EMERSON LPT50-M Service Manual

Rev. 06.20.06
LPT50-M Series
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Embedded Power for Business-Critical Continuity
LPT50-M Series
50 Watts
Special Features
• Universal input
• 2" x 4" footprint
• Overpower and short circuit protection
• High efficiency
• High MTBF
• Built in EMI filter (CISPR 22 Class B)
• LED power good indicator
• Input power <74 watts
• Complies with EN61000-3-2
• UL Class I approved
Total Power: 47 - 55 Watts Input Voltage: 90-264 VAC
127-300 VDC
# of Outputs: Triple
Electrical Specifications
Input range 90-264 VAC (wide range) 127-300 VDC Frequency 47-440 Hz Inrush current <60 A peak @ 230 VAC, cold start @ 25°C Efficiency 80% typical at full load
FCC Class B conducted; CISPR 22 Class B conducted: EN55022 Class B conducted, EN60601-1-2
Safety ground leakage current
275uA @ 50/60 Hz, 264 VAC input
Maximum power 55 W for convection (LPT51, 47.4W) Hold-up time 10/20 ms 115/230 VAC input line Overpower protection
Short circuit protection on all outputs Case overpower protected @ 110-160% of normal rating
Overvoltage protection 30-50% above nominal output
Operating temperature:
0° to 50°C ambient. Derate each output 2.5% per degree
from 50° to 70°C. -20°C start up Storage temperature: -40°C to +85°C Electromagnetic
susceptibility: Designed to meet EN61000-4; -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -8, -11 Level 3
Humidity: Operating; non-condensing 10% to 95% RH
Vibration: IEC68-2-6 to the levels of IEC721-3-2
MTBF demonstrated: >550,000 hours at full load and 25°C ambient conditions
Environmental Specifications
UL UL 60601-1 CSA CSA-C22.2 No. 601.1-M90 VDE EN60601-1 CE LVD
Rev. 06.20.06
LPT50-M Series
2of 3
Embedded Power for Business-Critical Continuity
PPiinn AAssssiiggnnmmeennttss
CCoonnnneeccttoorr LLPPTT5511--MM LLPPTT5522--MM LLPPTT5533--MM LLPPTT5544--MM SK1-1 Line Line Line Line SK1-3 Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
SK2-1 +3.3 V +5 V +5V +5V SK2- 2 +3.3 V +5 V +5V +5V SK2- 3 Common Common Common Common SK2-4 Common Common Common Common SK2-5 12V -12V -15V +12V SK2-6 5V +12V +15V +24
MMaattiinngg CCoonnnneeccttoorrss
AC Input:
Molex 09-50-8031 (USA) 09-91-0300 (UK) PINS: 08-52-0113
DC Outputs:
Molex 09-50-8061 (USA) 09-91-0600 (UK) PINS: 08-52-0113
Astec Connector Kit #70-841-006, includes all of the above
1. Specifications subject to change without notice.
2. All dimensions in inches (mm), tolerance is ±0.02" (±0.5mm)
3. Mounting holes M1 and M2 should be grounded for EMI purposes.
4. Mounting hole M1 is safety ground connection.
5. Specifications are for convection rating at factory settings at 115 VAC input, 25°C unless otherwise stated.
6. Warranty: 1 year
7. Weight: 0.45lbs/0.20kg
OOrrddeerriinngg IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
MMooddeell NNuummbbeerr
OOuuttppuutt VVoollttaaggee
MMiinniimmuumm LLooaadd
MMaaxxiimmuumm LLooaadd wwiitthh CCoonnvveeccttiioonn CCoooolliinngg
PPeeaakk LLooaadd 11 RReegguullaattiioonn 22 RRiippppllee PP//PP ((PPAARRDD))33
LPT51-M +3.3V
+5V +12V
0.1A 0A
8A 3A
9A 4A 1A
±2% ±6% ±5%
50 mV 50mV 120mV
LPT52-M +5V
0.1A 0A
8A 3A
9A 4A
±2% ±5% ±5%
50 mV 120mV 120mV
LPT53-M +5V
0.1A 0A
±2% ±5% ±5%
50 mV 150mV 150mV
LPT54-M +5V
+24V +12V
0.1A 0A
9A 2A
±2% ±7% ±5%
50 mV 240mV 120mV
1. Peak current lasting <15 seconds with a maximum 10% duty cycle.
2. At 25°C including initial tolerance, line voltage, load currents and output voltages adjusted to factory settings.
3. Peak-to-peak with 20 MHz bandwidth and 10 μF (tantalum capacitor) in parallel with a 0.1 μF capacitor at rated line voltage and load ranges.
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