ElmoMC Composer User Manual

The following changes will be advertized in the next new version
Content of the changes: (TOTAL-1) Change Date Subject Eng.:
(Page 3.2.2 Motion Monitor Indicators)
New Change: (also in the Composer's help)
JULY 2008
: Motion Monitor Indicators.
Ilia Volgust (MTCR # 00-100-20)
: http://www.elmomc.com/support/manuals/MAN-COMPUM.pdf
Motion Monitor Indicators
This section enables you to enter parameters in order to display the current status of the drive. You use the two drop-down list boxes below the Display 1 and Display 2 text boxes to select two vectors for display.
For linear motors, your vector options are as follows:
Active Current in amperes
Auxiliary Position in counts
Position in counts
Position Error in counts
Velocity in counts/sec
Velocity in m/sec
Velocity Error in counts/sec
Velocity Error in m/sec
For rotating motors, your vector options are as follows:
Active Current in amperes
Auxiliary Position in counts
Position in counts
Position Error in counts
Velocity in counts/sec
Velocity in RPM
Velocity Error in counts/sec
Velocity Error in RPM
Depending on the connected drive, a row of LEDs will be displayed with the drive parameters to indicate the drive status.