eta SH Installation Manual

Log Boiler
20-60 kW
Conditions for warranty, guarantee, liability 4
Meanings of symbols
Important NOTICES for operation.
CAUTION: Failure to observe these notices can result
in property damage.
STOP: Failure to observe these notices can result in
personal injury.
Conditions for warranty, guarantee, liability ........ 4
Data and dimensions ...................................... 6
Regulations, standards and guidelines ................7
Boiler room .................................................. 8
Electrical connection ....................................... 9
Energy-saving pumps .....................................9
Chimney .................................................... 10
Basics ........................................................ 10
Dimensioning, requirements............................ 11
Requirements, connecting pipe ........................ 12
Water hardness and corrosion ........................ 14
Air venting, compensation, system separation .... 15
Return riser and safety devices ....................... 16
Buffer ....................................................... 17
Hydraulic integration ..................................... 18
Hydraulic integration of several buffers ............... 19
Parallel buffers with internal Tichelmann ............ 20
Parallel buffers with external Tichelmann ........... 21
Serial buffers ............................................... 22
Hydraulic schematic ...................................... 24
Installation ................................................. 26
Minimum clearances for maintenance ................ 26
Air valves for log boilers.................................. 27
Air valves for log boilers with pellet flange ..........29
Draught fan ................................................ 31
Rear wall insulation, door frame ....................... 32
Side panels, boiler control system ..................... 33
Cable duct, flue gas temperature sensor .............. 34
Temperature sensor - flow .............................. 35
Lambda probe, temperature sensor - return ........ 36
Connecting draught fan ................................. 37
Actuators ................................................... 38
Cleaning lever for turbulators ........................... 40
Insulation door, control panel .......................... 41
Panel on top side of boiler ..............................45
Insulation at base of boiler ..............................46
Electrical installation .................................... 48
Terminal diagram ......................................... 48
Checklist for proper installation ....................... 50
Electrical installation 48 Preface
SH Montage
Dear heating technician,
The satisfactory function of a customer's new heating system depends to a large extent on its installation. So before starting the installation, please invest 15 minutes to get an overview with this manual.
Warranty and guarantee
You should also read the "Conditions for warranty, guarantee, liability" (see page 4 of this manual) carefully. All of the requirements we impose are intended to prevent damage that neither you nor we wish to occur.
Housing and electrical equipment will be installed at the end
The electrical equipment and the housing will only be installed after all piping and installation tasks have been completed. That helps avoid damage to these sensitive parts.
Training the customer
To avoid errors in operation, please explain to your customer (preferably using the user manual) exactly how the new heating system works and how it should be operated and maintained.
Extended warranty for commissioning performed by an authorised partner company
If your newly installed boiler is commissioned by an authorised partner company or one of our customer service employees, we offer an extended warranty. Refer to our warranty conditions in effect at the time of purchase.
Service agreement
You can ensure the best care by taking out a service agreement with one of our certified heating system contractors or our own customer service.
Conditions for warranty, guarantee, liability
We can only guarantee and accept liability for the function of our boiler if it is properly installed and operated.
Requirement for warranty, guarantee and liability is that this boiler be used in accordance with its intended purpose, only for heating and hot
water supply with no more than 2,000 full­load hours annually, and, in particular, that the
following general conditions be observed during installation and operation:
For set-up, a dry room is required. In particular, only condensation dryers may be used as clothes dryers in the same room.
Local building and fire protection regulations must be observed.
The log wood boiler is suitable for use with air-dried split logs with no more than 20% water content and wood briquettes. Use with unsuitable fuels, especially refuse, coal and coke, and also wet wood, is not permitted.
The combustion air must be free of aggressive substances such as chlorine and fluorine from solvents, cleaning agents, adhesives and propellants, or ammonia from cleaning agents, to prevent corrosion of the boiler and chimney.
Water is the intended heat-transfer medium. For special anti-frost requirements, up to 30% glycol may be added. Softened water is required for the initial fill-up of the heating system and for refilling after repairs. For the initial fill-up, the value of 20,000 lt°dH for the system volume in litres multiplied by the hardness (in degrees of German hardness) may not be exceeded. The pH value should be set between 8 and 9. Addition of hard water should be minimised to limit limescale build-up in the boiler. Set enough shut-off valves to avoid bleeding large amounts of water during repairs. Any leaks in the system must be repaired at once.
