This Micro Motion product complies with all applicable European directives when properly installed in accordance with the
instructions in this manual. Refer to the EC declaration of conformity for directives that apply to this product. The EC declaration of
conformity, with all applicable European directives, and the complete ATEX Installation Drawings and Instructions are available on
the internet at or through your local Micro Motion support center.
Information affixed to equipment that complies with the Pressure Equipment Directive can be found on the internet at
For hazardous installations in Europe, refer to standard EN 60079-14 if national standards do not apply.
Emerson Flow customer service
North and South AmericaEurope and Middle EastAsia Pacific
United States800-522-6277U.K.0870 240 1978Australia800 158 727
Appendix BUsing the transmitter display ..................................................................................... 191
B.1Components of the transmitter interface ................................................................................ 191
B.2Use the optical switches .......................................................................................................... 191
B.3Access and use the display menu system .................................................................................192
B.3.1Enter a floating-point value using the display ............................................................193
B.4Display codes for process variables ..........................................................................................196
B.5Codes and abbreviations used in display menus ...................................................................... 197
Appendix CUsing ProLink III with the transmitter .........................................................................209
C.1Basic information about ProLink III ...........................................................................................209
C.2Connect with ProLink III ........................................................................................................... 210
C.2.1Connection types supported by ProLink III ................................................................ 210
C.2.2Connect with ProLink III over Modbus/RS-485 ...........................................................211
C.2.3Connect with ProLink III over HART/Bell 202 ............................................................. 214
Appendix DUsing the Field Communicator with the transmitter ................................................... 223
D.1Basic information about the Field Communicator ....................................................................223
D.2Connect with the Field Communicator .................................................................................... 224
Appendix EConcentration measurement matrices, derived variables, and process variables ........ 227
E.1Standard matrices for the concentration measurement application ........................................ 227
iv Micro Motion® Fork Viscosity Meters (FVM)
E.2Concentration measurement matrices available by order ........................................................228
E.3Derived variables and calculated process variables .................................................................. 230
Configuration and Use Manual v
vi Micro Motion® Fork Viscosity Meters (FVM)
Part I
Getting Started
Chapters covered in this part:
•Before you begin
•Quick start
Getting Started
Configuration and Use Manual 1
Getting Started
2 Micro Motion® Fork Viscosity Meters (FVM)
1Before you begin
Topics covered in this chapter:
•About this manual
•Model codes and device types
•Communications tools and protocols
•Additional documentation and resources
1.1About this manual
This manual provides information to help you configure, commission, use, maintain, and
troubleshoot the Micro Motion Fork Viscosity Meter (FVM).
The following versions of the FVM are documented in this manual:
•Fork Viscosity Meter with Analog Outputs
•Fork Viscosity Meter with Analog Output and Discrete Output
Before you begin
For the Fork Viscosity Meter with Foundation Fieldbus, see Micro Motion® Fork Viscosity
Meters with Foundation Fieldbus: Configuration and Use Manual.
This manual assumes that your meter has been installed correctly and completely, according to the
instructions in the installation manual, and that the installation complies with all applicable safety
1.2Model codes and device types
Your device can be identified by the model code on the device tag.
Model codes and device typesTable 1-1:
Model codeDevice nicknameI/O
FVM********CFVM mA• Two mA outputs
• RS-485 terminals
FVM********DFVM DO• One mA output
• One discrete output
• RS-485 terminals
FVM********AFVM FF• Foundation fieldbus4-wire remote
Electronics mounting
Configuration and Use Manual 3
Before you begin
1.3Communications tools and protocols
You can use several different communications tools and protocols to interface with the
device. You may use different tools in different locations or for different tasks.
Communications tools, protocols, and related informationTable 1-2:
Communications toolSupported protocolsScopeIn this manualFor more information
DisplayNot applicableBasic configuration and
ProLink III• Modbus/RS-485
• HART/Bell 202
• Service port
Field Communicator
• HART/Bell 202Complete configuration
Complete configuration
and commissioning
and commissioning
Complete user information. See Appendix B.
Basic user information.
See Appendix C.
