Epson F10600 Field Repair Guide

Stylus Pro 10600 Field Repair Guide 7/29/04

Table of Contents

Table of Contents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Control Panel Map - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Air Pressure System (Ink Cartridges) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 Carriage Belt Adjustment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 Carriage Mechanism Replacement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 Carriage Timing Strip Replacement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39 Communication Errors PC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 Driver Board Replacement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 43 Epson Pro Graphics 24” Test Print Directions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 47 Error Codes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 52 Firmware History - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 57 Firmware: Updating From DOS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 58 Firmware: Updating From Windows (WinPRN Utility) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 59 Glossary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 61 Image Quality Diagnosis and Repair - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 67 Ink/Cleaning Cartridges - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75 Missing Nozzle Diagnosis and Repair - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 77 New Print Head for DYE Printers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 80 Operational Sequences - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 81 Paper Feed Belt Tension Adjustment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 83 Paper Jam Errors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 84 Paper Loading Errors (Roll) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 85 Paper Thickness Sensor Actuator Repair - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 91 Pause, to save Paper (Print Head Alignments) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 92 Print Head Replacement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 93
Table of Contents Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 1.
Stylus Pro 10600 Field Repair Guide 7/29/04
Print Head Cable Replacement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 103 Sensors, Motors, Fans, Solenoids - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 105 Starter Cartridge / Ink Information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 107 Waste Ink Maintenance (Service Request 00000100) - - - - - - - - - - - 108 What’s New? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 109 Wrong Ink Cartridge Error - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 111 Vertical Yellow Lines - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 113 Revision History - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 114
Table of Contents Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 2.
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Control Panel Map

NOTE: Although this is a
guideline to navigate through the
Service and User Menus, the
Service Manual, Technical
Bulletins or Users Guide may still
be needed to reference detailed
information on a setting or
adjustment listed.
SelecType Mode:
While printer LCD shows Ready, pressing the [SelecType] button will cycle through each menu selection.
Maintenance Mode 1:
Press [Pause] button while powering on printer.
Pressing the [Item] button will cycle through each menu selection..
3. UNITS :
4. Parallel I/F
5. IEEE1284.4 MODE:
8.SSCL B/C : -
10.SSCL M/Y:
11. MW7=A
Settings Available:
For navigation and details on
menu items, go
to page 6.
Settings Available:
For navigation and details on
menu items, go
to page 7.
Maintenance Mode 2:
Press [Paper Source] + [Cut/Eject] +
[Paper Feed -] buttons while
powering on printer.
Self Diagnostic Mode:
Press [Paper Feed+] + [Paper Feed -
] + [Cut/Eject] buttons while powering
on printer.
** While in this mode, pressing the
[Cleaning] button will Auto Cut roll fed
Firmware Download:
Press [Paper Source] + [Cut/Eject] +
[Cleaning] buttons while powering on
Settings Available:
**All other menus are for factory use**
Settings Available:
1. Check: Test.
2. Check: Adjustment.
3. Check: Cleaning.
4. Check: Print.
5. Check: Parameter.
6. Check: Life. Use the [Paper Feed-] or [Paper
Feed+] to move up or down the menu.
Once in this mode, the LCD will display F/W Download. At this point send the IPL Data file (TPxxxx.IPL) to the printer via the copy command from a DOS prompt using the following syntax: COPY /B Filename.UPG LPT1: download is complete, the LCD will display F/W Update Complete.
For navigation
and details on
menu items, go
to page 7.
For navigation and details on
menu items, go
to page 8.
Once the
Control Panel Map Page 3.
Stylus Pro 10600 Field Repair Guide 7/29/04
SelecType Menu Options
1. Use the [SelecType] or [Paper
Source] to move up or down the menu.
