface ....................................................... 11
1.2.3 Operator Panel of the 8030 CNC ............................................................................. 12
1.3 Connectors and 8025/8030 interface ........................................................................13
1.3.1 Connectors A1, A2, A3, A4 .....................................................................................15 Dip-switches for connectors A1, A2, A3, A4 ..........................................................17
1.3.2 Connector A5 ............................................................................................................18 Dip-switches for connector A5 ................................................................................. 19
1.3.3 Connector A6 ............................................................................................................20
1.3.4 RS232C connector .....................................................................................................21
1.3.5 RS485 connector .......................................................................................................24 Recommended cable for the RS485 .........................................................................24
1.3.6 Connector I/O 1 .........................................................................................................25 Inputs of connector I/O 1 .........................................................................................26 Outputs of connector I/O 1 ....................................................................................... 29
1.3.7 Connector I/O 2 .........................................................................................................31 Outputs of connector I/O 2 ....................................................................................... 32


2.1 Power interface .........................................................................................................1
2.1.1 Internal power supply ................................................................................................ 1
2.2 Machine interface ......................................................................................................2
2.2.1 General considerations ..............................................................................................2
2.2.2 Digital outputs ...........................................................................................................4
2.2.3 Digital inputs .............................................................................................................4
2.2.4 Analog outputs...........................................................................................................5
2.2.5 Feedback inputs .........................................................................................................5
2.3 Set-up.........................................................................................................................6
2.3.1 General considerations ..............................................................................................6
2.3.2 Precautions.................................................................................................................6
2.3.3 Connection ................................................................................................................. 7
2.3.4 System input/output test ............................................................................................8
2.4 Emergency input/output connection ......................................................................... 10


3.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................1
3.2 Operation with parameter tables................................................................................3
3.3 General machine parameters .....................................................................................4
3.3.1 Machine parameters related to axes configuration....................................................5
3.3.2 Input/output parameters ............................................................................................. 7
3.3.3 Handwheel parameters...............................................................................................10
3.3.4 Touch probe parameters ............................................................................................12
3.3.5 Tool parameters .........................................................................................................13
3.3.6 Parameters related to the emergency subroutine.......................................................15
3.3.7 Machine parameters for the RS232C serial line .......................................................16
3.3.8 Display related parameters ........................................................................................18
3.3.9 Jog-mode related parameters .....................................................................................19
3.3.10 Operating-mode related parameters...........................................................................21


4.1 Parameters related to axis resolution.........................................................................2
4.2 Parameters for axis analog outputs ...........................................................................5
4.3 Parameters for the travel limits of the axes ..............................................................6
4.4 Machine parameters for the leadscrews ....................................................................7
4.4.1 Leadscrew backlash ...................................................................................................7
4.4.2 Leadscrew error .........................................................................................................8
4.5 Machine parameters for axis feedrates ...................................................................... 11
4.6 Machine parameters for axis control ......................................................................... 13
4.7 Machine parameters for machine reference zero ......................................................15
4.8 Parameters for acc/dec of the axes ............................................................................ 18
4.8.1 Linear acc./dec...........................................................................................................18
4.8.2 Bell-shaped acc./dec. .................................................................................................19
4.8.3 Feed-forward gain .....................................................................................................20
4.9 Parameters for the live or synchronized tool ............................................................ 21
4.10 Special machine parameters ......................................................................................23
Section Page


5.1 Machine parameters for spindle speed range change ..............................................2
5.2 Machine parameters for analog spindle speed output .............................................4
5.3 Machine parameters for spindle speed output in BCD ............................................5
5.4 Machine parameters for spindle control ...................................................................7
5.4.1 Parameters related to spindle orientation (M19) ..................................................... 9

Chapter 6 CONCEPTS

6.1 Axes and coordinate systems ....................................................................................1
