Engl Z-15 User Manual

Operatorยดs Manual
Please, first read this manual carefully!
Table of Contents
Introduction Features and Functionality at a Glance
3 3
Operating modes and Setup routines
MIDI Program bank mode MIDI Program direct access mode Controller Setup MIDI Channel Setup Switch Loop Setup Internal Continuous Controller
Control Panel Features:
button 5
button, button 6
3 4 Up button
button, button, LED 1, LED 2, LED 3, LED, 7
button, button, button, 8
button, button 9
Three-digit, 7 Segment LED Display 9
button 10
Connections on the rear panel of the foot controller:
Power Supply
Switch Loop 1 2 Switch Loop 1 2
Detailed descriptions of functions with examples and tips
1. Selecting MIDI patches:
MIDI Program Bank Mode
Via 12
MIDI Program Direct Access Mode
Via 13
2. Global settings:
Setting the MIDI send channel in the routine 13 Setting parameters for expression pedal 1 via 14 Setting parameters for expression pedal 2 via 14
Internal Continuous Controller
Configuring to 16
MIDI Output Cont. Controller 1 Cont. Controller 2
&, & 12
Switch Loops 1 4
at a Glance:
4 5
MIDI Channel Setup
Controller 1 Setup Controller 2 Setup
Handling and Care Glossary Troubleshooting Technical data Graphical view of the four controller curves Wiring of Principal Connectors Layout: Control panel and Rear panel
17 17 18 21 22 23 23
Congratulations on your choice! With the Z-15 MIDI Foot Controller, you now own anextremely robust and very versatile MIDI foot controller housed in a fetching stainlesssteelchassis.
Aquick rundownof itsfeatures andfunctionality follows.It:
1.selects128MIDIpatches(MIDIprogramnumbersor forshort).
2. selects MIDI (send) channels 1 to 16.
3. offers two inputs that accept two expression pedals, equipped with potentiometers.
4. enables controller numbers to be assigned freely to each expression pedal.
5. allows four different control curves to be assigned to every continuous controller.
6. offers a variable transmission rate (send interval) for controller words to affect the response of the remote controlled function.
7. features four Switch Loops. Statuses (open/closed) may stored for each of the 128 MIDI patches. This convenient feature allows four switching functions for external devices to be executed simultaneously at the touch of a single button on the Z-15.
8. selects MIDI patches in groups of ten patches called banks or directly, with the latter requiring confirmation.
9. offers a special feature - button-operated Internal Continuous Controllers.
10. A very practical power supply option: via a 5-pin MIDI cord connected to
ENGL amps, power amps or preamps equipped with a MIDI IN port featuring phantom power that is enabled via the "ENGL MIDI Foot Controller" switch. An outboard power unit is not required for this type of configuration.
1. Z-15 MIDI Foot Controller
2. This manual
Among the hallmarks of this Footpedal are painstaking workmanship and finishing as well as rigorously tested and carefully selected quality components. You'll find guidelines on care and maintenance on page 17. Under the heading Tips from the designer,you'llcome across practicaltipsonthe aforementioned featuresthroughout themanual.Allcriticalinformation concerning the operation of this Footswitch board is preceded by "NOTE", "CAUTION", "Read and heed" or some other eye-catching comment.We'recallingyourattentiontotheseremarksforreasonsofsafetyorother compellingmotives,sopleasegivethemdueconsideration.
A few words of wisdom from the designer:
handling the foot controller is complicated, particularly if you work with expression pedals and want to define their parameters. To nip frustration in the bud, I suggest you follow along with the examples on pages 12 to 17. This will give you a better understanding of and hands-on experience with the foot controller's functionality. In no time at all, you'll discover that it actually handles very comfortably and conveniently.
Your first impression may be that
Atpage23ofthemanual,you'llfind diagramsofthefrontpanel.
