LVPS Bus Covers
Key Features
n Insulated Bus Covers
protect the DC Bus
System from accidental
physical contact
n Simple snap-together
installation permits
on-site assembly and fits a
wide range of installation
n Fabricated from
clear plastic for easy
inspection of lug and bus
n UL 94-V0 material rating
exceeds fire safety
n Available for 240VAC or
480VAC applications
Safe, secure LVPS Bus Covers are easy to install and reduce risk of
electrical shorts in critical network powering systems.
Vortex® 10,000 Amp Power System with Bus Covers
Insulated Bus Covers are now available to fit new and existing installations of the Vortex
10,000A Power Platform products. Bus Covers provide increased safety and security in
critical network powering systems.
This optional accessory reduces the risk of electrical shorts in the DC Power System and
saves time and money over custom covers. Adaptive design allows for any configuration
of frames to be connected and covered.
Snap-together installation saves time and eliminates the need for hardware and tools.
Installation of the covers can be done on new or existing installations.
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LVPS Bus Covers
LVPS Bus Covers can be installed on
the following Emerson DC power bays:
582121900 Distribution Bay
582121901 Distribution Bay
582121100 208/240VAC PCU Bay
582121300 480VAC PCU Bay
582122100 380VAC PCU Bay
Ordering Information
Part number Description
514720 First rectifier bay
514721 Additional rectifier bays
514718 Main distribution bay
514719 Supplemental distribution bays
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© Emerson Network Power, Energy Systems, North America, Inc. 2014.
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