6.1.1 Nomenclature and selection of the axes .................................................................. 1
6.2 Feedback systems ......................................................................................................2
6.2.1 Counting frequency limits ........................................................................................3
6.3 Axis resolution ..........................................................................................................4
6.4 Adjustment of the axes .............................................................................................13
6.4.1 Adjustment of the drift (offset) and maximum feedrate (G00)...............................14
6.4.2 Gain adjustment ........................................................................................................ 16
6.4.3 Proportional gain adjustment....................................................................................17 Calculation of K1, K2 and gain break-point ............................................................19
6.4.4 Feed-Forward gain adjustment .................................................................................21 Calculation of feed-forward gain .............................................................................21
6.4.5 Leadscrew error compensation .................................................................................22
6.5 Reference systems.....................................................................................................25
6.5.1 Reference points ........................................................................................................25
6.5.2 Machine reference (home) search .............................................................................26
6.5.3 Adjustment on systems without coded Io ................................................................27 Machine reference point (Home) adjustment ...........................................................27 Considerations ........................................................................................................... 28
6.5.4 Adjustment on axis with coded Io ............................................................................29 Scale offset adjustment.............................................................................................29 Considerations ........................................................................................................... 30
6.5.5 Software travel limits for the axes ...........................................................................31
6.6 Auxiliary functions M, S, T ..................................................................................... 32
6.6.1 Decoded M function table ........................................................................................33
6.6.2 M, S, T function transfer ..........................................................................................35
6.6.3 M, S, T function transfer using the M-done signal .................................................36
6.7 Spindle.......................................................................................................................38
6.8 Spindle speed range change ......................................................................................41
6.9 Spindle control ..........................................................................................................43
6.10 Tools..........................................................................................................................44
6.11 Live/synchronized tool ..............................................................................................45
6.11.1 Live tool ....................................................................................................................45
6.11.2 Synchronized tool .....................................................................................................46 Application examples for the synchronized tool ..................................................... 47
6.12 "C" axis .....................................................................................................................48
6.12.1 Adjustment of the "C" axis .......................................................................................48
Section Page


A Technical characteristics of the CNC ...................................................................... 2
B Enclosures................................................................................................................. 5
C Recommended Probe connection diagrams .............................................................. 6
D CNC inputs and outputs........................................................................................... 7
E 2-digit BCD coded "S" output conversion table ..................................................... 8
F Machine parameter summary chart .......................................................................... 9
G Sequential machine parameter list ........................................................................... 14
H Machine parameter setting chart .............................................................................. 20
I Decoded "M" function setting chart......................................................................... 22
J Leadscrew error compensation setting chart ........................................................... 23
K Maintenance ............................................................................................................. 24


FAGOR 8025/8030 CNCs
Feedback inputs. ............................................................................................. 6 6 6
Probe input .................................................................................................. x x x
Square-wave feedback signal multiplying factor, x2/x4 ................................... x x x
Sine-wave feedback signal multiplying factor, x2/x4/10/x20........................... x x x
Maximum counting resolution 0.001mm/0.001°/0.0001inch........................... x x x
Analog outputs (±10V) for axis servo drives .................................................... 4 4 4
Spindle analog output (±10V) ......................................................................... 1 1 1
Live tool .................................................................................................. 1 1 1
Axes involved in linear interpolations ............................................................. 3 3 3
Axes involved in circular interpolations .......................................................... 2 2 2
Electronic threading ........................................................................................ x x x
Spindle control ................................................................................................ x x x
Software travel limits....................................................................................... x x x
Spindle orientation .......................................................................................... x x x
Part Zero preset by user.................................................................................... x x x
Absolute/incremental programming................................................................. x x x
Programming in cartesian coordinates.............................................................. x x x
