Emerson MVME6100 User Manual

Single-Board Computer
Programmer’s Reference
July 2004 Edition
© Copyright 2004 Motorola Inc.
All rights reserved.
Motorola and the stylized M logo are trademarks of Motorola, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
All other product or service names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners.
Safety Summary
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this equipment. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual could result in personal injury or damage to the equipment.
The safety precaution s listed below represe nt warning s of certa in danger s of which M otorol a is aware. You, as the user of the produc t, should follow these warnings and all other safety precau tions necessary for the sa fe operation of the equipment in your operating environment.
Ground the Instrument.
T o minimize shock hazard, the equipment chassis and enclosure must be connected to an electrical ground. If the equipment i s suppl ied with a thre e-conduc tor A C po wer cable, t he po wer ca ble must be plug ged int o an ap prov ed three-contact electrical outlet, wit h the groun ding wire (g reen/y ello w) r eliab ly connecte d to an elec trica l ground (safety ground) at the power outlet. The power jack and mating plug of the p ower cable meet Internation al Electrotechnical C om mission (IEC) safety standards and local electric al regul at ory codes.
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere.
Do not operate the equipment in any explosive atmosphere such as in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Operation of any el ectri cal equ ipmen t in such an environme nt co uld re sult in a n explosi on and c ause injury or damage.
Keep Away From Live Circuits Inside the Equipment.
Operating person nel must not rem ove equipment covers. On ly Factory Author ized Service Pe rsonnel or oth er qualified service pe rs onne l ma y rem ove eq uipm ent covers fo r int e rnal suba ss emb ly or co mpo ne nt re plac eme nt or any internal adjustment. Service personnel should not replace components with power cable connected. Under certain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even with the power cable removed. To avoid injuries, such personnel shou ld always disconnect power an d di scharge circuits befo r e to uching component s.
Use Caution When Exposing or Handling a CRT.
Breakage of a Catho de-Ray Tube (CRT) causes a high -velocity scatte ring of glass fragm ents (implo sion). To prevent CRT impl osion, do not handle the CRT and avoid rough ha ndling or jarring of the equipment. Han dling of a CRT should be done only by qualified service personnel using approved safety mask and gloves.
Do Not Substitute Parts or Modify Equipment.
Do not install s ubstitute parts or perform any unau thorized m odification o f the eq uipment. Contact your loc al Motorola representative for service and repair to ensure that all safety features are maintained.
Observe Warnings in Manual.
Warnings, such as the example below, precede potentially dangerous procedures throughout this manual. Instructions co ntained in the warnings must be followed. You should also employ all other safety precaut ions which you deem necessary for the operation of the equ ipment in your operating environment.
Warnin g
To prevent serious injury or death from dangerous voltages, use extreme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting this equipment and its
All Motorola P WBs (printed wiring boards) are manufactured with a flammability rating of 94V-0 by UL-recognized manufacturers.
EMI Caution
This equipment generates , use s and can radiat e elec tromagn etic e ner gy. It may cause or be susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI) if not installed and used with adequate EMI protection.
Lithium Battery Caution
This product contains a lithium battery to power the clock and calendar circuitry.
Danger of exp losion if bat tery is replac ed incorrectl y . Replace battery only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the equipment manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Il y a danger d’explosion s’il y a remplacement incorrect de la batterie. Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du même type ou d’un type équivalent recommandé par le constructeur. Mettre au rebut les batteries usagées conformément aux instructions du fabricant.
Explosionsgefahr bei unsachgemäßem Austausch der Batteri e. Er sat z nu r durch denselben oder ein en v om Herstelle r empfohlenen Typ. Entsor gung gebrauchter Batterien nach Angaben des Herstellers.
CE Notice (European Community)
Warnin g
Motorola Computer Group produc ts with the CE mar king comply wit h the EMC Directi v e (89/336/EEC). Compliance with this directive implies conformity to the following European Norms:
EN55022 “Limits and Methods of Measur ement of Ra dio Int erferen ce Chara cteri stic s of Information Technology Equipment”; this product tested to Equipment Class A
EN55024 “Information te chnology equipment—Immunity c haracteristics—Limits an d methods of measurement”
Board products are tested in a representative system to show compliance with the above mentioned requirements. A proper installation in a CE-marked system will maintain the required EMC performance.
In accordance with European Community directives, a “Declaration of Conformity” has been made and is available on request. Please contact your sales representative.
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
While reaso nable efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of this document, Motorola, Inc. assume s no liabi lity re sulting from an y omissions in this document, or from the use of the informatio n obtained therein. Motorola reserves the right to revise this document and to make ch ange s fr om time to time in the content hereof withou t ob li ga tion of Motorola to notify any person of such revision or changes.
Electronic versions of this material may be read online, downloaded for personal use, or referenced in another document as a URL to the Motorola Computer Group Web site. The text itself may not be published commercially in print or electronic form, edited, translated, or otherwise altered without the permission of Motorola, Inc.
It is possible that t h i s pub li cat ion may contain reference to or inform at ion about Motorola products (machines and progr ams), programming, or se rvices that ar e not av ailable in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that Motorola intends to announce such Motorola products, programming, or services in your country.
Limited and Restricted Rights Legend
If the documentation contained herein is supplied, directly or indirectly, to the U.S. Government, the following notice shall apply unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Motorola, Inc.
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (b)(3) of t he Rights in Technical Data cl ause a t DFARS 252.227-7013 (No v.
1995) and of the Rights in Noncommerci al Computer Sof tware and Documentation clause at DFARS 252.227-7014 (Jun. 1995).
Motorola, Inc. Computer Group 2900 South Diablo Way Tempe, Arizona 85282
About This Guide
Overview of Contents ................................................................................................xiv
Comments and Suggestions ......................................................................................xiv
Conventions Used in This Manual .............................................................................xv
CHAPTER 1 Board Description and Memory Maps
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1-1
Overview .................................................................................................................. 1-1
Memory Maps ................................... ...... ........................................................ ......... 1-5
Default Processor Memory Map ....................................................................... 1-5
MOTLoad’s Processor Memory Map ............................................................... 1-7
Default PCI Memory Map ................................................................................ 1-8
MOTLoad’s PCI Memory Maps ....................................................................... 1-9
VME Memory Map ...........................................................................................1-9
System I/O Memory Map ................................................................................. 1-9
System Status Register 1 ................................................................................. 1-11
System Status Register 2 ................................................................................. 1-13
System Status Register 3 ................................................................................. 1-15
Presence Detect Register ................................................................................. 1-16
Configuration Header/Switch Register (S1) ................................................... 1-17
Time Base Enable Register ............................................................................. 1-19
Quad Universal Asynchronous Recei ver/Transmitter (UART) ....................... 1-19
Real-Time Clock and NVRAM ...................................................................... 1-20