2. Pressing the [Enter] button will move you into the sub menu.
3. Pressing the [Pause] button will move you back one menu item.
4. [CODE PAGE] - *PC437, PC850
5. [ROLL MARGIN] - *T/B 15MM, 3MM, 15MM
8. [INIT. SETUP] - Exec. (This will reset the Printer Setup options to default values)
* DENOTES Default Values Use [Paper Feed +] or [Paper Feed -] to change a value. Use [Cut/Eject] to confirm, save or execute the item.
1. [NOZZLE CHECK] - Print, press [Cut/Eject] to execute.
2. [STATUS CHECK] - Print, press [Cut/Eject] to execute.
3. [JOB INFO] - Print, press [Cut/Eject] to execute.
Use [Paper Feed +] or [Paper Feed -] to change a value. Use [Cut/Eject] to confirm, save or execute the item.
This menu allows you to view all the Status Check items on the LCD display without printing the Status Check page from the Test Print menu.
Use [Paper Feed +] or [Paper Feed -] to move up or down the menu.
1. [Paper Number] - *Standard (range is 1-10)
2. [Cut Pressure] - *100% (range is 0% - 150%)
3. [Cut Method] - *3 Step, 4 Step
4. [Ppr Feed Adj.] - *0.00% (range is -1.00% - +1.00%)
5. [Drying Time] - *0.0sec. (range is 0.0sec. - 10.0sec.)
6. [Suction] - *Normal,Weak, Weakest
7. [Print Adj.] - *5 (range is 1-9)
** DENOTES Default Values Use [Paper Feed +] or [Paper Feed -] to change a value. Use [Cut/Eject] to confirm, save or execute the item.
1. [BLACK INK CHANGE] - EXEC. press [Cut/Eject] to execute. (Executes the mode to change black ink).
2. [CUT REPLACE] - EXEC. press [Cut/Eject] to execute. (Executes the cutter replacement process).
Use [Cut/Eject] to confirm, save or execute the item.
1. [PAPER THICK.] - STD, XMM (where X= 0MM - 1.6MM) 1a. Once the thickness has been set, you can choose the head alignment pattern you want to perform. The options are: a) Bi D ALL b) BI-D LC c) UNI-D
Use [Paper Feed +] or [Paper Feed -] to change a value. Use [Cut/Eject] to confirm, save or execute the item.
Control Panel Map Page 4.
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Maintenance Mode 1 Options
1. Use the [Paper Source] to move down the menu.
2. Pressing the [Enter] button will move you into the sub menu.
3. Pressing the [Pause] button will move you back one menu item.
1. Use the [SelecType] to move down the menu.
2. Pressing the [Paper Source] button will move you into the sub menu.
3. Pressing the [SelecType] button will move you back one menu item.
1. HEX DUMP MODE: - Prints data in Hexadecimal format for troubleshooting control codes.
2. LANGUAGE MODE: - Determines the language used for the LCD Display. [English, Potuguese, Spanish, German, Italian, French]
3. UNITS : - Set to Metric of Inches/Feet
4. Parallel I/F: - Sets the parallel interface mode. [Compatible or ECP]
5. IEEE1284.4 MODE: - [On or Off]
6. INTERNAL JOB OOUNT: - [On or Off]
8.SSCL B/C : - Super Strong Cleaning for Black/Cyan
9.SSCL LC/LM : - Super Strong Cleaning for Light Cyan / Light Magenta
10.SSCL M/Y: - Super Strong Cleaning for Magenta/Yellow
11. MW7=A - . Range is A thru C.
12. MW7 BALANCE MODE: - Adjust MW7 feeding in mode B when printing. [-30 to +30]
13. MW1 SELECT MODE: - Used to set the M/W value [1 to 10] 720 mode
14. MW2 SELECT MODE: - Used to set the M/W value [1 to 7] 1440 mode
15. DEFAULT PANEL: - Used to reset the panel to default settings
16. CARTRIDGE INFORMATION MENU: - Gives details about ink cartridges (type and usage).
17. SN Menu - For Factory Use only.
Paper Feed] + or [Paper Feed -] to change value. Use [Cut/Eject] to Confirm, Save or Execute the item/value.