Programming in polar coordinates ................................................................... x x x
Programming by angle and cartesian coordinate .............................................. x x x
Linear axes ................................................................................ 4 4 4
Rotary axes................................................................................ 2 2 2
Spindle encoder ......................................................................... 1 1 1
Electronic handwheel ................................................................ 1 1 1
Third axis as "C" axis ................................................................. x
Synchronized tool ...................................................................... x
Tool radius compensation ............................................................................... x x x
Tool length compensation............................................................................... x x x
Leadscrew backlash compensation .................................................................. x x x
Leadscrew error compensation......................................................................... x x x
CNC text in Spanish, English, French, German and Italian ............................... x x x
Display of execution time................................................................................ x x x
Piece counter .................................................................................................. x x x
Graphic movement display and part simulation ............................................... x x
Tool tip position display ................................................................................. x x x
Geometric programming aide........................................................................... x x x
Communication via RS232C........................................................................... x x x
Communication via DNC ................................................................................ x x x
Communication via RS485 (FAGOR LAN)...................................................... x x x
ISO program loading from peripherals.............................................................. x x x
Parametric programming.................................................................................. x x x
Model digitizing ............................................................................................. x
Possibility of an integrated PLC ...................................................................... x x x
Part measuring units. Millimeters or inches (G70,G71)..................................... x x x
Absolute/incremental programming (G90,G91)................................................ x x x
Independent axis (G65) ................................................................................... x x x
Machine reference (home) search (G74) ........................................................... x x x
Coordinate preset (G92)................................................................................... x x x
Zero offsets (G53...G59)................................................................................... x x x
Polar origin offset (G93) .................................................................................. x x x
Store current part zero (G31) ............................................................................ x x x
Recover stored part zero (G32)......................................................................... x x x
Feedrate F .................................................................................................. x x x
Feedrate in mm/min. or inches/min. (G94)........................................................ x x x
feedrate in mm/revolution or inches/revolution (G95)...................................... x x x
Programmable feed-rate override (G49)............................................................ x x x
Spindle speed (S)............................................................................................. x x x
Spindle speed in rpm (G97) ............................................................................. x x x
Constant Surface Speed (G96) ......................................................................... x x x
S value limit when working at constant surface speed (G92)............................ x x x
Tool and tool offset selection (T) ..................................................................... x x x
Activate "C" axis in degrees (G14) ................................................................... x
Main plane C-Z (G15) ..................................................................................... x
Main plane C-X (G16) ..................................................................................... x
Program stop (M00)......................................................................................... x x x
Conditional program stop (M01) ..................................................................... x x x
End of program (M02) ..................................................................................... x x x
End of program with return to first block (M30) ............................................... x x x
Clockwise spindle start (M03) ......................................................................... x x x
Counter-clockwise spindle start (M04) ............................................................ x x x
Spindle stop (M05).......................................................................................... x x x
Spindle orientation (M19) ............................................................................... x x x
Spindle speed range change (M41, M42, M43, M44)....................................... x x x
Tool change with M06 .................................................................................... x x x
Live tool (M45 S) ............................................................................................ x x x
Synchronized tool (M45 K) ............................................................................. x
Rapid traverse (G00)........................................................................................ x x x
Linear interpolation (G01)............................................................................... x x x
Circular interpolation (G02,G03) ..................................................................... x x x
Circular interpolation with absolute center coordinates (G06).......................... x x x
Circular path tangent to previous path (G08) ................................................... x x x
Arc defined by three points (G09) .................................................................... x x x
Tangential entry (G37) .................................................................................... x x x
Tangential exit (G38) ...................................................................................... x x x
Controlled radius blend (G36) ......................................................................... x x x
Chamfer (G39)................................................................................................. x x x
Electronic threading (G33) .............................................................................. x x x
Dwell (G04 K) ................................................................................................. x x x
Round and square corner (G05, G07) ............................................................... x x x
