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MVME3100 Single Board Computer Programmer’s Reference (6806800G37A)
List of Tables
MVME3100 Single Board Computer Programmer’s Reference (6806800G37A)
About this Manual
Overview of Contents
This manual is divided into the following chapters and appendices:
Chapter 1, Board Description and Memory Maps, provides a brief product description and a
block diagram. The remainder of the chapter provides information on memory maps and system
and configuration registers.
Chapter 2, Programming Details, provides additional programming information including IDSEL
mapping, interrupt assignments for the MPC8540 interrupt controller, Flash memory, two-wire
serial interface addressing, and other device and system considerations.
Appendix A, Related Documentation, provides a listing of related Emerson manuals, vendor
documentation, and industry specifications.
MVME3100 Single Board Computer Programmer’s Reference (6806800G37A)
About this Manual
ATAAdvanced Technology Attachment
CHRPCommon Hardware Reference Platform
CMCCommon Mezzanine Card
CPUCentral Processing Unit
DDRDouble Data Rate
DMADirect Memory Access
DRAMDynamic Random Access Memory
ECCError Correction Code
FIFOFirst In First Out
GAGeneral Availability
GMIIGigabit Media Independent Interface
GPCMGeneral Purpose Chip select Machine
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
MVME3100 Single Board Computer Programmer’s Reference (6806800G37A)
ROMRead Only Memory
RTCReal Time Clock
RTMRear Transition Module
RTOSReal Time Operating System
SATASerial AT Attachment
SBCSingle Board Computer
SDRAMSynchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SIGSpecial Interest Group
SMTSurface Mount Technology
SPDSerial Presence Detect
TSECTriple Speed Ethernet Controllers
TSOPThin Small Outline Package
UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
UNIXUNIX operating system
USBUniversal Serial Bus
About this Manual
VIOInput/Output Voltage
VITAVMEbus International Trade Association
VMEVersaModule Eurocard
VMEbusVersaModule Eurocard bus
The following table describes the conventions used throughout this manual.
0x00000000Typical notation for hexadecimal numbers (digits
0b0000Same for binary numbers (digits are 0 and 1)
boldUsed to emphasize a word
ScreenUsed for on-screen output and code related
Courier + BoldUsed to characterize user input and to separate it
ReferenceUsed for references and for table and figure
are 0 through F), for example used for addresses
and offsets
elements or commands in body text
from system output
File > ExitNotation for selecting a submenu
<text>Notation for variables and keys
MVME3100 Single Board Computer Programmer’s Reference (6806800G37A)
About this Manual
[text]Notation for software buttons to click on the screen
...Repeated item for example node 1, node 2, ...,
and parameter description
node 12
..Ranges, for example: 0..4 means one of the
|Logical OR
Omission of information from example/command
that is not necessary at the time being
integers 0,1,2,3, and 4 (used in registers)
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury
Indicates a property damage message
No danger encountered. Pay attention to important
Summary of Changes
This manual has been revised and replaces all prior editions.
Part NumberPublication DateDescription
V3100A/PG1First edition
6806800G37AApril 2008Updated to Emerson style.
MVME3100 Single Board Computer Programmer’s Reference (6806800G37A)
Comments and Suggestions
We welcome and appreciate your comments on our documentation. We want to know what you
think about our manuals and how we can make them better.
Mail comments to us by filling out the following online form:
http://www.emersonnetworkpowerembeddedcomputing.com/ > Contact Us > Online Form
In “Area of Interest” select “Technical Documentation”. Be sure to include the title, part number,
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About this Manual
MVME3100 Single Board Computer Programmer’s Reference (6806800G37A)
About this Manual
MVME3100 Single Board Computer Programmer’s Reference (6806800G37A)
Board Description and Memory Maps
This chapter briefly describes the board level hardware features of the MVME3100 single-board
computer, including a table of features and a block diagram. The remainder of the chapter
provides memory map information including a default memory map, MOTLoad’s processor
memory map, a default PCI memory map, MOTLoad’s PCI memory map, system I/O memory
map, and other configuration registers.
The MVME3100 is a single-slot, single-board computer based on the MPC8540 PowerQUICC
III™ integrated processor. The MVME3100 provides serial ATA (sATA), USB 2.0, 2eSST
VMEbus interfaces, dual 64-bit/100 MHz PMC sites, up to 256 MB of flash, dual 10/100/1000
Ethernet, one 10/100 Ethernet, and five serial ports. This board supports front and rear I/O and
a single SODIMM module for DDR memory. Access to rear I/O is available with a rear transition
module (RTM).
The MVME3100 Single-Board Computer Programmer’s Reference provides general
programming information, including memory maps, interrupts, and register data for the
MVME3100 family of boards. This document should be used by anyone who wants general, as
well as technical information about the MVME3100 products.
As of the printing date of this manual, the MVME3100 supports the models listed below.