Ensure a minimum return temperature of 60°C to the boiler.
A safety valve (3 bar) as protection against excess pressure and a thermal relief valve (95°C) to protect against overheating must be installed by the contractor.
To protect against air suction if the system cools off, an expert must provide a sufficiently large expansion tank or a pressure maintenance system. Sufficient air venting must also be ensured. Open expansion tanks or underfloor heating with permeable piping also have a high air intake, resulting in above-average boiler corrosion. Corrosion damage to the boiler due to improper air venting or high air intake is excluded from warranty, guarantee and liability.
Operation at lower power than the lowest power specified on the type plate is not permitted.
Only components provided by us may be used for expansion of the control system, except for commonly used units such as thermostats.
Cleaning and maintenance are required as specified in the user manual.
Repairs are only permitted with spare parts provided by us. The only exceptions are common standardised parts such as electrical fuses or fastening materials, as long as they possess the required features and do not restrict the functionality of the system.
Conditions for warranty, guarantee, liability
SH Montage
The installing contractor is liable for proper installation according to the boiler's installation instructions and the relevant rules and safety regulations. If you as customer have installed the heating system partly or entirely without relevant training and in particular without up-to-date practical experience, without having
the installation checked by a trained and responsible expert, we exclude defects in our
delivery and consequential damages resulting from this cause from our warranty, guarantee and liability.
For repair of defects carried out by the customer or by third parties, ETA only bears the costs or remains obligated by warranty if this work was approved in advance by the customer service of ETA Heiztechnik GmbH.
Subject to technical alterations
We reserve the right to make technical modifications without notice. Printing and typesetting errors or changes of any kind made in the interim are not cause for claims. Individual configurations depicted or described here are only optionally available. In the event of contradictions between individual documents regarding delivery scope, the information in our current price list applies.
Data and dimensions
410 (510)
613 (716)>200 >800
>2030 (>2350)
1323 (1504)
1472 (1652)
1502 (1684)
1102 (1180)>300
1712 (1894)
SH 20-30 kW (40-60 kW)
Cleaning lever and actuator s can be mounted left or right sided
a Flow R5/4“ female b Return R5/4“ female c Drain R1/2“ female d Safety heat exchanger R1/2“ male
Wood gasification boiler SH 20 30 40 50 60
Rated capacity kW 10 - 20 15 - 30 20 - 40 20 - 49,9 20 - 60 Beech log efficiency, partial/full load* % 95,4 / 92,9 92,7 / 89,3 93,6 / 91,4 93,6 / 91,4 93,6 / 91,4 Fuel chamber mm 560 mm deep for 0,5 m logs, 340 x 365 mm door opening Fuel chamber volume Litres 150 223 Beech log combustion period, partial/full load* h 19,2 / 8,6 12,1 / 6,3 14,1 / 7,1 14,1 / 5,6 14,1 / 4,7 Dimensions without housing, W x D x H mm 588 x 940 x 1.495 688 x 1.015 x 1.675 Weight kg 580 583 791 793 795 Water content Litres 110 170
Waterside resistance (ΔT = 20 °C)
Pa /
190 /
370 /
220 /
340 /
480 /
0,048 Flue gas mass flow rate, partial/full load g / s 7,0 / 12,8 10,4 / 18,6 12,2 / 24,0 12,2 / 30,2 12,2 / 35,4 CO2-content in dry flue gas, partial/full load* % 12 / 14 12 / 14 14 / 14,5 14 / 14,5 14 / 15 Exhaust temperature, partial/full load* °C 100 / 130 100 / 140 90 / 145 90 / 150 90 / 160
Flue draught
2 Pa for partial load / 5 Pa for full load required
over 30 Pa draught limiter required
Carbon monoxide (CO) emission Partial/full load*
mg/m³ 13%O2
153 / 145 241 / 229
43 / 94
65 / 143
120 / 30 182 / 46
Dust emissions full load*
mg/m³ 13%O2
10 15
10 15
Unburned hydrocarbon emissions (CxHy) Partial/full load*
mg/m³ 13%O2
2 / 3 3 / 4
19 / 7
25 / 10
2 / < 1 3 / < 1
Electrical power consumption Partial/full load*
W 69 86 87
Recommended buffer storage tank volume Litres > 1.100, opt. 2.000 > 2.200, opt. 3.000 Maximum permissible operating pressure 3 bar Boiler rating 5 according EN 303-5:2012 Temperature adjustment range 70 – 85°C Suitable fuels Spruce and beech up to W20 Maximum permissible operating temperature 95°C Electrical connection 1 x 230 V / 50 Hz / 13 A Minimum return temperature 60°C
*Data from test reports of BLT Wieselburg, log numbers 041/10, 028/99 and 007/00.