CHAPTER 2 Programming Details
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 2-1
MV64360 Multi-Purpose Port Configuration ..........................................................2-1
MV64360 Reset Configuration ................................................................................ 2-3
Flash Memory .......................................................................................................... 2-8
Real-Time Clock and NVRAM ................................................................................ 2-8
Two-Wire Serial Interface ........................................................................................ 2-9
DDR DRAM Serial Presence Detect ..................................................................... 2-10
MV64360 Initialization .......................................................................................... 2-11
VPD and User Configuration EEPROMs .............................................................. 2-11
Temperature Sensor ................................................................................................2-11
MV64360 Device Controller Bank Assignments ...................................................2-11
MPC Bus and PCI Bus Arbitration .........................................................................2-12
PCI Bus 0 and PCI Bus 1 Local Buses ...................................................................2-12
PCI Mode/Frequency Selection .......................................................................2-12
PCI Configuration Space .................................................................................2-13
PCI Arbitration Assignments for MV64360 ASIC .........................................2-14
PCI Bus 1 Local Bus PMC Expansion Slots ...................................................2-14
PCI Bus 0 Local Bus Devices .........................................................................2-15
Tsi148 ASIC .............................................................................................2-15
PCI6520 PMCSpan Bridge ......................................................................2-15
MV64360 Interrupt Controller ...............................................................................2-16
MV64360 Endian Issues .........................................................................................2-18
APPENDIX A Related Documentation
Motorola Computer Group Documents ................................................................... A-1
Manufacturers’ Documents .....................................................................................A -2
Related Specifications .............................................................................................A-5

List of Figures

Figure 1-1. MVME6100 Board Layout Diagram ...................................................1-4
Figure 2-1. PCI Bus 1 Local Bus PMC Expansion Slots ...................................... 2-15