Maintenance Mode 2 Options
1. View Counters Menu
2. Clear Counters
3. Service Config.
While in this menu option, you are capable of viewing all the counter information for the following components:
Cutter, Cutter Total, Total Pages, Waste Ink A/B, CR Motor, CR Motor Total, PF Motor, Head K, Head C, Head M, Head LC, Head LM, Head Y, Cleaner.
While in this menu option, you are capable of initializing the following items:
RTC, Cutter, CR Motor, CR Total, PF Motor, Head, Cleaner, Total Pages, Ink, Waste Ink Tank, Flushing Box, NVRAM, All.
1 - 6 . TABLES XX1 to XX5, XXS. - Used to set the paper feed adjustment mode for tables 1 through 5.
7. NZL_AY: - [0 to 45
8. NZL_HC2: - [0 to 45
9. NZL_HCD: - [0 to 45
10. NZL_PPI: - [0 to 45
11. [NPD] - 1 (Pigment), 2 (Dye), *3 (UltraChrome),0 (Neutral).
12.ED Mode - *X (all CSIC info is read), O (all CSIC info is read except market), N (no CSIC info is read)
13. FLBL DET: - [ON or OFF]
The following menus are for factory use: - P3 DUMP, MENU E, MENU R, MENU S, MENU C, MENU A, MENU B, MENU P, MENU M, MENU O, MENU F, MENU N, MENU X,
Control Panel Map Page 5.
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Self Diagnostic Mode Options
1. Use the [SelecType] or [Paper
Source] to move up or down the menu.
2. Pressing the [Enter] button will move you into the sub menu.
3. Pressing the [Pause] button will move you back one menu item.
1. Check: Test
2. Check: Adjustment
1. [Version] - (Checks firmware version, dip sw. settings and control panel & main board versions.
2. [Panel] - (Checks control panel buttons, LCD display and LED indicators.
3. [Sensor] - (Checks all optical and physical switches - On/Off, Open/Close)
4. [Encoder] - (Checks CR and PF motor encoders)
5. [Fan] - (Checks fans - On/Off)
6. [Elec.] - (Checks maintenance record and fatal error history)
7. [D/A Revision.] - (Factory Use Only - head voltage correction)
8. [Head Signal] - (Factory Use Only - head pulse check)
9. [CSIC] - Checks the CSIC information for the ink cartridges and maintenance tank
10. [Actuator] - Checks the cutter actuator
11. [Actuator 2] - Checks the cutter solenoid and pump motor
When in the sub menu of each item, pressing the [Pause] button will back up one menu.
1. [Check Skew] - Checks for paper skew.
2. [Input Rank]: - Allows you to input the Head Rank.
3. [Check Nozzle]: - Prints a detailed nozzle check, horizontal and vertical pattern.
4. [Adj:Offset Adj.]: - Calibrates the laser system used in nozzle detection.
5. [Adj:Det. Res.]: - Tests and prints the results of the nozzle detection system.
6. [Cut Adj.]: - Allows adjustment of cutter pressure.
7. [Adj:A13 Slant]: -Head Angular magenta against black .
8. [Adj:A123 Slant]: - Head linear test.
9. [Adj: B123 Slant]: - Head linear test.
10. [Bi-D]: - Prints a pattern to allow for adjustment for Bi-D (Double Weight Matte, VSD1).
11. [Head LR Adj.]: - Prints a pattern to allow for adjustment of the Head Gap (Head LR).
12. [Copy Param.]: - Copies parameters to backup area of NVRAM.
13. [Bi-D2]: - Prints a pattern to allow for adjustment for Bi-D2 (Photo Glossy Paper, VSD2).
14. [Feed Adj. T&B]: - Prints a pattern and allows adjustment for 1000mm feed length.
15. [Adj: Top & Bottom]: - Prints a pattern to allow adjustment for top and bottom margin.
16. [Adj: Rear Sensor Pos.] - Allows for adjustment of the rear sensor.
