Epson EM07ZS1647F User Manual

Rev.6 EM07ZS1647F
EPSON RC+ Option
Fieldbus I/O
E PSON RC+ Option Fieldbus I/O Rev.6
EPSON RC+ Option
Fieldbus I/O
Copyright © 2005-2007 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Fieldbus I/O Rev.6 i


This manual contains important information necessary to use the EPSON RC+ option
Fieldbus I/O properly and safely. This manual is intended for personnel who perform any
operations that use the pendant, such as teaching robot points.
Please thoroughly read this and other related manuals before and while using the


The robot and its optional parts are shipped to our customers only after being subjected to
the strictest quality controls, tests, and inspections to certify its compliance with our high
performance standards.
Product malfunctions resulting from normal handling or operation will be repaired free of
charge during the normal warranty period. (Please ask your Regional Sales Office for
warranty period information.)
However, customers will be charged for repairs in the following cases (even if they occur
during the warranty period):
1. Damage or malfunction caused by improper use which is not described in the manual,
2. Malfunctions caused by customers’ unauthorized disassembly.
3. Damage due to improper adjustments or unauthorized repair attempts.
or careless use.
4. Damage caused by natural disasters such as earthquake, flood, etc.
Warnings, Cautions, Usage:
1. If the robot or associated equipment is used outside of the usage conditions and
product specifications described in the manuals, this warranty is void.
2. If you do not follow the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS in this manual, we cannot be
responsible for any malfunction or accident, even if the result is injury or death.
3. We cannot foresee all possible dangers and consequences. Therefore, this manual
cannot warn the user of all possible hazards.
ii Fieldbus I/O Rev.6


Microsoft, Windows, and Windows logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
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Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Operating system
Microsoft® Windows® XP Operating system
Throughout this manual, Windows 2000, and Windows XP refer to above respective
operating systems. In some cases, Windows refers generically to Windows 2000, and
Windows XP.


No part of this manual may be copied or reproduced without authorization.
The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
Please notify us if you should find any errors in this manual or if you have any comments
regarding its contents.


Contact the following service center for robot repairs, inspections or adjustments.
If service center information is not indicated below, please contact the supplier office for
your region.
Please prepare the following items before you contact us.
- Your controller model and its serial number
- Your manipulator model and its serial number
- Software and its version in your robot system
- A description of the problem


Fieldbus I/O Rev.6 iii


Japan & Others SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION Suwa Minami Plant
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JAPAN TEL : +81-266-61-1802 FAX : +81-266-61-1846


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iv Fieldbus I/O Rev.6

Before Reading This Manual

This section describes what you should know before reading this manual.

Safety Precautions

Installation and transportation of robots and robotic equipment shall be performed by
qualified personnel and should conform to all national and local codes.
Please carefully read this manual and other related manuals before installing the robot
system or before connecting cables.
Keep this manual handy for easy access at all times. Please read the Safety chapter in
User’s Guide to understand safety requirements before installing the robot system.


Important safety considerations are indicated throughout the manual by the following
symbols. Be sure to read the descriptions shown with each symbol.
This sign indicates that a danger of serious injury or death will
exist if those instructions are not followed.
This sign indicates that a danger of possible harm to people
caused by electric shock will exist if those instructions are not
This sign indicates that ignoring these instruction may cause
harm to people or physical damage to equipment and facilities.
Fieldbus I/O Rev.6 v
vi Fieldbus I/O Rev.6