The test reports of BLT Wieselburg can be found on the Internet at:
BLT Wieselburg
South Germany
Conforms to
EU standards
Quality seal of
Holzenergie Schweiz
Austrian ecolabel
Listed on the Energy
Technology List
The Certification Mark for Onsite Sustainable Energy Technologies
Regulations, standards and guidelines
SH Montage
Before setting up the boiler system, consult the responsible chimney sweep
Standards and guidelines
• VDI 2035, prevention of damage due to corrosion and scaling in hot-water heating systems with flow temperatures up to 120°C. Instead of the maximum hardness of 11.2 dH for 20 to 50 lt/kW specific system volume, the maximum lime content of the initial fill-up for the boiler described here is limited to 20,000 lt°dH (system volume in litres multiplied by the hardness in degrees of German hardness).
• EN 12828, heating systems in buildings ­planning for hot-water heating systems. The safety temperature limiter (100°C) is already installed in the boiler described here. The contractor must install a sufficiently large expansion tank (at least 10% of the system volume), a safety valve and a thermal emergency cooling valve.
• EN 12831, heating systems in buildings - method for calculating standard heating load
• EN 13384, flue systems - thermal and fluid­dynamic calculation methods
• EN 15287-1, flue systems for heating appliances dependent on ambient air - planning, installation and commissioning
• Only in Germany, DIN 18160, flue systems ­planning and design
Buffer storage tank is essential
For a wood fire that cannot be indefinitely reduced in intensity, minimum heating load can be a problem. A buffer that can store surplus boiler output is essential.
In Germany, 1. BImSchV (first Federal Emission Control Act) stipulates a minimum buffer volume of 55 litres per kW of boiler output. For a 30 kW boiler, that's 1,650 litres, which is a thoroughly adequate buffer volume.
The lower the return temperature to the buffer, the greater its heat storage capacity. The buffer utilisation of radiators can be improved conside­rably with very finely adjustable thermostat valves (Kv less than 0.35).
With a fresh water module, the hot water supply can be integrated in the buffer to save space, and solar can also be integrated in the buffer very simply and effectively.
This device complies with
EN 303-5 Heating boilers for solid fuels EN 60335-1/A1:96 Safety of electrical appliances DIN 4702 part 1 and 4 Heating boilers 97/23/EC Pressure equipment directive 2006/42EC Machiner y direc tive 89/106/EEC Regulations for building
products 73/23/EEC Low voltage directive 89/336/EEC EMC directive 93/68/EEC Amendment to 72/73
and 89/336
Conformity has been demonstrated. The relevant
documents and the original declaration of confor­mity (CE) are in the manufacturer's files.
• State building regulations
• Industrial and fire safety regulations
• State fire regulations
• In Germany, the EnEG (Energy Saving Act) with its enacted EnEV ordinances for energy­saving insulation and energy-saving building technologies
• In Germany, 1.BImSchV, initial ordinance for enforcement of the federal pollution control act for small-scale furnaces.
• In Austria, Article 15 a, agreement on protective measures regarding small-scale furnaces
• In Austria, Article 15 a, agreement on saving energy
• In Austria, ÖNORM H 5170, heating systems ­construction and fire safety requirements
• In Switzerland, VKF/AEAI fire safety regulations 25-03
Boiler room
Requirements for the surroundings
The boiler may only be installed in dry surroundings. The permitted ambient temperatures are between 5 and 30°C.
The ash must be kept in non-flammable containers with covers.
Fire extinguisher
In Austria at least a powder extinguisher ABC 6 kg is required. Better is a foam extinguisher AB 9 litre, which causes less damage when extinguishing.
The fire extinguisher should be kept outside the boiler room, easily visible and easily accessible.
In Germany and Switzerland, no fire extinguishers are required for heating systems in private residences. In spite of this, we recommend having one in the house.
No heating appliances in the vicinity of escape routes
No boiler may be installed in stairwells, hallways
or rooms through which escape routes lead to the outside.
