Elenco Motion Detector Kit User Manual

Copyright © 2013, 1994 by ELENCO®Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Revised 2011 REV-P 753010
No part of this book shall be reproduced by any means; electronic, photocopying, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher.
Assembly and Instruction Manual
If you are a student, and any parts are missing or damaged, please see instructor or bookstore. If you purchased this kit from a distributor, catalog, etc., please contact ELENCO®(address/phone/e-mail is at the back of this manual) for additional assistance, if needed. DO NOT contact your place of purchase as they will not be able to help you.
Qty. Symbol Description Color Code Part #
! 1 R16 300Ω 5% 1/4W orange-black-brown-gold 133000 ! 1 R15 5.6kΩ 5% 1/4W green-blue-red-gold 145600 ! 1 R5 39kΩ 5% 1/4W orange-white-orange-gold 153900 ! 4 R1, 2, 8, 9 47kΩ 5% 1/4W yellow-violet-orange-gold 154700 ! 1 R3 75kΩ 5% 1/4W violet-green-orange-gold 157500 ! 1 R6 120kΩ 5% 1/4W brown-red-yellow-gold 161200 ! 1 R14 270kΩ 5% 1/4W red-violet-yellow-gold 162700 ! 2 R11, R12 300kΩ 5% 1/4W orange-black-yellow-gold 163000 ! 1 R13 470kΩ 5% 1/4W yellow-violet-yellow-gold 164700 ! 1 R10 510kΩ 5% 1/4W green-brown-yellow-gold 165100 ! 1 R7 1.2MΩ 5% 1/4W brown-red-green-gold 171200 ! 1 R4 1.6MΩ 5% 1/4W brown-blue-green-gold 171600
Qty. Symbol Value Description Part #
! 1 C8 470pF (471) Discap 224717 ! 1 C9 .01µF (103) Discap 241031 ! 2 C2, C3 10µF 25V Electrolytic (lytic) 271045 ! 2 C4, C5 22µF 25V Electrolytic (lytic) 272245 ! 2 C1, C6 100µF 16V Electrolytic (lytic) 281044
Qty. Symbol Value Description Part #
! 1 D1 1N4148 Diode 314148 ! 1 Q1 MPSA18 Transistor NPN 320018 ! 1 IC1 LM324 Integrated circuit 330324 ! 1 IC2 HT2812G Integrated circuit 332812 ! 1 IC3 78L05 Integrated circuit 338L05 ! 1 S1 LHI-954 / KDS245 Infrared detector 350954
Qty. Description Part #
! 1 PC board 517019 ! 1 Speaker w/ wires 520813 ! 1 Switch key 540105 ! 1 SW1 - slide switch 541007 ! 1 Battery snap 590098 ! 1 Front cover 623104 ! 1 Back cover 623202 ! 1 Mounting bracket 626004
Qty. Description Part #
! 1 Battery cover 626005 ! 2 Screw #4 x 1/4” 642430 ! 2 Screw #4 x 5/8” 643450 ! 2 Washer #4 (fiber) 645404 ! 1 Socket IC 8-Pin 664008 ! 1 Socket IC 14-Pin 664014 ! 1 Solder lead-free 9LF99
The text printed on the LHI-954 Infrared Detector is the date code.
Resistor Battery Snap
Integrated Circuit
Infrared Detector
If the capacitor is connected with incorrect polarity, it may heat up and either leak, or cause the capacitor to explode.
Use the following information as a guide in properly identifying the value of resistors.
Abbreviation Means Multiply Unit By Or
p Pico .000000000001 10
n nano .000000001 10
µ micro .000001 10
m milli .001 10
unit 1 10
k kilo 1,000 10
M mega 1,000,000 10
1. 1,000 pico units = 1 nano unit
2. 1,000 nano units = 1 micro unit
3. 1,000 micro units = 1 milli unit
4. 1,000 milli units = 1 unit
5. 1,000 units = 1 kilo unit
6. 1,000 kilo units = 1 mega unit
Capacitors will be identified by their capacitance value in pF (picofarads), nF (nanofarads), or µF (microfarads). Most capacitors will have their actual value printed on them. Some capacitors may have their value printed in the following manner. The maximum operating voltage may also be printed on the capacitor.
Electrolytic capacitors have a positive and a negative electrode. The negative lead is indicated on the packaging by a stripe with minus signs and possibly arrowheads. Also, the negative lead of a radial electrolytic is shorter than the positive one.