In this section, we'll first look at the two operating modes and setup routines. Please refer also to the condensed instructions printed on the control panel. For purposes of clarity, buttons and their functions are shown in letters, while readouts appearing in the display are bracketed by the symbols >...<.
is short for MIDI program number. In this manual, an is also called a MIDI
MIDIProgram bankmode
In this mode, the foot controller lets you access directly groups of ten MIDI patches each in the currently active bank by pressing the 0 to 9 buttons (Exception: MPN 000 andMPN129,whichdonotexist).Usethe and buttons to change from one bank to another. activates automatically when the foot controllerisswitchedon.
MIDIProgram directaccess mode
Providing an alternative means of MIDI patch selection, in this mode and serveto select MIDIpatchesin ascending anddescendingorder, respectively. Pressthe
button to confirm and send the program change command. To activate this mode, press the button in the first bank 00x until >Cn.1< appears in the display. Press the button until the flashes in the display. Confirm your MIDI patch selection by pressing the button or select the desired by pressing or . There is another method of activating : Press in the last bank12xuntil>Cn.2<appearsin the display. Press againuntilthe flashes in the display. Confirm the selected MIDI patch by pressing . In this mode, you can operate the Internal Continuous Controller using the , and buttons, and configure Switch Loops directly using the , , and buttons once you have confirmed the . In otherwordsyoucanprogramSwitchLoopsforeachselected .
Thissetup routineservestodefinespecific parametersfor and
2 Controller 1 Setup 0
. To access , press for about three seconds in the first bank 00x untilthedisplay reads >Cn.1<. Toaccess ,press inthelast bank 12x forabout threesecondsuntilthedisplay reads>Cn.2<. Selectthecontroller numbervia
Up Down 1 2 3 4
controller commands via the , , and buttons. To cancel and exit a
Setup 9
which case >End< appears in the display. Press to store the edited parameters, in whichcasethedisplayreads>Pro<.
or , the control curve via the , , and buttons, and the send interval for
routine without programming or storing edited parameters, press twice, in
MIDI Program Bank Mode
4 MPN Up Down
Up Down
Up Down
MIDI Program Direct Access Mode 9
12 3
567 8 MPN
continuouscontrollers 1
Controller2Setup 9
5 6 7 8 Controller
MIDI Channel Setup
Thisis also asetup routine; itserves to determinethe MIDI channelbywhich MIDIdata are sent. To activate the routine, press and buttons simultaneouslyforaboutthreeseconds until >c< appears at the display's first position, followed by the currently selected MIDI channel, for example, >c12< for MIDI channel
12.Press or toselector changetheMIDI sendchannel.To cancelandexit the
MIDI Channel Setup
press , in which case >End< appears in the display. Press to store the edited parameters,inwhichcasethedisplayreads>Pro<
Up Down
MIDI Channel Setup Up Down
routine without programming or storing edited parameters,
SwitchLoop Setup
The four internal ( , , and ) are configured in
ProgramDirect AccessMode
to all 128 MIDI patches. First confirm the selected MIDI patch by pressing . Press the buttons ( ), ( ), ( ) and ( ) to activate and deactivate the four . The four red LEDs below the display light up to indicate the given switch loop is set to closed status. Press to store the editedstatus;thedisplaywillread>Pro<.
InternalContinuous Controller
This is a special MIDI foot controller function that is accessible in
AccessMod 1 2
decrease controller values (and vice versa in the case of a negative curve). When you use this function, it responds according to the parameters programmed in the
Controller Setup MIDI Program Direct Access Mode
Though this may strike you being confusing, it's actually quite simple. You'll find a detaileddescriptionwithan example in section 2. on page15.Whenyou initially press button , it sends the initial value (either , depending on the selected curve); when you press it a second time, it sends the most recently selected controller value. The Internal Continuous Controller is deactivated when both external continuous controllers are in use or an external expression pedal is connected to the continuous controller whose setup routine you used to activate
A detailed look at control and display features as well as ports and connectors follows:
5 Switch Loop 1 6 Switch Loop 2 7 Switch Loop 3 8 Switch Loop 4
e.When you enableit, use and asupand downbuttonsto increaseand
Switch Loops Switch Loop 1 2 3 4 MIDI
.You canprogramany desiredSwitch Loopconfiguration
Switch Loops
MIDI Program Direct
routine in which you called up .