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ...................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview of Fieldbus I/O............................................................ 1
1.2 DeviceNet .................................................................................. 2
Overview of DeviceNet ............................................................................ 2
Features of DeviceNet............................................................................. 2
General Specifications............................................................................. 4
1.3 PROFIBUS DP ..........................................................................5
Overview of PROFIBUS DP .................................................................... 5
Features of PROFIBUS DP ..................................................................... 5
General Specifications............................................................................. 7
1.4 EtherNet/IP ................................................................................ 8
Overview of EtherNet/IP .......................................................................... 8
Features of EtherNet/IP .......................................................................... 8
General Specifications........................................................................... 10
2. Installation...................................................................... 11
2.1 How to Setup a DeviceNet Network......................................... 11
2.2 DeviceNet Network Construction ............................................. 12
2.3 How to Setup a PROFIBUS DP Network.................................19
2.4 PROFIBUS DP Network Construction ..................................... 20
2.5 How to Setup a EtherNet/IP Network....................................... 24
2.6 EtherNet/IP Network Construction ...........................................25
2.7 DeviceNet Board Installation.................................................... 26
2.7.1 Board Appearance........................................................................ 26
2.7.2 Specifications................................................................................ 27
2.7.3 Software Installation ..................................................................... 27
2.7.4 Board Installation.......................................................................... 29
2.7.5 Master Mode................................................................................. 31
2.7.6 Slave Mode................................................................................... 37
2.8 PROFIBUS DP Board Installation............................................ 41
2.8.1 Board Appearance........................................................................ 41
2.8.2 Specifications................................................................................ 42
2.8.3 Software Installation ..................................................................... 42
2.8.4 Board Installation.......................................................................... 44
2.8.5 Master Mode................................................................................. 46
2.8.6 Slave Mode................................................................................... 51
2.8.7 GSD File ....................................................................................... 53
Fieldbus I/O Rev.6 vii
Table of Contents
2.9 DeviceNet Board Installation ................................................... 54
2.9.1 Board Appearance ........................................................................54
2.9.2 Specifications................................................................................ 54
2.9.3 Software Installation...................................................................... 55
2.9.4 Board Installation .......................................................................... 57
2.9.5 Master Mode .................................................................................60
2.9.6 Slave Mode ...................................................................................64
2.10 EPSON RC+ Fieldbus I/O Installation ................................... 67
Fieldbus I/O Software Configuration ......................................................67
3. Operation....................................................................... 69
3.1 Fieldbus I/O Addressing in SPEL+ .......................................... 69
3.2 SPEL+ Fieldbus I/O Commands.............................................. 69
3.3 Outputs Off by Emergency Stop and Reset Instruction ........... 70
3.4 Waiting for Input or Output Status............................................ 70
3.5 Using FbusIO_SendMsg ......................................................... 71
3.6 Using Slave Mode ................................................................... 72
3.7 Remote Control Slave ............................................................. 72
3.8 Devices available for Fieldbus I/O Option................................ 73
3.9 Fieldbus I/O Response Performance....................................... 73
DeviceNet ..............................................................................................73
PROFIBUS DP....................................................................................... 75
4. Troubleshooting ............................................................. 77
4.1 DeviceNet Troubleshooting ..................................................... 77
Exclusion................................................................................................ 77
Tools ...................................................................................................... 77
4.1.1 Examining a Problem .................................................................... 78
4.1.2 Problems and Countermeasures................................................... 80
4.1.3 Procedures for Examining Possible Causes ................................. 98
4.2 PROFIBUS DP Troubleshooting............................................. 111
Tools .....................................................................................................111
4.2.1 Examining a Problem .................................................................. 112
4.2.2 Problems and Countermeasures................................................. 114
4.2.3 Procedures for Examining Possible Causes ............................... 130
4.3 EtherNet/IP Troubleshooting.................................................. 140
Exclusion.............................................................................................. 140
4.3.1 Examining a Problem ..................................................................141
4.3.2 Problems and Countermeasures................................................. 143
4.3.3 Procedures for Examining Possible Causes ............................... 144
viii Fieldbus I/O Rev.6
Table of Contents
5. Maintenance Parts List ................................................ 151
Appendix A applicomIO Upgrade.................................... 153
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Table of Contents
x Fieldbus I/O Rev.6

1. Introduction

1.1 Overview of Fieldbus I/O

The Fieldbus I/O option is an integrated I/O system that supports DeviceNet, PROFIBUS DP, and EtherNet/IP fieldbuses.
A fieldbus is a standard of signal communications between field devices operating in a factory (sensor, actuator, robot controller, etc.) and controller (PLC or robot controller) using serial communications. Compared to signal communications using analog signals, a fieldbus has the following features:
Access to signals from multiple devices and multiple data from each device using one cable.
1. Introduction
Precise signal transmission since there is no need for A/D conversion and D/A conversion.
Less wiring costs, including signal relay board costs and installation area due to several dozen (or a hundred) devices connected on one fieldbus.
More flexible modification and expansion of a system because multiple devices are simply added to one fieldbus without additional wiring.
Slave devices can transmit self-diagnostics information.
For each fieldbus on the RCxxx controller, there is at least one board installed. You can use more that one fieldbus type on the same controller. You can also use multiple boards for the same fieldbus type. The EPSON RC+ software key Fieldbus I/O Option must be enabled to use this option.
Sample Parallel Connection Sample Fieldbus Connection
Fieldbus I/O Rev.6 1
Response times for Fieldbus I/O can vary and depend on several factors, including baud rate, scan rate, number and types of devices, number of SPEL+ tasks, etc. When the fastest and most consistent response times are required, please use EPSON standard digital I/O, which incorporates interrupt driven inputs and outputs.
1. Introduction