List of Tables

Table 1-1. MVME6100 Features Summary ............................................................ 1-2
Table 1-2. Default Processor Address Map ............................................................. 1-5
Table 1-3. MOTLoad’s Processor Address Map ..................................................... 1-7
Table 1-4. Default PCI Address Map ...................................................................... 1-8
Table 1-5. MOTLoad’s PCI Memory Maps ............................................................ 1-9
Table 1-6. Device Bank 1 I/O Memory Map ......................................................... 1 -10
Table 1-7. System Status Register 1 ...................................................................... 1-11
Table 1-8. System Status Register 2 ...................................................................... 1-13
Table 1-9. System Status Register 3 ...................................................................... 1-15
Table 1-10. Presence Detect Register .................................................................... 1-16
Table 1-11. Configuration Header/Switch Register .............................................. 1-17
Table 1-12. TBEN Register ................................................................................... 1-19
Table 1-13. M48T37V Access .............................................................................. 1-20
Table 2-1. MV64360 MPP Pin Function Assignments ........................................... 2-2
Table 2-2. MV64360 Power-Up Configuration Settings .........................................2-4
Table 2-3. M48T37V Access .................................................................................. 2-9
Table 2-4. I2C Bus Device Addressing ................................................................. 2-10
Table 2-5. Device Bank Assignments ................................................................... 2-12
Table 2-6. IDSEL Mapping for PCI Devices ........................................................ 2-13
Table 2-7. PCI Arbitration Assignments for MV64360 ASIC .............................. 2-14
Table 2-8. MV64360 Interrupt Assignments ......................................................... 2-16
Table A-1. Motorola Computer Group Documents ............................ ...... ..... .........A-1
Table A-2. Manufacturers’ Documents ...................................................................A-2
Table A-3. Related Specifications ...........................................................................A-5

About This Guide

The MVME6100 Singl e-Board Computer Pr o gr ammer’s Referenc e Guide provides general programming information, including memory maps, interrupts, and register data for the MVME6100 family of boards. This document should be used by anyone who wants general, as well as technical information about the MVME6100 products.
As of the printing date of this manual, the MVME6100 supports the models listed below.
Model Number Description
MVME6100-0161 1.267 GHz MPC7457 processor, 512MB DDR
MVME6100-0163 1.267 GHz MPC7457 processor, 512MB DDR
MVME6100-0171 1.267 GHz MPC7457 processor, 1GB DDR
MVME6100-0173 1.267 GHz MPC7457 processor, 1GB DDR
memory, 128MB Flash, Scanbe handles
memory, 128MB Flash, IEEE handles
memory, 128MB Flash, Scanbe handles
memory, 128MB Flash, IEEE handles

Overview of Contents

This manual is divided into the following chapters and appendices:
Chapter 1, Boar d Descripti on and Memory Maps, provides a brief product
description and a block diagram. The remainder of the chapter provides information on memory maps and system and configuration registers.
Chapter 2, Programming Details, provides additional programming
information including IDSEL mapping, interrupt assignments for the MV64360 interrupt controller, flash memory, two-wire serial interface addressing, and other device and system considerations.
Appendix A, Related Documentation, provides a listing of related
Motorola manuals, vendor document at ion , and industry specifications.

Comments and Suggestions

Motorola welcomes and appreciates yo ur comments on its doc umentation. W e want to kno w what you think about our manual s and how we can make them better. Mail comments to:
Motorola Computer Group Reader Comments DW164 2900 S. Diablo Way Tempe, Arizona 85282
You can also submit comments to the following e-mail address:
In all your corr es ponde nce, please list your name, pos it io n, and company . Be sure to include the title and par t number of the manual and tell ho w you used it. Then tell us your feelings about its strengths and weaknesses and any recommen dations for improvements.

Conventions Used in This Manual

The following typographical conventions are used in this document:
is used for user inpu t that you t ype just as i t appears ; it is also us ed for commands, options and arguments to commands, and names of programs, directories and files.
is used for names of v ariables to which you assi gn value s, for functi on parameters, and for structure names and fields. Italic is also used for comments in screen displays and examples, and to introduce new terms.
is used for system output (for example, screen displays, reports), examples, and system prompts.
<Enter>, <Return> or <CR>
represents the carriage return or Enter key.
represents the Contr ol k ey. Execut e c ontrol ch ar acter s b y press ing th e Ctrl key and the letter simultaneously, for example, Ctrl-d.
1Board Description and Memory


This chapter briefly describes the board level hardware features of the MVME6100 single-board computer, including a table of features and a block diagram. The remainder of the chapter provides memory map information including a default memory map, MOTLoad’s processor memory map, a default PCI memory map, MO TLoad’s PCI memory map, a PCI I/O memory map, and system I/O memory maps.
Note Programmable registers in the MV64360 system controller are