Basic user information.
See Appendix D.
Not applicable
User manual
• Installed with soft-
• On Micro Motion
user documentation
• On Micro Motion
web site
User manual on
Micro Motion web site
(www.micromo‐ )
You may be able to use other communications tools from Emerson Process Management, such as
AMS Suite: Intelligent Device Manager, or the Smart Wireless THUM™ Adapter. Use of AMS or the
Smart Wireless THUM Adapter is not discussed in this manual. For more information on the Smart
Wireless THUM Adapter, refer to the documentation available at
1.4Additional documentation and resources
Micro Motion provides additional documentation to support the installation and operation
of the transmitter.
Product data sheetMicro Motion Fork Viscosity Meters: Product Data Sheet
All documentation resources are available on the Micro Motion web site at or on the Micro Motion user documentation DVD.
4 Micro Motion® Fork Viscosity Meters (FVM)
2Quick start
Topics covered in this chapter:
•Power up the transmitter
•Check meter status
•Make a startup connection to the transmitter
2.1Power up the transmitter
The transmitter must be powered up for all configuration and commissioning tasks, or for
process measurement.
1.Ensure that all transmitter and sensor covers and seals are closed.
To prevent ignition of flammable or combustible atmospheres, ensure that all covers
and seals are tightly closed. For hazardous area installations, applying power while
housing covers are removed or loose can cause an explosion.
Quick start
2.Turn on the electrical power at the power supply.
The transmitter will automatically perform diagnostic routines. During this period,
Alert 009 is active. The diagnostic routines should complete in approximately
30 seconds.
Although the sensor is ready to receive process fluid shortly after power-up, the electronics
can take up to 10 minutes to reach thermal equilibrium. Therefore, if this is the initial
startup, or if power has been off long enough to allow components to reach ambient
temperature, allow the electronics to warm up for approximately 10 minutes before
relying on process measurements. During this warm-up period, you may observe minor
measurement instability or inaccuracy.
2.2Check meter status
Check the meter for any error conditions that require user action or that affect
measurement accuracy.
1.Wait approximately 10 seconds for the power-up sequence to complete.
Immediately after power-up, the transmitter runs through diagnostic routines and
checks for error conditions. During the power-up sequence, Alert A009 is active.
This alert should clear automatically when the power-up sequence is complete.
2.Check the status LED on the transmitter.
Configuration and Use Manual 5
Quick start
Transmitter status reported by status LEDTable 2-1:
LED stateDescriptionRecommendation
GreenNo alerts are active.Continue with configuration or process meas-
YellowOne or more low-severity alerts are active.A low-severity alert condition does not affect
measurement accuracy or output behavior.
You can continue with configuration or process measurement. If you choose, you can identify and resolve the alert condition.
Flashing yellowCalibration in progress, or Known Density Veri-
fication in progress.
RedOne or more high-severity alerts are active.A high-severity alert condition affects meas-
A low-severity alert condition does not affect
measurement accuracy or output behavior.
You can continue with configuration or process measurement. If you choose, you can identify and resolve the alert condition.
urement accuracy and output behavior. Resolve the alert condition before continuing.
Related information
View and acknowledge status alerts
Status alerts, causes, and recommendations
2.3Make a startup connection to the transmitter
For all configuration tools except the display, you must have an active connection to the
transmitter to configure the transmitter. Follow this procedure to make your first
connection to the transmitter.
Identify the connection type to use, and follow the instructions for that connection type in
the appropriate appendix. Use the default communications parameters shown in the
Communications toolConnection type to useInstructions
ProLink IIIModbus/RS-485Appendix C
Field CommunicatorHART/Bell 202Appendix D
(Optional) Change the communications parameters to site-specific values.
•To change the communications parameters using ProLink III, choose Device Tools >
Configuration > Communications.
