Emerson Process Management XFC User Manual

Product Data Document
1660DS-7c July 17, 2007 - Page 1
Bristol® ControlWave® XFC
Gas Flow Computer
Bristol® ControlWave® XFC, from Emerson Pro­cess Management is a cost effective, competitive solution when requirements call for a chart replace-
ment or ow computer in a compact, explosion-
proof package.
Additionally, ControlWave XFC provides extended
capabilities, such as a second meter run or plunger lift control, while maintaining the convenience and simplicity of an integrated, explosion-proof installa­tion.
ControlWave XFC Overview
Hardware/Packaging Features
Smart, gauge pressure or DP/P sensor
• assembly can be removed and replaced, independently of the "top end" assembly.
Precision RTD interface provides very accurate
• process temperature measurement.
Wide, 6.0 to 30.0 Vdc operating input voltage
• range works with a broad range of power sources.
Now available with Integral P/T or DP/P/T Measurement
ControlWave XFC comes in a very compact,
explosion-proof package. Smart DP/P sen-
sor assembly is shown in this photo.
Very low power consumption minimizes costs of
• solar/battery power systems.
Three serial communication ports are standard.
Optional I/O includes 2 DI, 2 High-speed
• Counter inputs and 4 DO as well as an additional 3 AI and 1 AO.
Integral 2-line LCD operates in a continuous
• cycle mode.
Operating temperature range is -40 to 176ºF
• (-40 to 80ºC).
Class I, Division 1 (explosion-proof) and
• Division 2 NI approved.
Readily integrates with Emerson’s Bristol 2808
• and 3808 MVT low power transmitters for
explosion-proof installations.
Remote Automation Solutions
Website: www.EmersonProcess.com/Remote
Firmware/Software Features
ControlWave XFC is pre-programmed to meet
• API 21.1 requirements for a two-run metering station with networking via BSAP or Modbus.
PC web style menu pages are pre-congured
• for all user operations.
Using our ControlWave Designer, IEC 61131-3
• programming environment, any user or third party can modify the standard application or create a completely customized program—and full support from Emerson is available, every step of the way.
Additional, standard application programs will
• be introduced on a continual basis.
Product Data Document
1660DS-7c July 17, 2007 - Page 2
Application Areas
ControlWave XFC is appropriate to all applications
for ow computers, including those that require process control or extension to two meter runs, for example:
Production wells
Injection wells
Production optimization applications
Off-shore platforms
Separation plants
Compressor stations
Storage facilities
Transmission metering stations
Distribution/LDC metering/gate stations
Bristol® ControlWave® XFC
Wetted parts material, stainless steel or
• Hastelloy C
Optional manifold adapters
Optional mounting bracket
Standard application program
I/O conguration choices are no I/O; 2 DI, 2
HSC, 4 DO; and 2 DI, 2 HSC, 4 DO plus 3 AI
and 1 AO.
Specications – Package
Dimensions: Please see the diagram on page
• 14
Clearance: Please allow at least 2.5” space on
• either side for cabling.
Dimensions: MVT Wet End: 3” H x 3¾” W x 2½”
• D
Using the gauge pressure sensor, ControlWave XFC provides accurate, P/T measurement for linear meters, including positive displacement, turbine and ultrasonic technologies. The multivariable,
DP/P sensor applies best to orice metering, where
accurate, three-variable (DP/P/T) measurement is required.
Package Description
ControlWave XFC is ordered using a model number
specication. The complete model number speci­cation is included toward the end of this product
Standard equipment includes an explosion-proof
housing, two-board electronics assembly with 3 se­rial ports RTD interface, 2-line LCD, and the stan­dard API 21.1 EFM application program. Emerson’s Bristol smart sensor assembly, which provides measurement of gauge pressure or differential pres­sure plus static pressure, is also standard equip­ment.
The model number additionally allows a user to
specify the following:
Weight: 12 lbs.
Mounting: Pipe-mounting or direct-mounting is
recommended; a 2” pipe-mount kit is optional.
Specications – Operating Environment
Wide operating power input voltage range of
6.0 to 30.0 Vdc. Shutdown sequence occurs at
5.46 Vdc nominal.
Power input surge suppression: 30V transorb
• to ground meets ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1978.
Fuse: 0.375 A slow blow.
Operating Temperature Range: -40 to 176ºF
• (-40 to 80ºC).
Operating Humidity Range: 10 to 95% RH non-
• condensing.
Vibration Rating: Maintains proper operation
• while subjected to a 2.0g acceleration over 10-
150 Hz and 1.0g acceleration over 150-2000
RFI Immunity: In conformity with IEC 1000-4-3
• Level 2 80 MHz to 1000 MHz.