Polarity marking
1st Digit
Color Digit
Black 0 Brown
Red 2 Orange 3 Yellow 4 Green 5 Blue 6 Violet 7 Gray 8 White 9
2nd Digit
Color Digit
Black 0 Brown 1 Red 2 Orange 3 Yellow 4 Green 5 Blue 6 Violet 7 Gray 8 White 9
Color Multiplier
Black 1 Brown 10 Red 100 Orange 1,000 Yellow 10,000 Green 100,000 Blue 1,000,000 Silver 0.01 Gold 0.1
Tole r ance
Color Toler ance
Silver ±10% Gold ±5% Brown ±1% Red ±2% Orange ±3% Green ±0.5% Blue ±0.25% Violet ±0.1%
2 Multiplier Tolerance
For the No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 9
Multiply By 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k .01 0.1
Second digit
First digit
Note: The letter “R” may be used at times to signify a decimal point; as in 3R3 = 3.3
The letter M indicates a tolerance of +20% The letter K indicates a tolerance of +10% The letter J indicates a tolerance of +5%
Maximum working voltage
(may or may not appear on the cap)
The value is 10 x 10 = 100pF, +10%, 50V
First digit
Second digit
The value is 22 x 100 = 2,200pF or .0022µF, +5%, 100V
Soldering Iron
Soldering Iron
Component Lead
Soldering Iron
Circuit Board
Soldering iron positioned incorrectly.
Component Lead
Soldering Iron
1. Solder all components from the copper foil side only. Push the soldering iron tip against both the lead and the circuit board foil.
2. Apply a small amount of solder to the iron tip. This allows the heat to leave the iron and onto the foil. Immediately apply solder to the opposite side of the connection, away from the iron. Allow the heated component and the circuit foil to melt the solder.
1. Insufficient heat - the solder will
not flow onto the lead as shown.
3. Allow the solder to flow around the connection. Then, remove the solder and the iron and let the connection cool. The solder should have flowed smoothly and not lump around the wire lead.
Here is what a good solder connection looks like.
2. Insufficient solder - let the
solder flow over the connection until it is covered. Use just enough solder to cover the connection.
3. Excessive solder - could make
connections that you did not intend to between adjacent foil areas or terminals.
4. Solder bridges - occur when
solder runs between circuit paths and creates a short circuit. This is usually caused by using too much solder. To correct this, simply drag your soldering iron across the solder bridge as shown.
What Good Soldering Looks Like
A good solder connection should be bright, shiny, smooth, and uniformly flowed over all surfaces.
Types of Poor Soldering Connections
The most important factor in assembling your AK-510 Motion Detector Kit is good soldering techniques. Using the proper soldering iron is of prime importance. A small pencil type soldering iron of 25 watts is recommended. The tip of the iron must be kept clean at all times
and well-tinned.
For many years leaded solder was the most common type of solder used by the electronics industry, but it is now being replaced by lead­free solder for health reasons. This kit contains lead-free solder, which contains 99.3% tin, 0.7% copper, and has a rosin-flux core.
Lead-free solder is different from lead solder: It has a higher melting point than lead solder, so you need higher temperature for the solder to flow properly. Recommended tip temperature is approximately 700OF; higher temperatures improve solder flow but accelerate tip decay. An increase in soldering time may be required to achieve good results. Soldering iron tips wear out faster since lead-free solders are more corrosive and the higher soldering temperatures accelerate corrosion, so proper tip care is important. The solder joint finish will look slightly duller with lead-free solders.
Use these procedures to increase the life of your soldering iron tip when using lead-free solder:
Keep the iron tinned at all times.
Use the correct tip size for best heat transfer. The conical tip is the
most commonly used.
Turn off iron when not in use or reduce temperature setting when using a soldering station.
Tips should be cleaned frequently to remove oxidation before it becomes impossible to remove. Use Dry Tip Cleaner (Elenco®#SH-1025) or Tip Cleaner (Elenco®#TTC1). If you use a sponge to clean your tip, then use distilled water (tap water has impurities that accelerate corrosion).
Safety Procedures
Always wear safety glasses or safety goggles to protect your eyes when working with tools or soldering iron, and during all phases of testing.
Be sure there is adequate ventilation when soldering.
Locate soldering iron in an area where you do not have to go around it or reach over it. Keep it in a safe area away from the reach of children.
Do not hold solder in your mouth. Solder is a toxic substance. Wash hands thoroughly after handling solder.
Assemble Components
In all of the following assembly steps, the components must be installed on the top side of the PC board unless otherwise indicated. The top legend shows where each component goes. The leads pass through the corresponding holes in the board and are soldered on the foil side.
Use only rosin core solder.
The AK-510 is an infrared motion detector kit. The objective of the kit is to teach the operations of the four sections that make up the kit. The four sections are shown in the block diagram below.