Installation or boiler room
A boiler room is required in Germany for 50 kW or
more, and in Switzerland for over 20 kW. Different laws apply in the individual Austrian states (boiler room in Upper Austria from 15 kW; Styria from 18 kW; Lower Austria from 26 kW; Salzburg from 35 kW; Burgenland, Tyrolia, Vorarlberg and Vienna from 50 kW; for Carinthia a boiler room is required for all central heating systems).
Boiler room
A boiler room must be built with fire-resistant walls and ceilings F90 (EI90), in Switzerland El30 up to 70 kW and EI60 above 70 kW. An escape door to a corridor or to the outside is required. The door F30 (El30) must open in the direction of escape and be self-closing with a tight seal. Boiler room doors that open into escape routes must be F90 (EI90). In Germany there may be no connection to other rooms. Minimum cross­sections for air inlets and outlets are required.
Required cross-sections for air inlets and outlets
Minimum areas including 20% extra for bars
Austria Germany Switzerland
Inlet Outlet Inlet/outlet Inlet
20 kW
>24 0 c m² >21 6 cm ²
>180 cm²
>206 cm ² 25 kW >25 8 cm ² 35 kW >361 cm² 50 kW >515 cm² 70 kW >22 8 cm ² >721 cm² 90 kW >276 c m ² >927 cm²
130 kW >347 cm² >252 c m ² >372 cm² >1339 cm² 200 kW >533 cm² >336 cm² >540 cm² >206 0 cm ² 400 kW >10 67 cm ² >576 cm² >1020 c m ² >4120 cm²
Installation room for smaller boilers
Smaller boilers can be installed in any room with a sufficient air supply. The area immediately surrounding the boiler must be non-flammable.
In Germany, for up to 35 kW rated output, either at least one door to the outside or one window that can be opened (rooms with connection to outside), and a room volume of at least 4 m³ per kW of boiler output, is required. The room volume may also include other rooms connected via air inlets in the doors.
Fuel storage
In Germany, up to 10,000 litres (6.5 tons) of pellets can be stored in the room where the boiler is installed. For larger quantities, a separate fire­resistant F90 (EI90) storeroom is required.
In Austria, only a weekly's supply of wood may be stored next to the boiler. For pellets, a separate storeroom F90 (EI90) with a T30 (EI30) door is required. As a result of amendments to building laws, up to 10 tons of pellets may be stored in the boiler room in some states.
In Switzerland, up to 10 m³ of pellets can be stored in separate boiler rooms (EI60); the clearance from the boiler must be 1 m. For larger quantities, a separate storeroom (EI60 separated from the building) is required; here wood may be stored together with straw or hay.
Electrical connection Energy-saving pumps
SH Montage
Electrical connection
Observe the national regulations and any special regulations of local energy utilities.
Supply cable ?? x ?? mm² with flexible wires ???????????????????????????
A circuit breaker in the mains power input is required.
Emergency stop switch
In Austria, heating systems installed in boiler rooms must be equipped with an emergency stop switch which may not affect the room's lighting.
The switch must be situated immediately outside the access door and clearly marked. For boiler rooms that are only accessible from outdoors, these switches may also be within the boiler rooms, immediately next to the access doors.
In Germany, a boiler room is only necessary above 50 kW boiler output, so only then is an emergency stop switch also required.
A single-pole emergency stop switch is integrated into the boiler's safety chain. It only affects the combustion air supply. The pumps continue running to cool the boiler.
Emergency stop switch
As a rule, no emergency stop switch is required for log wood boilers.
Supply cable 3 x 1.5 mm² with flexible wires 230 V AC / 50 Hz C13 A / L+N+PE
Not just for the subsidy
Many incentive programmes either demand energy-saving pumps and hydraulic calibration or grant extra bonuses for them. This is no coincidence, since a single heating circuit with an old pump uses up to 10% of the electricity in an average four-person household.
Energy-saving pumps
For an underfloor heating system that needs a large amount of water circulation throughout the heating season, an electronic pump with a fixed speed setting is sufficient.
For individual room temperature control, the pump must react to the heating in individual rooms being switched on or off. It needs to adjust the amount of water and the delivery height to current demand. Differential pressure controlled energy saving pumps with "Energy Label A" can do that perfectly.
The pump built into the boiler is already a highly efcient variable-speed pump.