17. [Test Print] - Prints pattern of all adjustment variables.
18. [Clean Head] - Performs ink drain function. This process should only be done during refurbishment of product.
19. [Counter Clear] - Clears ink flag counter to 0.
When in the sub menu of each item, pressing the [Pause] button will back up one menu.
3. Check: Cleaning
4. Check: Print 5: Check: Parameter
6. Check: Life
Go to Page 9
Control Panel Map Page 6.
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Self Diagnostic Mode Options, cont.
1. Use the [SelecType] or [Paper
Source] to move up or down the menu.
2. Pressing the [Enter] button will move you into the sub menu.
3. Pressing the [Pause] button will move you back one menu item.
1. [KK0] - Normal Cleaning Cycle is performed, volume of ink cleared = Low.
2. [KK1] - Strong Cleaning Cycle is performed, volume of ink cleared = Med./Rubbing = Off.
3. [KK2] - Strong Cleaning Cycle is performed, volume of ink cleared = High/Rubbing = On.
3. Check: Cleaning
4. [Mnt. K/C]: -
5. [Mnt. LC/LM]: -
6. [Mnt. M/Y]: -
4. [Init. Fill] - Perfoms initial fill cycle.
4. Check: Print
5. Check: Parameter
6. Check: Life
1. [Check Ptn] - Prints out the current adjustment patterns.
2. [Adj. Variables] - Prints out the adjustment variables. Also lists feed length, firmware, error information.
3. [Check Ptn V1] - Prints out the current adjustment patterns for Variable Shot 1.
4. [Check Ptn V2] - Prints out the current adjustment patterns.for Variable Shot 2
1. [Initialize] - Initializes specific or all parameter items. Refer to the service manual for list.
2. [Update] - Allows you to update certain parameter items. Refer to the service manual for list.
3. [Display] - Displays parameter items. Refer to service manual for list
THIS MENU IS FOR FACTORY USE ONLY. This menu tests the operation of printer components and should not be performed during field ser-
Control Panel Map Page 7.
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Air Pressure System (Ink Cartridges)

The air pressure system for the Ink Cartridges inflates the Ink Cartridges to 1.1 atmospheres to pump ink from the Cartridges to the Print Head Sub Tanks.
Air Pressure Release Valve
Air Pressure Sensor
Air Pressure Distributor
Air Pump Motor
Air Pump
Air Pressure Release Solenoid
Ink Cartridges (not shown, but part of the system)
Air Pressure System (Ink Cartridges) Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 8.
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1. When the Printer is turned on, the Air Pressure Release Solenoid energizes, closing the Air Pressure Release Valve, sealing the system.
2. The Air Pump Motor runs the Air Pump until the air pressure in the entire system is high enough
to activate the Air Pressure Sensor.
3. Any time that the air pressure in the system drops below 1.1 atmospheres, the Pump Motor runs
until the air pressure is back to the proper level.
4. The Air Pressure Release Solenoid opens the Air Pressure Valve when the Ink Cartridge Bay
Door is opened, or the Printer is turned off, depressurizing the system.
Determine where the leak in the system exists.
1. Remove one of the Hoses running to the Ink Cartridges.
The cartridge connected to the tube that corresponds to the leaking tube is the most likely cause of the leak.
Air Pressure System (Ink Cartridges) Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 9.
2. Cover the outlet with a finger, and see if the system presurizes.
3. Repeat until the leak is found
Stylus Pro 10600 Field Repair Guide 7/29/04

Carriage Belt Adjustment

The following instructions are for the purpose of performing the belt tension adjustment when the 300g Tension Gauge is not available. Recommended tension is 100g.
1. Remove the Left Side cover. (6 Screws)
2. If replacing or removing the belt, place a mark on the current position of the adjustment screws.
3. Tighten or loosen the screws evenly to increase or decrease the belt tension.
3.1 The belt should be in the center of the pulley and remain in the center when moving the CR assembly left to
right the distance of the mechanism.