Scaling factor (G72)......................................................................................... x x x
Single block treatment (G47, G48)................................................................... x x x
User error display (G30)................................................................................... x x x
Automatic block generation (G76)................................................................... x
Communication with FAGOR Local Area Network (G52)................................. x x x
Tool radius compensation (G40,G41,G42) ....................................................... x x x
Loading of tool dimensions into internal tool table (G50, G51) ....................... x x x
Pattern repeat (G66)......................................................................................... x x x
Roughing along X (G68) ................................................................................. x x x
Roughing along Z (G69) ................................................................................. x x x
Straight section turning (G81) ......................................................................... x x x
Straight section facing (G82) ........................................................................... x x x
Deep hole drilling (G83).................................................................................. x x x
Circular section turning (G84) ......................................................................... x x x
Circular section facing (G85)........................................................................... x x x
Longitudinal threadcutting (G86).................................................................... x x x
Face threadcutting (G87) ................................................................................. x x x
Grooving along X (G88) .................................................................................. x x x
Grooving along Z (G89) .................................................................................. x x x
Probing (G75).................................................................................................. x x x
Tool calibration canned cycle (G75N0) ........................................................... x
Probe calibration canned cycle (G75N1).......................................................... x
Part measuring canned cycle along X (G75N2) ................................................ x
Part measuring canned cycle along Z (G75N3)................................................. x
Part measuring canned cycle with tool compensation along X (G75N4) ........... x
Part measuring canned cycle with tool compensation along Z (G75N5)............ x
Number of standard subroutines....................................................................... 99 99 99
Definition of a standard subroutine (G22) ........................................................ x x x
Call to a standard subroutine (G20) ................................................................. x x x
Number of parametric subroutines ................................................................... 99 99 99
Definition of a parametric subroutine (G23) ..................................................... x x x
Call to a parametric subroutine (G21) .............................................................. x x x
End of standard or parametric subroutine (G24) ............................................... x x x
Unconditional jump/call (G25)........................................................................ x x x
Jump or call if zero (G26)................................................................................. x x x
Jump or call if not zero (G27)........................................................................... x x x
Jump or call if smaller (G28) ............................................................................ x x x
Jump or call if greater (G29)............................................................................. x x x
Date: March 1991 Software Version: 2.1 and newer FEATURE MODIFIED MANUAL & SECTION
The home searching direction is set by machine Installation Manual Section 4.7 parameter P618(5,6,7,8)
The 2nd home searching feedrate is set by Installation Manual Section 4.7 machine parameter P807...P810
New resolution values 1, 2, 5 and 10 for sine-wave Installation Manual Section 4.1 feedback signals P619(1,2,3,4)
Access to PLCI registers from the CNC Programming Manual G52
Date: June 1991 Software Version: 3.1 and newer FEATURE MODIFIED MANUAL AND SECTION
New function: F36. It takes the value of the Programming Manual Chapter 13 selected tool number
G68 and G69 canned cycles modified. if P9=0 Programming Manual Chapter 13 it runs another final roughing pass
Date: September 1991 Software Version: 3.2 and newer FEATURE MODIFIED MANUAL AND SECTION
Subroutine associated with the T function Installation Manual Section 3.3.5 G68 and G69 canned cycles modified. Programming Manual Chapter 13
P9 can now have a negative value
Date: March 1992 Software Version: 4.1 and newer FEATURE MODIFIED MANUAL AND SECTION
Bell-shaped ACC./DEC. Installation Manual Section 4.8
It is now possible to enter the sign of the Installation Manual Section 4.4 leadscrew backlash for each axis P620(1,2,3,4)
Independent axis movement execution Programming Manual G65 It is now possible to work at Constant Surface Installation Manual Section 3.3.9
Speed in JOG mode P619(8)
Date: July 1992 Software Version: 4.2 and newer FEATURE MODIFIED MANUAL AND SECTION
Synchronisation with independent axis P621(4) Installation Manual Section 3.3.10
Date: July 1993 Software Version: 5.1 and newer FEATURE MODIFIED MANUAL AND SECTION
Linear & Bell-shaped acc./dec. ramp combination Installation Manual Section 4.8 Spindle acc/dec control. P811 Installation Manual Section 5. The subroutine associated with the tool Installation Manual Section 3.3.5
is executed before the T function. P617(2) G68 and G69 cycles modified. If P10 <> 0, Programming Manual Chapter 13
it runs a final roughing pass before the finishing pass
When having only one spindle range, if G96 is Programming Manual Chapter 6 executed without any range being selected, the CNC will automatically select it.
8030 CNC with VGA Monitor Installation Manual Chapter 1
Date: March1995 Software Version: 5.3 and newer FEATURE MODIFIED MANUAL AND SECTION
Management of semi-absolute feedback devices Installation Manual Sections 4.7 & 6.5. (with coded Io)
Spindle inhibit by PLC Installation Manual Section 3.3.10 Handwheel managed by PLC Installation Manual Section 3.3.3 Simulation of the "rapid JOG" key from PLC PLCI Manual Initialization of machine parameters in case of
memory loss.
Before starting up the CNC, carefully read the instructions of Chapter 2 in the Installation Manual.
The CNC must not be powered-on until verifying that the machine complies with the "89/392/CEE" Directive.
Introduction - 1
Manufacturer: Fagor Automation, S. Coop.
Barrio de San Andrés s/n, C.P. 20500, Mondragón -Guipúzcoa- (ESPAÑA)
We hereby declare, under our responsibility that the product:
Fagor 8025 T CNC
meets the following directives:
EN 60204-1 Machine safety. Electrical equipment of the machines.
EN 50081-2 Emission
EN 55011 Radiated. Class A, Group 1. EN 55011 Conducted. Class A, Group 1.
EN 50082-2 Immunity
EN 61000-4-2 Electrostatic Discharges. EN 61000-4-4 Bursts and fast transients. EN 61000-4-11Voltage fluctuations and Outages. ENV 50140 Radiofrequency Radiated Electromagnetic Fields. ENV 50141 Conducted disturbance induced by radio frequency fields.
