EnGenius EOC1650 Quick Install Guide

EOC1650 Quick Start Guide
Wireless Access Point & Client Bridge
OC1650 is a revolutionary product consists of conciseness, quality, and
flexibility. It comes with 7dBi internal antenna and upgradable SMA interface
suction cup allows quick installation on window or smooth surface.
Operation mode provides Access Point / Client Bridge /Client Router and high
bandwidth up to 54Mbps. It features high transmitted output power and high
receivable sensitivity. High output power and high sensitivity extends range and
coverage to reduce the roaming between Access Points to ensure a stable
wireless connection and reduce the expense of equipment.
IP Address Configuration
The default IP address of the device is In order to log into this device, you must first configure the TCP/IP settings of your PC/Notebook.
1. In the control panel, double click Network
Connections and then double click on the connection of your Network Interface Card (NIC). You will then see the following screen.
2. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and then
click on the Properties button. This will allow you to configure the TCP/IP settings of your PC/Notebook.
3. Select Use the following IP Address radio
button and then enter the IP address ( and subnet mask ( Ensure that the IP address and subnet mask are on the same subnet as the device.
4. Click on the OK button to close this window,
and once again to close LAN properties window.
1. Click on the Administration link under the
Management section. This option allows
you to create a new user name and password for the device. For security it is highly recommended for security reasons.
2. Name: Specify a user name into the first
3. Password: Specify a password into this field
and then re-type the password into the
Confirm Password field. Then click on the Apply button.
4. Click on the Apply button to save the
Logging In
1. To configure the device through the
web-browser, enter the IP address of the Bridge (default: into the address bar of the web-browser and press Enter.
2. After connecting to the IP address, the
web-browser will display the login page. Specify admin as the default User Name and Password, and then click on the Login button.
System Properties
1. Click on the System Properties link on the
System section. This feature allows you to
configure the device as an Access Point or Repeater.
2. Device Name: Specify a name for the
device – this is not the SSID.
3. Country/Region: Select the region from the
drop-down list.
4. Operation Mode: Select Access Point or
Client Bridge radio button.
Quick Start Guide v.1.0 Refer to User’s Manual for complete instructions 1
EOC1650 Quick Start Guide Wireless Access Point & Client Bridge
5. Click on the Apply button to save the
IP Settings
1. Click on the IP Settings link on the
System section. This feature allows you
to configure the LAN interface using a static IP address or as a DHCP client. This IP address is also used to access the web-based interface.
2. IP Network Setting: Select Obtain an IP
address automatically (DHCP) radio button if the Access Point is connected to a DHCP server. This will allow the Access Point to pass IP addresses to the clients associated with it.
WARNING: If device failed to obtain valid IP from a DHCP server, the device will be inaccessible. To access the device you will have press reset button for 5 seconds to
restore IP settings back to
You may select Specify an IP Address radio button if you would like the device to use a static IP address. In this case, you would be required to specify an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway IP address.
3. IP Address: Specify an IP address
4. IP Subnet Mask: Specify the subnet
mask for the IP address
5. Default Gateway: Specify the IP address
of the default gateway.
6. Click on the Apply button to save the
Note: If you change the IP address here, you may need to adjust your PC’s network settings to access the network again.
Wireless Network & Security
1. Click on the Wireless Network link on
the Wireless section. This feature allows you to configure the wireless mode, channel, SSID, and security settings.
2. Wireless Mode: Depending on the type
of wireless clients that are connected to the network, you may select B, G, or B/G-mixed.
3. Channel: Select a channel from the
drop-down list. The channels available are based on the country’s regulation.
4. You may configure up to four different
wireless profiles. Click on the Edit button to modify the profile and place a check in the Enable box to activate the profile.
5. SSID: The SSID is a unique named shared
amongst all the points of the wireless network. The SSID must be identical on all points of the wireless network and cannot exceed 32 characters.
6. VLAN ID: If you have enabled VLAN
tagging on your network, specify the VLAN tag ID.
7. Suppressed SSID: Place a check in this
box if you would like to hide the SSID. By enabling this feature, wireless clients will not be able to scan this access point in a site survey.
8. Station Separator: This is also known as
layer 2 isolation. Clients connected to this Access Point will not be able to directly communicate with each other.
9. Security Mode: By default, the security
is disabled. Refer to the user’s Manual to configure the security features such as WEP, WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2, WPA2-PSK and WPA-Mixed.
10. Click on the Apply button to save the
Quick Start Guide v.1.0 Refer to User’s Manual for complete instructions 2