1.2 DeviceNet

Overview of DeviceNet

DeviceNet is a fieldbus network that provides easy interconnection between control devices (PLC, PC, sensor, actuator, etc.).
DeviceNet was developed by Allen-Bradley as an open communication standard to connect various field devices (sensor, actuator, robot controller, etc.). Because of the open communication standard, DeviceNet users can easily construct a multi-vendor system with various devices developed around the world.
DeviceNet Network
Motor Driver
from Company A
Analog Device
from Company G
Motor Driver
from Company B
Intelligent I/O
from Company C
Intelligent I/O
from Company D
Photo Sensor
from Company E
HMI Device
from Company F

Features of DeviceNet

Reduced Wiring
Compared with parallel wiring, DeviceNet employs a dedicated 5-wire cable (signal wires and power wires) which substantially reduces the number of necessary wires, wiring time and cost.
Detachable communication connectors provide you with simple wiring between nodes and easy network separation or reconstruction.
Specified environment-resistance cables allow you to construct an environment-resistant system at low cost.
Open Standard (Multi-vendor)
Due to an open communication standard, various devices from many manufacturers are available. Standardized communication connectors provide you with easy network construction.
The maintenance spare parts stored on site (factory, etc.) can be reduced because different manufacturers’ devices are used in case of a breakdown. Similar products are available around the world due to a global standard DeviceNet.
Large Numbers of Inputs/Outputs
For EPSON RC+ standard I/O and expansion I/O, the number of inputs/outputs is limited to 512 inputs and 512 outputs. When configuring a device to be a master of fieldbus I/O, you can control more than 16,000 total inputs and outputs. For a slave device, 2,040 inputs (255 bytes) and 2,040 outputs (255 bytes) are available.
2 Fieldbus I/O Rev.6
1. Introduction
Different Connection Types
There are two messaging connections: I/O messaging connection and explicit messaging connection. The I/O messaging connection includes polling, strobe, cyclic, and change of state. I/O messaging connections are explained below:
Polling: First, a master device sends output data to a slave device and then the slave device
responds. Data is normally exchanged in every communication cycle. The communication frequency can be changed by setting. This connection type is the most often used.
Strobe: First, a master device requests slave devices to send data with multicast messages,
and then, each slave device responds separately. Data from many sensors on the system can be effectively gathered. When the master does not receive responses from all requested slave devices, a timeout error occurs.
Change Of State:
A device sends data whenever it changes. Signals for device diagnosis are sent regularly in the background. This connection type is useful for remedying DeviceNet communication traffic.
Cyclic: A slave device transfers data regularly according to its internal timer. This
connection type is typically used for communicating with a temperature controller. The data transfer frequency is defined by master configuration.
For Change of State and Cyclic, you can disable the ACK that is for verifying that communication is completed. Never disable ACK, since communication errors cannot be detected.
Functions of Master
The Master device gathers and controls all nodes on one network.
A DeviceNet master can control up to 64 nodes (max. 2 kbytes) on one network.
A PLC is typically configured as a master and controls all nodes in factory automation system, but EPSON RC+ is also capable of being a master.
DeviceNet network configuration is specified by configuration management software. This software is normally provided by a master device manufacturer. The configuration management software determines parameters for each slave device via an Electronic Data Sheet (EDS).
Available connection types are Polling, Strove, Cyclic, Change Of State, and explicit messaging.
Available baud rates are 125 kbps, 250 kbps, and 500 kbps.
Functions of Slave
A slave can exchange data with a master device.
The configuration management software identifies parameters of each slave device via Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) where the parameters are registered.
Available connection types are Polling, Strobe, Cyclic, and Change of State.
Available baud rates are 125 kbps, 250 kbps, and 500 kbps.
Fieldbus I/O Rev.6 3
1. Introduction