Basics Chimney
For every boiler a chimney of its own
The better the boiler and the chimney are matched, the greater the energy of the flue gases leaving the chimney and thus the certainty that they will rise into the air from the top. If the diameter is too large, the chimney will not be heated sufficiently and the exit velocity and temperature will be too low. The flue gas then lacks the energy to rise and in extreme cases, the smoke can sink down along the roof.
Chimneys with a diameter more than 50% greater than needed must be renovated to reduce the diameter.
If a chimney is designed for use with two simultaneously operating boilers, it may prove to be oversized for the partial load from only one boiler. If there is really only one chimney available, a buffer storage tank can help avoid a too-small partial load.
Chimney renovation - before it's too late
Compared to older boilers, modern ones are much more efficient and have lower amounts of flue gas with considerably lower temperatures. The water in the flue gas condenses and destroys old masonry chimney walls, very slowly but also inexorably.
Timely renovation before the chimney wall has been destroyed can be performed quickly and easily by inserting a tube. But if the flue gas condensates have penetrated the mortar joints, then the entire flue must be dismantled and rebuilt.
Sewage connection for the chimney
For the condensation that forms in the chimney, a DN 25 sewer connection via trap is needed. The resulting amount of water is small. If no sewer connection is possible, then a bucket that is checked regularly can also be used.
A fan-assisted boiler and a gas-fired boiler may not be connected to the same chimney
Most gas-fired boilers do not have a sealed air flap
and when the fan-assisted boiler is started while the chimney is cold, the flue gas is pushed through the gas boiler into the boiler room. Even a flue gas damper in the gas boiler's flue pipe will hardly help since these dampers are not certain to close with a good seal.
With atmospheric gas boilers, old fireclay chimneys only stay dry with the gas boiler's overflow opening. The water from the flue gas condenses in the chimney. During pauses in firing, air flows through the overflow opening and dries the chimney. If this air stream is blocked by a flue gas damper, the moisture can destroy an old fireclay chimney.
Fan-assisted boiler and wood-burning stove on the same chimney - a dangerous combination
This combination is not expressly forbidden, but it is dangerous.
Every wood-burning stove has an air intake
through which any fan-assisted boiler, whether oil or wood, will blow flue gas into the living area through a cold chimney. If the wood-burning stove's firebox door is not closed and the boiler is defective at the same time, even acute carbon monoxide poisoning is possible.
The wood-burning stove needs a significantly larger chimney cross section, which cannot be heated by the fan-assisted boiler. Cold flue gas does not rise from the opening; it sinks and can reach living quarters through open windows.
It may also be possible to hear the boiler's fan in the living quarters through the wood-burning stove.
Clarify with the chimney sweep
In any case, the chimney's suitability should be clarified with the chimney sweep
Chimney Dimensioning, requirements
SH Montage
Obsolete regulations require the wrong chimney
Laws and regulations demand a flue system that is moisture-resistant for oil and gas and one that is resistant to soot fires for solid fuels.
Wood is a solid fuel. But in the lower output range,
the temperature of the flue gas can be under 100°C and condensates can be deposited in the chimney. So the chimney must be moisture-resistant, "against regulations". Whoever builds a chimney resistant to soot fires can then look on helplessly as the condensate destroys the chimney wall.
Soot fires are possible in natural-draught boilers or wood-burning stoves regulated by throttling the air supply. When the wood fire is at full intensity and the boiler temperature has been reached, a thermostat closes the air flap. That stops the combustion, but since the combustion chamber temperature doesn't fall, the wood continues to gasify. Uncombusted wood gas condenses to tar in the chimney; the tar can be ignited by sparks from the fire.
With modern lambda-controlled wood boilers, such a soot fire is nearly impossible since the control system reduces the wood gasication and not the air. In modern lambda-controlled pellet boilers, the control system shuts down the fire by stopping the pellet supply without closing off the air supply. So there is no lack of air and no ammable tar in the chimney. The low exhaust temperatures of a modern boiler also provide no ignition source for a soot fire. With a modern and properly maintained wood boiler, there is no danger to chimneys from soot fires.
Moisture-resistant W3G flue systems
Since 2005 there are W3G chimneys (classified
according to the German DIN 18160), which are resistant to both moisture and soot fires. These chimneys are approved for all fuels. Most of these W3G chimneys have ceramic inner pipes, which have a significantly longer service life than metal chimneys due to their acid resistance.