MIDI Program Direct Access
0 button
Selectthe MIDIpatch xx0in . Whenbanks 1x-12xareactive, pressing this button sends MIDI patch 10, 20, 30 and so forth up to 120 in accordance withtheselectedbank.
MIDI patch 0 is not indicated as an actual number (in accordance with the MIDI
specification, 0hex corresponds to >001< ). When you press this button, the display reads>00-<,withadashratherthananumberappearingatthefarrightposition.
Cn.1 Setup
This setup routine serves to determine parameter values for .
MIDIProgram BankMode
Continuous Controller 1
The first bank 00x must be active in order to access this routine. Press and hold the buttonforaboutthreesecondsuntilthedisplayreads>Cn.1<.
This feature serves to store initial and edited settings for
-> the MIDI channels in the routine;
-> the various parameters for and
Continuous Controller 2
-> the switching statuses of , , and in
Access Mode
to indicate the write operation has been successfully concluded.
. Press the button until >Pro< appears in the display
MIDI Channel Setup
Continuous Controller 1
(parameters are configured in Controller Setup routine;
Switch Loops 1 2 3 4 MIDI Program Direct
Whenyoupressthisbuttonin , the foot controller activates MIDIpatch01,11,21,31andsoforthupto121withintheselectedbank.
When the or routine is enabled, this button selects a positive linear curve (that is, a uniformly ascending curve) for the selected continuouscontroller.
Cn.value down
This option decreases controller values for the special function available in . Note that if it is assigned to a given controller's descending or negative curve, controller values increase when you press the button. The send interval setting determines the rate at which the control operation(thatis,thespeedatwhichcontrollervaluesaresent)isexecutedwhenthe button is pressed. The parameters defining the , and
controllernumber ControllerSetup
routine from which you selected . You'll find a detaileddescriptionwithanexampleonpage15and16.
Controller 1 Setup Controller 2 Setup
MIDI Program Direct Access Mode
aredeterminedby the configuration stored in the
Internal Continuous Controller
characteristic curve send interval
MIDI Program Direct Access Mode
Whenyoupressthisbuttonin , the foot controller activates MIDIpatch02,12,22,32andsoforthupto122withintheselectedbank.
When the or routine is enabled, this button selects a negative linear curve (that is, a uniformly descending curve) for the selected continuouscontroller.
Cn.value up::
This option increases controller values for the special r function available in . Note that if it is assigned to a given controller's negative curve, controller values decrease when you press the button. The send interval setting determines the rate at which the control operation (that is, the speed at which controller values are sent) is executed when the button is pressed.Theparametersdefining the , and
number Controller Setup
from which you selected . You'll find a detailed descriptionwithanexampleonpage15and16.
Controller 1 Setup Controller 2 Setup
MIDI Program Direct Access Mode
are determined by the configuration stored in the routine
Internal Continuous Controlle
characteristiccurve send interval controller
MIDI Program Direct Access Mode
Whenyoupressthisbuttonin , the foot controller activates MIDIpatch03,13,23,33andsoforthupto123withintheselectedbank.
When the or routine is enabled, this button selects a positive logarithmic curve (ascending according to a predetermined logarithmiccurve)fortheselected r.
Cn.initial value
Thisoption switchesbetweenthe current(mostrecently sent)andthe initialcontroller value marking the beginning of the curve ( , depending on the selected characteristic curve) for the special function. This function is available in . You'll find a detailed descriptionwithanexampleonpage15and16.