4. Check the belt tension by pressing on the belt at the side frame in the area indicated.
4.1 The belt will flex approximately 1/8" before tension is felt.
Press Here
NOTE: If the CR Timing belt tension is to loose, you may encounter carriage errors. A slight vibration may occur on the far left side of the mechanism, tighten belt until vibration is eliminated.
Carriage Belt Adjustment Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 10.
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Carriage Mechanism Replacement

New Carriage Part # : CR ASSY 1277733
1. Unplug the Printer.
2. Remove the Control Panel.
3. Remove the Top Cover.
4. Remove the Left Side Cover.
5. Remove the Right Side Cover.
6. Place a drop cloth under the center of the Printer.
7. Release the Print Head by pulling back on the Cap Assembly as shown below.
9. Move the Print Head to the center of the Printer.
Carriage Mechanism Replacement Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 11.
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10. Remove the Print Head Cover by removing the two Screws as shown below.
Right side
Left side
11. Remove the Print Head Weights.
11.1 Move the Print Head to the far left side of the Carriage Rail.
11.2 Remove the 4 Screws pictured below.
2 long Screws go here
This picture is reversed
Weights and Screws
from the one on the left.
View from below
Carriage Mechanism Replacement Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 12.
Remove 4 Screws
Stylus Pro 10600 Field Repair Guide 7/29/04
12. Unplug the 3 Connectors, and disconnect the Ground Wire, on the Print Head. Ensure that the Connector Board is supported by your thumb when you unplug the Connectors.
Unplug the 3 Connectors.
Thumb for support.
The Ground Wire is fas­tened on this side. Dis­connect from the Print Head by removing 1 Screw.
Carriage Mechanism Replacement Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 13.
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13. Remove the small metal Spring Tension Bracket Assemblies from the left and right side of the Print Head.
Glue the Spring to the black plastic piece for easier re-assembly.
Carriage Mechanism Replacement Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 14.
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14. Remove the 2 Silver Plastic Screws shown below.
Silver Plastic
Silver Plastic
15. Remove the 2 Screws from the left and right Print Head Mounts, and slide out the Mounts.
Left side is shown here
2 Screws
16. Remove the Print Head Alignment Tension Spring.
Carriage Mechanism Replacement Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 15.
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16.1 Move the Print Head Alignment Lever (A13 Slant) to the right, to release pressure on the Spring.
16.2 Gently grab the Spring with a pair of needle nose pliers.
16.3 Pivot the bottom of the Print Head away from the Carriage Mechanism to release pressure on the Spring.
16.4 Remove the Spring, but leave the Print Head in the Carriage Mechanism.
Pivot the Print Head in this direction to release the Spring.
View is from the floor looking up at the Print Head
Carriage Mechanism Replacement Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 16.
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17. Remove top Print Head Tube/Cable Bracket.
The Bracket will detach like this.
Remove 2 Screws.
Carriage Mechanism Replacement Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 17.
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18. Remove the Print Head Assembly, and place to the right side.
Place Both Assemblies on the right side of the Front Cover. The Print Head should not leak, but placing the Assemblies in a con­tainer is prudent.
Support the Tube/Cable Bracket with one hand, while removing the Print Head with the other.
Carriage Mechanism Replacement Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 18.
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19. Disconnect the Carriage Belt from the Carriage Assembly.
19.1 Mark the Carriage Belt Tension Screws to record the current position, and turn the Screws to release the
Carriage Belt tension.
Mark the Screws
Release the tension on the Belt by loosening the Screws.
20. Disconnect the Carriage Belt by removing the 2 hex/allen Screws (2.5mm).
Left Side hex/allen Screw (2.5mm)
Right Side hex/allen Screw (2.5mm)
Right Side Belt, and Fastener
Carriage Mechanism Replacement Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 19.
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21. Secure the Carriage Belt, to protect it.
Securing the Carriage Belt ensures that the Belt will not be nicked, or twisted.