Sensor upper range limits
Remote Automation Solutions
Website: www.EmersonProcess.com/Remote
Product Data Document
1660DS-7c July 17, 2007 - Page 3
ESD: Field connected circuits meet the
• requirements of IEC 1000-4-2 for ESD withstand capability up to 4KV.
Nema Rating: Nema 4, 4x and 7.
Hazardous Area Approvals
Explosion-proof for operation in Class I, Division
1 Hazardous Areas: UL/CUL Approved.
Non-incendive for Class I, Division 2 Hazardous
areas: UL/CUL Approved.
Selection Item Descriptions and
Emerson’s Bristol Sensor Assembly
Bristol® ControlWave® XFC
can change it out and continue operating with the
"top end" electronics, including ow information,
alarms and historical archives, all intact.
Emerson recommends that users practice “depot level” service, in other words, that the sensor as­sembly be removed and replaced at the user’s shop rather than out at the site.
Each sensor assembly has a nine-digit part number, which can be used to specify a replacement part (please refer to the last page of this product data).
Physical Specications – MVT Assembly
Flange Material: Hastelloy C or 316 Stainless
• Steel
Flange Bolt Material: Hastelloy C or 316
• Stainless Steel
The sensor assembly is Selection “ABC” in the model specication, e.g. “022” for the 100 psi gauge
pressure sensor or "142" for a 300" DP/2000 psig static pressure multivariable sensor assembly.
Using the integral sensor assembly is the easiest
implementation for a single meter run; however, the
standard application program also allows use of
external transmitters.
Multiple-run systems can use the integral sensor
assembly for the rst run and an external, smart
multivariable transmitter, such as the Bristol 3808
MVT from Emerson(which includes the exact same
sensor assembly), for additional meter runs.
If the sensor assembly requires a repair, the user
Diaphragm Material: Hastelloy C or 316
• Stainless Steel
Fill Medium: DC 200 Silicone
Flange Process Connections: ¼” NPT
Connects to the main electronics via a
• dedicated SPI bus cable.
Note: Wetted parts materials, Hastelloy C or Stain­less Steel, are specied in Selection “D.”
Accuracy and Performance Specications – Gauge Pressure or Differential Pressure/
Static Pressure
Combined effects of nonlinearity,
• nonrepeatability and hysteresis at reference pressure and over the operating temperature
range: GP, DP and SP linear mode: ±0.075% of Calibrated Span or 0.015% of URL, whichever
is greater.
Temperature effect on Static and Differential
pressure: ±0.21%URL maximum combined shift
of zero and span with an ambient temperature change of 60ºC (108ºF)
Bristol DP/P Multivariable
Sensor Assembly
Remote Automation Solutions
Website: www.EmersonProcess.com/Remote
Static Pressure Effects On Differential Pressure:
Zero error: ±0.1% URL, for a change in static pressure of 1000 psi; Span error: ±0.1%
Product Data Document
1660DS-7c July 17, 2007 - Page 4
Bristol® ControlWave® XFC
reading, for a change in static pressure of 1000 psi
Long Term Stability at Constant Conditions:
±0.1% URL/Year typical
Mounting position effect: ±2 in H2O maximum,
• which can be calibrated out.
Ripple and noise: Per ISA 50.1 Section 4.6
Sensor Assembly Wetted Parts Material
Selection “D” allows the user to choose the material used in the ange bolts, anges and diaphragm in
the sensor assembly. Materials are 316 stainless steel and Hastelloy C.
Processor/Main Electronics
The electronics assembly consists of two circuit boards with the CPU, LCD display, communication, dc/dc power system controller functions and the
I/O functions all installed within the explosion-proof
CPU/System Controller specications are listed here. For information and specications on the I/O, please refer to the description for Selection “K,” “I/O CONFIGURATION,” on page 6.
3 Serial Communication Ports (see below for
• further information)
6.0 to 30.0 Vdc Power Supply with Power Fail
• Sequencer
Two-line LCD with nine, seven-segment
• numeric characters plus polarity on line 1 and
six, fourteen-segment alphanumeric characters
on line 2.
Information on the Serial Ports
RS 232
Three wire interface
300 to 115.2K baud rates
Physical Interface is on the main termination
• assembly.
RS 232
300 to 115.2K baud rates
Physical Interface is on the main termination
• assembly.
Supports RTS, CTS, DTR, and DCD modem
• control signals
Specications for CPU/System Controller
32-bit ARM9TDMI RISC Core Processor
• running at 14 MHz
Serial Real Time Clock Accurate to 5 seconds/
month at 25 ºC
512 KB Flash Boot/Downloader
8 MB Simultaneous Read/write Flash
Backup Battery for Real Time Clock and SRAM:
• 300 mA-Hour Lithium Coin Cell, 4000 Hour Backup Time
Remote Automation Solutions
Website: www.EmersonProcess.com/Remote
RS 232 transceivers are enabled by the port’s
• DTR.