The MVME6100 is a single-board computer based on the PowerPC MPC7457 processor , the Marve ll MV64360 system control ler , up to 2 GB of ECC-protected DDR DRAM, up to 128MB of Flash memory, a dual Gigabit Ethernet interface, two asynchronous serial ports, and two IEEE1386.1 PCI, PCI-X capable mezzanine card slots (PMCs).
documented in a separate publication and obtainable from Motorola Computer Group by contac ti ng your Fiel d Area Engineer. Refer to Appendix A, Related Documentation, for more information on obtaining this documentation.
Board Description and Memory Maps
The following table lists the features of the MVME6100.
Table 1-1. MVME6100 Feat ure s Su mmary
Feature Description
Processor – Single 1.3 GHz MPC7457 processor
– Bus clock frequency at 133 MHz – 36-bit address, 64-bit data buses – Integrated L1 and L2 cache
L3 Cache – 2MB using DDR SRAM
– Bus clock frequency at 211 MHz
Flash – Two banks (A & B) of soldered Intel StrataFlash devices
– 8 to 64MB supported on each bank – Boot bank is switch selectable between banks – Bank A has combination of softwar e and har dware writ e-protect scheme – Bank B top 1MB block can be write-protected through software/hardware write-protect control
System Memory – Two banks on board for up to 2GB using 256Mb or 512Mb
devices – Bus clock frequency at 133 MHz
Memory Controller PCI Host Bridge Dual 10/100/1000 Ethe rnet Interrupt Controller PCI Interface
C Interface
NVRAM Real-Time Clock Watchdog Timer
On-board Peripheral Support
1-2 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
– Provided by Marvell MV64360 system controller
– 32KB provided by MK48T37
– Dual 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports routed to front panel RJ-45 connectors, one optionally routed to P2 backplane – T w o asynch ronous serial ports pro vi ded b y an ST16C 554D; one serial port is routed to a fron t panel RJ-45 connector and the second serial port is optionally routed to the P2 connector for rear I/O or on-board header
Table 1-1. MVME6100 Features Summary (continued)
Feature Description
PCI/PMC – Two 32/64-bit PMC slots with fron t-panel I/O plus P2 rear I/ O as
specified by IEEE P1386 – 64-bit slots; 33/66 MHz PCI or 66/100 MHz PCI-X
VME Interface – Tsi148 VME 2Esst ASIC provides:
Eight programmable VMEbus map decoders A16, A24, A32, and A64 address 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit single cycle data transfers 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit block transfers Supports SCT, BLT, MBLT, 2eVME, and 2eSST protocols 8 entry command and 4KB data write post buffer 4KB read ahead buffer
PMCspan Support – One PMCspan slot
– Supports 33/66 MHz, 32/64-bit PCI bus – Access through PCI6520 bridge to PMCspan
Form Factor – Standard 6U VME
Miscellaneous – Combined reset and abort switch
– Status LEDs – 8-bit software-readable switch – VME geographical address switch
http://www.motorola.com/computer/literature 1-3
Board Description and Memory Maps
10/100/1000 DEBUG
J42 J8
U27 U25
4248 0504
Figure 1-1. MVME6100 Board Layout Diagram
1-4 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site

Memory Maps

Default Processor Memory Map

The MV64360 presents a default CPU memory map following RESET negation. The following table shows the default memory map from the point of view of the processor. Address bits [35:32] are only relevant for the MPC7457 extended address mode and are not shown in the following tables. (Note that it is the same as the GT-64260A with the addition of integrated SRAM.)
Table 1-2. Default Processor Address Map
Memory Maps
Processor Address Start End
0000 0000 007F FFFF 8M DRAM Bank 0 0080 0000 00FF FFFF 8M DRAM Bank 1 0100 0000 017F FFFF 8M DRAM Bank 2 0180 0000 01FF FFFF 8M DRAM Bank 3 0200 0000 0FFF FFFF 224M Unassigned 1000 0000 11FF FFFF 32M PCI Bus 0 I/O Space 1200 0000 13FF FFFF 32M PCI Bus 0 Memory Space 0 1400 0000 1BFF FFFF 128M Unassigned 1C00 0000 1C7F FFFF 8M Device CS0* 1C80 0000 1CFF FFFF 8M Device CS1* 1D00 0000 1DFF FFFF 16M Device CS2* 1E00 0000 1FFF FFFF 32M Unassign ed 2000 0000 21FF FFFF 32M PCI Bus 1 I/O 2200 0000 23FF FFFF 32M PCI Bus 1 Memory Space 0 2400 0000 25FF FFFF 32M PCI Bus 1 Memory Space 1
Size Definition
2600 0000 27FF FFFF 32M PCI Bus 1 Memory Space 2
http://www.motorola.com/computer/literature 1-5
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