General Specifications

Electrical Specifications
Item Specification
Supply Voltage 5 V DC (supplied from a controller) Power Consumption 7 W Ambient Temperature 5-40 deg C Relative Humidity 20-80%
DeviceNet Communication Specifications
Item Specification
Supported Connection - I/O messaging connection
(Polling, Strove, Cyclic, Change of State)
- Explicit messaging connection
All connections are conformed to DeviceNet communication
Baud Rates 125 kbps, 250 kbps, 500 kbps
Transfer Distance
Maximum Nodes 64 (including master unit) Data Length / Frame 8 byte (The data can be divided and transferred.) Bus Access CSMA/NBA Error Detection CRC error / Duplicate node address check Cable 5-wire cable dedicated to DeviceNet (2 wires for signal,
Communications Power Supply Voltage
Baud Rates
500 kbps
250 kbps
125 kbps
2 wires for power supply, 1 shield wire) 24 V DC (supplied from a connector)
Max. Network Length
100 m
250 m *
500 m *
Drop Length
6 m or under
6 m or under
6 m or under
Total Drop
Line Length
39 m or under
78 m or under
156 m or under
* When thin cable is used for trunk line, the maximum network length is 100 m.
4 Fieldbus I/O Rev.6


Overview of PROFIBUS DP

PROFIBUS DP is one of fieldbus networks that provide easy interconnection between control devices (PLC, PC, sensor, actuator, etc.).
PROFIBUS DP was co-developed by Siemens, Bosch, and ABB as an open communication standard to connect various field devices (sensor, actuator, robot controller, etc.). Because of the open communication standard, PROFIBUS DP can easily construct multi-vendor system with various devices developed around the world.
1. Introduction
Motor Driver from Company A
nalog Device
from Company G
Motor Driver from Company B
Intelligent I/O from Company C
Intelligent I/O from Company D
Photo Sensor from Company E
HMI Device from Company F

Features of PROFIBUS DP

Reduced Wiring
Compared with a parallel wiring, PROFIBUS DP employing dedicated 2-wire cable substantially reduces the number of necessary wires, wiring time and cost.
Detachable communication connector provides you a simple wiring between devices (stations) and an easy network separation or reconstruction.
Fast Communication
PROFIBUS DP communication speed can be set up to 12Mbps. This is faster than DeviceNet, another communication standard supported by the fieldbus I/O.
Open Standard (Multi-vendor)
Due to an open communication standard, various devices from many manufacturers are available. Standardized communication connectors allow you to reconstruct your network easily.
The sort of maintenance parts stored on site (factory, etc.) can be reduced because different manufacturers’ devices are used in case of a breakdown. Similar products are available around the world due to a global standard PROFIBUS DP.
Large Numbers of Inputs/Outputs
For the standard I/O and expansion I/O, the number of inputs/outputs is limited to up to 512 inputs and 512 outputs. When configuring a device to be a master of fieldbus I/O, you can control more than 16,000 total inputs and outputs.
For a slave device, 1,952 inputs (244 bytes) and 1,952 outputs (244 bytes) are available.
Fieldbus I/O Rev.6 5
1. Introduction
Functions of Master
There are two types of PROFIBUS DP master: DPM1 and DPM2. DPM1 (DP Master Class
1) gathers and controls all stations on one PROFIBUS DP network. DPM2 (DP master Class
2) operates network configurations, network maintenance, and diagnosis.
PROFIBUS DP master can control up to 126 stations (max. 2 kbytes) on one network.
A PLC is typically configured as a master and controls all devices in factory automation system, but EPSON RC+ is also capable of being a master.
PROFIBUS DP network configuration is specified by configuration management software. This software is normally provided by a master device manufacturer. The configuration management software determines parameters for each slave device via an Electronic Data Sheet (GSD).
The connection type is token passing procedure and master-slave communication. The token passing procedure is applied to the PROFIBUS DP network with more than two master devices to transfer network control between masters. The master-slave communication is applied to the communication between the master device with network control and its slave devices.
Available baud rates are 9.6 kbps, 19.2 kbps, 93.75 kbps, 187.5 kbps, 500 kbps, 1500 kbps, 3 Mbps, 6 Mbps, and 12 Mbps.
Functions of Slave
A slave can exchange data with a master device.
The configuration management software identifies parameters of each slave device via an electronic data sheet (GSD) file where the parameters are registered.
The communication type is a cyclic master-slave communication.
The input/output data of each station is up to 244 bytes.
Available baud rates are 9.6 kbps, 19.2 kbps, 93.75 kbps, 187.5 kbps, 500 kbps, 1500 kbps, 3 Mbps, 6 Mbps, and 12 Mbps.
6 Fieldbus I/O Rev.6
1. Introduction