•To change the communications parameters using the Field Communicator, choose
If you are changing communications parameters for the connection type that you are using, you will
lose the connection when you write the parameters to the transmitter. Reconnect using the new
Configuration and Use Manual 7
Quick start
8 Micro Motion® Fork Viscosity Meters (FVM)
Configuration and commissioning
Part II
Configuration and commissioning
Chapters covered in this part:
•Introduction to configuration and commissioning
•Configure process measurement
•Configure device options and preferences
•Integrate the meter with the control system
•Completing the configuration
Configuration and Use Manual 9
Configuration and commissioning
10 Micro Motion® Fork Viscosity Meters (FVM)
Introduction to configuration and commissioning
3Introduction to configuration and
Topics covered in this chapter:
•Default values
•Enable access to the off‐line menu of the display
•Disable HART security
•Set the HART lock
•Restore the factory configuration
3.1Default values
Default values for your meter are configured at the factory. The specific values are
determined by the options that were specified on the purchase order. These are provided
on the configuration sheet that was shipped with your meter.
3.2Enable access to the off-line menu of the
Field Communicator Configure > Manual Setup > Display > Display Menus > Offline Menu
By default, access to the off-line menu of the display is enabled. If it is disabled, you must
enable it if you want to use the display to configure the transmitter.
You cannot use the display to enable access to the off-line menu. You must make a connection from
another tool.
3.3Disable HART security
If you plan to use HART protocol to configure the device, HART security must be disabled.
HART security is disabled by default, so you may not need to do this.
Configuration and Use Manual 11
Introduction to configuration and commissioning
•3 mm strap wrench
•3 mm hex key
1.Power down the meter.
2.Using the strap wrench, loosen the grub screws and remove the transmitter end-
Transmitter with end-cap removedFigure 3-1:
A. Transmitter end‐cap
3.Using the hex key, remove the safety spacer.
12 Micro Motion® Fork Viscosity Meters (FVM)
Introduction to configuration and commissioning
Transmitter with end-cap and safety spacer removedFigure 3-2:
A. Transmitter end‐cap
B. Safety spacer
4.Move the HART security switch to the OFF position (up).
The HART security switch is the switch on the left.
HART security switchFigure 3-3:
A. HART security switch
B. Unused
Configuration and Use Manual 13
Introduction to configuration and commissioning
5.Replace the safety spacer and end-cap.
6.Power up the meter.
3.4Set the HART lock
If you plan to use a HART connection to configure the meter, you can lock out all other
HART masters. If you do this, other HART masters will be able to read data from the meter
but will not be able to write data to the meter.
•This feature is available only when you are using the Field Communicator or AMS.
2.If you are locking the meter, set Lock Option as desired.
Permanent Only the current HART master can make changes to the device. The device will
remain locked until manually unlocked by a HART master. The HART master can
also change Lock Option to Temporary.
Temporary Only the current HART master can make changes to the device. The device will
remain locked until manually unlocked by a HART master, or a power-cycle or
device reset is performed. The HART master can also change Lock Option to Perma-
Lock AllNo HART masters are allowed to make changes to the configuration. Before
changing Lock Option to Permanent or Temporary, the device must be unlocked. Any
HART master can be used to unlock the device.
To avoid confusion or difficulties at a later date, ensure that the meter is unlocked after
you have completed your tasks.
3.5Restore the factory configuration
DisplayNot available
ProLink IIIDevice Tools > Configuration Transfer > Restore Factory Configuration
Field Communicator Service Tools > Maintenance > Reset/Restore > Restore Factory Configuration
14 Micro Motion® Fork Viscosity Meters (FVM)
Introduction to configuration and commissioning
Restoring the factory configuration returns the transmitter to a known operational
configuration. This may be useful if you experience problems during configuration.
Restoring the factory configuration is not a common action. You may want to contact Micro Motion
to see if there is a preferred method to resolve any issues.
Configuration and Use Manual 15
Introduction to configuration and commissioning
16 Micro Motion® Fork Viscosity Meters (FVM)
Configure process measurement
4Configure process measurement
Topics covered in this chapter:
•Verify the calibration factors
•Configure line viscosity measurement
•Configure line density measurement
•Configure temperature measurement
•Configure the pressure input
•Configure referred viscosity measurement
•Set up the API referral application
•Set up concentration measurement
•Set up flow rate measurement
4.1Verify the calibration factors
DisplayNot available
ProLink IIIDevice Tools > Calibration Data
Field Communicator Configure > Manual Setup > Calibration Factors
The calibration factors are used to adjust measurement for the unique traits of the sensor.