DCD remains active in power-down mode.
RS 485, 2-wire
300 to 115.2K baud rates
Physical Interface is on the main termination
• assembly.
Product Data Document
July 17, 2007 - Page 5
ControlWave XFC Standard Application Program
Selection “EF” allocates two digits with the expecta­tion that we will offer a number of standard appli­cations in the future. Currently, the two-run M&R program is the only one available.
ControlWave XFC is shipped with the program (.MWT le) loaded in Flash and the Flash Congu­ration Program (FCP) also loaded.
For users who expect to use their own program,
ControlWave XFC can also be ordered without an application program.
Bristol® ControlWave® XFC
The PC menu pages, calibration utility and
program load are all included on the BSI Cong
Standard conguration is a one-run or two-run
• station.
Each run can be orice, turbine/PD or
• ultrasonic.
Flow calculations include the following:
AGA3-1992 with selectable AGA8 Gross or
AGA8 Detail
AGA7 with selectable AGA8 Gross or AGA8
Auto Adjust AGA7/NX-19
Auto Adjust AGA7 with selectable AGA8
Gross or AGA8 Detail
The user’s interface to the Standard Application Program
is via a series of straight-forward web style menu pages.
Overview of the Standard Application Program
Uses pre-congured web style menu pages for
user readings, conguration and maintenance— PC menu pages can be modied and new pages congured to work with a modied
application load.
Uses the LocalView Calibration Utility for
• calibration of all transducers, including the
integral sensor and external, Bristol transmitters
(e.g. 3808 MVT).
Allows the user to select the integral sensor
assembly or an external transmitter. External transmitters can be interfaced via RS 485 or
analog inputs.
Includes an auto-selector, PID ow/pressure
• control algorithm
Includes run switching
Resides on a BSAP SCADA network
Supports a sampler and an odorizer
Provides audit trail and archives
Includes a nominations function
Allows the user to select engineering units from
• a broad variety, including English and metric
Provides energy throughput as well as
• composition information (note that a chromatograph is not supported by the standard application program).
Provides control for external modems and
• radios for power saving and other modes of operation.
Remote Automation Solutions
Website: www.EmersonProcess.com/Remote
Product Data Document
1660DS-7c July 17, 2007 - Page 6
Bristol® ControlWave® XFC
Communication Port Conguration for the
Standard Application Program
COM1 – Local RS 232 port for conguration via a PC. Flash conguration is BSAP Slave, 115.2K
baud rate.
COM2 – RS 232 Network port with Flash congu­ration of BSAP Slave, 9600 baud. The standard
application program is compatible with an external
communication device via RS 232.
COM3 – RS 485 port with Flash conguration of
BSAP Master at 9600 baud. The standard appli­cation program assumes that a 3808 MVT smart multivariable transmitter is to be interfaced to this port.
Hazardous Area Certication
Class I, Division 1 certication via the explosion proof packaging and Class I, Division 2 certication via non-incendive electronics are specied in selec­tion “G.”
Manifold Adapters
ration if use of any I/O is anticipated in the future because addition of the points requires a change­out of the I/O card—due to hazardous area certi­cation requirements, that can be done only at the factory.
ControlWave XFC I/O Specications
Discrete Inputs
Number of points: 2
Input conguration: Internally sourced dry
• contact
Input ltering: 15 milliseconds
Input current: 60 uA nominal.
“0” state voltage: Below 1.5V
“1” state voltage: Above 1.5V
Maximum Scan Rate: once per second
Electrical isolation: None
Surge Suppression: 30V transorb between
• signal and ground meets ANSI/IEEE C37.90­1978
Optional manifold adapters, which come in a set of
two, one for each ange for the DP/P sensor as­sembly, are available in stainless steel and specied in selection “H.”
Mounting Bracket
An optional mounting bracket, which afxes to the
neck of the housing and allows installation on a wall
or 2” pipe, can be specied in selection “J.”
I/O Conguration
In selection “K,” the user can choose a conguration
without I/O, one with 2 DI, 2 HSC and 4 DO, and one with 2 DI, 4 DO, 2 HSC plus 3 AI and 1 AO.
It is recommended that users select an I/O congu-
Terminations: Pluggable Terminal block
• accommodates up to 14 gauge wire size
Discrete Outputs
Number of points: 4
Conguration: Open Drain MOSFET, externally
• sourced
Maximum load current: 400 mA at 30 Vdc
Maximum Update Rate: once per second
Electrical isolation: None
Surge Suppression: 30V transorb between
• signal and ground meets ANSI/IEEE C37.90­1978
Terminations: Pluggable Terminal block
• accommodates up to 14 gauge wire size
Remote Automation Solutions
Website: www.EmersonProcess.com/Remote
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