General Specifications

Electrical Specifications
Item Specification
Supply Voltage 5 V DC (supplied from a controller) Power Consumption 5.5 W Ambient Temperature during Operation 5-40 deg C Relative Humidity during Operation 20-80%
PROFIBUS DP Communication Specifications
Item Specification
Connection Method Hybrid
(token passing procedure and master-slave communication)
Baud Rates 9.6 kbps, 19.2 kbps, 93.75 kbps, 187.5 kbps, 500 kbps,
1500 kbps, 3 Mbps, 6 Mbps, and 12 Mbps.
Baud Rates Cable Length Transfer Distance
12 Mbps
6 Mbps 3 Mbps
1500 kbps
500 kbps
187.5 kbps
93.75 kbps
19.2 kbps
9.6 kbps Maximum Stations 126 (including master unit and repeater) Data Length / Frame 244 bytes Cable 2-wire cable dedicated to PROFIBUS (2 wires for signal)
100 m 100 m 100 m 200 m
400 m 1000 m 1200 m 1200 m 1200 m
Fieldbus I/O Rev.6 7
1. Introduction

1.4 EtherNet/IP

Overview of EtherNet/IP

EtherNet/IP is a fieldbus network that provides easy interconnection between control devices (PLC, PC, sensor, actuator, etc.).
EtherNet/IP was developed by Allen-Bradley as an open communication standard to connect various field devices (sensor, actuator, robot controller, etc.). Because of the open communication standard, EtherNet/IP users can easily construct a multi-vendor system with various devices developed around the world.
Ethernet/IP Network
Motor Driver
from Company A
Analog Device
from Company G
Motor Driver
from Company B
Intelligent I/O
from Company C
Intelligent I/O
from Company D
Photo Sensor
from Company E
HMI Device
from Company F

Features of EtherNet/IP

Reduced Wiring
Compared with parallel wiring, EtherNet/IP employs a standard Ethernet cable which substantially reduces the number of necessary wires, wiring time and cost.
Detachable communication connectors provide you with simple wiring between nodes and easy network separation or reconstruction.
Specified environment-resistance cables allow you to construct an environment-resistant system at low cost.
You can use the generic Ethernet hub or Ethernet switch for the EtherNet/IP. However, be sure to a use product complying with the industrial standards or noise resistant Ethernet cable (STP cable). If you use an office use product or UTP cable, it may causes communication errors and may not offer the proper performance.
Open Standard (Multi-vendor)
Due to an open communication standard, various devices from many manufacturers are available. Standardized communication connectors provide you with easy network construction.
The maintenance spare parts stored on site (factory, etc.) can be reduced because different manufacturers’ devices are used in case of a breakdown. Similar products are available around the world due to a global standard EtherNet/IP.
8 Fieldbus I/O Rev.6
1. Introduction
Large Numbers of Inputs/Outputs
For EPSON RC+ standard I/O and expansion I/O, the number of inputs/outputs is limited to 512 inputs and 512 outputs. When configuring a device to be a master of fieldbus I/O, you can control more than 16,000 total inputs and outputs.
For a slave device, 4,040 inputs (505 bytes) and 4,072 outputs (509 bytes) are available.
Different Connection Types
There are two messaging connections: I/O messaging connection and explicit messaging connection. The I/O messaging connection includes cyclic and change of state. I/O messaging connections are explained below:
Change Of State:
A device sends data whenever it changes. Signals for device diagnosis are sent regularly in the background. This connection type is useful for remedying EtherNet/IP communication traffic.
Cyclic: A slave device transfers data regularly according to its internal timer. This
connection type is typically used for communicating with a temperature controller. The data transfer frequency is defined by master configuration.
For Change of State and Cyclic, you can disable the ACK that is for verifying that communication is completed. Never disable ACK, since communication errors cannot be detected.
Functions of Master
The Master device gathers and controls all nodes on one network.
A EtherNet/IP master can control up to 127 nodes (max. 14 kbytes) on one network.
A PLC is typically configured as a master and controls all nodes in factory automation system, but EPSON RC+ is also capable of being a master.
EtherNet/IP network configuration is specified by configuration management software. This software is normally provided by a master device manufacturer. The configuration management software determines parameters for each slave device via an Electronic Data Sheet (EDS).
Available connection types are Cyclic, Change Of State, and explicit messaging.
Available baud rates are 100 Mbps and 10 Mbps. (auto-detect)
Functions of Slave
A slave can exchange data with a master device.
The configuration management software identifies parameters of each slave device via Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) where the parameters are registered.
Available connection type is Cyclic.
Available baud rates are 100 Mbps and 10 Mbps. (auto-detect)
Fieldbus I/O Rev.6 9
1. Introduction

