For product code and serial number information please refer to the bottom label of your ChartReader.
Multiple Downloads
The ChartReader Memory versions EJ-CR-II, EJ-CR-MEM, MN-CR-MEM, EA-CR and EICR-MEM support Multiple Downloads. This means more than one logger data set can be
downloaded to, stored in, and printed from the ChartReader. This feature allows the
ChartReader to be used in an application where there are multiple loggers in the field.
Each logger can be downloaded into the ChartReader (stored as a ‘data block’) and then
printed out at a later more convenient time or downloaded to a PC using the ChartReader
The ESCORT user software has the ability to download the saved ‘data blocks’ (loggers
that have been download into the ChartReader) from the ChartReader and process them
just as if the logger had been placed on an interface connected to the PC. Thus the User
software is able to list, graph, and save them.
Note: Multiple download is enabled by default. To disable this feature please use the
ESCORT user software and select ‘N’ to the ‘Enable Multiple Downloads’ option in the
configuration settings (refer to the ESCORT software user manual and help menu).
Logger Variants
All variants in the Junior product range except Junior General Purpose Loggers are
supported by the Junior ChartReaders with 1MB flash memory (EJ-CR-II and EJ-CRMEM). Junior loggers with extended memory (40K) cannot be read by EJ-CR and EJ-CR
The iLog ChartReader supports all versions of ESCORT iLog data loggers, including
humidity loggers.
The MINI 2000 ChartReaders MN-CR and MN-CR-MEM support all versions of the MINI
2000 logger.
The Intelligent ChartReader EA-CR supports all versions of the Intelligent Mini and
Wireless Mini logger.
Easy To Upgrade
Future upgrades to the ChartReader can be done via software. This will allow future
variants in the product range to be easily supported by your ChartReader just by
uploading new firmware via the ESCORT firmware loader software (provided by your
distributor upon request).
Battery Check Function
ChartReader can tell you when it needs to have its battery charged. After selecting the
Battery Check option the ChartReader will check, measure, and print the results of a
battery condition test. This will give you an indication of the current battery condition
before you take it out into the field.
The ChartReader incorporates the technology of a new breed of high performance 16bit
microprocessor with more on board memory.
Flash Memory Version
The low memory versions (EJ-CR, EJ-CR-16, MN-CR) store logger data information in
RAM and will therefore lose currently stored logs if the battery fails before the user prints
the logger information (or downloads the information to a computer system). This should
not be a problem since the user can check the battery status at any time.
However the latest ChartReaders are equipped with 1MB (1,000,000 Bytes) flash memory
(EI-CR-MEM, EJ-CR-MEM, MN-CR-MEM, EA-CR). This allows approx. 700,000 to
800,000 readings from multiple loggers to be stored. FLASH memory allows the
downloaded readings to be retained even if the battery fails. Once the battery is charged
or external power is provided, the readings can be printed as normal.
To turn your ChartReader on, press the ON button on the ChartReader’s keyboard. Note that
this button also acts as CANCEL, OFF, and is part of all advanced key combinations. The
indicator light above the ON key will alight when the ChartReader is activated.
Reading Data from a Logger
To read a Junior or iLog data logger, slide the logger into the ChartReader’s attached
interface and press the read button. For reading a MINI 2000 or Intelligent Mini logger, plug
the ChartReader to logger interface MN-CR-INT or EA-CR-INT delivered with the
ChartReader into the logger and the ChartReader. The indicator light above the button will
slowly flash during the read process and a series of beeps should be heard from the logger or
ChartReader (depending on model). At the completion of the read, the ChartReader sounds a
beep and the indicator remains ON.
The reading process takes between 30 seconds to several minutes depending on the amount
of logged data stored in the logger. Once the data is read, it is stored as a ‘data block’ in the
ChartReader’s memory until deleted by the user through the user software or by pressing the
correct key combination on the ChartReader. If the ChartReader cannot communicate with
the logger, the indicator flashes more rapidly, and a series of long beeps are sounded.
Chart Printing
To print a chart (or graph) of logged data, press the chart key.
This will print from the latest data block stored in memory (the last logger read).
The chart is created according to internal ChartReader specification (see options) and
typically scales the graph either to the full range of the logger’s sensor(s) or to the upper and
lower specifications retrieved from the logger. The ChartReader will print approximately 4000
readings in three minutes so an 8000 readings chart will take 6 minutes to print. Chart printing
a humidity logger (EJ-HS-B) may take longer due to humidity calculations.
Printing out of Specification Readings
To print a list of out of specification readings press the “out of specification” button.
This will print from the latest data block stored in memory (the last logger read).
The printout lists all readings outside the upper or lower specifications retrieved from the
logger. Users also have the ability to configure their ChartReader to print out all of the
readings via ESCORT Console software.
Re-Arming Loggers with a Magnetic/Button Start
By pressing the re-arm button of the ChartReader, will stop the logger’s current program
status and set up the logger for magnetic/button start.
Logging parameters are unchanged (i.e. number of logs, logging interval, specification etc).
The ChartReader beeps at completion to indicate successful re-arming. If the re-arm is
incomplete or unsuccessful the ChartReader will sound a long beep and flash the indicator
above the re-arm button. The rearm feature can be disabled using the ESCORT user