There are many applications for the use of the detector. The most common is in the alarm system industry. Some of the new applications are automatic door openers, light switches in hallways, stairways and areas that increase safety for the public. Further applications can be seen in automatic production lines, switching of sanitary facilities, monitors and intercoms. With the ease of installation and the low suspectibility to interference from other forms of radiation, such as heaters or windows, the IR detectors are ideal devices.
POWER SUPPLY (see page 16)
A 9 volt battery is used to supply the DC voltage to the circuit. The battery voltage must be regulated (held as close as possible) to 5 volts. This is done by circuits called voltage regulators.
In order to see how this is accomplished, let’s consider the analogy of a water tower. Voltage in electronics can be compared to water pressure in a water system. When water is pumped into a water tower, the pressure at the bottom of the tower can be quite high. In order to keep a constant pressure in the water pipes that go to the houses, the pressure must be lowered and held constant.
Consider the system shown in Figure 1. As people draw water into their homes, the pressure on the low pressure side of the valve drops. The spring pulls the valve arm inside the pipe up along opening the valve and allowing more water into the pipe. As the pressure on the low pressure side increases, it pushes the valve arm inside the pipe down closing the valve and stretching the spring. By increasing the spring pressure on the arm, the pressure on the low side will have to increase to close the valve. The force or pressure of the spring, therefore sets the value of the pressure on the low pressure side of the system. The force of the spring is called the reference pressure.
Voltage in electronics is the analogy to pressure in water pipes. A voltage greater than 7V is applied to the input of high voltage side of the regulator. A fixed reference voltage inside the regulator will set the low voltage output at 5 volts +5%. This is accomplished in a manner very similar to our water tower analogy. The output voltage is filtered or made smooth (no ripples) by capacitor C6 (100µF).
Figure 1
Infrared light was first discovered back in 1801 by W. Herschel. Infrared is a form of radiated energy in which the wavelength is longer than the wavelength of visible light. A wavelength can best be understood by the physical analogy shown in Figure 2.
If you were standing at the beach watching the waves come in to shore, you would be able to see the peaks of each wave as they approached. If you could measure the distance from one peak to the next, you would know the “Wavelength” of those waves. We will use the eleventh letter of the Greek alphabet “λ” (lambda) to represent the distance between valleys to determine the length of the wave (see Figure 2). A wavelength can be defined as the distance between any two exactly equal points on identically repeating waves.
What would happen if we reduced the distance between the peaks to 1/2 the original distance. Would it not be true, the peaks would strike the shore twice as often as before? The frequency of the peaks reaching the shore would be twice that of the longer wave. For people who like big words, we would say “Frequency is inversely proportional to the wavelength”. In simple words, “If the wavelength goes up, the frequency goes down and if the wavelength goes down, the frequency goes up”. The mathematics of waves applies also to the radiation of light. It is common practice, therefore, to talk about light as lightwaves. The wavelength of infrared light ranges from 0.78 micrometers (µm) to 100 (µm). A micrometer is one millionth of a meter.
Infrared can be thought of as heat radiation because the radiant energy is transformed into heat
when it strikes a solid surface. All solid bodies at a temperature above absolute zero emit thermal radiation. As a body’s temperature rises, the shorter the resulting wavelengths become. The human body’s maximum thermal radiation is between 9µm and 10µm in the infrared stage. Motion can be detected by special elements which are highly sensitive in the infrared range. Such devices are called Pyroelectric Infrared Detectors.
When certain materials change temperature, they produce electricity. A Pyroelectric crystal is an example of such a material. If a Pyroelectric crystal has been at the same temperature for a period of time, there will be no voltage across it’s electrodes. When the crystal temperature changes, a voltage is produced at the electrodes of the crystal element. This type of crystal is used in this motion detector kit inside the infrared (IR) detector.
The IR detector contains two crystals connected with each other in opposite polarity and with a 1 millimeter (mm) optical spacing. These two crystals are located behind an optical filter or lens (see Figure 3). The output power of the crystals is very low. A special device called the Field Effect Transistor (FET) is used to increase the power output. The FET can be compared to water pipes as shown in Figure 4. The center of a small section of pipe is made of thin, flexible rubber surrounded by water from a third pipe called the gate. When pressure (voltage) is applied to the gate, the rubber tube closes and pinches off the flow of water (current) from source to drain. In a similar manner, as infrared radiation is detected, the crystals produce a voltage at the gate
of the FET.
Figure 3
Figure 2
Infrared RaysOptical Filter
Source Resistor Ground
Dual Element Detector Scheme
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