ETC Alex M, Alex MX User Manual

Integrated digital thyristor dimmer
Operating Manual
Alex M / Alex MX
Manual version 030430-150C
Manual ID no. 7280M1201
ETC – Electronic Theatre Controls
Operating Manual
Alex M / Alex Mx
Integrated digital thyristor dimmer
© 2000 – 2006 Electronic Theatre Controls GmbH
All rights reserved.
No part of this manual may be reproduced
or copied in any form without the written
approval of Electronic Theatre Controls GmbH.
Technical data subject to change.
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Alex M Contents
Meet Alex M.................................................................................................7
First impressions .....................................................................................7
Special features.......................................................................................9
Important rules.......................................................................................11
Alex M is very robust, but... ...................................................................12
Lighting in no time with Alex M............................................................... 13
Working with Alex M.................................................................................14
Switching the device on.........................................................................15
Controls .................................................................................................15
Rotating knob ...................................................................................16
Preventing improper use of Alex ...........................................................17
Basic settings.........................................................................................18
Language selection ..........................................................................18
Setting the display contrast ..............................................................19
Resetting the dimmer processor ......................................................19
Selecting the source for the dimmer control signals ........................20
Setting the DMX start address .........................................................21
Further basic settings.......................................................................23
Provid i n g s t at i on a ry lightin g (m a n ua l i nt e ns i ty adjustm en t ).................24
Setting the intensity of a channel...........................................................24
Setting the same intensity for all channels............................................25
Saving current output levels as presets ................................................26
Preheating .............................................................................................27
Setting preheating individually for each dimmer channel.................27
Setting the same preheat intensity for all dimmer channels ............28
Intensity limit..........................................................................................29
Setting an intensity limit....................................................................29
Setting the same intensity limit for all dimmer channels ..................30
Dimmer curves.......................................................................................31
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Contents Alex M
Assigning a dimmer curve individually for each dimmer
channel .............................................................................................32
Assigning the same dimmer curve to all channels...........................33
Setting the switching threshold for a non-dim curve.........................33
Providing light automatically...................................................................35
Fading in stored presets ........................................................................35
Displaying the contents of stored presets ........................................36
Creating a chase with the chaser function.............................................37
Setting the fade time.........................................................................37
Setting the wait time for presets .......................................................37
Setting a sequence of presets..........................................................38
Running a chase...............................................................................39
Holding/terminating a chase.............................................................40
The menu pages........................................................................................41
Status line.........................................................................................41
Menu page 1: Intensities........................................................................42
Output level display ..........................................................................42
Input/display fields............................................................................43
Menu page 2: Parameters .....................................................................44
Input fields for each individual channel.............................................44
Input fields for each channel individually..........................................45
Input fields for all channels together.................................................45
Menu page 3: Memory/Chaser..............................................................46
Output diagrams...............................................................................46
Input/display fields............................................................................47
Menu page 4: Basic settings..................................................................49
Input/display fields............................................................................49
Software version...............................................................................52
Identifying whether a base load is fitted ...........................................52
Software updates......................................................................................53
Technical data........................................................................................55
List of factory settings............................................................................58
Pin assignments.....................................................................................59
Pin assignment of the load outputs (HTS plug-in connector)...........59
Pin assignment for the EXT socket ..................................................61
Version status........................................................................................63
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Alex M
Meet Alex M First impressions
Meet Alex M
First impressions
Alex M allows you to:
Convert DMX control commands received from the lighting control system into voltage values for electrical loads like spotlights
Save a maximum of twelve presets and make them available for use.
Run several presets at the same time with selectable weightings.
The chaser function allows you to:
Run entire lighting programs – from chases to complex sequences of stored presets.
All common loads controllable
Selection of three signal sources:
DMX, analog, internally stored presets
Selection of dimmer characteristics: Different curves can be defined for each dimmer channel, including a genuine non-dim function
Preheat: Preheating of spotlights of up to 30% independently for each channel
Output level limitation: Between 30% and 100% independently for each channel
Precaution in case the input signal fails: Output of the last preset, one of the twelve stored presets or synchronizing-dark connection
Automatic switching to 50 Hz or 60 Hz line frequency
Alex MX: Electronic base load allows convenient dimming of fluorescent lamps.
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Operation Meet Alex M
Menu-driven interface
Status information
An extremely high-contrast CFL (cathode fluorescent lamp) backlit display with a visible area of 13 x 7 centi­meters and over 30,000 pixels, making it easy to read even from a considerable distance whatever the ambient lighting conditions.