Your device was calibrated at the factory. However, you should verify that the calibration
factors that are configured in your device match the factory values.
You will need the factory values for the calibration factors. These are provided in two
•The calibration certificate shipped with your meter
•The label inside the transmitter's end-cap
If the transmitter is not the original component, do not use the values from the transmitter label.
1.View the calibration factors that are stored in the device.
2.Compare them to the factory values.
• If the values match, no action is required.
Configuration and Use Manual 17
Configure process measurement
• If the values do not match, contact Micro Motion customer service.
Related information
Sample calibration certificate
4.1.1Calibration factors
The original calibration factors are obtained from factory calibration, and are unique to
each device. They are used to adjust measurements for the specific physical properties of
the device.
The calibration certificate contains several sets of factors:
Density calibration
The calibration certificate also provides the results of the Known Density Verification
procedure that was performed at the factory.
For each calibration performed at the factory, the calibration certificate contains the data
used to calculate the calibration coefficients.
Related information
Define the relationship between viscosity and the response of your
sensor. Viscosity calibration is performed for one to four viscosity
ranges, depending on the purchase order: Ultra-Low, Low,
Medium, and High. The meter continuously monitors the line
viscosity reading and automatically switches to the appropriate
set of calibration factors.
Define the relationship between density and the response of your
Adjust density measurement for the effect of temperature on
sensor response.
Adjust density measurement for the effect of viscosity on sensor
response. There is a set of viscosity compensation coefficients for
the Medium viscosity range, and a set for the High viscosity range.
The viscosity compensation coefficients are generated only if the
corresponding viscosity range is calibrated on your device.
Sample calibration certificate
4.2Configure line viscosity measurement
The viscosity measurement parameters control how viscosity is measured and reported.
•Configure Viscosity Measurement Unit (Section 4.2.1)
•Configure Viscosity Damping (Section 4.2.2)
18 Micro Motion® Fork Viscosity Meters (FVM)
4.2.1Configure Viscosity Measurement Unit
ProLink IIIDevice Tools > Configuration > Process Measurement > Line Viscosity
Field Communicator Configure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Viscosity
The default measurement unit for dynamic viscosity is cP (centiPoise). The default
measurement unit for kinematic viscosity is cSt (centiStoke). You can configure a special
measurement unit for dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity.
Verify that the unit is set correctly for both dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity.
Define a special measurement unit for dynamic viscosity or
kinematic viscosity
Configure process measurement
DisplayNot available
ProLink IIIDevice Tools > Configuration > Process Measurement > Line Viscosity > Special Units
Field Communicator Configure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Optional Setup > Special Units
A special measurement unit is a user-defined unit of measure that allows you to report
process data in a unit that is not available in the transmitter. A special measurement unit is
calculated from an existing measurement unit using a conversion factor. You can define a
special measurement unit for dynamic viscosity, kinematic viscosity, or both.
•To define a special unit for dynamic viscosity:
1. Calculate Dynamic Viscosity Special Unit Conversion Factor as follows:
a. x base units = y special units
b. Dynamic Viscosity Special Unit Conversion Factor = x ÷ y
2. Enter Dynamic Viscosity Special Unit Conversion Factor.
3. Set User-Defined Label to the name you want to use for the dynamic viscosity unit.
•To define a special unit for kinematic viscosity:
1. Calculate Kinematic Viscosity Special Unit Conversion Factor as follows:
a. x base units = y special units
Configuration and Use Manual 19
Configure process measurement
b. Kinematic Viscosity Special Unit Conversion Factor = x ÷ y
2. Enter Kinematic Viscosity Special Unit Conversion Factor.
3. Set User-Defined Label to the name you want to use for the kinematic viscosity
The special measurement unit is stored in the transmitter. You can configure the
transmitter to use the special measurement unit at any time.
