Eschenbach Optik Opti Lite User Manual

OPTi Lite
User Manual
OPTi Lite User Manual
Table of Contents
Contents of the OPTi package.................4
Installation ..........................................4
Charging OPTi Lite ................................4
OPTi software ......................................5
View ....................................................19
Options ................................................19
Options … Preferences............................19
Options … Button Functions.....................22
Options … Colours..................................24
Options … Markers.................................25
Lights ..................................................26
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OPTi Lite User Manual
Help ....................................................26
OPTi Lite Control panel ........................ 26
OPTi and Screen Magnification software . 29
Adjusting the Magnification .................. 42
Adjusting the Focus ............................ 43
Taking Care of your OPTi Lite ............... 45
Warranty........................................... 47
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OPTi Lite User Manual
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Contents of the OPTi package
The OPTi Lite unit with integrated base and USB cable
Charger with mains lead
Carry case
OPTi CDROM with application
The User’s manual
Installation guide
Quick reference guide
The OPTi requires that you first carry out the software installation
before plugging the unit into your computer. Please refer to the installation guide before continuing.
Charging OPTi Lite
OPTi Lite contains a rechargeable battery which must be charged periodically if you
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want to use it on the move. Simply plug the charger into the base of the unit and a wall socket and leave it to charge. The battery will be fully charged in 4 hours and should last approximately 10 hours of usage. The unit can be used while it is charging.
OPTi software
The OPTi software consists of the video window and the toolbar. The video window displays the real time video image captured by the unit itself. The video window is movable and resizable both horizontally and vertically.
The toolbar window displays the main controls for the software. This allows you quick access to the video control features and to the main menu.
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As you move text or an image under the OPTi’s camera, the image will be displayed on the video window. There are many features on the OPTi software that allow you to optimise the display for your particular requirements.
Shortcut keys in this manual are
described in the form Ctrl+X”.
This means that you press and hold the control key and press the letter (“X”).
The shortcut keys only have effect when OPTi is the active program; they are not trapped by OPTi and may have another function entirely in other programs.
The one exception to this is the Scroll-Lock button, this button is trapped by OPTi. Pressing this button will make OPTi the active application, and so OPTi will appear on top of any other program that is running.
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The toolbar explained
The following section explains function of the buttons on the OPTi toolbar. The complete toolbar is illustrated below.
Each of the buttons functions is explained in this section along with their equivalent keyboard shortcuts. On OPTi Lite it is also possible to program the control panel buttons to perform some of these functions. This allows you three ways to control OPTi, the PC mouse, the PC keyboard and the control panel on the front of the unit itself.
Keep on Top
Toolbar: Keyboard: Ctrl+T “Keep on top” forces the OPTi video
window on top of any other program window. For example, in the image on the next page the user is typing in MS Word but the OPTi video window is sitting ‘on
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top’ of MS Word and is visible even though Word is the active application.
Sleep mode On/Off
Toolbar: Keyboard: Ctrl + S The Sleep mode function on OPTi is similar
to the screensaver function on a PC. If you don’t think you are going to use your OPTi for a while but want to leave the program running, you can save battery power by simply putting OPTi into Sleep mode. This causes the video window to disappear and turns off OPTi’s internal circuitry.
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Full Screen
Toolbar: Keyboard: Ctrl+F When OPTi is in full screen mode the video
window takes up the entire screen and only the toolbar window will be visible over the video window.
Views and the Views Manager
Toolbar: to cycle Keyboard: Ctrl + Shift + 0…9 to save Ctrl + 0…9 to recall Ctrl + V to cycle the views
When you have set up the display the way you want it, you can store the settings for later recall. In fact you can store ten arrangements or “views” which can be recalled as you desire.
When you start the program for the first time all ten views will be at the default setting.
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If you make a change to a view you can store it as one of the ten views (View 0 to View 9) as follows:
Ctrl + Shift + 0 to save as view 0 Ctrl + Shift + 1 to save as view 1
and so on up to Ctrl + Shift + 9 to save as view 9
You will be prompted to confirm that you wish to save the current layout.
Note that you cannot store a setting at full screen. You should
instead use Page Up to enlarge the window to the maximum size and then save this instead.
To recall the stored views, press Ctrl + 0 to Ctrl + 9. You will be prompted to save any changes you made to the current view when you change to another view.
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You can use the Views Manager to look at the views you have stored. You can access this from the menu by pressing the Menu button (see page 17), then “Views” and then “Views Manager”. Choosing view 0 to 9 will display a preview of the view as it would appear on the screen in the colours stored for that view. You can choose OK to select a view. The image below shows a screen grab of the Views Manager.
The “Replace with current view” button will store the current screen layout into the selected view. In the case above, view 1 would be replaced with the current view.
The “Include in window cycle” checkbox can be set for each of the ten views. If this box is checked for a particular view then that view will be displayed in rotation as
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you cycle through the views with the button on the toolbar or by pressing Ctrl + V on the keyboard, or alternatively with one of the front panel buttons pro­grammed to cycle views. (Programming the front panel buttons is covered later in this manual.)
Video controls
The video controls allow you to control the brightness and contrast and saturation of the OPTi image. Press on the toolbar or from the menu by pressing the menu button (see page 17) choose “Options”, “Video controls” (Keyboard: Ctrl + M, O,
V). The Video controls dialog box is shown
below will appear.
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The slider controls can be adjusted as you desire. You can use the mouse to move them or you can use the keyboard. For example to change the brightness of the image, press “B” and then use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the slider left and right. Once you are happy with the settings press OK or press “Enter”. The “Faint text”, “Normal text” and “Shaded text” buttons allow you to store settings that are best suited for viewing text in those conditions.
For example if you are reading very faint text you may want to turn down the contrast. When you are happy with the image press the “Save As” button (Keyboard: A) you will see the following dialog box:
If you then press the “Faint” button (Keyboard: F) your video settings will be stored, and the next time you are viewing
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faint text you can recall them by pressing the “Faint text” button on the video settings dialog.
The video settings for Photo, Positive and Negative are independent of each other. Also these settings are saved with each view.
Lights On/Off
Toolbar: Keyboard: Ctrl + L OPTi Lite is equipped with an integrated
light that can be turned on or off as desired. The light can be controlled using the button on the toolbar or from the menu by pressing the menu button (see page 17) choose “Lights” and from there choose to turn them on or off.
Toolbar: Keyboard
: Ctrl + C
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The capture button allows you to take a photograph of the image currently being displayed on OPTi’s video window. The image is saved as a .bmp file into a folder on your computer hard drive. The folder is created automatically when you install the software. It is located in the “My Pictures” folder on your computer and is called “OPTi Images”. It is advisable to create a shortcut to this folder on your desktop.
To operate the snapshot you can press the
button or from the keyboard press
The OPTi Images folder is created when the software is installed. It is
very important that you do not move or rename this folder. If you do then the snapshot function will not work.
Images are saved as “OPTiImg001.bmp”. Every time you take an image the file name increments. The screen grab shows how the folder will look after several snapshots have been taken.
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