Small chimney diameter required
Please note that for partial-load operation with flue gas temperature of only 100°C, the large chimney cross sections that were previously typical for solid fuel are no longer optimal. If the cross section is too large, the flue gas is no longer certain to rise from the chimney opening and may flow along the roof and sink to the windows of the living quarters.
Normally no deflagration damper
The boiler is designed with safety routines in the control system to prevent deflagrations, so no deflagration damper (also often called a blowback flap) is required if the connecting pipe is short and ascends to the chimney. If a deflagration damper is needed at high points before descending sections or at the beginning of a long horizontal section (L > 20 x D), it must be situated so that people are not endangered by a deflagration.
Chimney diameter in cm
(required minimum diameter)
20 kW 30 kW 40 kW 50 kW
60 kW
6 m 18 (16) cm 18 (16) cm 20 cm* 20 cm* 7 m 16 (14) cm 18 (15) cm 18 (16) cm 20 cm* 8 m 15 (13) cm 16 (14) cm 18 (15) cm 18 (16) cm
9 m 15 (13) cm 15 (13) cm 18 (15) cm 18 (15) cm 10 m 15 (13) cm 15 (13) cm 16 (14) cm 18 (15) cm 11 m 15 (13) cm 15 (13) cm 16 (14) cm 18 (15) cm 12 m 14 (12) cm 15 (13) cm 16 (14) cm 18 (15) cm
*) For boiler outputs over 30 kW and chimney heights under 8 m, a chimney joint tilted 45° can help achieve the required draught of 5 Pa at full load with acceptable cross-sections (a size smaller than indicated in the table).
With modern lambda-controlled wood boilers, such a soot fire is nearly impossible since the control system reduces the wood gasification and not the air, so there is no lack of air and no flammable tar in the chimney. The low exhaust temperatures of a modern boiler also provide no ignition source for a soot fire. With a modern and properly maintained wood boiler, there is no danger to chimneys from soot fires.
Requirements, connecting pipe Chimney
Connecting pipe to chimney insulated
The connection between the boiler and the chimney should be insulated with at least 30 mm, preferably 50 mm, of mineral wool to avoid thermal losses that can lead to a build-up of condensation.
Cleaning aperture in the connecting pipe
Easily accessible cleaning apertures must be available for cleaning the flue pipe.
Install short, airtight and ascending connections
"Attractive" right-angle flue offsets with two or
more bends are bad in a flue gas conduit. The optimum to strive for is the shortest pipe from the boiler to the chimney with a minimum of direction changes.
The flue gas conduit to the chimney must be leakproof (use heat-resistant silicone covered with pure aluminium adhesive tape to seal sleeved pipes without gaskets); otherwise smoke emission into the boiler room can be expected during ignition.
Install the flue gas conduit so it ascends toward the chimney!
Long, horizontal flue gas conduits to the chimney
Use a tight cross section, apply above-average insulation (50 mm and more) and provide enough cleaning apertures.
Calculations indicate that a connecting pipe with a large cross section would reduce the required chimney cross section. However, with low flow speeds ash deposits will form and then the theoretically calculated flue draught will be lost again.
With a large chimney cross section, the unbent length of the connecting pipe can be at maximum half of the effective chimney height (calculation required).
Chimney renovation with stainless steel pipe?
Maybe the chimney has already been renovated for oil or gas with a stainless steel pipe, and now a conversion to wood or pellets is planned. Or the chimney is too tight to install a ceramic pipe with a sure seal. If a moisture-resistant inner pipe is installed in a sufficiently fire-resistant casing, the German association of chimney sweeps has found the following solution to the standards and regulations dilemma:
"in the certification of suitability and safe use for heating systems, it should be noted that after a soot fire the long-term durability cannot be ensured and penetration of the chimney by moisture cannot be ruled out so that it may be necessary to replace the inner pipe (Criteria for Determination of Suitability and Safe Use of Heating Systems - October 29
2008, page 12).
Replace inner pipe after a soot fire
After a soot fire, the inner pipe is in all likelihood no longer sufficiently leakproof, making the chimney subject to damage by moisture so that the inner pipe needs to be replaced without fail, regardless of whether its resistance to soot fires has been checked or not.
Fit the chimney connection just under the ceiling!
Even though the current boiler can be connected to the chimney at a low height, it is better if you fit the chimney connection just below the ceiling. The flue pipe is easier to install, and the vertical connection pipe is long enough for an emission measurement.
