Proline Promag Basic safety instructions
Endress+Hauser 7
2 Basic safety instructions
2.1 Requirements for the personnel
The personnel must fulfill the following requirements for its tasks:
Trained, qualified specialists must have a relevant qualification for this specific function
and task.
Are authorized by the plant owner/operator.
Are familiar with federal/national regulations.
Before starting work, read and understand the instructions in the manual and
supplementary documentation as well as the certificates (depending on the application).
Follow instructions and comply with basic conditions.
2.2 Designated use
Application and media
The measuring device is only suitable for flow measurement of liquids with a minimum
conductivity of 5 μS/cm(Promag 100, 300, 500) or 20 μS/cm (Promag 200).
Depending on the version ordered, the measuring device can also measure potentially
explosive, flammable, poisonous and oxidizing media.
Measuring devices for use in hazardous areas, in hygienic applications or where there is an
increased risk due to process pressure, are labeled accordingly on the nameplate.
To ensure that the measuring device remains in proper condition for the operation time:
Only use the measuring device in full compliance with the data on the nameplate and the
general conditions listed in the Operating Instructions and supplementary documentation.
Based on the nameplate, check whether the ordered device is permitted for the intended
use in the hazardous area (e.g. explosion protection, pressure vessel safety).
Use the measuring device only for media to which the process-wetted materials are
sufficiently resistant.
If the measuring device is not operated at atmospheric temperature, compliance with the
relevant basic conditions specified in the associated device documentation is absolutely
essential: "Documentation" section..
Protect the measuring device permanently against corrosion from environmental
Promag 400
The measuring device is optionally tested in accordance with OIML R49: 2006 and has
an EC type-examination certificate according to Measuring Instruments Directive
2004/22/EC (MID) for service subject to legal metrological control ("custody transfer")
for cold water (Annex MI‐001).
The permitted fluid temperature in these applications is 0 to 50 °C (32 to 122 °F).
Incorrect use
Non-designated use can compromise safety. The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused
by improper or non-designated use.