You operate Alex M using four keys, a rotating knob (encoder) and the menus that appear on the display.
Graphical output level displays for each of the six or twelve channels and plain-text messages or instructions constantly keep you informed of the current operating status.
The dimmer processor software is constantly being further developed. Your dimmer processor can be updated to match the latest developments at any time.
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Meet Alex M Special features
Special features
Emergency shutdown
The thyristors, which use phase angle control for the output voltage, each contain a separate ignition circuit for the positive and negative half-waves. This means that the output voltages of each of the dimmer units have no DC components and makes them suitable for controlling low-voltage transformers.
A temperature controller ensures that the fan only ever runs just as fast as is absolutely necessary.
If the temperature level on the dimmer unit gets too high (e.g. because of a blockage in the air intake), the device is shut down automatically to prevent damage due to overheating. Once the temperature returns to permissible values, the dimmer unit automatically resumes operation. The loads connected undergo a soft restart.
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Symbols Safety
This manual uses the symbols depicted below for Danger, Caution and Note. The meanings of these symbols are as follows:
Danger This symbol indicates situations where failure to follow the instructions carefully can result in death, injury or accidents.
Caution This symbol indicates situations where failure to follow the instructions carefully can cause damage to your equipment.
Note This symbol is used to draw your attention to a particularly important passage of text.
Alex M
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Safety Important rules
Important rules
It is not dangerous to work with Alex M. Protective insulation and a whole series of other protective measures ensure that you cannot come into contact with any harmful electric currents. However, as with all electrical equipment, you will need to observe a few simple rules:
Never switch on equipment that is obviously damaged. Send the equipment to an authorized dealer or back to the factory for repairs.
If there is any reason to suspect a fault, unplug the equipment from the mains supply immediately. Make sure that it cannot be started up again and send it to an authorized dealer or back to the factory for repairs.
Always unplug equipment from the power supply before opening it.
Components inside the equipment can be very hot if they have only just been switched off.
Repairs are only ever to be made by an authorized dealer or by transtechnik.
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Alex M is very robust, but... Safety
Alex M is very robust, but...
Alex M is designed to cope with the rigors of mobile service, so it will put up with a lot. Nevertheless, you should still adhere to the following guidelines:
Only use your equipment for the purpose for which it is intended.
Never cover the front and back of your equipment in such a way that this would impede air circulation (e.g. with plastic sheeting).
Ensure that there are always sufficient openings for heat to be expelled.
Avoid direct contact with moisture.
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Alex M
Lighting in no time with Alex M 6 or 12 output channels
Lighting in no time with Alex M
Alex M lets you get down to business straight away. Over the
The screenshots used in this manual depict the menu pages for an Alex M dimmer unit with twelve output channels. If your Alex M unit has six output channels, the Intensities, Parameters and Memory/ Chaser menu pages will look rather different owing to the smaller number of output channels.
next few pages you will find an outline of the major functions for operating and adjusting the system.
For detailed information on the menu pages and all the opportunities afforded by Alex M, please turn to page 41.
You will find a list of the factory settings on page 58.
Alex M with six or twelve output channels
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Wiring Working with Alex M
Working with Alex M
Not even Alex M lets you get away without setting up any cable connections:
A connection to the power supply
Connections to the required dimmer channels
This is all you need to go ahead and provide lighting with Alex M. If the dimmers are to be controlled by external signals as well, you also need to connect the signal source:
Control with DMX512/1990 signal
If the DMX OUT socket is left unoccupied, it must be terminated with a resistor. Set the switch on the backplane of the device to the position "DMX END". The DMX output socket is now terminated with 100 Ω.
Failure to apply a terminating resistor can lead to errors in DMX transmission or make such transmission impossible altogether.
When the "DMX END" switch on the backplane of the device is set to this position, the DMX output socket is terminated with 100 Ω.
Connect DMX cables to the DMX IN and DMX OUT sockets.
Control with
Connect the signal cable to the EXT socket.
0 – 10 V analog signals
For the pin assignment for the EXT socket, see page 61.
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Alex M
Working with Alex M Switching the device on
Switching the device on
As soon as the power (at least one phase) has been switched on, the dimmer system starts up and the welcome screen appears on the display for five seconds. The first menu page, Intensities, then appears (see page 42).