Structure-borne noise
To avoid structure-borne noise, there should not be a fixed connection between the flue pipe and the chimney!
Good exhaust systems are acoustically isolated. When steel pipes are connected to a fireclay chimney, ceramic fibre bandages have proven effective at preventing structure-borne noise as well as damage to the refractory sleeve.
SH Montage
Water hardness and corrosion
Softened water and shut-off valves
If a buffer storage tank is installed in the heating system, the system should be filled with softened water. The lime is deposited on a very small area in the boiler and forms layers of insulating limescale. The boiler wall is no longer sufficiently cooled and stress cracks can result. To keep the lime content to a minimum during minor repairs, shut-off valves are essential at all buffer connections and all heat distribution branches.
When is decalcifying necessary?
For the initial fill-up of the heating system with the boiler, the lime content of all water in the heating system may not exceed the value of 20,000 lt°dH (system volume in litres multiplied by the hardness in degrees of German hardness).
20,000 lt°dH
= permitted hardness in
litres of water
20,000 lt°dH
= 10 °dH
2000 litres To maintain the limit of 20,000 lt°dH, the system
must be softened to 10°dH.
Softening with a salt-regeneration ion exchanger
We recommend softening water with salt­regeneration ion exchangers, just as drinking water is softened. This method does not remove salt from the water. It exchanges the calcium in lime against sodium from the salt and has considerable advantages. It is cheap and chemically stable against contamination. In addition, it has a natural alkalinity that generally results in a sufficiently non-corroding pH value of around 8.
pH value between 8 and 9 may require dosing with trisodium phosphate
If the heating water's pH value is not greater than 8 after a week of operation, increase it by adding 10 g/m³ of trisodium phosphate (Na3PO4) or 25 g/m³ of trisodium phosphate dodecahydrate (Na3PO4.12H2O). Wait another 2-4 weeks before making further corrections. The pH value may not exceed 9.
No hybrid installations
A disadvantage of salt-regeneration ion exchange is the salt content with its high electrical conductivity, which can lead to electrolytic corrosion, especially of aluminium or galvanized steel. If only steel, brass, gunmetal and copper are used in the heating system and the use of stainless steel is limited to small areas, then no corrosion problems should be expected even with salty water.
Inside a heating system, galvanized and aluminium parts are always in danger of corrosion, especially in combination with copper tubing. In practice this means no hot-galvanized fittings and no mix of galvanized tubing with copper tubing. There is an illogical exception: galvanized steel tubing combined with boilers or buffer storage tanks made of steel. Presumably the uniform zinc layer dissolves uniformly and is dispersed evenly throughout the system without localised corrosion.
Complete desalination not required
If there is no aluminium (heat exchanger in the gas boiler or aluminium radiator) in the system, then no expensive desalination with ion exchange cartridges or osmosis is required.
Lime stabilisation can be dangerous
The addition of lime stabilising agents prevents limescale. However, we advise against doing so. These agents increase the salt content and result in an undefined pH value. If large amounts of water are added, exactly the same agent must be used again. Mixing with other water additives or with antifreeze can result in corrosion.
Air venting, compensation, system separation
SH Montage
Initial protection with corrosion inhibitors
These agents line the new and still uncoated internal surfaces with a protective film; this is only possible in a new system. If corrosion has already begun, these agents cannot help anymore. Use corrosion inhibitors sparingly. For systems with buffers whose water volume is large in relation to the internal surfaces, it is preferable to use half rather than double the quantity specified by the manufacturer.
Protection against atmospheric corrosion
To reliably protect the entire heating system against corrosion, air intrusion should be kept to a minimum and any air that does gain entry must be released as soon as possible. The most important measures are described below.
Air vent at highest point in flow
No system is completely airtight. Air that gets into the system is transported to the boiler with the return flow since water can take up more air as it gets colder and as the pressure increases. The air is released again at the point in the system with the highest temperature and the lowest pressure. The two typical points for releasing gases are the hot boiler and the highest point in the flow. Install an air valve at the upper end of the line from the boiler outlet (already installed in PU and PC boilers) and also at the highest point in the flow of the entire system. The boiler safety groups with horizontal connection to the ascending flue pipe, which have unfortunately become so common, are not suitable for air venting.
For large, unseparated underfloor heating systems, an absorption filter for the entire water flow should be installed in the flow after the boiler (Spirovent, Flamco or Pneumatex are typical manufacturers).