Example: Defining a special measurement unit for kinematic viscosity
You want to measure kinematic viscosity in Stokes rather than centiStokes.
1.Calculate Kinematic Viscosity Special Unit Conversion Factor: 1 ÷ 100
2.Set Kinematic Viscosity Special Unit Conversion Factor to .001.
3.Set User-Defined Label to Stokes.
4.2.2Configure Viscosity Damping
DisplayNot available
ProLink IIIDevice Tools > Configuration > Process Measurement > Line Viscosity > Line Viscosity Damping
Field Communicator Not available
Viscosity Damping controls the amount of damping that will be applied to the line viscosity
value. It affects both dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity measurement.
Damping is used to smooth out small, rapid fluctuations in process measurement. DampingValue specifies the time period (in seconds) over which the transmitter will spread changes
in the process variable. At the end of the interval, the internal value will reflect 63% of the
change in the actual measured value.
Viscosity damping affects all process variables that are calculated from line viscosity.
Set Viscosity Damping to the value you want to use.
The default value is 0 seconds. The range is 0 to 440 seconds.
Interaction between Viscosity Damping and Added Damping
When the mA output is configured to report either dynamic viscosity or kinematic
viscosity, both Viscosity Damping and Added Damping are applied to the reported viscosity
20 Micro Motion® Fork Viscosity Meters (FVM)
Configure process measurement
Viscosity Damping controls the rate of change in the value of the process variable in
transmitter memory. Added Damping controls the rate of change reported via the mA
If mA Output Process Variable is set to Dynamic Viscosity or Kinematic Viscosity, and both ViscosityDamping and Added Damping are set to non-zero values, viscosity damping is applied first,
and the added damping calculation is applied to the result of the first calculation. This
value is reported over the mA output.
Related information
Interaction between mA Output Damping and process variable damping
4.3Configure line density measurement
•Configure Density Measurement Unit (Section 4.3.1)
ProLink IIIDevice Tools > Configuration > Process Measurement > Line Density > Density Unit
Field Communicator Configure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Density > Density Unit
Density Measurement Unit controls the measurement units that will be used in density
calculations and reporting.
If the API referral application is enabled, you cannot change the density measurement unit here. The
density measurement unit is controlled by the API table selection.
Set Density Measurement Unit to the option you want to use.
The default setting for Density Measurement Unit is g/cm3 (grams per cubic centimeter).
Related information
Set up the API referral application
Configuration and Use Manual 21
Configure process measurement
Options for Density Measurement Unit
The transmitter provides a standard set of measurement units for Density Measurement Unit.
Different communications tools may use different labels.
Options for Density Measurement UnitTable 4-1:
Unit description
Specific gravity
Grams per cubic centimeterG/CM3g/cm3g/Cucm
Grams per literG/Lg/lg/L
Grams per milliliterG/mLg/mlg/mL
Kilograms per literKG/Lkg/lkg/L
Kilograms per cubic meterKG/M3kg/m3kg/Cum
Pounds per U.S. gallonLB/GALlbs/Usgallb/gal
Pounds per cubic footLB/CUFlbs/ft3lb/Cuft
Pounds per cubic inchLB/CUIlbs/in3lb/CuIn
Short ton per cubic yardST/CUYsT/yd3STon/Cuyd
Degrees APID APIdegAPIdegAPI
Special unitSPECLspecialSpcl
(1) Non‐standard calculation. This value represents line density divided by the density of water at 60 °F.
DisplayProLink IIIField Communicator
Define a special measurement unit for density
DisplayNot available
ProLink IIIDevice Tools > Configuration > Process Measurement > Line Density > Special Units
Field Communicator Configure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Special Units
A special measurement unit is a user-defined unit of measure that allows you to report
process data in a unit that is not available in the transmitter. A special measurement unit is
calculated from an existing measurement unit using a conversion factor.
1.Specify Density Special Unit Base.
Density Special Unit Base is the existing density unit that the special unit will be based
2.Calculate Density Special Unit Conversion Factor as follows:
22 Micro Motion® Fork Viscosity Meters (FVM)
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