Epson Equity 386SX PLUS Product Support Bulletin

Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Proper Method for Running Benchmark and Diagnostics Programs
Date: 06/04/93 Page(s): 1 of 1
In most cases, the computer should be started using an MS-DOS boot diskette that’s ‘clean’ ­The appropriate executable can then be run, either from diskette or hard drive.
There will be some exceptions to the above rule. In attempting to benchmark or troubleshoot any add-on that requires a device driver (CD-ROM, local area network,
etc.), obviously the necessary device driver(s) must be loaded. Also, some
programs will require a minimum number of FILES or BUFFERS to be defined in the CONFIG.SYS file. Such programs will usually display this requirement if they are run without the necessary CONFIG.SYS file.
For the most consistent results, use the absolute minimal boot configuration that’s
allowed by the hardware being tested.
in other words, one with no CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT files.
PSB No: S-0158 Originator: MWT
Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Equity Series SIMM Compatibility
Date: 12/4/91 Page(s): 1 of 1
Due to the influx of third party SlMMs on the market, there are some that are not
compatible with Epson products. This bulletin is intended to be an aid in ensuring that only compatible SlMMs are chosen for use in Epson’s Equity Series of computers.
The SlMMs in question were SEIMENS, CUMULUS and KINGSTON. Installing these
SlMMs in Epson products may cause the following errors:
Parity Check 1 18FFFE 0000 202 Memory Address Error 164 System Options Not 1500 E000 201” DOS RAM Address Error
It was thought that the chips used in these SlMMs were of poor quality.
Epson Portland evaluated the SlMMs in question and found that this was not true.
The problem is caused by the SIMM circuit boards (ITE and TECAP circuit boards)
used to manufacture the SIMM modules. The dimensions of these boards are not compatible with industry standard SIMM sockets. This may result in incomplete contact between the SIMM assembly and it’s socket. This is caused by insufficient size of the contact surfaces in these products. Also enlarged holes in the TECAP
product allow the component pin to pass entirely through the hole without making
PSB No: S-0136 Originator: JAD
It is recommended that only SIMMS meeting industry standard contact surface
specifications be used in Epson Equity computer products.
Some recommended SlMMs that were tested and found Compatible are:
Matsushita CDC Enterprises Samsung
For more information contact Technical Support.
Product Support Bulletin
Date: 3/7/91 Page(s): 1 of 3
The Equity 386SX PLUS Diskless Workstation - lnstalling Optional Equipment
PSB No: S-0134 Originator: APA
Install an 3 or 16-bit network interface card (NIC) with a auto-boot ROM in an option slot.
Load the remote workstation boot files onto the file server. Typically, this is done at another attached workstation, using a floppy drive to load the necessary boot files. Instructions for this procedure can be found in the section of your network documentation that addresses this type of installation.
Attach the diskless workstation NIC to the network using the appropriate cable.
When the workstation is booting, and a local hard drive with a bootable partition is present, the system will ask if you want to boot from the network. If “N” is selected, the local hard drive will be used to boot. If ‘Y’ is selected, the system will look for a file server. If no file server can be found, it will display an “Error finding server” message, and will make additional attempts every few seconds until a server is found.
Floppy disk drives are inserted into the drive bays, without FDD guide rails, using four screws to secure each drive.
Two floppy drive cables are included. A read/write cable (standard seven wire twist) and a read-only cable (identified by heat shrink tubing located near the connector that connects to the main board).
Install the standard diskette drive cable, if you want the system to be able to both read and write data to a diskette inserted in the drive.
PSB No: S-0134 Page: 2 of 3
Use the write-protected cable if you do not want users to be able to write data to any diskette inserted in the drive. This cable prevents users from copying data from the network server (or any other drive they can access) onto a diskette in either the A or B drive. If an attempt is made to write to a floppy diskette, a ‘Write protect error” will occur. However, data can still be read from a diskette and copied to a local hard drive or other network drive.
One IDE drive cable, with two drive connectors, is supplied with the system. Only standard drive types 0-63 can be specified in the ROM setup program
(refer to drive table on pages 2-24 & 2-25 of the user’s manual). The drive
types are identical with the standard Equity 386SX Plus). If the standard Equity 386SX PLUS SETUP program is used to specify a user-
defined drive type (or modify other settings), the “Diskette boot control” option will be disabled upon exiting and updating..
If the ROM setup program is used to re-enable the boot control, the standard drive type specified by the ROM SETUP program will also be saved, thus overriding the user-defined settings.
The ROM SETUP program allows an incorrect drive type (for example: 37) to be set and saved. Therefore, care must be taken to use a correct drive type.
