SRX Corvette C-6 Installation Tips
We recommend bench assembling the entire system if you are a first time installer.
We also recommend reading the installation manual. Power can be applied and all
programming options selected on the bench or in the vehicle.
Power and Ground:
The fuse box is
located in the
passenger’s foot well
against the firewall.
Locate a switched fuse
and tap into the hot leg.
Ground for power can
also be found on the Bose
amplifier case. Pull the
carpet back to expose the
fuse box. The interface
(Letter Code F on the
Installation Manual) will fit
in the cavity under the
Bose unit.
Note: the optional
amplified speaker will also
get power from this area.
Display Controller, Remote Mute / Volume Adjust, Amplified Speaker (Optional HV model),
Concealed Display (Optional HV model): All wires from these components will run from the
driver side. Feed the wires through the console to the passenger side where the interface is
located. The small opening in the console for the wires is located towards the rear of the
console. The space is large enough for all wires.
(Code letter E on the installation manual) can be mounted on the lower dash to the right of
the steering wheel or buried under the dash or in the center console or anywhere on the HV
model after user preferences are
programmed if any. NOTE: If the
owner wants laser shifting enabled
this must be performed in
programming mode in the Bands
MOD selection by setting SHFT in
the LSR selection column after all
items are completely installed and
power is restored.
The Remote Mute Button (Code letter H on the installation manual) should be located
within easy reach of the driver. NOTE: This button has three functions – please consult the
owner’s manual for explanation.
The Bi-Colored Concealed LED Display (optional HV model) can be mounted in the
“crease” of the instrument
cluster and upper dash as
shown. The LED comes
with a trim bezel –
a ¼ inch hole pulling the
LED through and attaching
trim and snapping it back in
the hole in almost any
location that is clearly
visible to the driver
will work.
The Amplified Speaker (optional and required for voice alerts) can be zip tied to the wiring
harness under the dash with the speaker pointing toward the driver’s lower legs. Use the
knurled knobs as “anchors” for the zip tabs (tip: for even greater volumes such as needed in
convertibles, open T-tops, etc., the speaker can be mounted above the dash).