Fig. 1: Welcome screen
All input is made using 4 keys and a rotating knob (the encoder). Menus and messages are displayed on a backlit LCD screen.
Scrolls from one menu page to the next. Prerequisite: Edit mode must be inactive.
Saves the changes you have made and terminates edit mode.
Activates edit mode so that entries and changes can be made.In edit mode you can change values (e.g. dimmer values).
Terminates edit mode without saving the changes you have made.
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Controls Working with Alex M
The LEDs in the [Edit] and [Save] keys and the status line at the bottom of the display provide information on the current input status:
Edit mode not active
Status line
Edit mode active, no values
Wheel selects Edit to change
Í LED on
changed yet
Status line
Edit mode active, at least one
Wheel Save confirms Esc quits
Í LED on
Í LED on
value changed
Status line
Wheel Save confirms Esc quits
Rotating knob
The rotating knob has two modes:
Edit mode inactive
All input fields are displayed one after the other. The current input field is highlighted.
Edit mode active
The relevant parameter (e.g. numeric value) in the current input field (highlighted) is changed.
To save space, the rotating knob is referred to simply as a
knob in the menus. The same applies to the rest of this manual.
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Alex M
Working with Alex M Preventing improper use of Alex
Preventing improper use of Alex
You can secure the device against inadvertent improper use by activating LOCK mode.
Prerequisite for activating LOCK mode: EDIT mode must not be active.
Switch lock mode on or off by pressing and holding [Save] and then additionally pressing [Esc].
In LOCK mode, menu page 1, Intensities, is displayed constantly.
The text LOCKED_MODE appears highlighted (Fig. 2).
Used on their own, none of the four keys have a function.
If you turn the knob, this moves the underlining under the DMX address and the highlighting of the intensity value.
Fig. 2: Display with LOCK mode
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Basic settings Working with Alex M
Basic settings
Before you start, you can rest assured: The device is ready for operation immediately even if you don’t make any basic settings.
Before you start working with Alex M, you should nevertheless have a look at selected basic settings (there are a total of 12). You can use them to customize Alex M to suit your exact requirements.
To make working with the device easier for you, you can set the menu language and display contrast, for example. Then select the signal source and the DMX start address. The reset function allows you, if you wish, to reset the device to the factory settings.
These five steps are described on the following pages.
Language selection
Currently, the menu texts can be displayed in five languages: English – German – Dutch – Italian – Spanish. The factory setting is English. To set another language, proceed as follows:
Press [Page] until menu page 4, Basic Settings, appears.
2 Turn the knob until the LANGUAGE
field is highlighted.
The currently set language is highlighted.
3 Press [Edit]. 4 Use the knob to select a language.
5 Use [Save] to save the language you
have selected.
Fig. 3: Basic Settings menu
Active field: LANGUAGE
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Alex M
Working with Alex M Basic settings
Setting the display contrast
1 Press [Page] until menu page 4, Basic
Settings, appears.
2 Turn the knob until the CONTRAST
field is highlighted.
3 Press [Edit]. 4 Use the knob to set the desired
contrast (factory setting: 75).
5 Press [Edit].
The contrast setting is saved.
Fig. 4: Basic Settings menu
Active field: CONTRAST
Resetting the dimmer processor
The reset function resets all settings and parameters to the factory settings. In particular:
All dimmer parameters are reset.
All the stored presets are reset to zero.
The language is set to English.
Press [Page] until menu page 4, Basic Settings, appears.
2 Turn the knob until the RESET DEVICE
field is highlighted.
Yes is the highlighted default value.
3 Press [Edit].
4 Use the knob to select
Yes for reset or – No for do not reset.
Fig. 5: Basic Settings menu
Active field: RESET DEVICE
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Basic settings Working with Alex M
Selecting the source for the dimmer control signals
Press [Page] until menu page 4, Basic Settings, appears.
2 Turn the knob until the INPUT field is
3 Press [Edit]. 4 Use the knob to select a signal source.
(Factory setting: Dmx + Mem/Chase)
Fig. 6: Basic Settings menu
Active field: INPUT
Dmx Analog Mem/Chase
Dmx + Mem/Chase Analog + Mem/Chase Ana+Dmx+Mem/Chase
External device via DMX signal External device via analog signal Alex M
(manual control, stored presets, chases) External device via DMX signal and Alex M External device via analog signal and Alex M External devices via analog signal, DMX signal and
Alex M
5 Press [Save] to save the setting for the selected signal source.
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Alex M
+ 46 hidden pages