The following is a list of some common IDE drives and the drive types that should be used:
Conner CP-344 Conner CP-3104 Seagate ST-157A-1
59 60
(to nearest MB)
41 MB
100 MB 104,515,584
42 MB
Seagate ST-1201A or Imprimis/CDC 94354-200
153 MB
PSB No: S-0134 Page: 3 of 3
If you desire access to the local hard drive while using the network, ensure that the DOS downloaded from the file server can support the local hard drive partition(s). For example, if a large 4.01 MS-DOS primary partition (>32MB) is present on the local hard drive, and 3.30 DOS is used to boot from the file server, the local hard drive will be inaccessible. (An error similar to “Invalid drive specification” will occur when attempting to access the drive).
The DOS versions used should also be matched to allow the use of version­dependent DOS utilities from the local hard drive.
Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Introducing the Equity 386SX PLUS Diskless Workstation
Date: 8/7/91 Page(s): 1 of 4
INTRODUCTION This system has been designed to be a diskless workstation node on a local area
network. There are no disk drives supplied with this model. Cables are included to install floppy drives and/or hard drives as the need arises. Standard procedures for installing a diskless workstation are used and can be found in your network installation documentation.
The user’s manual is the same as the one supplied with the standard Equity 386SX PLUS, and contains a user’s guide update “slip-sheer that describes the differences between the standard and the diskless models.
Differences between the standard model and the diskless model are summarized as follows:
Does not include disk drives, DOS, video drivers or other software. Includes drive cables for installing optional drives.
PSB No: S-0133 Originator: APA
IDENTIFICATION Both the standard and diskless models have the same logo plate on the front of the
CPU; “Equity 386SX PLUS”. The “CODE" number can be used to identify the diskless model, and is located on or near the serial number label attached to back
of the CPU:
Setup utility is modified and is contained in ROM. New options include extended memory and boot control.
User or Administrator mode is set by jumper J1 on the main board. The control of this mode along with the system key lock protect the system
configuration resulting in added security. Only supplied in a 1 MB configuration. Use instructions in the user’s
manual that pertain to the 1 MB model only.
CODE: A038590
PSB No: S-0133 Page: 2 of 4
Equity 386SX PLUS CPU with 1MB (soldered), power cord. 101 key enhanced keyboard (6-pin mini DIN). User’s manual, slip-sheet and warranty card. One key, used for locking the top cover of the CPU. Three drive cables:
Read/write floppy cable. Read-only floppy cable, identified by heat shrink tubing located near the
connector that connects to the main board.
IDE Hard drive cable with connectors for two drives.
Setup is only available on boot-up (RESET or warm boot), and only when in ‘Administrator” mode (jumper J1 is set to “B”). When the computer completes its power-on diagnostics, two beeps will occur (this is not a SETUP error) and
the following prompt will appear:
Press F10 to run Setup
After 5 to 8 seconds if F10 is not pressed, the computer will continue to boot.
If F10 is pressed, the Setup screen will appear. Press the F7 key twice to save
and reboot. Refer to page 3 of this document for a listing of the setup options.
If in “User” mode (J1 set to “A”), one beep will occur, no F10 option will
appear, and the system will continue booting.
Differences in Setup between the standard Equity 386SX PLUS and the diskless version include the following:
0 0
Extended memory size can be specified (in 128K increments).
Diskette boot control. Choose “Disabled” to use the system as a dedicated workstation network node. Choose “Enabled” if a diskette drive is installed and you want to be able to boot the system from that drive.
After Setup is run you may want to change jumper J1 to position A and lock the computer cover with the key lock. This changes the operating mode to user mode and protects the computer’s configuration.
ROM-resident SETUP Utility
Copyright (c) SEIKO EPSON CORP. 1990
Permanent parameters: Base memory Coprocessor
User-defined parameters: lime
Power-on password
User-selectable parameters: Hard disk type of drive 1 Hard disk type of drive 2 Extended memory Display type
Processor speed Diskette drive A
Diskette drive B Diskette boot control Speaker Initial num lock Keyboard repeat rate
Network server mode
PSB No: S-0133 Page: 3 of 4
640 KB Not installed
14:59:19 07-26-91 Not set (If desired, enter password here)
00 (Select 0-63) 00 (Select 0-63) 384KB (Selectable in 128K increments)
EGA, MCGA, VGA, or other
CGA - 49 columns
No drive installed or disabled
5 1/4” 360 KB diskette drive
5 1/4” 1.2 MB diskette drive
3 1/2” 729 KB diskette drive
3 1/2" 1.44 MB diskette drive
Same options as above
Enabled/Disabled Enabled/Disabled On/Off Normal/Fast/Slow Disabled (needs power-on Enable Primary/Secondary/Disabled
password to enable)
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