As instructed by the European Community Directives on Low Voltage: 73/23/EEC, on Machine Safety 89/392/EEC and 89/336/EEC on Electromagnetic Compatibility.
In Mondragón, on January 2nd, 1997
Introduction - 3
Read the following safety measures in order to prevent damage to personnel, to this product and to those products connected to it.
This unit must only be repaired by personnel authorized by Fagor Automation. Fagor Automation shall not be held responsible for any physical or material
damage derived from the violation of these basic safety regulations.
Precautions against personal damage
Module interconnection
Use the cables supplied with the unit.
Use proper Mains AC power cables
To avoid risks, use only the Mains AC cables recommended for this unit.
Avoid electrical overloads
In order to avoid electrical discharges and fire hazards, do not apply electrical voltage outside the range selected on the rear panel of the Central Unit.
Ground connection
In order to avoid electrical discharges, connect the ground terminals of all the modules to the main ground terminal. Before connecting the inputs and outputs of this unit, make sure that all the grounding connections are properly made.
Before powering the unit up, make sure that it is connected to ground
In order to avoid electrical discharges, make sure that all the grounding connections are properly made.
Do not work in humid environments
In order to avoid electrical discharges, always work under 90% of relative humidity (non-condensing) and 45º C (113º F).
Do not work in explosive environments
In order to avoid risks, damage, do not work in explosive environments.
Precautions against product damage
Working environment
This unit is ready to be used in Industrial Environments complying with the directives and regulations effective in the European Community
Fagor Automation shall not be held responsible for any damage suffered or caused when installed in other environments (residential or homes).
Install the unit in the right place
Introduction - 4
It is recommended, whenever possible, to instal the CNC away from coolants, chemical product, blows, etc. that could damage it.
This unit complies with the European directives on electromagnetic compatibility. Nevertheless, it is recommended to keep it away from sources of electromagnetic disturbance such as.
- Powerful loads connected to the same AC power line as this equipment.
- Nearby portable transmitters (Radio-telephones, Ham radio transmitters).
- Nearby radio / TC transmitters.
- Nearby arc welding machines
- Nearby High Voltage power lines
- Etc.
The manufacturer is responsible of assuring that the enclosure involving the equipment meets all the currently effective directives of the European Community.
Avoid disturbances coming from the machine tool
The machine-tool must have all the interference generating elements (relay coils, contactors, motors, etc.) uncoupled.
Use the proper power supply
Use an external regulated 24 Vdc power supply for the inputs and outputs.
Grounding of the power supply
The zero volt point of the external power supply must be connected to the main ground point of the machine.
Analog inputs and outputs connection
It is recommended to connect them using shielded cables and connecting their shields (mesh) to the corresponding pin (See chapter 2).
Ambient conditions
The working temperature must be between +5° C and +45° C (41ºF and 113º F) The storage temperature must be between -25° C and 70° C. (-13º F and 158º F)
Monitor enclosure
Assure that the Monitor is installed at the distances indicated in chapter 1 from the walls of the enclosure.
Use a DC fan to improve enclosure ventilation.
Main AC Power Switch
This switch must be easy to access and at a distance between 0.7 m (27.5 inches) and
1.7 m (5.6 ft) off the floor.
Protections of the unit itself
It carries two fast fuses of 3.15 Amp./ 250V. to protect the mains AC input. All the digital inputs and outputs have galvanic isolation via optocouplers between
the CNC circuitry and the outside. They are protected by an external fast fuse (F) of 3.15 Amp./ 250V. against over
voltage and reverse connection of the power supply. The type of fuse depends on the type of monitor. See the identification label of the
Introduction - 5
Precautions during repair
Do not manipulate the inside of the unit
Only personnel authorized by Fagor Automation may manipulate the inside of this unit.
Do not manipulate the connectors with the unit connected to AC
Before manipulating the connectors (inputs/outputs, feedback, etc.) make sure that the unit is not connected to AC power.
Safety symbols
Symbols which may appear on the manual
WARNING. symbol It has an associated text indicating those actions or operations may hurt people or damage products.
Symbols that may be carried on the product
WARNING. symbol It has an associated text indicating those actions or operations may hurt people or damage products.
"Electrical Shock" symbol It indicates that point may be under electrical voltage
"Ground Protection" symbol It indicates that point must be connected to the main ground point of the machine as protection for people and units.
Introduction - 6
All products manufactured or marketed by Fagor Automation has a warranty period of 12 months from the day they are shipped out of our warehouses.
