Epson Equity 386SX Product Support Bulletin

Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Proper Method for Running Benchmark and Diagnostics Programs
Date: 06/04/93 Page(s): 1 of 1
In most cases, the computer should be started using an MS-DOS boot diskette that’s ‘clean’ ­The appropriate executable can then be run, either from diskette or hard drive.
There will be some exceptions to the above rule. In attempting to benchmark or troubleshoot any add-on that requires a device driver (CD-ROM, local area network,
etc.), obviously the necessary device driver(s) must be loaded. Also, some
programs will require a minimum number of FILES or BUFFERS to be defined in the CONFIG.SYS file. Such programs will usually display this requirement if they are run without the necessary CONFIG.SYS file.
For the most consistent results, use the absolute minimal boot configuration that’s
allowed by the hardware being tested.
in other words, one with no CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT files.
PSB No: S-0158 Originator: MWT
Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Equity Series SIMM Compatibility
Date: 12/4/91 Page(s): 1 of 1
Due to the influx of third party SlMMs on the market, there are some that are not
compatible with Epson products. This bulletin is intended to be an aid in ensuring that only compatible SlMMs are chosen for use in Epson’s Equity Series of computers.
The SlMMs in question were SEIMENS, CUMULUS and KINGSTON. Installing these
SlMMs in Epson products may cause the following errors:
Parity Check 1 18FFFE 0000 202 Memory Address Error 164 System Options Not 1500 E000 201” DOS RAM Address Error
It was thought that the chips used in these SlMMs were of poor quality.
Epson Portland evaluated the SlMMs in question and found that this was not true.
The problem is caused by the SIMM circuit boards (ITE and TECAP circuit boards)
used to manufacture the SIMM modules. The dimensions of these boards are not compatible with industry standard SIMM sockets. This may result in incomplete contact between the SIMM assembly and it’s socket. This is caused by insufficient size of the contact surfaces in these products. Also enlarged holes in the TECAP
product allow the component pin to pass entirely through the hole without making
PSB No: S-0136 Originator: JAD
It is recommended that only SIMMS meeting industry standard contact surface
specifications be used in Epson Equity computer products.
Some recommended SlMMs that were tested and found Compatible are:
Matsushita CDC Enterprises Samsung
For more information contact Technical Support.
Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Date: 02/06/91
Page(s): 1 of 1 As computing environments increase in complexity, there has been an increasing
number of instances that require the support of several printers by one computer. One common example is that of using Novell Netware’s print server capabilities to provide printer access to a large group of users with differing printer requirements.
Netware is capable of supporting three (3) parallel and two (2) serial printers on one server. Recent testing has shown that the Equity 386/25 Plus, Equity 386/25, Equity 386/20 and the Equity 386SX Plus will support three (3) parallel ports along with two
(2) serial ports. The key factor in providing support for a third parallel port is the need for a parallel interface card that can be set to the IBM Monochrome Graphics/Parallel printer I/O address at 3BCh. The computer looks for this address first and, if present, will assign the parallel port on that card as LPT1. The built-in parallel port (I/O address 378h) will then be addressed as LPT2. We also had an AST I/O Mini serial/parallel card addressed at l/O address 278h, which was then reassigned to LPT3. Each of the three parallel ports was attached to a printer. There was also a printer attached to each of the two serial ports. All five printers were then set to print simultaneously under Netware Version 2.15 Rev. C using PCONSOLE. All five printers were able to print the documents assigned to them, simultaneously. The units were then tested using WordPerfect 5.1 on the network and again were successful in printing to the five (5) printers at the same time. The last tests were run with the units booting under DOS 4.01 and screen prints being directed to each of the printers. WordPerfect 5.1 was also used to direct documents to each of the
printers. Again all five (5) printers were able to print the files that were sent to them.
Maximum Number of Printers Supported by Current Equity Computers
PSB No: S-0128 Originator: KAS
Although not all Equity computer models were tested in this situation, the Equity
models 386SX, lIe, Ill+ and II+ should work in a similar manner if the instructions
above are used as a guide. There is one item of which to be aware when using the
this setup and that is the system will complete the RAM count and lock up if using a
monochrome monitor. If you need to use three parallel ports, USE A COLOR
Product Support Bulletin
This bulletin is to inform you of a potential problem that can occur when running Novell Advanced NetWare 286 in non- dedicated (ND) mode on an 80386 - based file server. This includes the Equity 386/20 and the 386SX.