General Specifications

Electrical Specifications
Item Specification
Supply Voltage 5 V DC (supplied from a controller) Power Consumption 5.5 W Ambient Temperature 5-40 deg C Relative Humidity 20-80%
EtherNet/IP Communication Specifications
Item Specification
Supported Connection - I/O messaging connection
(Cyclic, Change of State)
- Explicit messaging connection All connections are conformed to EtherNet/IP communication
Baud Rates 100 Mbps, 10 Mbps Maximum Nodes 128 (including master unit) Data Length / Frame 244 bytes Access Control Type CSMA/CD Cable Universal Ethernet cable
10 Fieldbus I/O Rev.6

2. Installation

This chapter contains procedures for installing a DeviceNet, PROFIBUS DP, or EtherNet/IP network. Refer to the sections that correspond to the type of network you are installing.

2.1 How to Setup a DeviceNet Network

The following is a basic procedure for setting up a DeviceNet network:
1. Choose node distribution and distribution route on your network. For details, refer to the following section 2.2 DeviceNet Network Construction.
2. Choose power supply method for communication. For details, refer to the following section 2.2 DeviceNet Network Construction.
2. Installation
3. Choose baud rate. Choose the baud rate based on the network length. Select the fastest baud allowed for the length. Increasing network load due to slow baud rate may cause trouble including communication failure.
4. Lay cables. For details, refer to the following section 2.2 DeviceNet Network Construction.
5. Configure nodes. For details, refer to respective manuals of your desired nodes.
6. Turn ON the communications power supply and nodes. Turn ON the communications power supply. After that or simultaneously, turn ON the nodes to supply power. When the power to the nodes is supplied earlier than the power to the communications power supply, communication with the nodes may fail.
7. Install the scanner board in your controller. Refer to the section 2.7 DeviceNet Board Installation later in this chapter.
8. Configure a master and slaves. Use the configuration management software for configuring a master and slaves (scan list). For details, please refer to the configuration management software manual. To configure EPSON RC+ as a master, refer to the section 2.7 DeviceNet Board Installation later in this chapter.
9. Configure EPSON RC+. Refer to the section 2.10 EPSON RC+ Fieldbus I/O Installation later in this chapter.
10. Operate the DeviceNet network.
Fieldbus I/O Rev.6 11
2. Installation

