Product Specification Sheet
00815-0100-4810, Rev AA
June 2005
Conditioning Orifice Plate Specification Guide

Product Specification Sheet
00815-0100-4810, Rev AA
June 2005
This Product Specification sheet defines the
requirements for the Conditioning Orifice Plate
(COP). This Specification is also included for
Electronic Pressure Instruments when integrated
with the Conditioning Orifice Plate (COP) primary to
form complete flowmeters.
Vendor Requirements
The manufacturer of the COP shall be certified to the
international standard ISO 9001.
The vendor shall have the ability to pre-assemble the
COP primary with a pressure instrument
(transmitter), perform a leak-test and calibrate the
unit before shipping.
The vendor shall have the ability to provide technical
support for the COP primary element and the
pressure instrument.
When a pressure instrument is supplied with the
COP, each pressure instrument shall be individually
tested for accuracy using calibration equipment
traceable to NIST or an equivalent internationally
recognized authority.
Instrument Specifications
The COP shall perform within ± 0.5% to ± 0.75% of
discharge coefficient (dependant on conditioning
orifice beta size) and the vendor shall make
independent testing documentation available
demonstrating this performance.
The COP shall have the ability to accommodate
isolation valves and connections that are suitable for
connecting a pressure instrument.
All line sizes serviced by the COP shall be able to
accommodate a remote RTD.
Conditioning Orifice Plate
The COP shall consist of four symmetrical orifice
holes to allow flow separation independent of flow
rate, pressure or temperature. As a result, a flow
coefficient (Cd) shall be maintained over a wide
range of Reynolds numbers.
These products shall deliver accurate and repeatable
results when installed downstream of a variety of flow
disturbances, that normally cause measurement
errors in the flow process.
The primary element shall be available in 316
Stainless Steel, 304L Stainless Steel, Monel
The COP shall be available for use with industry
standard flanges:
The COP material will be the same or equivalent to
that of the Flange Unions.
276 material types.
• ANSI B16.5 (FF, RF, RTJ)
• ANSI B16.36 Orifice Flange Unions
• DIN EN.1092 (FF, RF)
• DIN 19214 Orifice Flange Unions (FF, RF)
Conditioning Orifice Type
The COP will be configured as either a Compact
Orifice Plate design or as an Orifice Plate design.
Both designs will have four symmetrical orifice holes
with a specific beta size depending on the process
Compact Conditioning Orifice Plate
• Shall be of all-welded design
• Shall be capable of withstanding 1440 psig at
100°F (99 bar at 38°C)
• Shall be capable of installing between ANSI
Flange Unions
• Shall have a centering mechanism for
installation in center of pipe
• Shall be capable of direct mounting to the
pressure instrument
Conditioning Orifice Plate
• Shall be of Paddle type or Universal Type
• Shall be capable of withstanding 6000 psig at
100°F (408 bar at 38°C)
• Shall be capable of installing between Orifice
Flange Unions
Flowmeter Specifications
The vendor shall be able to supply the COP primary
integrated with the pressure instrument to create a
complete flowmeter.
• The vendor shall have the ability to provide a
flowmeter for both volumetric and mass flow