The mentioned warranty covers repair material and labor costs, at FAGOR facilities, incurred in the repair of the products.
Within the warranty period, Fagor will repair or replace the products verified as being defective.
FAGOR is committed to repairing or replacing its products from the time when the first such product was launched up to 8 years after such product has disappeared from the product catalog.
It is entirely up to FAGOR to determine whether a repair is to be considered under warranty.
The repair will take place at our facilities. Therefore, all shipping expenses as well as travelling expenses incurred by technical personnel are NOT under warranty even when the unit is under warranty.
This warranty will be applied so long as the equipment has been installed according to the instructions, it has not been mistreated or damaged by accident or negligence and has been manipulated by personnel authorized by FAGOR.
If once the service call or repair has been completed, the cause of the failure is not to be blamed the FAGOR product, the customer must cover all generated expenses according to current fees.
No other implicit or explicit warranty is covered and FAGOR AUTOMATION shall not be held responsible, under any circumstances, of the damage which could be originated.
Service and Maintenance Contracts are available for the customer within the warranty period as well as outside of it.
Introduction - 7
When returning the CNC, pack it in its original package and with its original packaging material. If not available, pack it as follows:
1.- Get a cardboard box whose three inside dimensions are at least 15 cm (6 inches) larger than those of the unit. The cardboard being used to make the box must have a resistance of 170 Kg (375 lb.).
2.- When sending it to a Fagor Automation office for repair, attach a label indicating the owner of the unit, person to contact, type of unit, serial number, symptom and a brief description of the problem.
3.- Wrap the unit in a polyethylene roll or similar material to protect it. When sending the monitor, especially protect the CRT glass.
4.- Pad the unit inside the cardboard box with poly-utherane foam on all sides.
5.- Seal the cardboard box with packing tape or industrial staples.
Introduction - 8
* Mount the CNC away from coolants, chemical products, blows, etc. which could
damage it.
* Before turning the unit on, verify that the ground connections have been properly
made. See Section 2.2 of this manual.
* To prevent electrical shock at the Central Unit, use the proper mains AC connector at
the Power Supply Module. Use 3-wire power cables (one for ground connection)
* To prevent electrical shock at the Monitor, use the proper mains AC connector at the
Power Supply Module. Use 3-wire power cables (one for ground connection)
* Before turning the unit on, verify that the external AC line fuse, of each unit, is the right
one. Central Unit
Must be 2 fast fuses (F) of 3.15 Amp./ 250V.
Introduction - 9
Depends on the type of monitor. See identification label of the unit itself.
* In case of a malfunction or failure, disconnect it and call the technical service. Do not
manipulate inside the unit.
Introduction - 10
FOR THE 8025/30 T CNC
8025 T CNC OEM Manual Is directed to the machine builder or person in charge of installing and starting
up the CNC. It contains 2 manuals:
Installation Manual describing how to isntall and set-up the CNC. LAN Manual describing how to instal the CNC in the Local
Sometimes, it may contain an additional manual describing New Software Features recently implemented.
8025 T CNC USER Manual Is directed to the end user or CNC operator.
It contains 2 manuals:
Operating Manual describing how to operate the CNC. Programming Manual describing how to program the CNC.
Sometimes, it may contain an additional manual describing New Software Features recently implemented.
DNC 25/30 Software Manual Is directed to people using the optional DNC communications software.
Area Network.
DNC 25/30 Protocol Manual Is directed to people wishing to design their own DNC communications
software to communicate with the 800 without using the DNC25/30 software..
PLCI Manual To be used when the CNC has an integrated PLC.
Is directed to the machine builder or person in charge of installing and starting up the PLCI.
DNC-PLC Manual Is directed to people using the optional communications software: DNC-PLC. FLOPPY DISK Manual Is directed to people using the Fagor Floppy Disk Unit and it shows how to use
Introduction - 11
The installation manual consists of the following chapters:
Index Comparison table of FAGOR models: 8025 T CNCs New Features and modifications. Introduction Warning sheet prior to start-up:
Declaration of Conformity. Safety conditions. Warranty terms. Material returning conditions. Additional remarks. FAGOR documentation for the 8025 T CNC. Manual contents.
Chapter 1 CNC configuration.
Indicates the possible compositions: modular and compact. Description and dimensions of the Central Unit. Description and dimensions of the Monitor. Description and dimensions of the Operator Panel. Detailed description of all the connectors.