Left Side (be prepared to remove the left over adhesive, if tape is used).
22. Remove the Carriage Encoder.
Right Side
Free the Encoder Sensor Wire.
Remove 1 Screw and the Sensor.
Carriage Mechanism Replacement Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 20.
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23. Remove 2 Top Bearings Assemblies.
3. Remove 1 Screw.
1. Remove 1 Screw.
2. Remove the right E-Ring.
6. Remove the Bracket, that is held in place by the Bearing Shaft.
5. Remove the Shaft and 2 Bear- ing Assemblies.
4. Slide the Shaft to the left.
Carriage Mechanism Replacement Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 21.
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24. Remove the Carriage.
1. Move the Carriage Assembly to the far left of the Carriage Rail.
2. Maneuver the Carriage Assembly to release the Rear Carriage Bearings.
3. Remove from the Printer.
Left Side Frame.
Carriage Mechanism Replacement Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 22.
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25. Place the old Carriage Mechanism next to the new Carriage Mechanism, and transfer components.
New Carriage Assembly.
1. Transfer the Solenoid from the old Carriage to the new Carriage.
2. Remove the Top Bearing Assem- blies from the new Carriage.
Carriage Mechanism Replacement Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 23.
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26. Install the New Carriage Assembly on the left side of the Carriage Rail, and slide to the middle.
1. Install the New Carriage Assembly, on the far
2. Slide to the right side of the Left Side Frame.
left side of the Carriage Rail.
27. Install the Top Bearing Assemblies.
Carriage Mechanism Replacement Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 24.
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27.1 .Ensure that the new Carriage Assembly is disassembled to this level.
27.2 Install the left Bearing Assembly and Shaft, part of the way.
Carriage Mechanism Replacement Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 25.
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27.3 Install the threaded Base, and slide in the Shaft, until it supports the threaded Base.
27.4 Install the right Bearing Assembly and E- Ring
Carriage Mechanism Replacement Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 26.
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27.5 Install the left Screw.
28. Install the Carriage Encoder.
28.1 Loosen the Encoder Sensor so that the Sensor can be moved on it’s Bracket.
Carriage Mechanism Replacement Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 27.
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28.2 Install the Top Bearing Tension Bar, Bracket, Encoder, and fasten loosely with 1 Screw.
3. Encoder and Screw
1. Tension Bar
2. Bracket
28.3 Position the Encoder so that the Strip is 3/4 of the way in to the Sensor, and vertically centered.
3/4 of the way into the Sensor, and tighten the 2 Screws.
Centered so that the Strip does not touch to top or bottom of the Sensor, and tighten 1 Screw
28.4 Move the Carriage the entire length of the Carriage Rail and verify that the Sensor is not rubbing, and centered along the entire length of the Encoder Strip.
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29. Attach the Carriage Belt to both sides of the Carriage.
29.1 Route the Carriage Belt around the Belt Roller, through the loop on the bottom of the Carriage Rail, and attach to the left side of the Carriage.
Screw and Belt go
Around the Roller and through this loop.
29.2 Carefully move the right side of the Carriage Belt until it can be attached to the right side of the Carriage.
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30. Tighten the Carriage Belt to the marks on the Screws made in step 19(do not over tighten)
Press here, and verify that the Belt has about 1/8” deflection
It is very important that you move the Carriage Mechanism back and forth while observing the Belts position on the wheel. Adjust the two tension Screws until the Belt tracks with no drift (a little drift is acceptable).
Tighten Screws to the marks made in Step 19.
31. Adjust the Cutter Blade’s position, against the Cutter Guide (the thickness of a piece of paper.)
These Screws allow the Cutter’s position to be moved vertically.
Verify that the Cutter Blade (when manually depressed) is close to, but not touching, the Cutter Guide.
Verify the Cutter Blade / Cutter Guide position is good on both sides, and in the middle of the Mechanism
Carriage Mechanism Replacement Printer Component, Software Item, LCD Display, Printer Button Page 30.
+ 85 hidden pages