2.2 DeviceNet Network Construction

Network Configuration
A DeviceNet network is configured as shown in the following figure.
ttach a terminating resistor on each end of the trunk line.
Trunk Line
T-branch Tap
Drop Line
Drop Line
There are two types of the node: master and slave. The master controls a network and gathers data from its slaves. The slaves, including external I/O and other devices, output data in response to the master’s output order and informs the master of its input status.
You can install masters anywhere in the network. You can connect up to 64 nodes (including the master) on your network.
Ground to
100 Ω or less.
Trunk Line
Drop Line
ower suppl
24 V DC
Trunk Line
T-branch Tap
Drop Line
Drop Line
Use DeviceNet cables.
Power Supply Tap or T-branch Tap
T-branch Tap
Drop Line
Drop Line
T-branch Connector
T-branch Tap
Drop Line
ttach a terminating resistor on each end of the trunk line.
T-branch Connector
Connector with
terminating resistor
Trunk Line and Drop Line
A trunk line is a backbone cable of DeviceNet network with a terminating resistor on the both ends.
A drop line is a branch of the trunk line.
Terminating resisto
Trunk Line
These are all drop Lines.
Terminating resisto
- No limits on the number of T-branch
- Limits on the length of drop lines
For DeviceNet, 5-wire cables are used for trunk lines and drop lines. The DeviceNet cables on the market can be used for such cables. There are two types of the DeviceNet cable: Thick cable and Thin cable. Environment-resistant cable and flexible cable are available. For details of cables, see ODVA’s Web site (
12 Fieldbus I/O Rev.6
2. Installation
Thick Cable Thin Cable
11.2 to 12.1 mm outside diameter
Braid Shield
Signal Wire (Blue/White) Power Wire
Shield Wire
Shield Wire
6.9 mm outside diameter Braid Shield
Signal Wire (Blue/White) Power Wire (Red/Black)
Communication Cable Signal
Wire Type Color Details of Signal Wire Identity
Signal wire
Power wire
Blue Signal Low CAN L
White Signal High CAN H
Red Communications Power Positive V+
Black Communications Power Negative V
Shield wire - Shield S
Terminating Resistor
To reduce reflections of communication signal, terminating resistors should be attached on both ends of the trunk line. For DeviceNet, nodes have no terminating resistor on the ends.
Attach 121 +/-1%, 1/4W terminating resistors between the signal wires (CAN-H and CAN­L) of the trunk line cable. Some T-branch taps and connectors can accept terminal resistors. Molded terminating resistors with connectors are also available to attach to environment­resistant T-branch taps and connectors.
Node Connection
Nodes can be connected to a DeviceNet network by the following topologies: tree, multi-drop, T-branch, daisy chain. For tree topology, there is no limitation of daisy chain layer but drop line length is limited. For details of drop line length, refer to the following section “Drop Line Length”.
Terminating Resistor
Trunk Line
Branch Tap
Multi-drop T-branch
Terminating Resistor
Daisy Chain
Communications Power Supply
DeviceNet supplies 24V DC communications power to each node via 5-wire cables. You can install the communications power supply at any location on the DeviceNet network. We recommend providing a dedicated communications power supply on the network separately even though it is possible to share power among the communications power supply, node internal circuit power supply, and I/O power supply.
Shield Ground of Signal Wire
Ground the DeviceNet network at one point with 100 or less. As a noise countermeasure, you can leave the network ungrounded. For details, refer to the 4. Troubleshooting.
Fieldbus I/O Rev.6 13
2. Installation
Maximum Network Length (Maximum Trunk Length)
The maximum network length is the longest distance either between terminating resistors or between the two most distant nodes on the network.
The longest distance is the maximum network length.
Trunk Line
Terminating Resistor
Terminating Resistor
The maximum network length is restricted by the type of cable and the baud rate.
Baud Rate
500 kbps 250 kbps 125 kbps
Thick Cable Thin Cable
Maximum Network Length
100 m 250 m 500 m
100 m 100 m 100 m
Both Thick Cable and Thin Cable can be combined and used for trunk lines. In this case, the maximum network length is calculated using the following formulas.
Baud Rate Maximum Network Length
500 kbps Thick Cable Length + Thin Cable Length 100m 250 kbps Thick Cable Length + 2.5 × Thin Cable Length 250m 125 kbps Thick Cable Length + 5.0 × Thin Cable Length 500m
Drop Line Length
The drop line length is the distance from a branch on the trunk line to the end of that branch.
2 m
3 m
Trunk Line
4 m
Node 3
1 m
1 m
Node 1 Node 2
In figure above, each drop line length is as follows: Drop Line to Node 1: 4 m Drop Line to Node 2: 6 m Drop Line to Node 3: 6 m
One drop line length should be 6m or less.
14 Fieldbus I/O Rev.6
2. Installation
Total Drop Line Length
The total drop line length is the total distance of all drop lines on one network.
2 m
Trunk Line
Terminating Resistor
4 m
Terminating Resistor
1 m
1 m
3 m
2 m
4 m
In the figure above, the total drop line length is 17 m.
The maximum total drop line length is restricted by baud rate as shown in the table below. The cable thickness is not related to the restriction.
Baud Rate Max. Total Drop Line Length
500 kbps 250 kbps 125 kbps
39 m 78 m
156 m
Cable Current Capacity