When a DOS command is executed on the ND server and there is moderate network activity, the system may halt with the following error message:
Abend: INVALID TASK STATE INTERRUPT This is apparently due to some 80286 - specific protected mode operations that’
do not function quite the same way when executed on an 80386. This has been observed in the following NetWare versions:
Novell Advanced NetWare 286 ND on an 80386 - based Server
1 of 1
Advanced NetWare 286 2.0a Advanced
Advanced Advanced NetWare 286 2.15a Advanced NetWare 286 2.15b
ELS Level I
ELS Level II
NetWare NetWare
286 286
Note that the problem does not occur with the latest version, Advanced
NetWare 286 2.15c. Unless this version of NetWare 286 is being used, we cannot recommend non - dedicated file server operation with any Epson 80386 - based computer.
Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Date:
The advent of Lotus 1 - 2 - 3 Release 3.0 has raised a number of questions
regarding memory management for the Epson Equity computers, specifically the Equity 386/20, Equity 386SX and Equity Ile. The purpose of this document is
to discuss the memory requirements for Lotus 1 - 2 - 3 Release 3.0 and
recommendations for installation. Because programs run significantly faster with extended memory, Lotus
recommends that you configure as memory.
When installing Lotus 1 - 2 - 3 Release 3.0 on the Equity 386/20 or the Equity 386SX, do not use the EMS managers supplied with the system software
(EEMM386.EXE for the Equity 386/20 and EMM386.SYS for the Equity 386SX). Neither of these EMS managers support the Virtual Control Program Interface
(VCPI) which is required for compatibility with
NOTE: Should you require an EMS manager for your Equity 386/20 or Equity 386SX, there are third party software packages available that are compatible with Lotus 1 - 2 - 3 Release 3.0. or later, and Quarterdeck Expanded Memory Manager (QEMM) version 4.2 or
Equity Series Computers and Lotus 1 - 2 - 3 Release 3.0 12/7/89
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PSB No: Originator:
Two such packages are
memory as possible as extended
1 - 2- 3 Release 3.0.
S-0108 KAS
version 4.03
Do not use VDISK with the /E switch when running Lotus on the Equity 386/20. Though Lotus Release 3.0 will load, it will overwrite any data in the
RAMDISK. VDISK supplied for both the Equity Ile and Equity 386SX is
compatible with Lotus 1 - 2 - 3 Release 3.0 and does not have a problem with
ovewriting data in the RAMDISK. When installing Lotus 1 - 2- 3 Release 3.0 in the Equity lIe, use the EEMM286
memory manager in the hardware - emulation EMS mode. To do this, set
memory as expanded memory on the Equity lIe and do not specify the
expanded memory size.
you must select on - board memory type 5 in SETUP. When the Equity lIe
has more than 1Mb of system memory, you must select type 3, 4 or 5.
Avoid the use of HDCACHE when installing Lotus 1 - 2 - 3 Release 3.0 on any
of the Equity computer systems discussed in this document.
When the Equity lIe has only 1Mb system memory,
Product Support Bulletin
Date: Page:
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Equity 386SX Questions and Answers
PSB No: Originator: DS/PM k,
Questions and Answers on the Equity 386SX
What microprocessor does the Equity 386SX use? The Equity 386SX utilizes the Intel 80386SX - 16 microprocessor
running at 8 or 16Mhz. Use of this CPU gives you 386 performance and compatibility in a 16 - bit based computer architecture.
What speed does the Equity 386SX operate at?
The Equity 386SX operates at either a 16Mhz or 8Mhz processor speed. The speed can be set by using the CPU speed switch
located on the front of the machine. At either processor speed, the
system bus operates at a fixed speed of 8Mhz.
S-0106~ 5
What is the Auto Speed function? The Equity 386SX is capable of operating at 16MHz or 8MHz. Some
copy- protected applications require the computer to run at 8MHz while accessing the program diskette. By enabling the Auto speed function the computer automatically switches to 8MHz when accessing the diskette drive. It then switches back to 16MHz for optimal performance. Auto speed is accessed through the SETUP program
under the Auto speed option.
Does the Equity 386SX use the Phoenix or Award ROM BIOS? No. All Equity desktop computers utilize a Seiko - Epson proprietary
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