Chapter 2 Machine and Power connection
Indicates how to connect the main AC power The ground connection. The characteristics of the digital inputs and outputs. The characteristics of the analog output. The characteristics of the feedback inputs. CNC set-up and start-up. System input/output test. Emergency input and output connection.
Chapter 3 Machine parameters.
How to operate with the machine parameters. How to set the machine parameters. Detail description of the general machine parameters.
Chapter 4 Machine parameters for the axes.
Detail description of the machine parameters for the axes.
Chapter 5 Machine Parameters for the spindle.
Detail description of the machine parameters for the spindle.
Chapter 6 Concepts.
Axes and coordinate systems. Nomenclature and selection. Feedback systems, resolution. Axis and gain adjustment. Reference systems; Reference points, search and adjustment. Software axis travel limits. Acceleration / deceleration. Unidirectional approach. Spindle: speed control, range change. Tools and tool magazine. Treatment of the «Feed-hold» and «M-done» signals. M, S, T auxiliary function transfer. Live tool and synchronized tool. «C» axis.
Appendix Technical characteristics of the CNC. Enclosures.
Recommended probe connection circuits. CNC inputs and outputs. 2-digit BCD spindle output conversion table. Machine parameters. Summary chart, sequential list and setting chart. Auxiliary «M» functions. Setting chart. Leadscrew error compensation and cross compensation tables. Maintenance.
Error codes.
Introduction - 12
The CNC is prepared to be used in Industrial Environments, especially on milling machines, lathes, etc. It can control machine movements and devices.
It can control machine movements and devices.
1.1 8025 CNC
The 8025 CNC is an enclosed compact module whose front view offers:
1. An 8" monochrome amber monitor or CRT screen used to display the required system information.
2. A keyboard which permits communications with the CNC; being possible to request information or change the CNC status by generating new instructions.
3. An operator panel containing the necessary keys to work in JOG mode as well as the Cycle Start/Stop keys.
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8025 CNC
This CNC, usually mounted on the machine pendant, has 4 mounting holes.
When installing it, leave enough room to swing the FRONT PANEL open in order to allow future access to its interior.
To open it, undo the 4 allen-screws located next to the CNC mounting holes.
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8025 CNC
1.2 8030 CNC
This model CNC consists of 3 independent interconnected modules. These modules can be mounted on different locations and they are:
The OPERATOR PANEL module is connected to the MONITOR/KEYBOARD module via a cable supplied with that module.
These two modules will be placed next to each other and must be connected with the CENTRAL UNIT module which could be located somewhere else. The two cables used to connect them together are also supplied with these modules. Their maximum length is 25 meters (82 feet) and they are referred to as:
- Video cable.
- Keyboard cable.
8030 CNC
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The CENTRAL UNIT is usually mounted in the electrical cabinet (machine enclosure) and it is secured by means of the mounting holes located on the support cover.
When installing it, observe enough clearance to swing the CENTRAL UNIT open in case of future inside manipulation.
To swing it open, once the support cover is secured on the machine enclosure, undo the two knurled nuts on top and swing it open while holding the body of the CENTRAL UNIT.
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8030 CNC
The CENTRAL UNIT has two connectors to connect it with the MONITOR/KEYBOARD module by means of the video and keyboard signal cables.
1.- 15-pin SUB-D type female connector for for video signals.
2.- 25-pin SUB-D type female connector for keyboard signals.
8030 CNC
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It is a 25-pin SUB-D type female connector to connect the CENTRAL UNIT module to the MONITOR/KEYBOARD module.
FAGOR AUTOMATION provides the cable required for this connection. It comes with a 25-pin SUB-D type male connector at each end.
Both connectors have a latching system UNC4.40 by means of two screws.
1 GND 2 C9 3 C11 4 C13 5 C15
6 C1 7 C3 8 C5 9 C7
10 D1 11 D3
12 D5 13 D7 14 C8 15 C10
16 C12 17 C14 18 C0 19 C2 20 C4
21 C6 22 D0 23 D2 24 D4 25 D6
Metal hood Shield
The supplied cable has 25 wires (25 x 0.14mm²) with overall shield and acrylic cover. Its maximum length must be 25 meters (82 feet).
Section:Chapter: 1
8030 CNC
The cable shield is soldered to the metal hoods (housings) of both connectors and connected to pin 1 at both the CENTRAL UNIT and the MONITOR/KEYBOARD connectors.
8030 CNC
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