The current-carrying capacity of the DeviceNet network cable is restricted as shown below:
Thick Cable Thin Cable
Trunk Line
Drop Line (Unit: A)
Current Capacity 8A 3A 4.57 / Drop Line Length (m) 3A
The following figures illustrate power supply configuration examples.
When an external power supply is installed on the network as shown in the figure below, the current capacity is 11A and it exceeds the permissible current of the cable.
Terminating Resistor
External Power Supply 24 V DC
Power Supply Tap
Trunk Line
Terminating Resistor
If the location of the external power supply is changed on the network as shown in the figure below, the power supply can be used on the network because the current capacity on the left side of the power supply tap is 5 A and that on the right side is 6 A.
Terminating Resistor
Power Supply Tap
External Power Supply 24 V DC
Trunk Line
Terminating Resistor
Fieldbus I/O Rev.6 15
2. Installation
If the current capacity consumed on the network exceeds the restriction of cable current capacity, it is possible to install more than one power supply on the network. If you attempt to install two or more power supplies on the network, take necessary measures (pulling out a fuse on the power supply tap, etc.) to avoid conflicts between power outputs from multiple power supplies.
Terminating Resistor
1A 1A
Power Supply Tap
External Power Supply 24 V DC
Trunk Line
Power Supply Tap
Terminating Resistor
1A 1A
The following figure illustrates a sample wiring. An OMRON power supply tap is shown in the figure.
Trunk Line
Pull out the fuse.
Ground the network at only one point.
Ground 100
Ground 100 or less. If you cannot ground the network with 100 or less, do not connect V- and FG wires.
Carefully connect the wires. Incorrect wiring may cause node malfunction and severe damage to the entire DeviceNet network.
V+ V+
L CAN L S Shield H CAN H
V- V-
or less.
Procedure for Modifying and Installing Communication Cables
Follow the steps described below to modify communication cables and connect them to connectors.
Be careful not to injure your hands or fingers on any sharp blades or tools used to modify the cable.
Use appropriate blades and/or other tools to modify the cable. Using inappropriate blades and/or other tools may result in bodily injury and/or equipment damage.
(1) Strip approx. 30 mm of the cable covering with extra
pprox. 30 mm
care so that you do not scratch on the braided shield underneath. Do not strip the cable covering more than necessary. Excess stripping may cause short-circuit and/or make the cable more sensitive to noise.
16 Fieldbus I/O Rev.6
2. Installation
(2) Carefully expand the meshes of the braided shield.
Shield Wire
Under the braided shield, there is one exposed bare twisted shield wire other than the signal wires and power wires that are wrapped with aluminum tape. The shield wire is slightly harder than the mesh.
(3) Cut off the expanded braided shield and remove the
aluminum tape around the signal wires and power wires. Then, strip the insulation from the signal wires and power wires for a length sufficient to connect them to crimp terminals. Twist each stripped signal wire and power wire.
(4) Set the crimp terminal on the stripped part of the wire
and crimp it with a crimp tool. The following crimping
Peel the coverings in enough length to connect the wires to crimping terminals.
Crimping Te rm i na l
terminals are recommended products.
Model Number Specifications Special Tool
TMEV TC-0.5 For Thin Cable TMEV TC-2-11 For Thick Cable (power wire)
TMEV TC-1.25-11 For Thick Cable (signal wire)
Phoenix Contact AI series
Model Number Specifications Special Tool
AI 0.5-8WH For Thin Cable (power cable) AI 0.25-8YE For Thin Cable (signal wire) AI 2.5-8BU For Thick Cable (signal wire)
AI 1-8RD For Thick Cable (signal wire)
(5) Wrap or cover the cable with vinyl tape or heat-shrink
Heat-shrinkable Tube, etc.
Loosen the screws securing the cables on the connector. If the screws are not loosened, the wires go into different openings on the rear of connector instead of the correct openings and the wires cannot be secured.
(6) Ensure the correct connector orientation and insert the
signal wires and shield wire to their respective holes on the connector. As shown in the figure, insert the wires (black, blue, shield, white, and red) into the holes in the order named. The following table shows the specified colors of the cables.
Color Details of Signal Wire Identity
a Black Communications Power
Supply (negative)
Insert wires in this direction.
Insert the connector in this direction.
b Blue Signal (Low) CAN L c - Shield S d White Signal (High) CAN H e Red Communications Power
Supply (positive)
Fieldbus I/O Rev.6 17
2. Installation
(7) Tighten each screw securing the wires on the connector.
Tighten the screw securing the wire at a correct tightening torque (0.25 to 0.3 N·m). To prevent thick cable from coming out due to cable tension, install enough thick cable length to allow for stretch. Use a small flat blade screwdriver that has the correct width and thickness. If you use a typical screwdriver
whose point is narrow, you cannot deeply insert it into the hole on the connector. Specific screwdriver for DeviceNet connector screw:
OMRON : XW4Z-00C Phoenix Contact : SZF-1 0.6×3.5
0.6 mm 3.5 mm
18 Fieldbus I/O Rev.6
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