At least 10% compensating volume
To minimise air suction through the system's pipe connections (which are watertight but not absolutely airtight) when the system cools, a sufficiently large expansion tank with at least 10% of the system volume is needed.
Protect the expansion tank against shut-off
All shut-off valves along the path from the expansion tank to the boiler and to the buffer storage tank must be capped valves, or the hand wheels or levers must be removed from the valves (hang on the valve with a wire) to ensure that they cannot be closed by accident.
Adjust expansion tank pressure
Most expansion tanks are delivered with primary pressure of 1.5 bar. The pressure should be adjusted by releasing nitrogen so that it is 0.3 bar higher than the static pressure at the place of installation, but the pressure should not fall below 0.9 bar.
Example 1: height difference between expansion tank and highest point in the system pst = 11 m = 1.1 bar:
1.1 bar + 0.3 bar = 1.4 bar pressure setting. In this case, you can also contact our customer service to set the system's cut-off pressure to
1.5 bar. Example 2:
height difference between expansion tank and highest point in the system pst = 5 m = 0.5 bar:
0.5 bar + 0.3 bar = 0.8 bar -> 0.9 bar pressure setting. Here the minimum pressure of 0.9 bar must be chosen. The factory setting of 1.0 bar for the cut-off pressure is compatible with this minimum pressure setting.
No open expansion tanks
Open expansion tanks allow air into the system ­not allowed.
Impermeable plastic tubing or system separation
"Impermeable" plastic tubing simply undercuts a standard limiting value; there is no absolutely impermeable tubing. Even composite tubing with aluminium sheathing is not absolutely impermeable. A rule of thumb: up to 3,000 running metres of underfloor heating pipe, use impermeable composite tubing; for larger systems, system separation with a heat exchanger is imperative. If a system separation is installed, then common single-wall tubing can also be used. For older underfloor heating systems, always install a system separation because their tubing is not very airtight.
Return riser and safety devices
Thermal emergency cooling valve against overheating
The safety heat exchanger built into the boiler
must be connected by the heating technician to the house's cold water supply via a thermal outlet valve (opening temperature 95 °C) to protect the boiler against overheating if the pump fails. The minimum pressure in the cold water line must be 2 bar. Connect the supply line to the lower connector of the safety heat exchanger; the upper connector is for outlet to the sewer. To prevent the supply line from being shut off accidently, remove the levers from shut-off valves or the hand wheels from valves and hang them there with a piece of wire.
cooling valve
visible drain to
Cold water
Isolating valve
Remove hand wheel
The discharge must be have an easily visible, open
flow path so malfunctions can be recognised. Direct the discharged water to the sewer via a siphon funnel or at least with a pipe into the ground so that nobody can be scalded if the valve is activated.
Even for cold water coming from a domestic well with its own pump, a thermal emergency cooling valve must be installed on the boiler. With a generously dimensioned air vessel, enough water for cooling will come even if there is a power failure. If the electricity supply is very uncertain, a dedicated air vessel for the thermal emergency cooling valve is required.
Return riser
Wood contains water. If the temperature in the boiler is too low, steam condenses from the flue gas onto the heat exchanger surfaces. Corrosion and a leaky heat exchanger are the result. To prevent this, the water temperature at the boiler inlet must be at least 60°C. Since the return temperatures are usually lower, a return riser is needed - preferably with a mixer that provides controlled, heated flow to the boiler return.
The return riser mixing valve also controls the buffer charging output. To reduce the output, the return temperature is raised over 60°C to reduce the spread compared to the boiler's setpoint temperature. With the spread the output that can be consumed from the boiler is limited.
Safety valve against overpressure
A safety valve with 3 bar opening pressure must be installed on the boiler. No shut-off valve may be installed between the boiler and the safety valve. If solar or other heat sources provide energy to the buffer storage tank via a heat exchanger, a safety valve (3 bar maximum) is also required on the buffer storage tank. Normally an expansion tank that is too small or defective, or blocked heating lines, are the cause for activation of the safety valve.
The safety valve must be on top of the boiler or
in the flow in order to also discharge heat in an emergency. Only this way can it discharge heat by blowing out hot water and steam.
The discharge must be directed to the sewer via
an easily visible, open flow path (siphon funnel) so malfunctions and, above all, a non-closing valve can be recognised. If no sewer is available, the discharge must be directed into the ground in a pipe so nobody is endangered by hot water or steam.
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