Whenyoupressthisbuttonin , the foot controller activates MIDIpatch04,14,24,34andsoforthupto124withintheselectedbank.
When the or routine is enabled, this button selects a negative logarithmic curve (descending according to a predetermined logarithmiccurve)fortheselected .
MIDI Program Direct Bank Mode Up Down
In , the MIDI patch selected via or is confirmedusingthisbutton,whereuponitissenttothe port.
Controller 1 Setup Controller 2 Setup
Controller 1 Setup Controller 2 Setup
Internal Continuous Controller
MIDI Program Direct Access Mode
LED1 - Indicator
ThisLEDindicatesthestatusof .LEDlightsup-> closed.
LED2 - Indicator
ThisLEDindicatesthestatusof .LEDlightsup-> closed.
LED3 - Indicator
ThisLEDindicatesthestatusof .LEDlightsup-> closed.
LED4 - Indicator
ThisLEDindicatesthestatusof .LEDlightsup-> closed.
Up- Bank
When you press this button in , it selects the next higher bankabove thecurrent bank(say, togo from1x to2x).Thedigitappearingattheones positionflashes to indicatethatyou have leftthecurrent bank andthatyou must send a MIDI program change message by entering the desired patch number (0 - 9). Once you have entered an , the display indicates the selected MIDI patch and the ones positionstops flashing.To accessamore remotebank, stepto itbypressing thebutton repeatedlyorfast-forwardtoitbypressingandholdingthisbutton.
SwitchLoop 1
SwitchLoop1 SwitchLoop1
SwitchLoop 2
SwitchLoop2 SwitchLoop2
SwitchLoop 3
SwitchLoop3 SwitchLoop3
SwitchLoop 4
SwitchLoop4 SwitchLoop4
MIDI Program Bank Mode
Press this button in to select MIDI patches directly. Every time you press the button, the MIDI patch number increases by one. Pressing andholdingthebuttoncausesMIDIpatchestoscrollcontinuouslyinascendingorder. The display flashes, indicating the selected patch, until you confirm your selection by pressingthe button.The selectedMIDI patchis sentto the port.
Up controller number
When you press this button in the given routine for
Controller1 Continuous Controller 2
Up MIDI channel
Whenyoupress this buttoninthe routine, MIDIchannelnumbers increasebyone,startingfrom the currently assigned MIDI channel number, with each pushofthisbutton
Whenyoupressthisbuttonin , the foot controller activates MIDIpatch05,15,25,35andsoforthupto125withintheselectedbank.
Cn.S. I.10ms
Whenyou pressthis buttoninthe and routines,it sets a send interval of 10 ms (milliseconds) for the selected continuous controller's valueoutputrate.
SwitchLoop 1
MIDI Program Direct Access Mode Switch Loop 1
In , this button lets you configure ; thatis,closeoropenit.LED1lightsuptoindicateitisclosed.
and ,controllernumbers increase by one,starting
MIDI Program Direct Access Mode
Controller Setup Continuous
Controller1 Setup Controller2Setup
Whenyoupressthisbuttonin , the foot controller activates MIDIpatch06,16,26,36andsoforthupto126withintheselectedbank.
Cn.S. I.20ms
Whenyou pressthis buttoninthe and routines,it sets a send interval of 20 ms (milliseconds) for the selected continuous controller's valueoutputrate.
SwitchLoop 2
MIDI Program Direct Access Mode Switch Loop 2
In , this button lets you configure ; thatis,closeoropenit.LED2lightsuptoindicateitisclosed.
Whenyoupressthisbuttonin , the foot controller activates MIDIpatch07,17,27,37andsoforthupto127withintheselectedbank.
Cn.S. I.30ms
Whenyou pressthis buttoninthe and routines,it sets a send interval of 30 ms (milliseconds) for the selected continuous controller's valueoutputrate.
Controller1 Setup Controller2Setup
Controller1 Setup Controller2Setup
+ 16 hidden pages